251203 OR161NA1.Td CITY CIBRK ro�+���v CITY OF ST. PAUL NLE NC�� NO. = OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO ESOLUT.�ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE 0 f ATF �AS, In the matter of Coaptroller�s Contract L-7083 for the PARK-MAGNOLIA STORM RBLIEF SBf�lBR SYSTBM, City Project No. 68-S-0974, peter La�etti Ccnstruction Co�pany, Contractor, the specified date of completion is July 30, 1969, and �iHE'RBAS, It was not possible for the Contractor to complete the contract b� said date of co�pletion, but the City suffered no eeasureable dadages, therefore be it RSSOLVBD, That the proper Citq Off icisls be and they are hereby suthorized and directed to execute an amenda�nt to said contract egt�nding the tiffie of com- pletion to Septesber 1, 1970, provided hcavever, that this resolution ehall have �no foree or effect unless the snreties on the Contractorss bond consent thereto , � �and file such eonsent in writing with the City Co�ptroller, and be it FURTHBR RESOLVED, That the City of Saint g`aul h�reby waives all claia for liquidated daeag�s and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. FORM PROV „ � ���r� C�:.;�.; � ��l AS . c��-n.,��� � NOV 17 1��Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays (VO!/ 1 7 1'�Q Butler Carlson App —19— Levine �n Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor Tedesco A8'ainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED NOV 211970 � �����V DUMICAT�TO rRINT=R , - .� CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO. ~ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM n«sr�o rr llob�rt �'. Snratica COMMISSIONE� DA� � i�ERl.A�. In t!w �att�r of Co�ptroll�r�• Co�tsact L-70i3 !or tlx pAR1C-M�1�Gl1pLI� STORM 1tELiBt SL►WER 8Y'STEM. Cit� Pro j�et 110. 6e-8•097k, ��t�r Ln�tti Conatsaation Co�paAy. Contractor. tb� sp�cifi�d �at� of co�pl�tioA ia July 30, 1969. a�d i18EREA,4, It vas not possibl� tos th� Coatractor to co�pl�tt tb� coe�traett by a�id dat� oi co�pl�ti,�n� but t� Cit� suii�ru! uo etaaustiable da�agu, t6�r�for� 1» it 1tz80LVED. That tta pmp�r City Oflieisla b� and t�y as� lu�r�by aatlaris�d ard dir�ct�d to ac�apt� a� aund�r,t to said ooatract n�ading tb� tiM ot c�• pl�ti,on to S�ptub�r 1. 1970, �ro�id�d la���r. t1�at t6is rssolution aball lsav� no force or �fi�ct anl�ss th� aur�ti�a or tL� Contractor's bond cons�nt tl�er�to and fil� sncl� �natAt ie Mritins viti� tiu Cit� Ce�ptroll�r, and b� it �OR?11� RESOLYSD, ?lu�t tb� City of Saint Zail L�r�b� wi��s all clai� l�or liquidaf,� dars�a seid that Ao �i�rios �d insp�ctioA aosti on tais pro��t aill b� cYasnd to tlM CoAtractor ior suth extend�d p�riod. r � NOV 17 l��l COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 18_ Yeas Naya 11�py 17 1'J70 Butler Carlson � Approv� 19— Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � ��r ro�inat Tedeeco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ���