251205 �OR16tNAL TO CITY CL6RK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT Robert F. S ra ^ COMMISSIONE ATF J WHBRE�S, In the matter of Cosptroller�s Cc�ntract L-7288 for Grading a�d gaving MAItION STRSST frc�� Aurora Avenue to Co�o Avenue, City F�ro ject ATo. 70-F- 0350, Arcun Construction Co�pany, Inc., Contractor, the specified date of completion is Septesber 1, 1970, and WfiEREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the w�ork diligently but due to cc�nditions beyond the Contractors control it was not possible to couplete the contract by ssid date of co�pletion, therefore be it RBSOLVSD, That the proper City Officisls be and they are hereby authc�rized and directed to execute atn a�endaent to said contract extending the ti�e of completion to October 15, 1970, prnvided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sareties on the Contractor�s bond cunsent ���thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, a�d be it r FURTHER R�SOLVBD, That the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated da�ages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. C`�F'�' �� _ �C�RM �. ,ri��.�, _ ra�o�' _ P , CoC NOV 17. 1�7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays But�er NOV � 7 1970 Caxlson A 19— Levine n Favor Meredith � Sprafka or Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED NOV 211970 �� �o��"�,n,��R,� 25���5 „ CITY OF ST. PAUL w�UNGL NO O�FICE OF THE CITY CLERIC COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C.�OMMIS.�SIONER gOblrt �. SDSt�� nAre i�iAS, In the �att�r o! Cowptroll�r�s Cot�tsaat L-72�8 tor 6radlas and Pa�tas 1�lAARION �RSET ls+o� Aurora Av�nu� to Co�o Av�en��, City Pro��at tlo. 70•P• 0lS0, Aroon Canstruetioer CoapaAy, Inc.. Coatraator, � sp�tili�d dat� ot oowpl�tien i• S�ptrb�r 1. 1970. �d i1�EA�� Tia Co�tractor tua proa�cut�d tly �ask dili�nntl�r but da� to conditioas b��d th� Contsactor� a�ntroi it ws uot possibl• to oo��l�t� th� co�triat b� a�id dat� o� �pl�tion. t1Nr��or� be it RE�OLI/BD. ?6at tl� prop�r City Oflialals b� snd tb�� as^� h�raby �athorisN a�nd dir�ct�d to �x�ra�t� +an a�n�rAt t� ssid �ntract ast�nding tbt tiN of �o�pi�tioA to Oetsbar 1S. 1970. pro�id�d iw�wnr�r, tlut t.Lis rfsolution aYsll l��e e�o terc� or tli�ct uni�ss th� sas�tiu ou tlN Contssatos's bo�i c�oaa�at tlarrto as�d fil� sdei� cons�at in mritius vith tb� City Go�ptsoil�r, a,� b� !t ltiRTltqt R�80LVED� T6at th� Cit� ot 8si�t tanl lussb� wi�aa all clai� !or liqaidat�d d�aau �d tbat fa �sin�rie� aad irasptczioA costs oe tbis Dro��ct �rill bt arar�d to tb� CoAtrsctor fos amcb pct�rd�d p�siod. HpV 17 19]Q Cp�CI�N Adopted by the Coun�� 19_ Yeaa Nays NOV 1 7 1��Q Butler Carlson Appro� 19_ � �°�e _ln Favor Meredith Sprafka �y°r �.�igainat Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, �cCarty A�9