251247 OIlIOINALTO COUNCIL NQ� 251;�=�'7 c�Trc�sRx G1TY OF SAINT PAUL Ri�e AP OPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM � R CHA ER SECTION 208 . PRESENTED BY � e � �9 70 COMMISSIONE DA • R E S O L V E D � THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WH1CH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED IT6M FROM I TO DR. CR. 600..100 Comptroller - Personal Services 750.00 610-100 Civil Services - Personal Services 750.00 Remaining account balances will be adequa.te for the rema.inder of the yea YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS NOV 1 � �Ii/ BUt12Y' � ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� -1�9 • Carlson 1 B 1'�� Levine APPROVED t s IN FAVOR Meredith + l V Sprafka OGAINST "" Tedesco COUNTERSIGNED CITY COMPT LLER MR. PRESIDENT , McCarty �� �° �O PUBI�ISHED NQ� 211970 �-��: L�- . . . - - --� �-- ...__ . . . ���� �`� No�icc: � CI'1�' C:� ST. PAUL Council rile :�'o. 't0 r ' ' ' -r . . 1�I��s��SG�.A .-: Priid;er ' ' COUI�CIL �,�OLli�I'IO:v • a_9 - Tt�SOL�'TDt ti�at tl:a transfers Y�:a.thin runds of t}:e vai,ious �it� DepGi��^ier.ts • . . . . s � � heretofore a�:rorc✓ed b,,� tl:� Cit;.- �omptrolle:-, as such tra»sfers of fut;�s as of N�V 1 � 19�0 a�•e indic2tecl in docur��nts attacl�ed hereto and made a part h�reof by �eference, as fu11�- as if the �sa�ne were sai, forth fully ar.d ce;aplete:lf herein, are hereUy approved, copies ai thc aforemei�tioned also b�in� on file in the of- fice of th° Ci�y C1ark ar,d i;� tra cfi'ice oi the City ccMp�;rol�er. _ � � NOV 1 8 197� AdoPted Uy tLe Cou�zcil � 19� � �.. N�V 1 � �� Cit�.y Ccanptro�ler Ap�roved ' 19_,,:, By - - - � �ueus�r�� NOV �� 1�t�