251246 Ori�insl to City Clerk , ., ORDINANCE 251;�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � �/ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimuxn qualifications for the various clas ses of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1g35, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title in the specificatioris far Kitchen Helper and by substi�iting in lieu thereof the title Food Service Aide. Section 2. T,hat said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum quali.fications in the specifications for Baker I, Baker II, Cook I, and Cook II; and by sub- stituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following: Baker I . . .. "Eighth-grade education and one-half school year�s experience as a Food Service Aide or si.x monthst experience baking in a restaurant or cafeteria. " Baker II "Eighth-grade education and one year�s experience as a Food Service Aide or equivalent or one year=s experience baking in a restaurant or cafeteria. " Cook I "Eighth-grade education, ancl one-half s��ctol year�s experience as a - � Food Service Aide or six months� experience cooking in a orestaurant or cafeteria. " 0 U � o COOk II � o "Eighth-grade education and one year�s experience as a Food Service � a Aide or equivalent or one year;s experience cooking in a Q • v restaurant or cafeteria. " � Q Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force � on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. 4 19�0 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �EC Butler � Carlson In Favor Levine Meredith D t� A g$inat , Sprafka Tedesco � � 1'�� . President ( a Approve • ��~ Att s • City lerk Maqor � , ; rm approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED �EC ], 2 197� a.�..a a r�.ae ,, ORDIN � NCE �51;� 6 � COUNqL RLF NO PRESENTFD BY ORDINANCE NO.._ �� s�' Aa osifa�ce amend3s� 0rd�asc� �'o. 76��. �Ktls�d: "Aa oreiiaaaee fisiag the dat�es a�sd resp+oaslbtl�#ies > azd the mi�im� q�alificatioas for the varia►ns classfs � posi�s ia the �lsss�fi�d Ses�rice � the City,"' s�gs�o�rsd Fstiz�ary 13, 1935, ss sm�de�. THE COIIATCIL OF ?H7� GITY OF �ASfT' PAQL ��S OR�?Ailt: Secti,o� 1. Thst Qrdiiaaca No. ?607, a�rprc�r�d FeD�ess� i�. , 1l3S, ss ams�d�ci. bt asd the ssm� is busrel� fwrtb�r ss�eoad+rd b'!� s�F�lki� �t� titl� i� t�a �rdf�cs�oas for Kitc� Hel�es a�d bt snb�tit� fa li+ra tL�rwf tie litle Food Sez�ice Aids. Sac�C�o�z Z. Thst ssid ordiasace. u ama�d�el..bo ssd the same is ti+�:r� tarth�r smeod�ei b� strik�ns oat th� acii�imaffi�tlificat�im�s 3n !�S s�ecifiestioaa tsr Bsker I, B�r II. Coo� I, aad Ceal�IIt sad b� ssb- stlta�sa ia lie�s�thtreuf, rsape�i�ell�r, t�s tol3�iag: � Bsk+�r I "Ti��-�nd� sdvea�ivi sai a��..half sclwol yaer's s�sp�tiar� �s s Food Serrfef lif�+e or s3�c�oa�s� esp�ri�ce bskia� i,a s ' syss+� or esfMtss3s." Baker II , "Eii�•issd� �dnestie�s aad ane �esr's a►��si�■�cs su a Feod �er�i�s Aide os �ai�rale� or one Trar's ��esi�rs� i�t a, restsar�u►t or esfeteris. �' Coat I "Lrisl�•�rad�e rd�cstioa. �i o�e-�f � �r's �aerst�ae� as a Food Serrie� Aide or si�r me+�ths' ssp�ri+a�cs e�alr�aj is, a sestssr�at or catet�sia. " Cook II �EisLtlt-ssa�e Niocst[oa aai on� ��sr's �sp�ria�c�r a� s Food Se�c� Aid� or �d�st�t or oa� �a►s's �eriauc� toe� itr a - z�sta�rant or esfiteris. " Seetiaa =. This osdi,aae� s1�s11 iair� �E'fiet a� ir� ia totas o� tia Srst drtT of th� #isst p►��sol2 p�rtad tol�wiss ti�lrt� isTa sl�s �ts ps.ats:, :ptso.st. aa�t prblicatioa�, � 4 1970 Yeaa Councilraen Naya Passed by the Coun�il �C � Butler Carleon Fsvor Levine ��i� � A vninat 8prafka �. T�a�t ���c�t�►> DE� 4 1970 Approved: Attest: Ci�,y Clerg Mayor �� ,:,, Form a��°ed Corpor�i;�ion Cow�eel By . �t f! I st �` � _ 2nd �� � Laid over to 3rd and app ( �.Adopted / Yeas Nays ' eas Nays Butler Butler Carlson �arlson Levine �evine Meredith ���!�'��t'' �Meredith V � Sprafka `'`ti,Sprafka . Tedesco �\ ''�Tedesco Mr. Presiden+ McCarty Mr. President McCarFy O