251190 Oristnai to City Clerk • ORDINANCE � �p 2 �.� COUNCIL FILE NO — PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Rn ordina�ce ��nding �rdinance ATo. 6446, entitled: "An �dministrat3.ne ordinance fixing the compenaation rates of e�rtain city pc�sitic�: and �nplo�nents, " �pproned �auluary 2 3, 192 5, as amendec�. �\ THE CDIIN�TL ��' �8� �ITY OF 3ATb� PAUL DOE� �RDAT�s ` Seetion 1. That prdinanc� �io. �446, approved danuary 23, 1925, as amend�d, be and the sa�me is h�reby f�rther �e�ded by striking o�t of 3e�tion V, where they appear �ad�r th� heading Clerical c�roup, in the indieated grades, th� following t3tl��s �rade Assignment Clerk 32 �epaty Clerk--M�ni�ipal Court 36 Senior Deputy Clerk--Municipal Court 38 �d b� ins�rting in said�3eetian, cu�der the headittg �l�rical mronp, in the indic�ted grades, the following titless (3rad� Assignment C1erk 34 Deputy Clerk--Mnnicipal Court 37 Senior D�pntp Clerk--�+ianicip�l Court 39 Court Ad�ainistr�tor 44 . Clerk--Munieip�l Court 48 " ��ction 2. This ordin�nce shall ��ls� •ffect and be in foree on the fir�t day of tl�e firat f�ll payroll period �fte= D�ce�aber 31, 1970. �--- DEC i l'70 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler °� Carlson � Tn Favor Levine � Meredith �' C7' Against Sprafka T���° pEC 11910 r. President (McCarty) A rove A tegt: C' Clerk Mayor �� � . Form approved Corpor��ion Counsel By PUBLISHED ��� 51�70 MUNICIPAL COURT SAINT PAUL J. CLIFFORD JANES JUDGE November 9, 1970 The Honorable Charles P. McCarty Mayor of the City of St . Paul and Members of the City Council Dear Sirs: As your records will indicate, the budget for 1971 as prepared by the City Comptroller and as approved by you, provides for a pay scale in a grade shown below for the persons in our Clerk of Court' s Office holding the positions as indicated: Grade Assignment Clerk 34 Deputy Clerk--Municipal Court 37 Senior Deputy Clerk- -Municipal Court 39 Court Administrator 44 Clerk--Municipal Court 48 You will note too that the budget indicates that such would be presented for action by ordinance in accordance with the provisions of the budget_and as indicated above . It is urged and requested that an ordinance be adopted to accomplish the establishment in the grades so indicated for the offices referred to. Perpetually increasing busi- ness of this Court has increased the responsibilities of the offices shown and has created the need for the Court Admini- strator as indicated. Yours very truly, � � Chief CJ/dc i�dov. 1�,1 1�3'�C� � � t ! if � 1 _.—.---�_�__._._� i ..,_�--.--��-_.��._�...�,�'� �rr. Joh n ti��,i dE �,---�. �,`}, .�` `°rt ;.�13'E?C�O'`" G'�` k�PT'SOCIX:E.'1. i� ..✓� =� �i �';:�.Vg'I `"�L?2`v1C@ �UTeBLi � • / ,� . `�:\` �`,� �.7?�.Y' �1.T". �, j' �,,�; `�'!�,� Cit,y ��uneil toc?a,,l,�a�+e---��.r�V fte�c1''�i� �� Cvu*�ci1 Fa�.P ;,'i�. ?511�0� +��!��nai��g Cma. :tr�. ���-��;��;�,lar�,� �C�s°�i.n€�n`�,er ��ri!aY� rc�ference t.a cc:rva.�n 't'.i.f;?_�'� 7.?1 1��Lk17.Cl�c"3,� +(�".,93LLY"�%• �.��611� .�nr�nce W1�.1 COCI@ lI�'? i0::` `i�1?..;°^�. Readi::l„ on ido�,rerr:ber �?_�+, ��`r'0. ��. _ �l``�1'� �/J/�'� Very �rul:� yours, - i�_ _ '��`. ..._.�— r' �_— _ �-�__l--. %,�' l ;% '�1 � � � f � ��� �� City C1erk n LY 4 .Y.� �\`.,,'` f,�,+' 4•.,.`"^�w,..,..,_�..---''�O � i � �S� � I � �� � � 2nd �/n't`7 Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted /'"� Yeas Neys Yeas Nays Butler �Butler Carlson �arlson Levine • 251���evine Meredith \Meredith Sprafka � \Sprafka Tedesco \ Tedesco � Mr. President McCarty `Mr. President McCarty O