251142 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � � c� ' ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa /G5���2 ''' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�E NO. . COUNCIL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATE In t;�e :�iatter of hazardous buildin�;s beinq ihat sinqle famiiv Trame di�aellinn and gara�e icno�tim and described as 899 Ialehart Avenue in the Cit�� of Saint Paul and situated uaon those �remises legall.y describe� as Lot 12, Biock 1 , Fairhanks ��ddition to Saint Paul , accordin� to the piat on file and of record in the office of the "ec�ister of Ueeds in and for the County of P,amsey, S�ate cf i%;innesota. l!HEREAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. Pdo. �50�6_�7� � , a�proved ' �p tPmhpr 3R, �a7ri , a r.ubl i c heari ncr v��s dul�; e�ic o'n )ctober 14_-� �, ��ner_ 2l. 1�70� before the Council of the Citv of Sa7nt Pau�, sai nearing neri:aining to the conditit�n of tne str�rcture, located at �9y Iqlenart _r�ve�ue , Saint Paul , ��Sinnesota; and ��NCREA�, Upon the facts nresented at the s�id hearinn, consisting a� u1iOtGr,1^aiirl5, in5t�ection renarts and the reca^�?�endations ofi the Citv Architect, it i� fou►zd and deterr�ined 5v th� Cit,r Council that accordin� to the records and files in the office of the Re�ister of Deeds, the last record o�.�ner/py�r�l,�y�,� or the above-described nro�er�y is/yt� Harr>> Dori s and furl:her stat�s that !.�ial ter J. Dori s has an unkno��m interest in said property; and . !�!f{FR�'F�S, It is further determinnd that the abov�=dcscribed ,�t�l l i�n �,.n�r. nP consti tutes hazardous bui 1 di nqs 4��i thi n the defi- r�tian or r�;ins�esof.� Statu�e� aec�ion 463.15 for the follo�ti�ing r�asons: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine � __j� Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor � A gAiIISt Tedesco F RM APPF�OVED Mr. President, McCarty . Asst. Corporation Counset_ � �� . ,; . � , . � ��.���2 Fa�e 2. a. The di�aelling and qarane are standin� vacant, abandoned and are subject to beinn entered b!i unauthorized nersons; b. The exterior of the d�•�ell inn sho�.�s evidence of deca�r in the sidin� and the cornice. c. Tiie c�arage is in poor c�ndition �•rith the large doors bein� in a dilanidated c�ndition and nresents an attractive nuisance. d. The d��lellin� is unfit for human habitation in its nresent condition and the above corrections must '�e �ade in cor�nliance 4vith the �uil�inq Code and the Housin� Code of the Cit�� of Saint Paul in order to make the sar�e habitable; e. The d4�iellinr� constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the ;�ublic nealth, safet„✓ and ti�relfare because of its �h�,�sical dama�e, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK � �_j��� • - f ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ^'"" ,�• ' FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED !Y COMMISSIONEQ DATF D�no Z no4�, therefore, be i t P.�SULUED, That in accordance ti�ith �linn�sota Statutes Sections 463.15 through 463.26, and based upon the foreqoinc� findings of the City Council , the Council of the Cit.y of Saint Paul does hereb,,� r�ake the follo4��ing Qrder: ORDER 1 . The o�mer/p,�r,�,�,�,�/of the a5ove-descri bed A shall ma�;e the same safe and not detrimental to t��e nub ic neace, health, safcty and welfare by havinq t'�e said d���1 razed and the r�aterials therefron re�oved from t'��nre��es �� thirty (30) da,ys from the date of the service of t4�is Order; 2. Jnl�ss such correcti ve acti on i s taken to co�nl,y t�ri t}� thi s Qrder or an ans�rrer served unon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the Uffice of the C1 erk of the Di stri ct Court of Kamse�i County, '�1i nnesota, ��,�i thi n twenty (20) davs from tl�e date of the service af this Order, a Flotion for Summarv Enforcement of thi s Order to raze and reriove the said �dt� 1� 1 in� and rarac�� v�711 be made to the f;amseY �ount,y District Court; ` 3. In the event that tlie d�,�e�>;na a �. � are to be razed t�� the Citv of Saint Paul {�ursuant to judgmen�n�C�f th�e' �7strict Court, all I�ersonai �ronert�,� or fixt«res ��thicii may unr�asonabl�t interfPre ��ith the razi(r �nd re�ioval of this __,�_ _�__�._.dlls�.a�raae shall �e re�::�aved ►�rit'�in ten 1 J days fron the entrv of iu �r�ent; an�cTi fiiot sn rer�oved, the Ci tv of Saint �aul sl�all re���ove and dispose of such nersonal nroner�y and fixtuy�es as provided bv la���; 4. If thc Cit�% of Saint Paul is compelled to take any correctiv� action herein, all nec�ssary costs ex�ended b5� thn City will be ��ssessed against the a�ove-described real estate and collected as ot'�er t�,xes; and be i t FU�THER RESOLUED, That a certifie� coay of this ►^esolution .and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owner/qti�r��h�'s of COUNCILMEN-d�s�cri bed pronerty i n the manner. Adopt c��by thea`�'ounci1�110V 1 0 197d 19_ Yeas Nays But�er NOV 1 0 1971�1 ,^ f!a,rlqon _ Ved 19— Levine �In Favor ��,°a:�_ Sprafka J Mayor Tnri na�_ A$'$lIIBt, Mr. President, McCarty PUBUSHED NQV 141910 O Area Cods 612 THOMAS J.STEARNS � YI3-SIII Ra��iT1' �j. ' ^RTHUR M. NELSON + • c .�+�;:.^' .,. JEROME J.SE6AL � �„ y THOMAS M. MOONEY �� ^� KENNETH J. FITZPi1TRICK P/1UL F. McCLOSKEY,JR. JOSEPH E. CARTWRI6HT. CITY OF SAINT PAUL R.SCO1T DAVIES PAUL J. KELLY PIERRE N. REGNIER DANIEL L.FICKER fint Assistant LEGA.L DEPARTMENT KENNETH A.SKRIEN 316 City Hall, St. Paul, Mienesota 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS Corporation Counsel / . "Jovemaer. 5, 197� �✓ //�� !�ir. A1 bert B. Ol son Council P.ecorder City Cler�:'s Office � [iuilding Re: File �la. 2015 � 899 Tqlehart Avenue Dea�� f1r. O1son: . E�ttached, hereto, is resolution/order nertainina to the above hazar�ous building. llnon nassac�e of the same by the Cit,y Council , please fortirard four (4) certified copies to me. Yours very trul!i, �'��- � � PIFRRE Pd. REGPIIFR llssistant Corporation Counsel � PPdR/klm 11-].2-70 Enc. �+ Cert. Cc�pies sent to Mr. Regnier 1q.G. �v