251196 � �51��s ORIOINALTO COUNCIL A'O. ��TY��uK CITY OF SAIN7 PAUL FILE �• APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 206 PRESENTED BY • �� � COMMISSIONE VIC�R � �•DF.aSCi� ���/��ATa l�iovember 6, 19 70 R E S O L V E D � THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. 0700-10 Salaries 500.00 r 0700-20 Contractual Services 400.00 0710-30 Commodities 100.00 0712-20 Contractual Services 1,200.00 0712-30 Commodities 600.00 0712-80 Capitoi Outlay 100.00 0713-20 Contractual Services 500.00 0718-100 Salaries 1,000.00 � 0719-20 Contractual Services 1,100.00 i 0730-100 Salaries 10,600.00 0730-20 Contractual Services 5,000.00 0730-30 Com�odities 1,500.00 0731-30 Commodities 500.00 0750-20 Contractual Services 1,000.00 0750-30 Commodities 100.00 12,100.00 12,100.00 YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS � � � 1��0 1 Butler ADOPTED BY THE COUNC �- -L9 • Carlson �QV 1 7 1'�� Levine APPROVED 19 IN FAVOR Meredith � Tr±desco � a "" R GAINST Sprafka COUNTERSIGNED BY CITV GOMPTqO LER MR. PRESIDENT �C8rC�1 �� �° 1970 � �� pUBLiSHED ��V 21 � f' � ". . .-- �-- ..--- , _ . . . . ' . • ���� )3o�ice � CI'�-1' C.� ST. FAUL CouncS.l F�.1:; ?�'o. �s tp . • 1fili�:��SGT1? .-, . Prir.�er - . COUI;CIL F�,SO?�t�rzo:� • a.9 - R�SOL�''�Dt t��at tr.a transfers Y�:i�;hin r��nds af tl:e vai,ious �it�* Dep4r�^ierts . •, • . . . . y • . � heretoforc a��z�cJed b;� �,Y:n Cit;.- �c:��ptrol].er, as such transfers of fut;�s as of NOV 1 7 1970a�.•e indica+ed in docw-:�nts attached hel,eto and made a part l��reof by �eference, as fu113- as if the �s�ne Y�ere �e�; forth fuLy ar.d ce;:�ple�e:ly h�reir�, .��._..._ - are he��eby approved, co�ies of t!�e aforementioned also bain� an file �.n the of.- fiee of the City Clark and in �;h� cf.fa_ce o� the City Cc�p�;roll.er. . AdoPted Uy tl�e Council�Q� 1�7 19�� �9� . • Cit.y C canpi;�o�1er � �1�1� � 7 1�10 � A�roved ' 1�� By �