251227 T 251`��`7
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File No. 17524
In the Matter of
; Open, widen and expand the intersection of WABASH AVENUE and -
. RAYMOND AVE;IUE (City Project P-0514R) by condemning and taking for ,
street purposes that part of Lot 123 of Hewitt's Outlots, lst Division,
� all in the N.E. quarter of Section 32, T29N, R23W, in the City of St. Paul, - _
described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the easterly street line of '
Kaymond Ave, and the southwesterly street line of Wabash Ave; thence , �
southeasterly along the southwesterly street line of Wabash Ave. a -
dis[ance of 57.00 feet; thence southwesterly, deflecting to the right
142 degrees SO minutes, on a straight line a distance of 27 feet;
thence southwesterly, deflecting to the left 24 degrees 24 minutes, '
un on a straight line a distance of 27.00 feet to a pnint on the easterly
street line of Raymond Ave., said point being 46.00 feet southerly ,�ce
uP of the point of begi�tning; thence northerly along the easterly street
line of RaYmond Ave._to t��ooint___of _be�innin� end__there terminatinA. ent
-- .. _ —. __
_ .
is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.
2. That the nature of the improvement whieh the Council recommenda is
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Open, widen and expand the intersection of f�7ABASH AV�NU� and
, RAYMOND AVE\'UE (City Project P-0514R) by condemning and taking for
street purposes that part of Lot 123 of l�ewitt' s Outlots, lst Division,
all in the N.E. quarter of Section 32, T29N, R23W, in the City of St. Paul, ' �
, described as follows:
Beginnin� at the intersection of the easterly street line of
Raymond Ave. and the southwesterly strcet line of Wabash Ave; thence '
southeasterly along the southwesterly street line of Wabasti Ave. a
distance of 57.00 feet; thence southwesterly, deflecting to the right
142 degrees SO minutes, on a straight line a distance of 27 feet;
the�ce southwesterly, deflecting to the left 24 degrees 24 minutes,
on a straight line a distance of 27.00 feet to a point on the easterly
street line of� Raymond Ave. , said point being 46.U0 feet southerly
of the point of beginning; thenc.e northerly along the easterly street `
line of Ravmond Ave. to the point of beginning nnd there terminating. ,�y of
December,, 1970 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Hall Building in the City af St. Paul. Th�.t the Commissioner of Finance give notice;of ` ��.
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chaxter, statin� the time and place of
heaxing, the nature of the improvement and the total cast thereof as estimated.
Adopted by the Councii
Yeas gUTLER Nays NOY 1 7 1970
CARLSON +/� ApAro�
�n Favor
wA�t� .�Against ;PUBLISHED
NOV 21 �97�
s-es.z� •� R.�