251176 ORIGINAVTO CITY CL6RK �J1� '�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �°NC1L NO. �' ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMIS910NER xobert F. Sprnfka DATF i�E�EEAS� In the mstter of Comptrollar's Contra►ct L-6978 fc�r Grading and Faving the RIVSRVIBii INDUSTRIAL PROJECT, City Froj�ct No. F-0493, Ashbsch Construction Corpanq, Cor�traetor, the specifidd date of cospletion is Novesber 30, 1969, and NHBRBAS, The Contractor has prosecnted the w�rk diligently but due to conditions beyvnd the Contractor's control it Wss not possible to complete the contract by said date of co�pletion, therefore be it R&SOLVBD, That th� proper City Officigls be and theq are hereby authcrized and directed to euecute an a�aenciment to said contract extending the tise of co,- pletion to Decesber 6, 1969, provided however, that this resolntion shall have �N(� no force or effect unless the sureties on the Coatractorts bond oonsent thereto iyr� � and file sueh consent in Fniting with the City Comptroller, a�d be it FURTHER R�SOLVBD! That the City of Saint gaul hereby wsives all clai.s for liqnidated daaages and thst no engineering and in:pection costs on this prcject will be chsrged to the Contractor for such extended period. �ORM PR E rpor t� ° sei A NOV 13 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y� xan NOV 1 3 197'� Butler Caxlson e� 19— Levine �n Favor r,r,..�,.a:�1, �z�zci ccrroa-+ q�a+�A � ayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty �ueus�t�� NpV 211970 �� curucw,R�ro�wnttR ` CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� N0. 251�'76 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�.OMMI�SSIONF• Rob�rt !• SQraf ka p�,x 1iNERSAB. In tl�e utt�r of Co�ptroll�r's Contract L-6978 for Grading and Ya�ius tba RIVSRV2tit INDUSTRIAL YROJECT, City Fro��ct i1o. �-Ofi93. Ashbscb GonstructioA Co�pary, Contraator, t� apeaified dat� of c�pletion is l�ovab�r 30. 1969, and �iNE1tEA8, Tb� Contraator ha� proa�cbt�d tl�e work dilis�ntly bat due t0 canditions beYoeul th� Cs�tractor's cont�Col i� ws not pcssible to co�plat� tla contract by .aie date ot cowpl�tion. ther�lore be it RESOLVED. Tbat tbe prop�r City Officials b� and they are hereby avtbori�d and directed to �cecnte aa aMnd�t to ssid oontract �ztet�din� the tine of c�- � pl�tio� to D��s 6, 19�9.`'prarid�d lto�r�r,� t�at this r�sol�tioA sball 4sw no �osc� or �t��et �el��a t� sar�ti�s o�a tia Coatractvr•s bond aons�t tlrr�to and !il• such coas�nt it� NriCing �rith th� Cit� Co�ptroll�r. � h� it FURT8�1t RESOLV�'1, Tl�at Clu� Citr of �aint t�l h�s�by wiv�s �11 claia for liqaidat�d d�waps aad tbat iq engi�rinS and insp�cti.o�e �ata on this pro��ct �+ill b� char�ed to tb� Contractor tor such�actand�d p�riod. IVUV l 3 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc;� 19— Yeas Naye Np� 13 197 0 Butler Carlson � Approv� 19_ Le°me Tn Favar � � May�or - A�inst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ��