251270 . , on�at�wi.To cirr c�netc �ry , � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�Nci� N�. ��� 6 O ° • Lzc�JSE corn�zmT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY November 19 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF � R:�SOI,V`r;D: That Application L-6764 for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License No. 2397, ex+niring January 31, 1971, issued to Ben Gleema.n at 1511 White Bear Avenue, be and the s ame is hereby transferred to Galaxy bmquors, Inc. at the same address. Off Sale Liquor Establishment TR.ANSr�t (LICENS�S� (Individual to Corporation� Informally a_:prove� �y Council November 17, 1970 NOV 19 19]4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .�V 1 9 1']Q Butler Carlson n� 19— --� Levine _�n Favor Meredith J Sprafka Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCaxty p{�g���EQ ��v 21� �� . . ` ` �� '. , ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � ' Capital of Minnesota ���� �� eLJe aHt�nevct o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINI9TRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PROTECTION ro�c$ DEAN MEREDITH, Commiasioner HEALTH RALPH G.MERBILL,DeDnty Commisstoner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieenae Inepe�tor November 17, 1970 Honorable Ma;yor and City Council �aint Paul, P1irr_esota Gentlemen a.nd T�i�.dars: Galaxy Liquors, Inc. is joined by Ben Gleeman in nakin� �.pplic� ti�n for the transfer of Off Sale LiGuor License No. 2397, �,nd Fo�dstuff-Ori�inal Container, Off S�le r�a.lt �evera�e and Ci�arette Licenses No. �457, all exnirin� J�,nuary 31, 1971, from`Ben Gleeman at 1511 jrThite :iear r.venve to Galaxy Licuors, Inc. at the s�r:e address. The officers of the corpora.tion are Ben Gleeman, President, present licersee as an individual); �dith L. Gleeman, Vice-presider_t; Fioward N. Gleema.,,n, Treasurer a:nd nssistant �,��ecretary; and Edw�.rd L. Gleeman, �ecret�,ry. ihey a,re 2.lso the stockholders in the corpor?tion. This locatior� has been licensed as an Off Sale Lio�uor estrblishr.nent since July 1962, and ¢er:�leeman has been licensee at this �,ddress since tha.t time and associated witn the Off Sale Liqiaor business since 1952. s�dith Gleeman is a housewife and has no outside employr�ent. fio,,:ard Gleema,n is a clerk at t�-,is pl^ce of busiress and a manager for a number oi �re�rs. Edward Gleeman is a student dnd instructor. Very truly yours, ` ��`� Licer:se Inspector _ �,, � ' 4�'� ,. b �� �� � � � 0 • , . T[LL�PMONE:227-7691 WILl1AM W.FINK � FIRESTONE,FINK.KRAWETZ,MILEY,MAAS AND NOONAN � LINN J.FIRESTONE ATTORNEYS AT LAW � 13RAEl E.Ki7AWETZ 60 EAST FOURTH STR6ET JAMES P.MILEV � KENNETH�.MAn8,JR. 8?.PAUL,MINNE80TA E6101 JAMES C.NOONAN OF COUNHEL JOHN O.HIRT[ STAN J.DONANOC - - ALAN O.HARR18 �RONALD E.OUDO � � November 11, 1970 City of St. Paul Department of Publi.c SafetY License Iaivision 101 East �.Qth 5treet St. Paul, Minnesata 55101 Gent lemen: On October 17, 1958, a corporate charter was granted the Peoplets Industrial Loan and Finance Company of Minnesota. Thereafter and on September 3, 1970, a Certificate of Amendment of Articles of Incorporation of the People's Industrial Loan and Finance Company was made, and the name of the corpora- tion was changed to the Galaxy Liquors, Inc. Thereafter a meeting was held of the directors of Galaxy Liquors, Inc. Ben Gieeman was elected President, Edith L. Gieeman was elected Vice-President, Howard N. Gleeman was elected Treasurer and Assistant Secretary, and Edward L. Gleeman was elected Secretary. At the meeting Mr. Ben Gleeman did then inform those present that he did desire to sett all the effects of the Hilicrest Liquor Store to the Galaxy Liquors, Inc. , under an arrangement whereby he wouid be paid for his interests in and to the Hilicrest Liquor Store by stock in the Galaxy Liquors, Inc. This motion was carried and it was resolved that the transfer take effect as soon as it is agreeable and acceptabie to the City of St. Paul. If you need any further information, do not hesitate to call upon me. Yours sincerety, FIRESTONE, FINK, KRAWETZ, MILEY, MAAS AND NOONAN • �1` `I �_� r /�Y`� BV ���l�l ,�N` �. � J V WWF•mg Willia.m W. Fink , • TCLEPHONE:227-7881 WILLIAM W_FINK FIRESTONE,FINK.KRAWETZ.MILEY,MAAB AND NOONAN �� LINN J.FIRESTONE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 13RAEL E.KRAWETZ 60 EA8T FOURTM 3TREET JAMES P.MILEY - � KENNETH J_MAA$,JR. 8T.PAUL�MINNE8OTA a!{IOI JAME9 C.NOONAN OF COUNBCL JOMN D.HIRTC -- BTAN J.DONAMOL� � ALAN D.MARRIS � RONALO E.9UD0 , Novgmber 12, 1970 City of St. Paut Department of Public Safety License Division I, Ben Gleeman, the present owner of the Hiltcrest Liquor Store, do hereby respectfulty request a transfer of my ticenae to Galaxy Liquors, Inc. Yours very truly, , ..�� �� Ben leeman � , . TELEPHONE:Y27-7981 � WILLIAM W.FINK FIRESTONE,FINK,KRAWETZ,MILEY.MAA$ AND NOONAN � LINN J.FIRESTONE ATTORNEYB AT LAW 13RAEL E.KRAWET2 � g0 EAST FOURTM 9TREET JAMES P.MILEV KENNETH J.MAA$,JR. BT.PAUL,MINNE80TA 66101 JAMES C.NOONAN OF COUN9CL � JOHN D.MIRT6 . STAN J.DONAHOC � . ALAN O.MARR18 RONALD E.DUDD . November 12, 1970 4 City of St. Paul Department of Public Safety License Division Genttemen: Galaxy Liquors, Inc. , does respectfulty request a . transfer of the liquor license owned by Ben Gleeman at 1511 White Bear Avenue, St. Paui, Minnesota, to the undersigned. Yours very truiy, GALAXY LIQUORS, INC. �� i� �q�`� �-"cr�-'�y'Y'1tii//V By I�� / Ben Gleeman �R Cbl�"Y . . _ C ITY OF SA INT PAUL � � DEP�lRT�NT OF PUBLIC 5AFETY L ICI;NSE,D NIS ION � D�te rlcrv�e�aaba�r 1�,�s 7t1 .r.�..,,.�. 1. Q,pplieation for G�a LiqtlO�'i, IUC. Licex�s� 2. Name of applicant �8� Li 1iq�1, It�+C. 3. Busines� addressl'�11 �hite Bear' AV�Atie �sidenae 2123 Pitiehur8t Ave. 4, Trade x�aa�, if any �i�llCl'Qet L�+Qq!!�' Stt�b 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax StampNOt'�tail Liqu�r Federal Tax Sta�up���n.11 be u�ed. 6. (� �rrhat floor located F�i"0t Num.ber of' roaan.s used T�O 7. Between what. cs�os���+j'el�rpa�,it d� �p���L1tl�ich s ide of stree� Wt�t OFf 8. Are premiaes no�r ocaupi,edYe� '9Pha� business L���'�`�t� Hc�vv long Te�Ye� _ 9. Are premises no�r unoacupied NC Haw long vacant •- Prev�,ous Usa ""' 14. Are jrou a� new owner Yta Ha�rs you been in a similar buaines$ before Ye� -+.�._._.. St.Pau1, Minci. 1Rhere 1511 '�h#t BM8►t' Ayt3riue/ 91fhen Dur� p�it fiv'r yl�it�'! 11. Are you going to operate thia business personally �o- If nat, ,�o will operate it�y ��n. �ioward Gleeman � 12, Are you in any other business a� the present time No 13. Have there 'been an.y comp].aints against y�ur operation of this type �of p�.ace �� . _.--�-_.•.-.�- When ••- Where -- I4. I3ave you ever had ar�y license revoked Np �Phat reason and date " 15. Are you s aitizen of the United Sta,te� Y�� Natice �To � Naturalizsd Y`es __.__._� .._..._._.__�__ 16. YYOhhere vsrere you born • Russia � Date of bir�h 1Vlarch 2�fi, 1�903 17, T am y�raarried. My (wife 's� (husband's) name and address is Edith Gleeman, 2123 Pinehurst Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 18. (If �rried female) my �iden name is •� 19. �r long have you �.ived 3.n. St. Faul Sixty-four years - � 20. Have you ever been arrested Violatf cm of what oriminal la�r or ord3.nanoe - '"� B�� G I.��xian�.:�e had:tiquor,licen$es of bath types in the City of St. Paul. Minn., for approx � a e �e pa� qeara. o v o . 21. Are you a registsred voter i.n the City of S�, Paul X Yes �to. (1�n.s�rer full and Qom letel . Theae a lica�ions are thorou hl oheoked and e��n elsification wi11 be cause for deni.a . (OVER) �� 22. Number of 3.2 p].aces within t�ro blocks__ _ N� • .� . ,.r., . 23. Glosest i.ntoxicating liquor pl,ace. �n Sale �qro b10Cka t�f Sale F'iY� blOCk� 24. Nea re s t Chureh $ � p[ e uLf iQ Nea ra s t Soh o o�. 1 Da11@ 25. Number of'baoths -- Tables -- Chairs -- Stools --� 26. What occupation have vou follo�wed for the p�st five ye�rs. (Give names oP employer�3 and dates so employed.) Sole owner and aper'ator of the Hilicrest Liquor Store, 1511 WY�ite Beax Avenue, St. Paul Minnesota. 27. Give names and addresses of ��o peraons, resi,den�s of St. Paul, Mi�,, vvho �a�a gi�v�e infor�aation concerning you. l�ame Frank Gaertner Address rl'I9 Summit Avenue,,.,St. Paul, Minnesota Name :Art�old Devine .- - .�ddress I519 Piorieer Building� : � -• �._.._ 7 �� �-./ � � � � Signa u o App ican S�a te of RQi.ns�.e s ota� ss County of Ramsey ) Ben Gleeman,- being first duly s�r4rn, deposes and says upon aath that he has rea the foregoi.ng statement bearing his signature �nd knows the conten-�s thereof, and t�iat the same is true of hia o�,ra knowledge except aa �o those ma�ters therein atated upon informstion and belief and as to those matters he bel ieves them to bo trtae o Sigr�t of Applioant Subacribed and sworn to before me thi s 1 R#h _ da y o.� NCNQmber� 19 ?U � ` `-�--� .�-�'`"�� Notary Public, msey County, Minneso�a �,�,,����tAM F�NK -r��n++i �j,54ary Pub4ic,�:E�eeSCOU�t15,197b p ct. �� C+CUlIIT11.9810I1 8Xp1I`88 ,AV�o�nnis+�a° (Note s �hese statement farms are in duplicats. Bo�h copies must be fu11y f3.11ed ou�, natarized, an,d re�urned to the License Divisian.�r n.... ;„,,: , . , . . � . AF�IDAVIT BY APPLIC/1NT - . � FDR � RETAIL BEER OR LTQUOR LTCTNSE Re: �Sale License Name of applicant Galaxy Liquors, Inc. , Business address 1511 �'�Thite Bear Avenue, St. Paul, Minneeota Are you th.e sole owner of this business? No . If not, is it a partnershipR corporation4 Corporation � , other? (>thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwise: Name How�rd Glesman Addrese 2123 Pinehurst Ave. How Trea�urer of the corporatio� Editj.i Glgeman , 2123 Pinehurst Ave. Vice-Preeident " " " Frl�rard C'�lep�,�,n 2123 Pi e�huz'Bt AVe. Secrg�arv �� �� �� If a corporation, give its name._ Gatax� Liquors, Inc. ,�� Are you interested in any v+ray in any other retail beer or liquor busineas? No As sole avraer? No Partner? I�'o Stockho�.der? No t?therw'ise? (Through loan of money, sto. Explain) None Address �f such business and nature of interes� in sama None � v �, Signat of applicant State of Minne s ota) �ss Gounty of Ramsey ) Ben Gleeman, being f'irst duly swarn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affid�vit bearing his s�.gnature and knaws the contents �hereof; that �the sams is true o#' his ovm �.ov�rledge, except as to thosa matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believas them to be true. � v 7 :tC� Signatu of applicant Subscribed an.d sworn to before me thie 12th day of November� 19 70 ______�___. �-r��`. � , � Notary �'ublic, ey County,��finneso�a �Ai�Rt1AM F1NK ��n� Natory Public,Ramsey CountYi b'I� CORIIt11881 Ori expires 19 ires Oct.15,1976 1�y Commission Exp � STATE �' MINNESOT� �, COUATY,� RA�3EY Ben Gteeman, being first duly avrflrn, duth de�ose aad say tl�t he mal�a thia affidavit in oannection witli applioation for " p�f- Sals" liquor liaenae (" Sa leTM malt heverag�e licsenee) in the �ity of �_ Saint �P�u1, ;Minnseota� th�t your affiant is a res�ider�t of the $tate oP �dinneaota and haa rosided theroin for sixty-four y�rs� seven m�ths, ancl 3a noor e�ad ha� been for the �iuee sbotre �ntion.ed a bor� fide ra��ident of aeid State aad tha,t he aow re�idea at 2123 Pinehurst Avenue, �... Addree s St. Paul , Mi�aesata�, Ci y or ow�, ;, , ,. � � � -�� �� Subsoribed and �rorn. to before me thia 12th day of November,�,g 70 : � . � otary �b c, e� County, �3nneaota �r oommiesion expires ��°'o. �,�,:_.11�- �6�� ��,t--- ''�ss; �;� M F s on��,�e,'C�� � es��f 4�fy. . !s.)9/�h 6 �. CITY OF SATNT PAUL DEP.�RTB!�NT !OF PUBLIC SAFETY LZCENSE DNTSION _ �'�e November 12 19 70 -.,_,.�.. 1. gppliaation for Gala Li uors Inc. Lieex�aA 2. Name of applicant Gal Li uor�, Inc. 3. Business address 1511 White Bear Avenue Residence 2123 Piuehtu'Bt Ave. 4. Trade �ame, if any Hilicrest Li uor Stor� 5. Retail Beer Federal T�x Stam�Ton�etail Liquor �sderal Tax Stamp Y�es �n.],1 �e ueed. 6. (hi what floor loeated F��t Number of rocans uaed Two 7. BetweeM �rYyat. cros�av�8 Nebraska & Montana�thieh aic3s oP atreet WeSt 8, �,re premises now occupied yes 'V�ha� business Liquor��Sate Haw long Ten yeara 9. Are premises novr unoacupied No �o�ev long vacant -- Prev�i.pus Use �- 10. Are you a iiew owner yeg Have you baen in a aim3.lar bus3.ness befo�e No _._.____.._... Where -- 1Mhen -� 11. Are you going to operate thia business personally No If not, �io will operate it My eon, Howard Gleeman 12, Are you ir� a�.y other business at the presen� ti�ua No 13. Have tYters �been �ny complazn�;s against your operation of this type ofl p].ace NOne --------.—,-• When -• �here -- 14. liave you ever had any license revoked No �hat reasou and date " 15. Are you a citizen of the United States Yea Native ye8 Naturalized -- _.-.......,_. 16. YVhere were you born St. Pauly Minneso�a, I�te of bir�h March 21, 1.918 17. I_ am married. My (wife 's� (husband's� name and address is Ben Gleeman, 2123 P n h st A nue St. 'Paul Minneeota. 18. (If married female) my maiden name is Edith Katz 19. How long have you lived in St. Paul F�fty-four years 20. Have you ever been arrested No Xiolation of what ariminal 7:aw or ordir�e►nce " ,.".,.,.,... 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St, Paul Yes Yes Np� (An.s�rer full and aom 1ete1 . Theee a lications are thorau hl ohersked e►nd an alsifiaation will be cause for denia . (O VF'R) .. . . . ., . � 22. Number of 3.2 p7.aces within two blocka None ' � 23. Closest 3.ntoxicating 7.iquor p],acse. �n Sale Two B1ockB �f Sa1e Five Blocke 24. Naarest Chu�ch g�4 of a mile Nearest School 1 mile 25. Number of bo�tha Tables -- C��,�� -- Stools ' 26. What occup�tion have you followed f or �he p�st �'ive years. (Give namea o�' employera and dates so employed.) fe 27. Give names and addresaes of tvvo peraons, residents of S�, Paul, Mi.aaxa.., who can g�.�re infor�,tion aonaerning you. Name Frank Gaertner Address 1179 Summit Ave. , St. Paui, Mir,�i„ �Tame - Arnold Devine Address 1519 Pioneer Buildin�_ , �, - i , � �__ �, igna uxe o p ican Sta te of Minne s ota� , � ss County of Ramsey � Ed�th GleemaD, being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has rea he foregoing sta�emen-� bearing his signatura ��.d l�ows the contents thereof, and that �he same is true of his o�ra kuowledge except aa to those ��ters therein stated upon informstion and beli,ef and as �a those ma�ters he believes them to be �rtzoo . f=..-�� - .. ��`�� � �` � ig�ture �f A ' ant Subscribed and sworn t� before me this 12th day of November, 19 70 � �. . ` � r� � "`(�`�q b Notary u zc, Ramsey County, Minr� �co�t�5,• �`� R��Se<65� �I C OI1IIf11 S 3].b71 9 X 1 Y'8 S `����� �*p Y P� Q" �-�O — - Noto o���S (No�es These s�atement for��re in duplicate. Both copies must be ful],y fil7.ed ou�, na�arized, and returned to the License Divisicm.�� . ,� , AFFIDAVIT �BY APPi,ICAAT F4R � RETAIL BF;ER DR LTQUflR LTCENSE Res Off_ Sale License Name of applicant Galaxy Liquors, Inc. Business address 1511 White Bear Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota .�re you the sole owner of thia business? No . If not, is it a partnershipR corporation? Cor�oration , other? �hers interested in business, inc�.ude those by loan o� money, property or otherwisea Name Ben Gleeman Address 2123 Pinehurst Ave, g�President of the corporation Howard C ieeman 2123 Pinehurst Ave. Treasurer " " " Edward Gleeman 2123 Pinehurst Ave. Secretary " " " If a oorporatian, give its name, Galaxy Liquors, Inc. Are y�u interested in any way in any other retail baer or liquor husiness? No As sols oFmer? No Partnsr? No Stoakholder? No fatherwiseY (Thxough ioan of money, eto. Exp7.ain� None ,�ddress of such business an8 nature of interest in �ame None � . �,;7 . __ _ _ _ �- - igna ure o � icant State of Minne s ota� ss Gounty of Ramsey � Edith Gleeman, being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has rea the foregoin� a fida,vit bearin� his signature and Irnows the eontents thereof; that the same is true af his avan l�avrledge, except as to thosa m�tters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thosa matters he believes them to be true. � __-- ;� ��G �: . �-�-� � S�.gnature of � licant L. Subscribed and sworn �o before me this 12th day of November 19 70 --------`—< i ` � � . Notary ublic, ey Gounty, nnesota �y commiss�on expires �y� W,�..19 NO�p.yp wlll/ _ e pr�-�—�nAM My�o �b,�� .q� � ca�e� .�e nA �C11� My�` 6�iC F� �1ih' Q � � ,�, r �.-..f � s�s�!'� omfi�s��o�Ramsey�K �ysion Fz Msay��K hie'r.:ry Fouiic, ;:;.r.cey Coanfp;lP:ir;,�, fX u pi u tr'.;Ccrru��ission E:.oires Oct.i`. :9?'i p,rgs 0 t. js//q/nA, res Oc�t IS .A,h'.� , . � -330 .�nI �a7oupt�I ��1s� s�osann�M �lus�I ,tZ �9JJll9VA 'IS9S 9�lfl�`J tt�t oV! no33s7oq�o� l70�'�S'IOCj'YO� 9f�f �O fnebiae7�i .svA �e�ud9n,�Ci ESiS fisftl99�r.7 l29S ►' " " -�97uas97T .avA ta7udsni�i EStS nsm9s1,7 b7swoH �� �� �� �'Y�f9'Y�9� .9vA is�xuri9ni�i ESiS nsm991� b�x�wb� .�nI �a7oupi.I �1s� oV! oV! oV! oV! anoVl 9noV! �nsm9sl,� d�ib� O�' 'I9CtlYf9VOVI f��Sl • � ' '" s�a� � �so�A � " � Ct7{I�TY AF RA�SLY ___ Edith G Leeman� being first duly svrr�rn, doth de�,ose and �ay t�t she s�alros thia affidavi.� in oonnecti.on �rith epplic�ation for .-.. " Uff- Sale" 13quor liQanse (n So1e" �alt beverag� lioen�e) in tha �ity of Saint �Paal, .Mianeeota= that your a£fiant is a resident of the $tate of Minnesota and hae rasided �herein f or fifty-four ` �.zreara, mc�aathe, and ia n�r e�nd ha a bee� �ar �he t 3�a ab o�re �nti oaed a b o� f ide x�ia ident of aa id Sta te and �hhe►t s he now re�ides st 2123 Pinehurst Avenue, � Addree s St. Paul , ld'i�tnesota. Ci y ar oro�n � - —� � � �� � �G �� 2� L Sulasoribed and s�rorn. �o before me this 12th �y o� Novembe , �.g 0 otary b1io, Re►msey Ccunty, �dinneseta My o�munieaioa e�cpirea� _wo�b_ �,,.. y�om��sb�'`�Rom,y F//� '�n�xai�es Cop� ��t IS ���A. ��9j6 � � . • � � �. , C ITY OF SAINT PSUL DEP�RTb�N2 �F' PUBLIC S�k'ETY LICENSE DN�SION Date November 12,19 70 1. $ppliaation for Galaxy LiquorB, InC. �� Lice�e� 2. Name of applicant C*alaxy Liquor8, IriC. 3. Business address1511 White Bear Avenue Residence 212J Pinehurst Ave. 4, �rsde name, if any Hilicrest Liquor Store 5. Retail Beer FaderQl Tax StampN���ail ZiquQr F'sderal Tax Staznp��1�. be ueed, 6. (� what floor locsated F'�gt Number of roam�s u$ed Two • avet�ues ,�,�T ebre�aka d� Monta Weat 7. Between vvhat cross/��t�- �ich aide af atreet 8. Are premises nom ocaupiedYeB V�hat business I'iquC►i'���-Sale �� 1Qng Tetl yeaY'8 9. Are premises now un�acupied N� Hozv long vacant ` Previ,ous Uae 10. Are you a ne�,r owner Y�� Have you been in a similar busi.ness before �e8 "'�`-" St.Paul, Minn. �Phere 15i1 White Bear Avenue/ �e� During paet fi,ve yeare 11, Are you going to operste thi� busineas personally Ye� If not, v�o will operate it -- 12, Are Du in an other busineas at the N� • y y present t3ms No 13. Have there been any oomplaints a�ainat your operation of this type oF place ..-.,.—..�.._,.. When " Whsre " 14. ITave you ever had any license revoked �� yPhat reason and date 15. Are you e aitizen of the United State� Y�� Native Y�� Natura],ized N� ' � �� St. Paul Minneso�ta July 26, 1945 16. 1Nhere �vere you born ' ' Date of bix~�h 17, I am unmarried. My (u�ifa 's) (husband'sj name and address is 18. (If married female) my maiden name is -- 19. Haw long have you lived in St, pau,1 Twenty-five yesrt� 20. Have yon ever been arrested N� Vi�Iation of what ariini.nal ].aw or ordinaace None ............�. 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�, Paul X Yes No. (An.awer full and oam 1ete1 . These a lications are thorou h�. cheaked o►nd �z� lsifiaation wi11 be cause for denia . (�VF'R) , . � 22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks N�� ' � � . 23. Closest intaxicating liquor p].ace. �3n. Sa1s Two blocks �f Sa1e Five bloclss 24, Nea re s t Chureh 3(4 ad' a mite �dea res t Scno ol 1 mi1C : 25. Ivumber of boQths -- Tablea - Chtair� -- Stools -• 26. What �ccupation have you follovved for the psst five �ears. (Give names af employere and date� s o employed.) ha e been a clerk fn the FIilicrest Li uor Store and a manager of the liquor store. 27. Give n�mes and addresses of t�,vo peraone, residents of St, Paul, Minn„ v�o oa� gi,�e infoz�na,�ion conoerning you. Name Arnotc�Devine Address 1519 Pfaneer Build#ng Nams Hu�o Btackiel.ner .Address Ccunmerciat State Bank, St. Paut, Minn. ���� gna ure o App ican Sta te of' �+Iinne s ota� ss County of Ramsey � Howard N. Gte�m�xi being first duly sworn, deposes an,d says upon � h that he has rea e foregoing statemen� beara.z�g his sign�ture a�.d kno�vs th.e eor�ter�ts thereoP, and that the .same is true of hia own, knrnxledge sxcept �a to those ma��ers therein stated upon, xnformstion and belief and as to thos� m��tere he belaevas them to be trueo S3,gx�ture o� Applicant Subscribed and sworn to be�ore me this 12th �aY of November, 19 70 � : �� ~ �� �w� Notary Public, Ramsey Coun.ty, Minnesr�ta WILLIAM FINK Notory Public,Ramaey County;Iqtnn, �� C'it7IlIIT1�9910I1 8X�7].2`@8 MY Comm���;.,., e__= _ t. I5,1976 (Note s These statemen.t forms are in duplicate. Bo�h aopies must be fully filled out, notarized, and returned to the License Divisioz�..�r . . . AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT • FOR � RETAIL BEER OR LT�U{�R LTCFNSE Rs� Cff- Sale License ,._..�..__ Name of appliaant Galaxy Liquors, Inc. Business address 1511 White Bear Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota .Are you the sole rnnmer of thia business? No. If not, is it a partnership? corporation? Corporation , other? Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwisea Name Ben Gteeman Address 2123 Pinehurst Ave. g�,,,. President of Corporation �dith Gleeman 2123 Pinehurst Ave. Vice-Pres. of Corporation Edd+ard G teeman 2123 Pinehuret Ave. Secretary of the Corporation If a corporation, give its nam�. Galaxy Liquor8, Inc. Are you interest�d in any way in any other retail beer ox 1iq�or businesa? No As sole oro�raer? No Partner? No Stockho�.dar? No Qbhervvise� (Through ioan oP money, etc. Explain) None Address of such business and nature of 5.nterest in same None r � �P/1-w'�-�� S gnature of appliaan Stata of BQinne s ota� ss County of Ramsey � HowaTd Gleeman, being first duly sw�rn, depoaes and says upon oath that he has read the foragoin� affid�vit bearing his signature and knows the contents theraof; that the same is true of his avrn l�.wTled�e, excep� as to those mat�ers therein stated upon information and belief and as to thoss matters he believes them to be true. ., ! ` ✓-� ' Si�nature of applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day af November 19 TO ___,__ �' � �,E.' � Notary ublic, ey Coun.ty, �nneso�a My co�uaission expires 19 WILLIAM FINf� Notary Public,Ramsey Counfy�AUn11. My Commission Expires Oct.15,1976 s��E � �Ilv�soFr,A � � Ct�iIATY � RA�SEY Howard,�,le�ma�,r,,,_,_ being firat e�uly axflrn, doth de�ose ara.d s�y that he msl�es thi� affid�vit in. cannecti,on �rith appliaation f or "�le" liquor liaense ("�le� malt beverage liosnse) in the C3.ty o� t�int 'Pau1, Yinneeota= that yuur affiant ie a r�eideat of tk�e btate afl Minnesota and has ra�3:dad therein fortwent�-fi�ve ,,,Y�+res three manthe, anri 3s nc�r e��.d ha� been Por '�he time e�bove �ntioned a bo� fide reiaident of �sid State and �he►t he nc�v re�idea �t 2123 Pinehurst Avenue, St. ;Paul, Minnesata, �8drea er , �2ihnesota. Ci y or Towx�. / ` �,c.r.�. Subsarib�d and sw�arn, to before me this 12th d�y of Navember 19?0 ,�.�.c.:,�,.�- .> � � y oPI tary blic, &amaey Caunty, �inneaot� My oo�ieaion s�cpire$ �.....�� 'r'�'o�y�sb,'c,�('�/ ! op FXp/'e yOou�yj ct. �S '�1/nN. �9�6 � - - � � CITY. OF' SA2NT PAUL DEP.�ftT�Iv'T QF PUBLIC 5AFETY LZC�NSE DNTBION : -- ��e Navember 12, 19 ?0 -,.�.,,� l. �,ppliQation for �ata Liquora, Inc. Liaenae 2. Name of app�.icant Gal Li uor� Inc. 3. Businesa address 1511 White Bear Avenue Residenoe 2123 Pinehurat Ave. 4. Trede name, if any Hiilcrest Liquar Store 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stam�ToneRetail Liqu�r Federal Tax Stamp Y�� �ri,�.l be u�ed. 6, Qn what floor located FirBt Number aP roomis used Two 7. Betwean what. arosa,a en eB f� Nebraska & Montat�N'hich aide of atreet WeSt CQ 8. Are prem3.�es naw occupied Ye8 �Ih�a� businesa Liquor �Sale Haw long Ten years � 9. Are premises now unoacupied No Haw long vacant �- Pr�vious Uae " 10. Are you a� ne�r owner es Hava you been �in a similar business befare Yes St. Paui, Minn. VYhere 1511 White Bear Ave. / �Ihen. Durin� past five vears 11. Are yon going to operate thi� busineas personally No If not, v�o will operate it 1`!!y brother, Howard Gieeman 12, Are ynu in any other business at the present time Inetructor at Normandale State Junior oilege 13, Have the're.=been any�comp].aints againet your operation of thia type oP place No .�,�_._�..� When VYhere •- 14. Iiave you ever had any license revoked No ,Phat reason. and da�e" ------�---� 15. dre you � aitizen of the United States Ye8 Native Ye� Naturalized " -,..�.......,,.. 16. Where vugre you born St. Pautj Minnesota Aate of birth C�ctober 26, 1940 17. I- am un married. My (wife 's� (husband's� name and address is '� 18. (If married femals) my rr�iden name is •� 19. $ovv long have you lived in St. Paul Since birth 20. Have you ever been arreated No Vi�lation of what oriminal ].aw or ordin,a�ve "' _,.._.�.,� 21. Are yoa a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul ,Yes Yea No. -s (lln.s�rer full and aom letel , These a lica�ions are thorou hl oheoked �tnd e►a lsification v�ri11 be cauae for dena.a . (OVr'R) " . _ � 22. Number of 3.2 places within two blooks None ' 23. Closest intoxicating liquor place, Un Sa1e Two btock�s Off' Sa1e Five blocks 24. Neare�t Chureh 3/4 of a mile lJea��t ��ao� 1 .. �ile 25. I�Tumbsr of booths -- Tables -- Chairs " Stool� " _ 26. What occupation have vou followed for �he psst five y�sars. (Give names ot' am,ployers and dates so employed,� Student and instructor 27. Give names and addrasses of two peraons, residenta of 8�, Pau1, Minn„ vvho c�an give infor�,tior� concerning you. Name Aruold Devine Address 1519 Pioneer Buildin� Name Fiu�o Bi.ackfelner Address C�erciat State Bank, St. Paut, Minn. Si�nature o �pp i�a Sta�te of' Minne s ota� ss County of Ramsey ) Edwarcl Gleeman, being first duly sworn, deposes and says upori o�th t at he has rea he foregoing a�atement bearing his sigx�atuxe �nd 7.csi.vwa the contents thereof, and that the sama is �rue oP hia o�,m knowledge s�cept as �cr those mat�ers therein stated upon information and belief and aa to thos� ma�ters he belie�res them to be �rtie. f�. C�i*�-� Si�nature of Applia Subscribed and sworn to before me R�`�," this 12th day of' November 19 ?0 �.`�Jck�1�.`q �.1..�---Q� �� i�� �,V�P�c����G� Notary Pu�lic, Ramsey County, Mir�nesota y�� ���+Q� Q°�0��y`°c My Cou�nission expires o�o�m � (Notes Th.ese statement forms are in dupl�cate. Both copies mus� be f'u11y filled out, no�arized, an.d returned to the Lioense Aivisicm.T� - �' AFFIDAVIT �Y APPLICA1dT • FOR - • RETAIL BE�R �R LI�UOR LTCENSE Re: Off- Sals License .,.._._,,.__ Name of applioant G�alaxy LiauQrs, I�c. Business address L51.� �Vhite Bear Ayenue. St. p,.au,j,.,�(j�esata Are you the sole oro�mer of this business4 Ho . If not, is it a partnership? corporation? CorpOr�tion , o�her? Others interested in buainess, include those by lc�an of money, property or otherwiset Na� �en Gleeman Address 2�23 p����st �,yenue ��P,�e��.e� �f,the corporation Edith Gleeman " �� �� ViCe-President �� �� �� Howard Gle�rrian " " " Treasurer of the corparation If a corporation, give its name. Galsxtiy Liquor'8, InC. Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor busineas? NO As sole awner2 NO Partner? No Stocskh�ld�r4 No Qtherwise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explairx) None Address of sueh business and nature of interest in same None � Signature of app ican State oP Minnesota� )ss Count�r of Ramsey ) Edward Gteeman, being first duly SW[1r21� deposes and says upon o�th that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearin� his signatura and l�.ov�rs the contenta thereof; that the same is true of his av�n l�wrled�e, exce�t as to those mmtters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believea them to be true. �� Signature of applica� Subecribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of November, 1970 ` n .r ` , 'fil..l l..�t/ Notary ublic, ey County, innesota WILLIAM FIN� �'� COriII11].9SlOri A7CplI'AS 19 r����rY Puialic,R�mscy Counf ��y Commissiun ExpirA, C)-, Yi IRin,�. ' 7`. 1975 � , ~ . _ , . • � - , • STATE �' MTNNESQTI� � � CatINTY �' RAMSEY Edward_Gje_�,�a„n._,�, ,,,,,_ bein� firat duly sxorn, doth depaae and say tl�t he ma]cea thig affidavi.t in conneotian with QppZioation for " Off- 8�1e" liquor licsense {" Sale� malt beverage license) in the �i�y of $aint �Paul, �innse�taj that your aPFi�nt ie a resident of the :S�ate< of Minneaotm and has rseided there�i�t fnr th�,rt _ yeara, one : mouths� aad 3.a noor and ha� been fox the time sbo�e a�sntion.ed a bo� fida resident of said b'tate arad �heEt he narv resides at 123 Pinehurst Av nue � � �,ddree s ���_ _, �di�nesuta. c3. y cr�Io,rnr`f' � Subsoribed and s�rorn to bePore me �h�$ 12th �y o�November, lg 70 --�--r----- � otary b ic, Rameey County, �3nnesota �y oc�iasion expirea �yn��l� LL. '�'��` 6��'�'% ��� ss'o,F��S���ti +p j�@syO�G,�. �s '9ih �D��t 6 '" , Nav. 17� 1q70 Hon. Dean Meredith Comsr. of Public 3alety Public Safety Bldg. Dear Sir: Attention: Mr. Daniel McLaughlin The City Council today informally apprcved the application for the tr�nsfer oP OfP Sale Liquor Lic. R�. 2397, Foodatuff-Original Ca►tainer, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Lic. N�. 3�+57, all expirir� Jan. 31, 1$71, Prom Ben Gleema.n at 1511 White Bear ave. to Q,alaxy Liquors� Inc. at the eame address. Will yo�u please prepare the custanary resolutions covering thia matter? Yery truly yours, City Clerk n8 ' � . . . ' ' ,�' . ; ' . LETTP;R GRni�;�:Ii:G ITdF'�?�:;.�:L� APPRO'IAL J Co:�,.missionAr of Public Safety, • Tenth �.nd iiinnesc�w Sts. , St. Paul, i�s?nn. . . _ ' . . { � � r �_ �/ :� 7� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFf SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE � �� Application No. (Thie form muet be fllled out in addltion to the aDDlication torm and sworn �tatement reQuired by the Liquor Control Commiesloaer of the State of Mtnnesota.) Name of Applicant �alaxy Liquors, Inc. �gp � r R,esidence AddresR 1511 White Bear Avenue Telephone No 771-1, 77 Are you a citizen of the United States? Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? No When and Where? Not applicable , If corporation, give date when incorporated October 17, 1958; name chan� d A» >st . , 1 g7� Name and address of all officers of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold Ben Gleeman; Edith Gleeman; Howard Gleeman; Edward Gleeman; all residing at 2123 Pinehurst Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Names and addresses of Stockholders Ben Gleeman; Edith Gleeman; How•ard Gleeman; Edward Gleeman; all of whom live at 212 3 Pinehurst Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Name of surety company which will write bond,if known Aetna Insurance Company Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 1511 :White Bear : West : Nebraska and Montana : Two How many feet from an academy, colle�e or university (measured along streets)? None in area How many feet from church (measured along streets)? � excess of 2. 500 feet How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets)Y � excess of Name of cloaest school Hazel Park Hi�h School 2, 500 feet �Iow are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? Commercial On what floor located? First If leased, give name of owner Ben Gleeman and Edith Gleeman Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor s�ore? Exclusive liquor stare How long have you operateci present busineas at present site? Eight years as a liquor store by Ben Gleeman, president of Galaxy Liquors, Inc. e, Do you now have an "On Sale" non-intoxicating liquor license? �� desire to transfer it to corporation from Ben Gleeman as individual. ' (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be veri8ed.) Issuance of license is not recommended. GALAXY LIQUORS, INC. Date� �9 /�� �, � t.t �/j �/J �. B Y� �"//�+I ��G�?"'/���� � License Inapector. Ben Gleeman, President, A LICANT. � r' � t� " ], � W '" �, � z � � ��,, �• �' �o �4 � p�'„ � �' A �- o � cz � y ° `C � p r: � Y e`YO �' 'z3 °' � .�..,,, ; ° y � y y � � A � °, b `� � �- o � K �,. Q a„ n � �„ � (� � � � � 'r-+" a � � H' � � p' � y• b O: q. ,. �• �' A A o � � � � � 0 � �p 0. �'� A � �'� _ O� C/] � O � v"� �+ � � CD � A 'd � O a' �C O ".b a � O � A � U] C+ O 'd fi � � C � ro tD � � �• o � p� � fD a• O C+ w "" ii , �.y � m 'C7 f� � � W (p �y, Cy � b T �� A =r, � A� '` e C � � � O � m � ►� 0 � � t� � s� ^ �C � 7, �p �p e'' � O' !D � � Cy ^� ry � p• H o a w � �' o �+ � �" "+ �. a" � "'�� "� A d � � 0�y vp� 0° �, A � A "�+ „ z � c � '� �. �N �• A Q n M+ � � ,o b � q A � . 5. .� ^ � � '��' ►.`'�'�. r�,. � t�.� '..'S ►! C Qp n O q .� � •� �.. f �p �y A O �p A CA et Ci �o b :� . � b �U . o ( r'; "�' w � � cp A eq fy+ � � H o a � � I � � � �• p F; � o m � O ti, n• A � � p;, � A, �.,, F.. � 'd y � A y ..+ M 9 N ` � � � � Rr � �. � �, � � b �; t0, a+ h� 'ty � �y ~ n `' r"' r fD m � A � N � � � � � . ,O , .d y p �•� m � r M m � fa p ., ti � �, A '' � :° a $ m � b � c � � �'1 �• ,,.��' OC ° ti � �•� ' �� � a � � � � � ►°� � p trl ~ o� � ra t7 °, a � o o �,r, ,� � �. ►°* � � � � � O � b .� � � � � �d N� l.� ;� S, � � �� � c• � � a, � o �a � p• r o �, � a. � ' �, � � � '" ,�� td �1� v, o p°e � � � � '�, � �,' ti � �O. T tn :n A Q j y� ,�,.. M A � � � p ,. . o• ..�` � "� o �d bd {s. r' P� � O � o �j � c '� n o � ? � � �i cu � � �" �' � �i � m, � �" � � _ y � � o � � t�n � ` ,� ��p ��y �. �. ,� m � � ?� fD q � � �^ `?` o ^1 . �y r,. � �A P f! � � �o p. C w � S].. �, �i `�-�'.. 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