251265 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ���� �� , � CITY OF ST. PAUL H�UNCIL NO. ICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COU L ESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Rob�rt F• S raf ka COMMISSIONE ATE R&SOLVBD, T�►at the proper officers of the City of Saint Fsul are hereby authorized to pay to Orfei & Sons, Inc. 0n �artial Bsti�ate No. 5, Contract No. L-7284, Citq Froject No. 70-S-1391, for the construction of the ARCADE-WHEEIACK STORM SYSTffi�I, said esti�ate being paid for the period of October 1, 1970 to Novemmber 1, 1970, and such other partial estiaates on said contract tha�t may be presented subsequently by said Contra�ctor and spproved by the Citq Engineer, it being the understanding of this Conncil that such partial payaient or pay�ents on partial estidate or ��timat�s on said Contract in no vay are to be canstrutd as an act by the City or any of its agents, servants or employees extending the tine specified for the cc�mpletion or in any way changing the terms of said contract, plans or specificatians tbereof, nor in any way nor bq any means shall this resolution or pay�aent, or payments e�ade uader authority of this resolu`tion be construed as a waiver of any of the rights of said City under said contract, and prnvided that prior to paye�ent of any of th� aforesaid partial estimate or estimstes, said Contractor bq its duly suthorized agents or corporate bfficers, shall file vith the City Comptroller in a form approved by the Corparation Coun�el an acceptance of the conditions of paq�aent a� hereinbefore set forth, and BE IT FtTRTHER RESOLVED, That in the absence of �aid acceptance being filed � % 1with the City Comptrnller, no payseAt or payo�ents as aforesaid shall be ,ade. , ._ ,�ORM PPR . � , orp r ion ounsel r��V 1 q j'J� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler ��� 1 �! j�'� Carlson ppro 19— Levine � T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka C� or Tedesco A8'ainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED �OV 211570 �� DUPLICAT6 TO lRIN'RR ������ • CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO , ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C�OM� No�t-� Rob�rt �. �F!'�� pAr� RESOLWaD� ?1yt tla prop�r oitie�rs oi th� City of l8aiat ?wl ata h�swb� aatlariud to pay to Ort�i b 8ons� inc. on �artial Esti�ate No. S, Contract No. L-'�:a4, csty s�j�e No. 7o-s•i391. tor ch. coa.e,rnccson oi` r.1r �1tcADS-sillESLOCIc ST01t?! SYSTE!!, aaii �sti�at� b�ir* pai� i`or th� p�:iod ot Octob�r 1, 1970 to Ilowwb�r i� 1lT0. snd auch ot�r partiai esti�at�a e�a said asntract that r� b� pr���ntad snbs�qu�tly by. aaid Contractor asd approwd by tlr� Cit� ZnginNr� it b�ins tir uad�rslandiAs ef this Conncil tl�t saa6 psrtial pa�nt or pa�ta on partial �sti*st� os �sti�a��s on said Contract in no �ay ar� to b� a�stru�d u an aot by tlw City or any o! its agee�u, s�tvaab os �loyNS �stsnding t1r� tiN sp�ai�i�d !sr tL� c�pl�tio� or itn any May cliangias thit t�sss o� s�id contract. plans or sp�cifiQati�ns th�s�of, ner in aAy wy nos br am► �tns s1u11 thi� sywlution or �ay�t� os pa�nta �N� n�sr a�thority �i t�is ruolutia►n ba corstrnsd �s • wiv�r ot any ot tb� rights ot said City a�der said a�s�tsaat, �sd provid�d tliat prior to ps�nt o� s�r ot t� ator�said partial •sti�at� or est�at�s, said Contsactor by its dal� aat6oris�d a=�ats or oorpsrat� o!lie�n. al�11 til� vith t4� CLty Corptroli�r in a lozs appraiwd by thr Cor�osatiow Co�a�l , an sa�eptana o! t1� e:orditions ot pa�ent as het�inb�for� a�t lorth, a�d sS I? ltfRi�tR RuOLVED, T6at ie th� �bs�nc� of �aii �ac�*tan�e bala� ti1N vitti tL� Cit� Co�ptrull�r, no pa�at or psy�nta as atoresaid shail b� ��ad�. �p�, i ' 1970 COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Counctl 19 Yeas Naya NOV 1 � 1�70 Butler Carlson Appro�'1 19_ �°i�e rn Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r ' at Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ���