251157 •�QR!.4INA%'1�1 CITY CL6RK ��1 ��� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa 1 , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H�E NO. OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED� Tha.t t proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul Joint Powers Agreement between the City and County of Ramsey, said Agreement pertaining to the joint operation of a Microfi�$n.g, Reproduction and Data Processing Program for the City and County, to be carried on under the supervision and control of a Joint City-County Department to be known as the Joint City-County Services Department, which Agree- m�nt supersedes the previous Joint Services Agreement dated August 30y' 1965. FOR�v!�14PPROVE � s . Corpora i i Np� 12 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naye Butler � 1 2 '���fl � rove� 19— Levine ".�n Favor i Sprafka v yor Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty PtiBLISHED �Qy 21 �910 � . � ��� � , �� . . � ��;�� /�G�T�;i;�iT:'�'f.' TIiIS AGRL'El1i?I�T, T1ade a�zd e�:1tcLed into by and l�etween the City of Saint Paul, thxough act:i_on of �_ts Council, hereinafter referred� . to as Lhe City, and The Count}T of Pamsey, acting by and through its Board of Commissioners , hereinafter referred to as the County9 Uoth acting pursuant to the pi-avisioris of l�linnesoi�a Statutes, Section 471. 59 , _ WITNESSETH: jdHrREASs The City and the County each have the responsiuility and authority, puxsuant to rlinnesota Statutes, to provide for neces•- sary and proper record l�eeping, ancl for the preser_vation, custody . an.d control of nany and varied pvblic docutr�ents and recordss and Y,�HE):�AS, Pu-r�uazzt to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, the City and th�e Count�= have t11e necessary legal a�uthority f_or_ tra»s- ferring records and public documents to microfilm, and taking neces- sary action i�o destr.oy tl.�e ori_ginaJ_ documents �_i�volved, and WH�REAS , The City and County� throu�,li vari.ous departmenLs , a�-e presently engaged in Progr_ams of microfilming ceri�ain public r�cords • , and documents and destro�Ting the originals i�he�-eaf, pur.suant to statuto-ry authority, and [��H�R�AS , Ther_e is a need for the space which can be saved t"hrough Lhe imple�entation of_ a microfilming progr_�m, together �vith an increase in the security pxecautions �ahich result from proper microfilming, sto-rage a11d recording of public docutnents, and WHL:REAS , Tl�e City and Gounty through variaus departments are prese��i�1y enga�c�d iiz programs o� reproduction of records and docu- ments, plzzsua»t to statui�or.y au;�hority and City Charter, and C�1I1LR��1S , r.fl.ie Cii�y and Courzty, t=hrou�li ��arious departments are pr.es��n;.7_�� e��g��gc��' :in �r.o�rams of cla.ta proeessin�; pur.suant to st;aLut.c>r_y aut.hc�r:Lty and City Cl-�arter, and � WHEREAS, Efficiency. in operation at the seat of the government of the City and the County will be improved and enhanced by the com- � bined operations for microfilming and record keeping and storage, the reproduction of records and documents, and data processing; NOW, THEREFORE, By mutu.a.l agreement of the Parties hereto, act- ing by and through their respective governing bodies as aforesaid, the following Agreement is entered into and made effective as follows : l. A microfilming, a reproduction, and a data processing pro- gram of the City and County sha11 be carried on under the supervision and control of a joint City-County department to be known and de- scribed officially as the Joint City-County Services Department. 2 . The operation, supervision, and control of the Joint City- County Services Department shall be under a committee composed of the Ma.yor, the County Auditor, and the City Comptroller. 3. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Committee: a. To employ the necessary personnel for the operation of the Joint City-County Services Department, under the classified Civil Service of the County of Ramsey, and subject to all laws and rules and regulations prescribed for the classified Civil Service of the County, and the supervision and employment of personnel for the department shall be in accordance with such laws and regulations. b. To develop and promulgate rules for the purchase and use of microfilm equipment and supplies, including reading, printing and camera machines and necessary film, reproduction equipment and supplies, and data processing equipment and supplies by City and County Departments . c. To recommend policy of the department subject to approval by the governing body so that an efficient and effective establishment and operation is conducted for a 2 . . joint Cii�}T-County m_i_crof.ilnu_�z�, rel�roducLion, and daLa processing Probrarn; i_ncludi�.zg l�uL not litnited to tlze establishmenL of crit�ria for detertnitlat:ion of what material sl-�ould be reduced to m:i.cro�film consistent with exisi�ing la�4js and the de�=e7_opmc�nt of an integrated data processing system. d. To assist and cooperate with departments in both the City and County governmcn� in deve.loping record man- agem�ni� studies and surveys , to the end that proper and efficient methods of record keeping and i.ndexing and con- trol is e�ercised over the public document;s , instruments and other records of the various Cit�T and County depari�- ments, including but� not limii�ed to the use of microfilming, reproduction, and data processing techniques and equiPment. e . To recomme�zd p�-ograms to the City Council, County . Board, and depari�ments for the pur_clzase of micro�ilm, : re- production a�zcl data pr.ocessing equipment and supplies proposed to be used by City or County depar_tmen.ts to assure f compati.bi.lity wherevex possible . f . To provic3e microfilm, reproduction, and data pro- cessing services to gover_nmental agencies, subdivisions or ui-�its of government operating in Ramsey County upon su.ch terms and coTZditions as the supervisory committee may � determine . g. To request legal services irom either the County Attorney or the Coxporation Counsel: or both; and both such ; offices are authorized to furnish such service. � h. Pursuant to the provisions of Mi�znesota Si.atutes, F E Section 1_38 . 1_7, to provide for the storage of security coPies i � 3. � . . : � of records out�s:ide i�l�c nucicr_tr Lar.�et area of Metropoli_tan Saint Paul . 4. a. It is a�re�d tlaat i�he I�robram f_or_ the operation of the Joi.nt City-Couni�y Se-rvices Department and the activities o� the . supervisory committee shal7_ be financed and pai_d for on a basis of one-half of the expense to be contr.ibut;ed by each, the City and the County. An annual budget ���ill b� prepared and proposed by the supervisory comma_ttee and submitted t�o the City Council and the County Board in time annually for revie�a and action. b. The committee s}�all have i�he authority and responsi- bility to establish a fee schedule for services to various depart- ments of the City and County to provide for payment i'rom the various departmelzts for the services rendered . Service may be performed for any department, bureau, board, commi_t,tee , commission or authority financed by t�he Cit�T or County or the City and County joini�ly. �n establishing this f_ee schedule the com,-nittee �ail1 be guided by the principle that, 'as near as may be practical, the charge to each de� partment for microfilming, reproduction and data processing services shall reflect the actual cost of performing the service b5T ��C� F.Toint Cii�y-County Services �Department. No provision shall be made for capital investmeni� . However, the charge sha11 be based upon a re- turn of current operating expense for the department. The charge, when made, shall be certified to Lhe department head concerned, ai�d payment� shall Ue n�de as claims against the City and County depart- ments are normal]_y pi�ocessed and paid . Charges may be made agaiizst departments on a varying basis �ahen zn the judgment of the comrnittee the �Tariance is jusLified l�y any unique or nonstandarci c'ircumstances . c. The accounting Lor tlle dePari�ment sha]_1 be by the County Audito-r . Charges a�;a_�_lzst the departme��L Uudgei� shall be Paid inii�iall_y by L}�e Couizt�y, and all. bi].lings �aill be on a monthly basis . i � 4 . + � . - .• � ., _ . . , . ReceiPts shall Ue p�id to tl�e Cc�unCy Ta-easur�r. 5 . In the etTent it is the determi.nation of_ either Party that � a��y of the activii�ies desc�-ived Izc�rei�z shall cease to be a combined function of_ this departi;ient, i�he vaJ_ue of equipment �nd supplies shall be mutually agr�ed by the Cii�y Council and County Board, and the governmental unit continuing to use such service Uy this depart- ment shall reimburse th.e other �over_nmeni�a.l unit for its SO% share. 6 . It shall be the duty and responsibility of the superv�_sory coirti-nittee to recommend necessary legislation, if any is found �o be desirable, to the City CoUncil and the County I3oard £or consideration and suUmission to the Legislature in the regular 1_egislative program o f Lhe C i ty and C oun.t}T . 7 . This Agreement sha]_1 suPersede that certain Agreement en� tered into b�� and bett��een the Parties 1-iereto dated 30th day of August, 1965�. � THE COUNTY OF R�MSEY , � f C alrt?�a.n o _ Approved a_s to Form Board of CountyT Commissioners and E�ecution: � , ATTEST: ounty u li�or Asslsi�anL Couni�y Attorney THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL By ayo� ' Apl�roved as to F'orm - ' and �xecui:ion: :�ty erc � Countersigned i�his day of 1970. i pec.ta . nssisLant � Corpor��tion Counsel � i.Ly omptro. er. � � � . 5.