251263 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLRRK 251��3 CITY OF ST. PAUL F�N�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Blf � � COMMISSIONE � ATF �HfiR�AS, In the aatter of Coffiptmller's Contract L-7326 for the BBLT LINE S1s�R RBFAIR fro� 220�± to 370�± Sonth�e�t of �'oint Houglas Road, City Project Nc. 70-5-1430, Northem Contracting Co�pany, Contractor, the specified date of co�pletion is Septmmber 18, 1970, and jiifIBR�AS, The Contractor h�s prosecuted the w�ork diligentlq but due to conditions beqo�d the Cuntractor's control it was not possible to coeplete the contract by said date of completion, therefore be it RSSOLVED� Tl�at the proper City Officisls be and they are hereby auti�c�rized and directed to execute an asencim�nt to said contract estending the time of coapletion to November 30� 1970, provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the stsreties on the Contractor�s bc�nd cc�nsent thexeto and file such cor�seat in �riting �rith the City Co■ptroller, and be it F[JRTNER RSSOLVBD, That the City of Saint Panl herebq waives all clai, fcr liquidated dasages and that no engiaeeri�g and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. ��J�N� �'1 ROV ; ,�sst. rpora n Coun ���1! �� � ' �70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler �V � 9 1��� Carlson prove 19— Levine Favor Meredith � Sprafka or Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED �QV 2 �, ���� �� o�.,�,�,���� 25�`��3 � CtTY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �"�'�N� Rob�st t. :�.Y.fti. �,,� M�AS. in th� ratt�r o! Corptmll�r's Con�ract L-73Z6 for th� BELT Lllli SEidBR REPAi1t froa ZZO�± Lo 370�: 8oqthwst ot Toint Douglas Road, City Proj�ct No. 70-�-1430. 1lortiNrn Contractias Co�panp, Contractor. t6a sp�cifi�d dat� ot ooapl�tion is 8�pta�b�r ls. ll70� �nd V�t�i. T1r C�ntsaatos ha� �so��aattd tY� Mort dili��ut1� 1wt dn� ts conditioas b��ond t1u Contraator•a �ortrol it �as �at �ossibl� to �e�pl�t� t�e coAtraet by said dat� e# co�pl�tioa, tlur�tere b� it WGLVSD. ?6at tL� �sop�s City Ottiaials D� aud t1�y ar� h�s�b� astY�ris�d aad dirct�d to waut� an �aa�at to aaid oontract sst�ndi�� tl+� tiN of co�plation to 1Nvubar 30, 1970, pre�id�� lawws. tliat tbia r�aolntion siiall Lav� no lssc� or �tl�at aal�a� tb� sus�ti�s oA tl+� Contractos'• bout e:oaa�nt th�r�to �nd iil� �uc1� eons�nt in �nritinj Mith tla City C�troll�r, and b� it ZIT�tYE1t Ri80LVtD, Tliat t1M City ot 8sirt l�nl b�rtby wiwa all c1�La i�r li�id�d dna�ts aed tbat no �ajiaNrins and inap�ctian coat� or this pr���ct vill b� clisr��d to tlow Contractoz ior ancb �zt��d�d p�ria�. NOV 1 !11J.7�0 COUNCIIII�N Adopted by the Co»r�� 19.—. Yeas Naya Butler ' �V Y 9 19�0 Caxlson Approv� 19— �°�e T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka �r Tedesco ���t Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��