251204 ORI6INA1lTO CITY Cl6RK �5���� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C MMISSIONE Robert F S raf � ATF J WH$RBAS, In the metter of Coffiptroller's Contract L-7256 for the construction of the BROADti�AY CLBARWATffit SEWER, City Froject No. 69-5-1357, Acton Constraction Company, Inc., Contractor, the specified date of completion is July 15, 1970, mnd WHSR$AS, The Contractur has prosecuted the work dilig�ntly but due to con- ditions beyond the Contractor�s control it wes not possible to cooplete the con- tract by said date of coa�pletion, therefore be it RBSOLVBD, Thait the proper City Off iciels be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execnte an a�endm�nt to ssid contract extending the ti�e o� ompletion to Septeaber 15, 1970, provided bowever, that this resolution shall �, �have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the Citq Cosptroller, and be it FtIRTHBR R&SOLVBD, That tbe City of Saint Faal hereby waives all clai� for liq�idated dasages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for snch estdnded period. ,EORM PROV orpera� - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounE'1'�v 1 7 �� 19— Yeas Naya Butler NOV 1 7 �'7� Caxlson rov 19— Levine „�n Favor Meredith Sprafka (� yor A►gBlIISt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED NOV 211970 �� DUlLICA�TO lRIN7�1t � •�����4 . . , CITY OF ST. PAUL �N«� NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �MM�I551 NER ��rt F. Snri��i nA� WHZREA�. IA th� �att�s of Co�ptroll�r's Contract L-72S6 for tL� oonstraction of t1N EROADN�Y CLEA1tNATER SEWSR, City lrmj�ct No. 69-5•1357, Acton Co»atructioa Co�pary. Inc., Cortta�tor. t!w sp�citi�d dat� of co�pt�tion is Jnly 1S, 19�0. �nd WBL�REAS. Tir Cont�ractor has prc+a�cut�d th� Mork dilisrutly b�t dq� to ex�n• ditiona M�oad tiu CoAtnctor'a co�ts^�1 it wa ewt poasible to co�pl�t� t� cen- traat by �aid dat� ot co�pl�tioa, tlwr�tor� b� it �ESOLVED� That th� ps+mp�t City Of�iciala b� aAd th+�y ar� hereby aat�wris�d ard dir�etad to estcut� aa rtmd�nt to said coutract �xt�adins th� tiw�► of co�pi�tio� to �apte�ber 1S, 1970, prc+vid�rd Lo�ryr. tLat tbia r�aolgtion sLall ha�e ta tore� or �f��ct anl�ss th� sas�tia oe tlM Contraator'a boAd e���nt tlNrrto and fii� anch oons�nt in Mriting witls tb� City Cowptroil�r, and b� it lURTIIE1t RSSOLVED� Tl�st tLe City oi Saint P�nl h�s�b�r wi��s all cl�i� for liqaidat�d d�ps �nd t1�at no �in�esins ard iaap�ctioe� oo�ts on this pro��ct Mill b� e�ars�1 to ths Contractos !or saah pct�ndid p�riod. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�c31 �V 1 7 �19_._. Yeas Nays Butler NOV 1 7 �]� 19— Carlson Approvciid. Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �� Tedesco ���St Mr. President, McCarty ��