251266 ' ������ ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E N�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU I ESOL ON ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY obert F S rafka qTF COMMISSIONE SiHBRB�IS, Additions wh�.ch �ight prove to be necessary in the I�osprovement described as the SUI�IIT-U14IVERSITY RSNBQAL ARBA, I�prvv�sent of Alleys, Co�ptrol- ler�s Contr�et L-7248-2, City �roject No. 69-G-1904B, Hardrives, Inc., Contractor, have bee� provided for in the Specifications� and WHBRBAS� It ha� been found necessary to aake the following Additions: �1TlDITIOI�S D O Sewer modif ication in Al ley No. 1 Ce�nstruct 3C Catch Basin (less casting) @ $208.00 = $208.00 n Briek up er�d of esi�ting pipe 2 Q 3A.tf� = 60.00 Cut into existing pipe 1 � 30.Q0 = 3�.00 o 'o $ 298.00 �. O Grmnular embankaent used in Alleys No. 1 and 10 m Due to� change in �rade 130 cn. yd. � $ 2.50 325.00 � � Excavating eq�tipvent used to re�ove earth and debris from six ; alleq� tlut were to be clemned by brooming " Bobcat loader with operator per hr. 20 hours � @ $ 15:00 3f1�.00 � Sa�cut anc��°>removed conczete aprons. . SaMCnt, , : 61 �fn. ft. �'$ 1.0� _ $ 61.00 ������r Ccrncret� rem�val 9� sq. yd. � $ 2��0 = 19.00 t �0.00 NBT TO`TAL ADDITION = $1�03.�0 snd �tEAS, The total additi�n is $10U3.00, and the Coaissicner of Fublic Norks has agreed with the Contractor that the asount of $1003.0� is th�.;currect s� to be added to caid contract, thezefore be it RBSULVBD, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the fare- going additions �ade in accordance with the Specifications in the sc� of $1003.�0, said amount to be added to the lump svm consideration naeed in the contract, knewn a� Co�ptroller*s Contract L-7248-2, and which aetount is to be financed froa Urban Reneval Bo�d Fund, Honsing and Redevelopment Authority. NOV 1 � 1�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays But�er NOV 1 9 19]0 Carlson prov 19—. Levine � Favor Meredith J Sprafka - o r A gainat Tedesco � �i16LISHED NOV 211970 Mr. President, McCarty �� . DUrLiC�TS TO MtIN7=R 25���6 , CITY OF ST. PAUL F uNC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C�OMMI�SSIONER �b�rt !. SQl�tii nA� i17l�EA�. Additiena Mhiab aiaht pro�� t4 b� wc�ssary in t1H Iyro�t d�aarib�d u th� i�ll�Il?-ONIVEItSt?Y RF.IIIWAL ARE�, Iaprowiant o� All��s. Cey>ts+t�l- i�r's Contiact L-7Zk�-Z, City tro�act Ilo. 6!•G-1904D. psrdsiwa, �ine.. C�rtnctor. lsava bun pr��id� tor ia tla �pecif icatioas, ud 41HE�EAS. It l�as bNn toand n�c�aawrp to salo� th� folloMius Additionst ADDITZONS ��w: ��ilic�ti�o� io ♦lln► 1b. 1 Constxuat 3C Csteti Eari� tlu�t Qasti�s) ! f20�.00 • =ZOi.00 1lsiak vip t�t �f �aci�tiss pip� 2 ! 30.00 • 60.00 Cnt iat�s a�istl.wt piN 1 O 30.00 s � ; 3��.00 Gramil�s a�b�ulaNOt us�d !a Alleya lM. 1 and 10 , Dae to ci�se� iu ssad� 130 �a. yd. � = 4.50> 3YS.00 E�ccavatiag sqoip�rat us�d to ruov� �asth and dsbri• fro� si�c all�ya tLat ws� to b� c1eaA�d by broorie�° R bobcat loa�r wit1� o�arator p�r hr. 30 iw�n ! = 15.00 �00.00 Sa�art aad rro� ooncs�t� sps+a�ns. �awcnt � 61 lin. ft. i ; 1.00 � ; 61.00 Coaa�r�t� r��al - !� sq. yd. • � �.00 • 19•00 Atf.00 � ' ' NsT Y�OT1L ADDITIOM • �100�.t'!� and " �. Tlu �total �iditiew,•�is �1003.00. sad tlN Co�la�ioa�s et Trblic iiosks Iw a�ra� �itb t1r� Coatr�ctes ti�at tlw areut o! �li'10).00 is tl� cors�eet s� te D� t�tN to said contract, tl�es�ort b� it � �LVED. TLat tIN City ot ie. Paul ths�sn�lt ita City �otia�il apy►rsws tiM fose- soin� additioes nada iu acaordanw vitti tL� Sp�cifiaaCiow !a� tY� �u� of �1003.00, sai� rwunt to ba �d to tla luwp a� aoASt�d�ratioa �d ia tb� cenetaat, lcssMn as Co�ptt+cill�r's Coatract L-7Z4a•Z, aAd �icb �nt is to 1� ti� �to� Orban R�1 Dowd rnnd, Ifouain= and �dnr�lop�r�at Aatbtitp. � 1 ' 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mc;� 19_ Yeaa N�►Ya NOV 1 � 1��0 Butler Carlson Approv� 19_ Levine Favor Meredith �� 3prafka -�—ASainat - Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��