03-386,�l�. �i�fl� � f a ! � t City of St . Paul COUNCIL LE N. �3 •��'(e - RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND By •` � �� FIXING TIME OF H$ARING THEREON File No. 02WALKS2 Assessment No._0744 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for Sidewalk Reconstruction (WOrk already done) (See attached) Preliminary Order:01-785,02-282,02-385,02-387, approved:August 1,2001, April 3,2002 02-388,02-476,02-486, May 1, 2002, June 5,2002,July 10, 02-623 2002 Final Order O1-905,02-386,02-454,02-455,02-456, approved:August 22,2001, April 24, 02-457,02-581,02-582,02-679. 2002, May 22,2002, June 26,2002, 02-679 July 24, 2002 T The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RSSOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 2Sth day of Mav, 2003 at the hour of 5:30 P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Yeas Nays ✓Benanav {��j�<..t B 1 akey i/Bostrom ✓Coleman �Iarris ,�antry �ueiter � In Favor Q Against t �QY.,� Adopted by the Council : Date ��, \� � o q3 Certified Passed by Council Secretary Fl � EK 03 —��� S02014 - Both sides ELEANOR AVENITE from South Syndicate Street to South Griggs Street. 502015 - Both sides HARTFORD AVENUE from South Hamline Avenue to South Syndicate Street. S02016 - North side HIGHLAND PARKWAY from South Albert Street to South Hamline Avenue. 502017 - Both sides JAMES AVENUE from Davern Street to Macalester Street. 502018 - Both sides JAMES AVENUE from Macalester Street to South Snelling Avenue. 502019 - Both sides JAMES AVENUE from South Prior Avenue to South Howell Street. S02020 - Both sides WELLESLEY AVENUE from South Albert Street to South Hamline Avenue. S02027 - Both sides KENNARD STREET from East Idaho Avenue to East Larpenteur Avenue. 502039 - Both sides BAYARD AVENUE from South Albert Street to South Hamline Avenue. 502065 - South side SUMMIT AVENUE from South Fairview Avenue to South Wheeler Street. 502072 - Both sides WELLESLEY AVENUE from South Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Street. S02073 - East side PAYNE AVENUE from Case Avenue to Jenks Avenue at 990 PAI'NE AVENUE Only. S02076 - Both sides EAST COTTAGE AVENUE from Arcade Street to Mendota Street & West Side MENDOTA STREET from East Cottage Avenue to Sherwood Avenue. S02077 - Both sides EAST IVI' AVENUE from Hazelwood Street to Germain Street. S02078 - Both sides EAST IVY AVENUE from Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue. S02079 - Both sides EAST IVY AVENUE from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Street. S02080 - Both sides EAST IVY AVENUE from Ruth Street to Hyacinth Avenue. 63 -��� 502083 - Both sides SIMS AVENUE from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street & West side VAN DYKE STREET from York Avenue to Sims Avenue. 502085 - Both sides EAST ARLINGTON AVENUE from Hazel Street to Fumess Parkway. S02088 - Both sides SOUTH CRETIN AVENUE from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Avenue & West Side WATSON AVENUE from South Cretin Avenue to South Cleveland Avenue. 502097 - Both sides EAST IVY AVENUE from Prosperity Avenue to Hazelwood Avenue. 502098 - East side HAZEL STREET from Sherwood Avenue to East Arlington Avenue. 502099 - Both sides CLEAR AVENUE from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Street. S02108 - East side SOUTH CLEVELAND AVENUE from Berkeley Avenue to St Clair Avenue. S02117 - Both sides EARL STREET from East Cook Avenue to East Magnolia Avenue. S02118 - Both sides EARL STREET from Sims Avenue to Case Avenue. S02ll9 - Both sides EAST GERANIUM AVENUE from Greenbrier Street to Walsh Street. S02120 - Both sides EAST JESSAMINE AVENUE from Earl Street to Frank Street. 502122 - Both sides STILLWATER AVENUE from Van Dyke Street to North Hazel Street. SO1101 - Both sides JEFF'ERSON AVENUE from South Hamline Avenue to South Syndicate Street & East side SOUTH HAMLINE AVENUE from Jefferson Avenue to Wellesley Avenue. P�6(�� I f� ►� � �f � � � ' ��; `� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: March 31, 2003 Green Sheet Number: 113019 on[actPersonandPhoneNumber: EPARTD7EhTIDRECTOR C[IYCOGNCIL Peter White 266-8850 �^7T°'i'`EY CIYCLERK ����� �/ �v /y� BUDGETDIRECTOR FFICEOFFI\AVCIALSVCS. �tust be on Council A enda b�: C ' `���� O B } � 2 fAYOR(ORASSISTAN'n 1 OU\CtLRESEARCN / OTAL # OF SIGNATURE AGES l (CLIP ACL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRE) CTIO� REQUESTED: _ Setting date of public hearing for the ratification of assessments for sidewalk improvements in various ' locations throughout the city. �:� r��.��<-��: w,..�zv> �t.�e _.. File No. 02WALKS2 ASSESSMENT NO. 0744 3 s. � ;; 4sv� RECO)1�1EilDA7lOtiS:APPROVE(A)ORREJECT(R) pERSONALSERVICEC01'IRACTSh�LSTAIS�VERTHEFOLLOWI\G: 1. Has [he persodfirm ever worked under a contract Cor this department? 1'ES NO PLASYISGCOM1iM155104 A STAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a Ci[y empioyee? -" � � yES NO ava scav�ce co.n�issiox . Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any YES NO curren[ City employee? CIBCObIS11lTEE - Ex Iain all YES answers on a se ara[e sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUICIL OBJECTIVE? Nel hborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S) �� DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL e INITIATINC PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (��"ho, Nhat, Nhen, Where, Why?): Projects are completed. Ratification is necessary to begin to collect assessments to help pay for the projects. DVAnTAGESIFAPPROVED: Same as above. ISADVAnTAGES IF APPROVED: BeneStted property owners have assessments payable via property taxes. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: To not assess tlie benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. OTAL AMOUNT OFTRAI�'SACCION: $ 2(7S�SSZ4Z COST/REVE\UE BUDCETED (CIRCLE ONE) 1'ES NO $147,684.71 PIA2002 A�T�v�rYno��eeR: $117,902.71 ASSESSMENTS FU\DIVG SOURCE: F[\ANCIAL I\FORMATION: (EXPLAIN)