251202 OfA�iNAL TO CITY CL6RK ������.�� y/ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ''f'� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE obert IS ' � AM WHERBAS, Co�ptroller�s Contract L-7086, Ashbach Construction Company, Contractor for Grading and Fsving MISSISSIP�I RIVER BOIILSVARD from Dayton Avenue to Felhaes Bonle�►ard�, Citq Froject No. 68-F-0194A, has been substantiallq co�pleted, and WHSREAS, Said Contractor requests that a portion of the 10� retained under the contract from estimmates for work done be paid in advance of the final comple- tion of the contract, and WHTREAS, Th� Co�nissioner and Chief Tngineer of the Departasent of Public 4lorks approve the pay�ent at this time of $55,000.00 of the $74,940.34 retained; there- fore be it RESOLVED, That the prcper City f2fficials be and they are hereby suthorized to paq an estinate in the a�ount of $55,000.00 f rom the retained percentage of $74,940.34 to said Contractor; and be it r FEiRTHBR RBSULVED, That this resolution shall hav� no force or effect nnless �j�/!f�he sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto in Writing and f ile such + � �consent with the Citq Co�ptroller. �QV F4RM P s rpor �on ASS}- NOV 1 7 1�� COUNCILMEN I Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya �b 1 � ,�70 Butler Carlson . App e _ 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka J or Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty �UBLISHED NOV 211970 �� D4 LICATt TO NtIN7=R ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNa� �•r� �y ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cp�M���ju p c.� �e�rt F_�taf lc� nA� WNEREAS. Co�ptroll�r's Contract L-�OS6, Aabbaeb Constraction Co�pany, Con�tractor for Gradins a�ad Psvin= MI88ISSIPYI AIVER BOOLiVNtD tror Day.toA A��n�te to P�lbr Eoul�vard, City Pro��ct �io. 68•P-0194A, 6as ban snbstantially eo�pl�ted, aed ti�EltEl►S. Said Coutra�etor r�qu�ats tl�at a �ortion of tlM 107t retain�d ut�d�r thie ccntract tro� �sti�at�s !or vork daM b� paid iA �d�uic� of th� �i�al c�pl�- t�OA O� L� C011ttiCt� �fld W�EREA�, TIN Co�isaioner and Cbd�f =ugin��r ot tbs Dspart�nt oi Pablie Worka appro�� the pay�trt at tbia tiwt of $,�5.000.00 oi th� $74,940.34 r�taie�d; t�sr�- tos� bt it RE80LW$D, ?LaE t� propsr City Qttieia�la ba uid thhr sr� i�rtby suthoris�d to pay an �ati�at� in t6� a�oa�t of �55,006.00 is+o� th� r�tained p�n�rt�N of �74s9�i0.34 to aaid Contractor; aed b� it - �'I1�?UEIt Rt�OLYED, That this r�aalution sl�all l�av� no fosc� or �it�ct unl�oa th� aus�ti�s oa tla Cmntractos's Dond osns�nt t�r�to ia vritins aad til• a�cb e�ona�et Mith tiN City Go�ptroll�r. NpV 17_ 1�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�ir���—19— Yeaa NayB NOV 17 1�7� Butler -- Carlaon , Appro�l 19— Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka Ma,yor Tedeaco ��t Mr. President, McCarty ��