251183 OR161�L TO CITY CL6RK 251��3 CITY OF ST. PAUL HLENC,� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RES UT N—GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul, pursuant to Council File 250889 has entered into an agreement with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul whereby the city will furnish certain additional police services in mutually-agreed urban renewal project areas; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has agreed to reimburse the City for this additional police service, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City establish a special revenue fund to be known � as the "H.R.A. Additional Police Fund." All expenses incurred by the City in furnishing this additional service shall be disbursed from this fund and all �eceipts from the Housing and Redevelopc�ent Authority shall be deposited in this fund; and further be it RESOLVED, that the City Comptroller shall assign a fund number. FpR APPROVE , Corporati u NOV 13 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya �QV 1 3 1�7D Butler Carlson Ap ve 19— Levine �In Favor -�ereciirti�� � �� A gainst Tedeaco 1vlr. President, 1vlcCarty �UBUSHfD NQV 21 1970 �� DUVL�AIT[TO rRIN'RR . �j51�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNa� � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRe��c.r COMMISSION@� DATE �A=, th� City of St. Pavl, purswat to Co�mcil lils 2SOS89 has ��ttsral into �n +asrarnt Mith tlu Sousin� aad �edswlopwieat Aut6ority o! tl�r CitX of St. Paul �rsby ths city �rill turni�h certaia additional polics a�rvicas ia �twllyags�e�d us�ban nnswal pro�sct arsaa; �d i1��A8, tlr Howia� aad �d�wlop�tnt Authoxity hsa agrs�d to rii�bur�a ths City !or this additional palic� Nrvict, thszafora bs it �'iSOI.tRD, that tlra Cltp eatabliah a spscial ssv�enw i`und to bs knoNn � as tha "H.R.A, Additiautl Polic� Fund." All incpsn�ss incwcrsd by ths Cit� in furnis!►tng this �dditiow�l Nrvics shall ba disbarssd lrom this fund aad all rac�ipta fsa� tha HQwing �4d �adawlop�ent Autbority ahall ba d�poait�d ia lhis i`tm�d; and l�ucth�r be it �SOLViD, t6at ths City Cosptrollsr shall aasign a fund aua�ber. . NC�V 13 1'7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by tbe Counc� 19.— Yeas Nays Bu�� NOV l 3 1970 Carlson � Appro� 19_ Levine Tr Favor �� � � �� A a0A;71Rt Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty a��.