251216 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK f°51,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL H�ENC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R Q TI —GENERA FORM PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco November 12, 1970 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, that a cred.it in the amount of Sixty-one and. 25/100 Dollars ($61. 25) be allowed. under Contract L-7131-2 between the City of Saint Pau1 and. the Ryan Landscape Supply Company, Inc. , said contract for Site Develogment at Ames (Sackett) Park and, said. cred.it to cover the f ollowing: 1. Change in tennis fence fabric from 1-3/4" to 2�� DEDUCT $173. 00 2. Change exposed aggregate concrete walk to scored concrete walk @ 25� sq, ft. DEDUCT 202. 25 3. Extra concrete entrance walk required. because of change of location of build.ing ADD 314. 00 NET CREDIT $ 61. 25 -said work having been requested by the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Build.ings, and. agreement made with the contractor, and a memorand.um of said agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned. by him. Credit PIR 6000-502 to be re-cred,ited. to 9769-502-018. Job #68-40. N0� 17 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeag Nays Butler �� 1 , ��,0 Caxlson Prov 19— Levine ?In Favor Meredith -1 0 Sprafka y Tedesco AS'ainst Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED NOV 211970 �