251200 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK �V���� r0 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� �J + OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. COU R LUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. S rafka COMMISSIONE � ATF J Wti�AS, Additions which might prowr to be necessary in the Improve�ent d�scribed as the ST. ANTHONY HILL RI'sLIEF SSWLR SYSTBM (Daqton-Milton), Co�p- troller's Contract L-7200, Citq Froject No. 69-S-0971H3, F. Morettini Construc� tion Co�pany, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications� and NfiERBAS� It ha� bees found necessary to sake the following Additions: ADDITIONS As per attsched Contract Chang� Agre�ent and attached Schedule Total Additions $9704.30 Total Deduction 4848.83 NBT TOTAL ADDITION TO �NTRACT = $48�5.47 and WHEREAS, T�u tatal addition is $4855.47, and the Coe�eissioner of Public ���'��lorks has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $4855.47 is the correct � �su� to be added to said contract, therefore be it i RBSOLVBD, That the City of St. 1@aul throngh its Citq Council approves the foregoing additions aade in accordance with the Specifications it� the sue� of , $4855.47, said a,onnt tc be added to the lasp sup consideration na�ed in the cc�ntract, knc�wn as �osptroller�s Ccntract L-722�, and which a�unt i� to be .,.f inanced f ro�a Capito 1 Improvesen� Bond FuAd 9268-413. v ° � � � � � � � �� �,- �. o� � 0 0 c � � `° �V� l 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya �� � � �„� Butler Caxlson A 19— Levine � Favor Meredith Sprafka J or A gaiust Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �BLISHED NOU 21 ���� �� . � C 17Y 0'r' S:�I:��T PNLL - DEPaRTI✓,ENT OF�PUBLIC WORKS s� - �Gc���J�.;'� �. CONTRACT CHt1NGE AGREII✓�ENT N0.�_ `�� 'rF^.T�CT i;0. !��r .��q71II2 CONTRACT N0._j,-720,Q CONTRACTOR�LLrettini� ConS�, Co. �:.:,;�CT DESCRIPTION �;r_ nr'THOt�'Y HIL.L•� RL:L.I•.F srctir� sYSTrri (Dny on-r;ilton)_ In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor thr�t the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to,or deductiona from,the contract. . o As per attached Schedule. Total Additions $4704.30 Total Deduction 4548.83 NET TOTAL ADDITION TO CONTRACT, - $4855.47 This additional amount to be financed from Capitol In�provement Bon@ Fund 9268-413. � , �j!�!r,-- ` ' , � f � `� � �� , / , �/f� �r 19�� .F,...�'SStLa r r... {..:�_rd2II�t�.S��. ��.._19Zc� � n�tr�*.c�io ' gineer / ` Contractor ���E1 --�,� ���) � ! � � ,� • �/��, �( A � � 19 By ,iL—..�_192L:_._ Ch�� Engineer � � � , ���-�<���-L..�:�,�.� �r � 197° :� 19 i�-r3 . Co�missioner U._ �� omptr er Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate {�ue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Co�ptroller To Conatruction Engineer . � ST. ��.'�'I'HUKY HILL RFLIEF SEWER SYSTEM (Dayton-Milton) Project ho. 69-S-971H2 - Contract No. L-7200 Contractor - F. Morettini Construction Company i CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADDITIONS 1. F�:rnish and Install 12" V.C.P. Catch Basin Leads not shown �� on the Plans. � 76 lin. ft. @ $ 5.00 $ 380.00 2. F��rnish and Install 12" R.C.P. Cetch Basin Leads not shown on the P1Ans. 116 lin. ft. @ $ 5.75 667.00 3. F>>rnish and Install A & B Casting Sets not called for on , the Plans. 0 3 sets @ $ 57.60 172.80 4. Furnish and Install E & F Casting Sets not called for on the Plans. 5 sets @ $ 50.40 252.00 5. Furnish and Install 24" R.C.P. Pipe Arch et Oxford end Selby instead of 18" R.C.P. called for on the Ylans. 82 lin. ft. @ $ 5.00 410.00 6. Constructed two additionel Type IV manholes not shown on the Plans. 2 ' @ $375.00 750.00 ' 7. Form and pour concrete piers under pipe et Marshall and Oxford at 12'° water mein crossing. Materials and Labor 100.00 • 8. Removing end replacing concrete base and esphalt surface . • due to chan�es in catch basin leads, side inlet leada and utility conflicts not shown on the Plans. . a. Remove pavement 172 sq. yds. @ $ 1.60 $ 275.20 b. Construct concrete base 236.8 sq. yds. @ $ 4.75 1124.80 c. Construct asphalt surface 56.3 ton @ $15.00 844.50 $2244.50 9. Tile sidewalk replaced with monolithic concrete on Dayton Ave. and Lexington PkMr. inetead of asphalt as called .for on the Plans 2332 aq. ft. @ $ 0.55 $I282.60 , 1524 sq. ft. � $ 0.75 1143.00 � ' $2425.60 . . . _. ,� ,- ST. ++;�7'fiU1Y HILL RF.LIEF SEWER SYSTF.M (Dayton-Mi lton) Contract ChanRe Avreement �o. 1 (Continued) 10. Removc and replace concrete curb on Dayton Ave. and Lexington Pkwy. not shown on the Plans. 180 lin. ft. @ $ 2.00 $ 360.00 11. . Sod ereas on Lexington Pkwy. due to sanitary sewer offsets. 148 sq. yds. @ $ 0.80 118.40 12. Adjust casting on existing manhole at Lexington Pkwy. and Laurel Ave. 1 @ $25.00 25.00 / 13. Filled cavity under the pavement .on Lexington Fkwy. at Deyton Ave. with sand. 14 ton @ $ 3.50 49.00 14. Reconstruct catch basins and side inlets on Lexington Pkwy. � 8 lin. ft. @ $30.00 240.00 � 15. Furnish and Install R.C.P. sewer bends due to sewer conflict. ' 34 lin. ft. @ $10.00 340.00 . 16. Construct sanitary sewer offsets of excessive length and _ � extending into the paved street on Lexington PkW}►. a. Furnish and install 6" cast iron pipe in boulevard area 96 lin. ft. @ $ 5.00 $ 480.00 b. Furnish and install 6" cast iron•pipe in street area - 46 lin. ft. @ $15.00 690.00 ° - $1170.00 . Total Additions = $9704.30 DEDUCTIONS ' Street restoration done by City Forces � $4848.83 Total Deduction = $4848.83 ' „ NET TOTAL ADDITIO,N TO CONTRACT = $4855.47 • This edditional amount to be financed from Cepitol Improvement Bond Fund 9268•413. r t ° 251��U ou�uu►ri ro rniN�ru CITY OF ST. PAUL. �Np� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM co�MM�D N� lteb.rc �'. sarafl�. c�h �Ri�AS, �dditio�s �ial� �i�t prs�� te b� n�c�ssat�r ia tla I�prov�eut a�anb.a .. cw sr. �!fl9t�lY BILL RZL� S�il� �Y�EM �Dayt+on-!!illaa). ce■�- ttrell�r's Contraat L-TZ00� �it� P'rsj�ct 110. 6!•5-�97�2. t. !lor�etini Couatsue- ti�A Co�pswy. Coetsactotc. ha�� b��A preri�d tor ia th� Sp�ailiaati+oa�, awd 1�lt$ittAS. it 1w b�� �oand �a�ssas� to s�ic� tlit follorins Additioas s ADDI?I0118 As p�r attaciNd CoAtsact CYau� As�at aad attscl�ad Sclwdnl� ?otal edditioa� :97M►.30 ?otal �aductien 484�.s3 IiET TOTAL MD1T?�011 TO CO11T1tA�C'i • =46SS.y7 aai MNBRtA�, Ths Eotal �dditio� ia $�iSS.�7, and tlw Co�lasic►n�r o! txblic 'fioriu lv� a�YUd �ritb tiN Co�tsactor tbut t� aMwrt ot $4aSS.;7 ia t1N �orreat sn� ts b� add�d to aaid aontract, tb�s^�to� b� it RESOLVED, T�at tY� Cit� o� 8t. l�ul tl�s+ough ita �ity Conneil apps�o�ns tir �osasoins additious � ia accar�n� Mitb t� �p�cif i�ationa ia tlr s�at at =�WSS.47, ssid artint to M +�i�+�d to tw lt� su� �a►usidts�tiee n�d ia tla csetract. taana u Ca�pttrll�r's �oatract L-7i3t, a�i Mhich a��t is to b� !�#atac�d l�s+o� Capitel I�pt��wat 1Nad Tnnd l�68-419. :> �� 1 ? �910 covxc�x Aaopt�a by tbe co��n�l� is_. Yeas Nays Butler � , N0�/ 1 7 � Carlson Approv� 18_. �°�e Tn Favor Meredith ��r , ''�pT&�a _ `J A oninat Tedegco Mr. President, McCarty �� C I'IY GF S�LyT PAL'L - DEPaRT;�NT OF PUBLIC WORKS �� CONTRACT CHANGE AGRE ►E'�"�NT N�•___�___�"� '�O PRCJECT ."�0, t,oes-A�1t12 CONTRACT N0. L-7200 CONTRACTOR,�,L,N.orettin� Cons1t, Co. FROJECT DESCRIPTION �T_ nr,THQt�Y HI,�I. RF. .I;F_,�•;�.�rL� sY�'F•P�t(D�yton�PTi 1 tnn ._____ In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor thAt the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costa of thoae items for additions to,or deductiona from,the contract. As per attached Schedule. Totel t�dditions $9704.30 Total Deduction 4548.83 NET TOTHL ADDITION TO CONTRACT • $4855.47 This additional amount to be financed from Capitol Improvement Bond Fund 92b8-413. , � / / / � � t /,/ `' � �� ` �.{`. /�_ �'� �"� .% =<! // � �.9/� �.i..�S'�'.�::�'i S1j�.CtLT.IIaS...s.�►. .1.L:�19� r� n��rt�c�io�i Engi.neer ( % ' Contractor �,�� j�,. �� �i ��.��� � ,� ,� � 19� By `� � i l �S 19 7 c , ,r;! .� Chie En'gineer� �� � \��L���3 F--t..�� �� �- 19�7�' + '��,� 19 ��.:.. .1.__" .. 3 • Con.missioner �. ,,.� omptr er Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) ' Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Camoptroller To Construction Engineer . � �, . ST. �:'�THUKY HILL RFLIEF SEWER SYSTEM (Dayton-Milton) Project ho. 69-S-971H2 - Contrnct No. L-7200 , Contractor - F. Morettini Construction Company / CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADD IT IONS 1. F�:rnish and Instell 12" V.C.P. Cetch Basin Leads not ehown �� on the Plens. 76 lin. ft. @ $ 5.00 $ 380.00 2. Furnish end Install 12" R.C.P. Catch Basin Leads not shown � on the Plens. � 116 lin. f t. @ $ 5.75 667.00 3. Furnish and Install A & B Casting Sets not called for on , the Plans. 3 sets @ $ 57.60 172.80 4. Furnish and Install E & F Casting Sets not called for on the Plans. � 5 sets @ $ 50.40 252.00 5. Furnish and Install 24" R.C.P. Pipe Arch at Oxford and Selby instead of 18" R.C.P. called for on the Plans. 82 lin. ft. @ $ 5.00 410.00 6. Constructed two additional Type IV manholes not shown on the Plans. 2 @ $375.00 750.00 7. Form and pot�r concrete piers under pipe at Marshall and Oxford at 12" water main crossing. . Materisls and Labor 100.00 � 8. Removing end replacing concrete base and asphelt surfece . • due to chanRes in catch basin leads, side inlet leads and utility conflicts not shown on the Plens. . a. Remove pavement 172 sq. yds. @ $ 1.60 $ 275.20 b. Construct concrete base 236.8 sq. yds. @ $ 4.75 1124.80 c. Construct asphalt surface 56.3 ton @. $15.00 844.50 $2244.50 9. Tile sidewalk repleced with monolithic concrete on Dayton .�ve. and Lexington Pkwy. instead of asphalt as called .for on the Plans 2332 sq. ft. @ $ 0.55 $I282.60 . � 1524 sq. ft. @ $ 0.75 1143.00 ' $2425.60 . , ,, . ST. �+;•"I'i:0\Y fiILL RF.LIEF SEWER SYSTEM (Dayton-Milton) Contract Chan�e Avreement ho. 1 (Continued) 10. Remove and replace concrete curb on Dayton Ave. and Lexington . Pkwy. noC shown on the Plans. , , 180 lin. ft. @ $ 2.00 $ 360.00 11. Sod areas on Lexington Pkwy. due to senitary sewer offsets. 148 sq. yds. @ $ 0.80 118.40 12. Adjust casting on existing menhole at Lexington Pkwy. and � Laurel Ave. 1 @ $25.00 25.00 / 13. Filled cavity under the pavement .on Lexington Fkwy. at Dayton Ave. with sand. 14 ton @ $ 3.50 49.00 14. Reconstruct catch basins and eide inlets on Lexington Pkwy. � 8 lin. ft. @ $30.00 240.00 15. . Furnish and Install R.C.P. sewer bends due to sewer conflict. ' 34 lin. ft. @ $10.00 340.00 . 16. Construct sanitary sewer offsets of excessive length end � extending into the paved street on Lexington Pkwy. a. Furnish and install 6" cast iron pipe in boulevard erea 96 Lin. ft. @ $ 5.00 $ 480.00 b. Furnish and install 6" cast iron•pipe in street area 46 lin. f t. @ $15.00 690.00 $1170.00 Totel Additions = $9704.30 DEDUCTIONS ' Street restoration done by City Forces � $4848.83 Total Deduction = $4848.83 ' „ " NET TOTAL ADDITION TO CONTRACT - $4855.47 ' This additionel amount to be financed from Cepitol Improvement Bond Fund 9268-413. .