251159 ORIGINAL TQ CITY CLERK �51��9 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE ND'• ° — U L SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 ON E DATF WHE�EAS, the Council of the City of St. Panl, by ordinance 232974, has established the procedure to be used in conducting a Dutch elm disease control prograxn for the City of St. Paul, and under such control program has listed those things determined to be a publi� nui- sance when found within the City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the City Forester has indicated that conditions exist on the followin� properties tha.t he believes to be a public nuisances � Miscellaneous Conditions • Makens Fabricating Co. 15 positive Dutch elm diseased 9� Tony F. Hampton trees, and approximately 230 dead 1645 8ed 8ock &oad and/or dqi�ag e1m trees, all trees St. Paul, Minn. g5119 marked with red pain�. North Star Steel Co. 33 positive Dutch e1m diseased � James Conway trees, and 78 dead and/or dying 1400 8ed Rock �oad e1m trees; all marked with red St. Pau1, Minn. 55119 paint. Chicago-Milwaukee xailroad 11 dead and/or dying elm trees in Hoom 10, Milwaukee Depot Pig! s Eye Lake 14rea; trees marked Minneapolis, Ninn. with red paint. Metro Sewer Board Approximately 554 dead and/or dy- � George Luscher ing elm trees on Sewage Dispotal 900 Capitol Square B1dg. �Plant properties; all trees have St. Paul, Minn. 55101 been mmrked with red paint. St. Paul Port Authority Approximately 126 dead and/or dy- � Greg Beckett in� elar trees located in the Red 8ock 1130 Minnesota B1dg. -�hilds 8oad area. Approximately St. Paul, Minn. 55101 11�8 dead and/or dying el� trees on property south of Shepard Road and east of Highway 3,5E. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Spr�fka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. a�'���9 �' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --� ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Miscellaneous Condition+� Mr. (�eorge V. I,oss 1 ft. stump from positive Dutch 687 Eldridge Elm tree, on property between 693- St. Paul, Minn. 5g113 699 Jackson; stump must �ti11 be stripped. Mr. �ialter Kossner Elm br�zsh piles in back yard and 1201 Edgerton St. at side of house, at property at St. Paul, Minn. 55101 1472 T�;dgerton St. Paul Park Dept. 354 dead ane�/or dyir�g e1m trees (remo��l work has started) in Crosby Lake Park area. � , � 25 dead and/or dying �lm trees in !s � the Hidden Falls Park area. � � � 0 � > � �� � �- � NOW THEREF08E, BE IT xESOLVED, that the conditions describeci by ¢ the City Forester on the above noted properties be declared a publie `� � nuisance and the City Forester is hereby authorized and directed to send `b�� out the proper notices and cause the nuisances to be abated, in accor- dance with procedures established in Section 5 of Ordinance 23297�+• COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council NOV 1 2 ��19_ Yeas gutler Nays ��� NIE�V 12 1'7�D ��ish APP 19— ne --- ��'��' � Tn Favor P�e�so�- ayor Sprafku �Against Tedesco Mr. President, B��e- 1�cGaxty ��s�EO NOV 2119T0 0 � .. DUPLICATE ti'O PRINTER �"�P,��,�v CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WH�i.�;:`��;, the Gau.lcil of tlie City of St. �'aul, by ordin�nce 2'�971f, h�-_s e�tnblishcd the �ract�ure to be used in conducting a Dutciz �Ir,� diset��se control pro�ram for the City of St. P�ul, and uncler sucli coY:trol �;�ro�;r��.r:: h��,� 1i,ted thc�se thing� aetermined to be a public nui- sr:nce ��1�en fOLl?.C1 l;i�,;l,;.i� the City o� St. Patzl; and WH2;R}�,1'�.%;, the Ci�;,y� .'.'oresi;cr �ias izzdicated that conditions exist on the follo�rin�, properties th�t he beliPVe: to be a public nui:�ance: T�iiscellaneou� Conditi.on.� N�:kens T'abricatin� Co. 15 positi.ve Dutch elm diseased � '.I'ony F. :�ampto� trees, and approximatQly 230 dead 16�5 R�d Roc�c Reac? �.nd/or d;�in� elrn trees, all trees St. Paul, Minn. 55119 m�rlied t.�rith red paint. North Star Stee1 Ca. >3 positiv� Dutch elm diseased ;� Jartes Cozi:���ay trees, and 78 dead ancl/or dying 11f00 R�d Rock Raad elm trees; all mArked urith red St. Paul, P�Iinn. 551].9 paint. Chica�o-t�Iilwaukee i2ailroad 11 dead and/or dying elm trees in Roon 10, t�iilwaukee Dcpo� Pig:'_s �are I,ake Area; tree� marked Minneapolis, riinr_. �aith red p«int. Pietro SekYer Board Appraximately 55�+ dead a.nd/or dy- $� Gearge Luscher in� elm tree^ on S<wa�e Dispata]. 900 C,a.pitol Squar.e Bld�;. Pl�.nt properties; all trees have St. i�Gul, tiinn. 55101 been marked uaith red paint. St. F'aul Fort Authorit� Approximately 126 c�e�d and/or d�- o �r�� B�:ckett in� elm trees located in the Red P.ock 11�0 ��'innesotr� B1d�. -Childs Ror�d area. Ap�roxim�.tely St. -a.uZ, I�1a.nn. 55101 1108 dead �nd/or dyin� elm trees on property south of Shepzrc� Ro�ci �r_c esst of High��r€y �SE. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith 7n Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O � �,,> r- � , .7 DUPLICATE YO PRINTER � ���.4�'� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 O N ER DATF T�iiscellaneous Conciitians P�,'r°. t�eor;�e �r. I�o^s 1 `'t. ^t;umn fr�m positiv� Dutcil 6t�7 �,1d.-�ic?ue Elm tree, on propez°ty bet�aeen 695- St. F'�ul, r"inn. ��11.� 699 Jackson; stump must still be s�ri�l�e�.�. Mr. G•�a1te�� F�os:�7�er Zlm brush piles in b�cl_ y�.rc? �;,x�d l?n1 rc?gertor. St. �lt si�e o� IZeuse, �:..t ��;:operty at S±. ;�.ti1, P1ir.i�, �5io:�. 147� Ed�erton St. Paul Pax�: �e�t. 354 dead �nd/or dying elm trees . rer�o��1 ��ork 1��..� :tartedl in Cro:by L€���e P�.rk n.re�_. 25 de�zc? �n�/or dyin.� elm trees ixr the Hidden Falls PArk �rer�. NO�:' TH�REFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED, th�t the conditions deacri.bed b�l the City �'arester on the above noted propertie� �ie d.eclared a public nuisance and the City E'oxester is hereby AU.�YlOT•i��ed �;nd directed to ^ez�d out th.e proper notices and cause the nuisances to be �bated, in Accor-- dance wi�::1 ��roceclures estAblished in Section � of Or.dinunce 23297�4. .�) _ . i � - i �;�� u n ��>;�;;� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���g� � �, ,,�a�' �u ler �n.,�n� � Approved 19_ 1--�---�-_"-�- � Tn Favor P�e� ,-7 Sprafku (.,.� Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, ��McCarty O