251182 / OR161NAL TO +ITY CL6RK � a 251����2 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO — , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MMISS ONE ��ert F. S rafka Co ssioner vf blic rks ATF Nov. 12. 1970 W�ereaa, It has been found necessary to chaage, mi/dify and amend certatia portioas oE the plans aa,d specifications heret�fare approved for tke proposed improvement of fllt�i�ND PA�1AY fro� Clevelaad Aveaue to Snelling Aveauc (City Pro3ect No, P-0502) as approved povember 3, 1970 by Council 8esslutio� C.F. po. 251048, no� therefore upon the recommnendation of the Co�eissioner of Public Works, be it $esolved, that the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as approved bq the Council, be and the same are hereby chaaged, modified and amended in sccordance with Addendum I�o. 1 Nhich is attached to and a�ade a part of this Resi�lutio� a�nd of the afurementioaed plans aad specifications, and that ft►rther, all intereeted parties be notified of this Addendum. . ' f :, F :1 ".) � , . � ;.:.f i_ . r_:.n 4� � ��' C� i � t rJ � _' , C• ����: N0� 13 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas Nays Butler �� 1 3 �'�0 Carlson Ap 19� i Levine �n Favor —�� CJ r �� A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �UBLISHfD NOV 211970 �� . , ��� ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTHBNT OF P�IBLIC WORKS Bitnmincius Overlay of HI(�LAND PARI�IAY frcym Cleveland Aveaue to Snelling Avenue (City Project No. P-0502}. ADDENDUM N0. 1 Tt►e nnit shown oa the Proposal Form for Item Ato. 2357.502, Bitneainous Naterial for Tack Coat, is hereby changed from "ton" to pgallon." C ' CLT/gb Nov. 12, 1970 /�' I DU*I.ICAT[7'O lRfM1�R ��.i�����I . ... • ' • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� �� '� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fl+� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMI�SSIONER ���� r• $�1'i�� �1l�.OMl' O� ��1�@ �02'k! eA��ov_14� 19yD i' i�sr�as, it hs• ba�ne �oaed o�aeasasp to cha�p, �lif� +ia�d aaiwd f certaia portioas o� t1►� �laas aad sp�citication� h�s�toloyn a�=av�d fos th� pr�o�id i�sohrrrdt of BIf�LAND tA�111T iro� �1�►�laud wv�aw to Sn�ilia� Av�nw (Cit� tro��ct No. !-OS02) as appro�nd N��s 3, 1970 by Cewvcil d�wlntion C.l. !o, 251048, no�r th�stiors npon ths s�co�eddatios of ttka Go��sioa�s �! lntilia iloslc�, be :t Maol��d, tl�a! th� plaaa a�ui spacitieatio�� !os th� a�ove ws�d ia�rova�at, a• app�rn►ad b� th� �ouncil� b� and ths saa� ars h�raby abaupd, �sdifi�d and �rnd�d ia aQeos+d�naa nith A�dd� 110: 1 Mhich is attach�d to and �de a part o� t61a R�s�1�Lioa an�i ot ths aforawntion�d plasa and ,�prci�i�ationa. and tbat larth�r, all interestRd purriea hp �ct±.�:.�d af .his Addaite2�. C' � � Np� 13 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cottncil 19—. Yeaa Nays Bu�� Nov � 3 ��a Carlaon Approv� 19� Levine �Tn Favor � �� �yor A�;r�t Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� . . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � Bituminous Overlay of HIGHLAND PARKWAY from Cleveland Avenue to Snelling Avenue (City Project No. P-0502). ADDENDUM N0. 1 T'he unit shown on the Proposal Form for Item No. 2357.502, Bituminous Material for Tack Coat, is hereby changed from "ton" to "gallon." C ' CLT/gb • Nov. 12, 1970 0