251168 ORIGtNAL TO CITY CLlRK �51���8 " CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL R LU ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco November 12, 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF WHER�AS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul is infor�ned by the City Architect that the vacant and open buildings located at: 570 Iglehart -in the City of Saint Paul are a proximate hazard to the public health, vaeifare and s afety; and WHEREAS, the last known record o�vners of said property are: A1 Michals ki -2nd said o�vners have failed to secur.e the same against entry by unauthorized versoz?� in violation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paul Legisl.ativ:. Code, and said vacant and open buildings have been £ounc? and Geterrr�iized b�T the Council of Lhe City of Saint Paul to constitute a menace to the public heatth, welfare and safety and a public nuisance which mu.st be iix?mediatel.y abated L-o prevent loss ot l.ife or pro��erty; now, therefore be it R.�SOL-Vr�I:), that tize Gity Architect is a.uthorizeci nnct dir�cted to immecla.ately secure said buildi.zgs 'py 1:he use o� co��tra�_t labor under Contraci: No. 735�3 Pending p-roceedings under the f-iazardous Buil.din�;s L�ct; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expense of securing su�r� i�uildings bP paid from Fund No. 097�-269, 5ummary .nbateinent, ai�d tnat the ��orporation Counsel be di.rected t� take appropriate action to �•eimburse saici fund by acEion against the owner of said propexty. Estimated cost: $47. 52. NOV � 2�1�7#! COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Nays �� , � �ga�, Butler _ _'u��. ve� 19` � Levine ` s�In Favor rRo,.,.a;�i. ��oa � Sprafka . � yor � A gainst Tedesco ' - Mr. President, McCarty � . . PUBLISHED NOV 21 1970 �