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R -��� 251�:�'7 � ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E NC�� NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U�I,�CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul Grant Agreement between the City and the State of Minnesota Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control, said �rant Agreement pertaining to the City' s Application for Program Action for Citi- zens of the East Side (P.A.C.�. ), a copy of said Grant Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. NOV 1 0 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays But�er NOV 1 0 1J70 � oved 19— Levine `S sn Favor T?�y�,1�_ �lT Sprafka U �yo A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� iAPLROVE PUBLISHED NOV 141970 Corporat' E n i � .�...,__._.,,:. �.._._.. .. .. ....._ T. . .... ._. ......... ... . . . . . . . . . .......:_._.. .. a , � �51��7 . ,� STATE PLANNING AGENCY � Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control GRANT AGREEMENT, TITLE I , SEC. 304 OMNIBUS CRIME CONTROL AND SAFE STREETS ACT OF 1968 Public Law 90-351 This AGREEMENT, made this day of , 19 , by and between the State of Minnesota acting by and through the Minnesota State Planning Agency, hereinafter called the Grantor, and Cit,y of St. Paul , hereinafter called the Grantee: pursuant to the authority granted by Title I , Sec. 304, Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Public Law 90-351 , hereinafter called the Act, and Executive Order ��o. 28, December 13, 1968, State of Minnesota; and WH�REAS, pursuant to the Act the Grantor has been allocated funds by the United States Law Enforcement Assistance Administration for . use in the State of Minnesota for the purposes set forth in the Act; and WHEREAS, the Grantee has made application to the Grantor for a portion of such allocation for the purposes contained in, and the manner described in, Grantee's "Application for Grant," a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", and the terms of which shall govern and control this grant except as otherwise specifically provided herein. � NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of an in reliance upon the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto do covenant and agree, each for themselves and their respective successors and assigns, as follows: The Grantee shall perform and accomplish such purposes and activities as are specified herein and in Exhibit "A", attached hereto; _ ._ . _ __ _._ � _ _ . ' � . � � 'ihE ur�antor shall grant to the Grantee the total sum of Twelve Thousand ----------------------------------------------- Dollars �$12,000.00 ) , and the Grantee shall expend from other sources the tOtdl sum Of Nine thousand, two hundred and ei�hty -----------D011d1^s �$9,280.00 ) , which sum shall be the total financial commitment of the respective parties hereto under this ;greement, and which shall be distributed and expended in conformance with the policies , rules and regu- lations �of the Governor's Commission on Crirne Prevention and Control ; The Grantee shall expend funds granted under this agreement only for the purposes and activities specified herein and in Exhibit "A" and only according to the approved plan and budget contained in Exhibit "A" ; The Grantee shall be bound by all the terms and conditions contained in the "Applicant's Agreement" of the "Application for Grant," attached hereto as Exhibit "A", except as otherwise specifically provided . herein; FURTHER, the parties hereto do specifically agree that the follow- ing covenants and conditions shall bind the parties hereto: ' 1 . Grantee shall abide by and comply with the Special Limitations and Special Conditions contained in the current Statement of Grant Award applicable to Grantee a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" , the terms and conditions of which shall take precedence over and control the terms and conditions of Exhibit "A", attached hereto , "Application for Grant. " 2. When required by the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantee shall attach hereto, prior to submission, certified copies of resolutions , or other authority, by the appropriate governing body or bodies as shall legally authorize the execution of this agreement on behalf of the grantee. • -2- �:,_,�_. , r� � � � � � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this agreement to be duly executed on its behalf and its seal to be hereunto fixed and the Grantee has caused the same to be duly executed on its behalf this day of , 19 APPROVED: GRANTEE: Commissioner of Administration By By �' Date Title � Approved as to form and execution � this day of , 19 STATE OF MINNESOTA by and � through the STATE PLANNING AGENCY BY ATTORNEY GENERAL Title STATE OF MINNESOTA Date By GRANTEE: Title � . MAYOR CITY CLERK Approved as to form and execution this day of � 1970� . CITY COtdPTROLLER Assistant Corporation Counsel _3^ ` � EXHIBIT A STATE OF MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR GRANT GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON CRIME Page 1 PREVENTION AND CONTROL A lication is hereb made for a APPLICATION NUMBER pp y grant under (Leave Blank) 14-10-30-07-027 the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act DATE RECEIVED of 1968 (P.L. 90-351) in the amount and for the pur- (Leave Blank) poses indicated. 1. Title of Project: Program Action for Citizens of the East Side (P.A.C.E. ) 2. Type of Application: � Original ❑ Revision ❑ Continuation of Grant No. 3. Project Duration: 4. Total Federal Support Sought: September 1970 - September 19,73 $36 000 � 5. Request for First Year: 12 ��� • 6. Applicant: 7. Project Director: � � (Name,address and telephone) (Name,title,address and telephone) " • A. J. (Jim) Johnson, Project Dire tor .City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Phalen Area Neighborhood Improve- ment Program 1185 Payne Avenue 'n ul, Minnesota 55101 8. Financial Officer: 9. Officiai Authorized to Sign Application: (Name,titie,address and telephone) (Name,title,address and tPlephone) Lou McKenna., Comptroller Charles P. McCarty, Ma.yor City of Saint Paul City of Saint Pau1 109 City Hall and Court House City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 10. Type of Agency or Institution: 11. Type of Govei•nmental Unit: � Public ❑ Private Nonprofit ❑ State � City ❑ County ❑ Other 12. Other Federal Support: 13. Other Federal Subinissions: None None _ , ._ .. ___ r.�:,. . y � . . . , � STATE OI� MI\TN�SOT.A ' , APPLTCATION FOR GRANT � GOVER�OR'S CON:�iTSSTO:V' O�v' CRI�TE ' . 4 � PRLV�NTIO\r A1VD CONTROL . �'`'�P 2 � � . . . � � Y4. 13udhet Sun�mary for Total Project:. .: � ; �� • � � 63 840 � T Beyond 2 ; Pudf;e;-,Categorics (I'edcral T�'unds Ur�'.�•) 7st)"��cir 2nd Yeat' � � � Tutals r - �. _._. . � � � Pe�•sonnel , 1�-�?_Z--Q I-�-�-,-�--�I �..��,_--��n_� j Co:isultant Serv:ces � � f �,_-____�el . :.._�___,-_ - , 9 G 0 9 0 0 I 9 0 0 i 2 7 0 0 � � Jsqu;pment � c . . � � _..._.1 ..� � � Construction . � ~! ' � i. M yOther (Supplies,telephone,rental,etc.) I �i P �L__ . � i � To,al Federai Funds Rec;uested $ � � . � � i s . _-�-a�-�-Q--.. '' Total Grantee Contribution � � � � 9 280 $ 9 280 � 9 280 $2 ��� � 15. Exp;anation ok Grantce Contribution: � • ? � The Phalen Area Community Counc�.7. , tl�.rougl�. contractual agreement F j t,ith the Ci,ty of St. Paul , assumes �respcnsiUility for matching f � funds . Representatives =from area •churches , the largest financial � $ supporters of the Phalen area Community Council , have committed � f tnemselves to raising . such funds as will be necessary to main= � � tain the program. . � � � � , v i F a . � � y _ . " � i � � i � � � ' � � 1G. �aplanation of Bud�et: . • ��i � � � The Phalen Area Community Council , tl�rough contractual agreement R � tiaii.h the City of St. Paul , assumes respoi�sibility for one-third � � (1/3) of total cost and taill provide office space for director, ; secretary, meeting and conference space , will furnish office � � ecuipment and materials fo-r director and secretary , wi11 furnish � � and pay foi• phone service , �aill provide for alI costs of consultant ;; Sservices , will provide $1 ,000 for program funds each year, and will � b help in whatever way necessary to enable tlie director to perform t duties •outlined in his .job description. � 4 � � � � ---- - � .r.�..... _...,�.._._...._,..y�! d�:_ . - , .a ,' .o...� - - - -- - -- -- -- —..,�..,r......r._..--- --- , -- . - . ; . ; ` � ;: STATE OF �i:�r��i,SOTF, 1 /'�Pt'I.TCATIUi� �'OI�,..Gi�,AN� :C • !: �iOVE`_:iCO:i,'� CC.�:=b:TSS.O�? G\' CIi1:�.I: •; .. Pa�;c 3 , . PI1LV���ilc�:v ��:�� c:oti�rtio:. ' ! a ., � � .' i7. Ap;�licant's Aoreement; ' :� 9 ; . , t �� , ' i . The unciersign�d represents, o'n bei:al: o� tl.c apa:icar.t, ii:r.t: _ . �, � (a) Any grant a�vai•ded pursuaat to this a�plic<<tior, si�al; Lc sub}ect to and w:ll be adininistereci '� . i 1' S s � 7:� i :1 �]Il CG:lIO�::IltY \V:L:: CnI1C�It1UP.S �11iJi'C�iU,C' �O �iC �1tiC81:�C.Il71ll:5tT'�It1U1) Of C.rY11ltS :ii�der Pai•t E� �� :'i:lc T, ot P.L, 90-�51, Ge:-i:;ral Co:1d•,t:ons App:ic<<b1u to Aiitninisiration of Grants iinc�er Part 4 : B, Titie I o; P.L. 90-�;i� �,r.d o�:er poiicies, :u]cs and re�t.lations issued by the Departn;en� E� O: .71:Si1C� OT' i,�iC Gcverr.or's CvII�I])iS5lOi1 G11 i.:'1;71C p:•ever.tion and Coatrol :or thc administra- �; � tio.z o; brant p:ojects ur.der ihe Cn,nibus Cri�ne Cor,u•oi anci Saie Strcets Act of 19G8. � � C ; (b) Any :w:ds awarded pursu�nt to inis application wi?: L-e exper.ded only for the purposes and . �'i , acti�•ities covered by the app?icani's approveu j�ia,i �nd budget. . - '� �t � (c) A::y :ur.ds awarded pursuant to tlus applicat:cn wiil be used -co supplement and not to sup- 4 plant local iunds othca•�vise av��i:able :or ]aw en:orc�.:�ent pro�rams and, to the extent prac- F � tical, ti�iil ne uscd to 1I1C1'��15� sucn iur.as. k '- � t (d) :l:e app�:car.t ���ill have availa'ale <<nd �vi:l �x��enc? fron� noii-.ederal sources, as nceded, adc- . CiU..1:C 1'f.SOL:PCP.S l0 C�Cj:A;,' Li1AL �G:'�:Ori Oi 1�1C {OLdl CGSLS �.S SCC :OT�}1 JIl $}]1S application,.as $ "Grantce Co:ltl'1bUt1G.`1'� ar.d �s app.~oved by trc CGIYIiriI�S:Ori. h . ; ' E (e) '�ii:e Appiica..t will cu:�,ply�vith �...c, �vill insL:c con-�!:iar,ce by its co��tractors with Titic VT of E. . � , � t�l� CIVll :��:�I1tS PiCL Oi 1Jf�� �p.�..... G�-3:i��� «1%�l 1i1 reqt�iren�ents ;mposed by OT' 7ll;JUilllt t0 . n ;�;nlations of t::c Depa:ttnc.Zt c: .ii:st;ce issUCi? pt:rsuant to that �itic, to the end tnat no per- ', � SOri S�':d��� Gll t�lE' ^ol'OU2:C�S o:�racc, CO.OT'� OT'hF.ilOil:.� OPI�Iri� bC cxclucied from i38P1.1G;��8tiOri 11'l� � � bC dC711ei"� L�le 1J�:]e;11.S Of� Ol �,JC Ot�]e;'�S'1�C Si:iJji'Ct�C� 1.0 UISC:irnination under �Yl,y �iT'O�Palll A1' -i� - •activity i:�r w1;:Ci1 t110 A��i:C']:]t TGC�IVc5 ��'�<iCl'�i lll".a:1G21 aS51S�811CC� �iT1CZ �`1YC5 furthcr assur- ;i ` « �-- , to e`iectuate�this eominitment. � '' � c'�I1Ct. tCui, lt �V:�l p1'0:.7�J�ly Zn.�l aI15 �:1C:i5U1'C'J riCCCSSaiy t 7 (f) The Appl:cant �vill assume tl�e iur.di�.b of imp:ovei�ents fwided under the Act after a reason- �� � �, abie period o. r'ederui assist�,:ice. • k ' , ' ' (g) Any �rant au�arcer. pursuant to �.his �pUlicat:on r.�a}• be.terminated i:i whole or in part by : ; ti� '�� � t� �i;c Gove:r.or's Con::7�ission on C.i:r.e Preventior. and Control or its desibnec at any ti�nc. .�� �,,, • �•� i:� : =;;':;, (h) 1'nis a�nlicat;on co�.sisfs of :hc.ioliowinh in udcition to t.�.is form: ' r ,-�". Detail Project Lu�?�et I'or i iz•st Year %' j Yy �� ' , C Projeci Plan 4i:u Supi ortin� Daia � 1: 7 -,J � �: r_? ` , `< i. iJ . . � . . i� U • ;, � , � � _, ;. ;`' . : �J -� �; . ` ;. f: f ( - � } � '' .�'''"'��`� n � l "'; ''� � Attest: i( � .� �j ��� ) ��� G ✓•�'',/ .y� , , �.�.. � �� �./��,.,�:-�.`.� ,f:r�, ,�, , � .fo,.,�.,�.�_.....= „�•� ,� � ____r_--- _---..�—.� �,,��;�,�. t �'`_;.r,, _��c�,.y"'�'-r—G�SiI � �S. Date: � ' � Zp, �n�f�` ;.�norized O$icial: . i � Ju 1y. i S , 19 7 0 � ,-�• �'', �. ���, �., r ` ' - i ���``�".>. . .,'`'z.,�.,,' . c ;•��.:; �. ��. � � , �. � �.;A,1.....,:•y� p� `, �a. . , 1�. Total Pages in App:ication: i (.f`ii'L'�i`E;"S.._):� ��cCac,� ��;'�'�a ��T�'''�*„+.�, i ? � j City of St . Pau� �� � ; 10 ` > `' ; � -.,..v,-�.o.- . �u --- - .- � . _ _ . _ l:::,.. _ ., r'a.T� Or' ?V:I?�1�Si�':r1 - -- --� b:.LXCA�IO:\' I'OR GRA.1,7T � S_ ,�. G .-� � . GCV::Rl�''OR,'S COirL1�TISUIO\ G:�1 C.i::�i.� � �aae 4 r `� P.-GL'V:1`_T'i�:� A\D CO\;.�ihCi.. � , i; 1� 1 s; Dcta.i �'ru;ect 3ad;;at fo_ �'irst Y�ar: ., P� i: ,� i . � i Fede.-si � State/Local Pro;ect , � EUJu.x.�' IT:itii � S�are Share Total � � � ��. Parso:i.ne2: �' . 4 c�o pi r t:::::al � . � >�G."`'.3.�iG:a �:li1C ..�7.113Y}� � � � t . • . � e ° i�reject Direc�or Full $11 , 000 $11 , 000 " � '. `�: Secre�ary 500 2; 000 $ 2 ,000 � ;; � � � � $ 513 ,000 i : _ _ K 3. Consu;�ani Services: (Lis�) � , � � s 96 hours @ $25 per hour 1 2 ,400 � • k i . $ � � $ 2 ,40G � � ' C, Travel: (Ttc:nize) � � ' . � I 1 • Autc allozaance for Direc�or - g� � g00 r ;: a mile. � " •- ; S 900 � r � Y � $ ( � D. �uipn:e�it: (Ttemize) ` ' � 200 i� 1 . 2 Desks 2 X $100 � ;� 2 . rile $ 60 � 60 �i 3 . Typewriter (used or re;.t) $150 �-50 � ; 4 . Mimecgra h (used or rent) $150 � 150 � � I $ $ � � ��o J 5 Office supplies �z �os*a�e � 200 ; �5 J_.. Const.;:ctior.: (I�emize) - �O;�,g _ � � ;O�:�ar : � � � 1 . Rent of 2 offices , cor.ference � � , meeting space and utilities � 2 ,400 � � 2 . insu-rance 100 � r 3. Tele �hone r 60 er r;�or.�h $ � S I S 4 220 � ; F. �th�r: (�t,.;�;�Z�) 4 , Program mo�ey � 1 ,000 � .. � ' �� See "E" above � " r a . , i $ � � � ; —; , ._ � Cx. "iotal:F'ederai:b'u:.GS T�ec�ues:ed � $�!2 ��� � ' �; s I� Y ' ':i. Total Grantee Cont::auiion (Z'a�'e 2, �tem IE) �5 � 2 S� � �; • �' , �'Ti3OJ�CT TOTtiLS , 1 h . i �2.1 2 g n �� ��... ' � ' ' .� � : . ST:'"L p�' 11�::�:�TENCTA 1 .. .,r.�.�'L,CATiO\'' FO�� GRANT n GO�'Llt�;d:ti.'S Cu�JiiviiSSIO:�; O;�' Citli�%:�, � . Page 5 r��� � H Pr.�Vi,:�T.C;i A�D CGN1.ti0i. . � � ; . T'rojecf P?an �nd Su�;portino �at��: � � - C . . � 1. � � (See attached) - � � . � .. � . � . . , . � Appendix "A" Ma� o� Area -- �age 6 ;. � . . r Appendix ''S" �roject Plan and ;: Supporting Data � Pages 7 - 10 r . E �. , S � � • � . _ i [ . i , � , ' t . • . . � . . , � ,. r ' _ . . . . � � . � . ' F y . f ' � a ` - . . ' . . . � . . � . . F ": . . . � � . 4 . - r � . . . : . � � . .. . E � � - . .. . . - N � ' 0 - � 3. : / • . _ t , , ! r i - � . � . � � � � 1 � � .. . . . . i - � d .. . � � . . . . � ' 1 � � � �: � _ � . � * . { % � . . � . s . . � 1, � , � _ ,. . ! . f f , . � . • ' i. . � . i. . '. i y .. • , ;. .. � � � ... . . . . . . . � . 4 . ,. �1 . • �' . • . � ... . . ' ' . � � � . � - . . . . ' � . . . . . . • . ' . . . � . • . •. . . . • � . ... . • • . . �. .� � 1 � • � . . ' . . . .. . .. �. . . . .. .. .. 1 . • • ' � . • ' . . . ' ' �. . • . . . . . . . . . .� �� ., , . . � � J � • `w�.�r . � Appendix "A" � �-- �,�.:�o,..�� i I � � � � `� 'I I i � W � i i � � S ' � �_t�'MVL il � '-c_,.,w � .� '�v:�—ai ' . . � ' , � ��{ �s aw»�� ^`� � � � . �'_l:..,. ... .. '�y.«� ....-,... j I ?' ,r,,,,�..�;...--�-........._ a' ,'.,�„��._.,.`.......... I ...,,,,,�,,..,,�;;�,."-"�; • •s .� � .l: w;> � � '"`�•`` Y `' ��`•�r, i ` \ •� . ,h. Inb35l�i,. . , 1 1� a� � �!:i.rvef �j,� ''� I —1 ; ! �.��i,I I 1:� e4—�3—��.+.�eTii—•'•': I . ' �11 '� I J � � - :- - � � �� t t i _ �� 1"7'-1�aTi ti_w t9 `t���. . n�.s�+�' . ; .w'� _ . al � •,I ti t'' �-� ;'� I �"""' 7./��i � ��� i: �� `li—^iu � � . y�.�'��y .�,.i� i � . Q�.+�+ ` _ r.�.. r 'y� + � ` z . � , � ±���„^� , �� ` _ � �IN .,-.`" ;..: �': � �� � ^� � � � l =i � Cn � � >-;� . ;� , e� — _ \ '`� , ` � �-- � �.r._ .. . .;;�' a .r�4 �s .o�e» I �� j/' �.�l. �� r? j� U� m, � � � .' - '- �..� �q '.i'i � �' 7 L.:... � '• . •�o.os�o � 'I J '�.:..✓ ,(.'i '�—' `I � G) � O .f 'I � � e"� .,� ni — Z 6� .�J � V . � �"s �,� � � I �� �`O . N {_,_ .. � . ��� ��'tJ � � � i � _ �C \ ,` o� �.. � F- �-- ..ww ;�'°i Y~ ' ,�... ' M �*y �� 'f .�.�j Y°Yi.� �7�L7FCSiS�'� i � G 4 �{' •��� . � � �..� ... . - '�__.�,...,,��,..., ...�..-..r.�l � `:.�� (`� �'ia ' I�`iM e '�1 � � 'r- \.� �y;� l. I �ur�r �..��.Mi� � ��'"�� >a ���� 1�..vnw> � (n (n S � ��'� r J � �,i I H �c r--� � � � i.""'r 4 .:/ �� '�x (�i m''�u /I+ � (/1 (n ....\ � . . '� �i � �.{�, "„ a vJ ��,., �..; . `� � ,� � c � '�� w e>� ��r r` � Q w w f �r�. ki — . " N " �•�% :"��a,ae��� � (n U U �r. V�' . �:....,� � I „e ny� ' � ..^-� �.,r+i �n . � ;J �\5 '�r� "'+' � � �7 I �n'.7/ . I . ' °i � - n: ^ � �'bi N . Y./• . . . '_".,� I 1` I „�nev�J' � c�� � � t ' � �o_" ' ��° �n �.% ;i , ,�. ; ��;._;i p a `>��-,3,0 �d�. 'i.:.. .ti.I � � �^t�)v��M N I �) a�� �� 4 . ' � � � Nal Q L � . ;_`� lt )1t0 I 'I a � s a , Y7 1 4l ,� i . � j � � �.s i:a.e,J,s ��� � vd j � . .. .j � �'' � �i I;�--—�" ` : . �` :I � � .,.. ,_, r—� � ( '� �, �` .I °� _� � . �-' � ro G ` t� v :I � �' - %� p::I � �I c.� ;;; + � �• . . ,,., 1 •. � ' N �I .v '� M � Y'�� �°( ...,„uo� I � ..n,�., . . I i � �' .o.�m.n ' "V (r� ' . � 'N� I el � � � . / ` � .inr �n nr I -��. �s�v.�e `/ � N � •� � I O �N����� � .sV eos�T' •I y i W I yP� . '"•°""""` - � =�`—J—�' .,. �.,,—,�,s '� :I N 3�:r--.e `r ,� '� � . "r��d rJ �� P) � I -i � �� � �. �r's�T"is� � I � :� �i � . �� .�.�e.. .� �� a� _ ���--SS,�—M7i�T-� . . '�''"�— ;� ��--^�.3 e nI n� ! 6l I '� 1� .i I� v� —LL1T,�S^ -°r, I �... u��. o,• �o � '� hl''Ri`r�i�)e) ' n� 'I - F �� I a ,� � l I � ; � fl — ` r ' .+ Q� ` N �W .o v � Pa�e 6 of 10 � Appendix "B" � .''.:�?�IC�1':'IO\ r0: GRAT;T . ,�:,,� -`;.C: ?�;�;\ .1tiTD SUP��GI:TING D�:TA . ..,�� �=;�.KG:'OUi\:�. EAST SiDr A:�r,a �'�':L Pi.;;lyc:l Area l,G�i;iL:71?�}' CGL172Ci�. � �71 COOUC"lc���072 W1�}'i COP„�i�a'i��y �,o;:7,s �n c�:-� ::eigi��o��._g Day;.or. 4s B�u�i ar�a, reauests iunc:s �o ::i�� c_ '�itu:.:[.i �'T:V1-:0:1?;'.C;1 i. COGlC�.l:.c'i�G�". T� i:COy21IZiiib �:1:: 2711e.o1:ln piO}J.ie711S v:` fOL'i.:i a:1G Cic:lill:iL•.C71Cy �::;.7. �:;.SG �i1C eX�S�i:� COI�17ilUi�li.Y T�SOu�C.CS ., ��c�:: cor::,�ur.��ies �eel ;.?-��e need -to deveiop actio.. p-ro;:a„�s to efiec���re�y _:.:.uce �:ie incide:��s c� juv;;r�ile cri�:; , ctxuo abuse , and ocher prob�em.s . 1'fiG' :li�:iC.':1 1�Tt�u COI:1;'.:U:?i�)T CGi:i1C�l ��l�.�l�,� 1S a C1VIC OT'�ai11Z�:i.�GT1 �e:T:;�o,.ed a:d s�or_so-red �y ;.:�e ,�eside.:.s o� c:.a�. area of 5;. , P�.ul '::i:��"a•��y cesion��e3 07: i..i�', �i:,}T I icili:il�� �:c;� c.S i.:1C Dh.�1�17 �ca::t :�Ci?:�''JO-1�i00d„ �,�.VC �S �or.-�?ioned i.0 any. sin�ie �CZli.1C�1. � COTI,P:t�'fC� u.l � . l."�0�.:',SS-lOi�:i �:li.���Si. � 2.I1C.''. l; 011v7:i.c:��. :,O ::iC.i.��:: �:Gb:�.',":lS t�,TOt�'ll7o OUi. , o-� �:�e stuc�ies , .zeecis , and c':esires of �I-�,� ras�uen�s . See finul p�=<<�e ��� adu;�ic::u� i::�or;�a�ion cor.c�-rni:.g P.Ao �. C. :'�"iC 1�"fO� EC� a�G<^.. COi7S�.S"�S O� 1� Ce�iSUS i.TaC�S �iii1S �pii,lO:iS G� i.<<'O ,::��e out ot t}:e to��i. 74 cer.sus �.rac cs ir: �:e Ci�y of St. �'aui , u.d ys .- ::e�r�.ii;� '�ou��dec b�T L�:penzeu-r on �he :�'or:,:., Free?,�ay 35 0:� �he ?vcst :;::::endir�� Souc}i to z?ie �-iississip�i Rive�, a:�d �.;�e I�Torthe-rn Pacif� c , :��.i l o4C �-racxs , ther. Jor�nso:: Par�:i�Tay on t;.e Las� . keprese:.�atives cf co�:nci�s ar.d assoc:.ac�c:�s ir. adjacenL a.�eus J�1tLI� ur_� ini.�T.°.S� tti�1�1;11 t�1=11 C iiL i.:12 pT(3S'.°.:it �TO.jci.i, . T;1C,' �iz)'i.G;� S �'ll).i� � :.C:::i::ui?�iy� 1�:,:��.iGtely �O t:c2 SOi1T,., � Ctic:S TG'�:C�S�ili.P,d i.71 t:li Oiba:ly'.ui.iG::`d� :.:�etings t-,�nich projected �n�s� plans . • i.r�e P��;Ier. .4rea Co;�m�::�i��y Cou.cii �, cc�.,prised oi nea:�y for�y 0-;u::1Zui10i.5 � 8 . b<, � iJ C.�"li.1lC:.�S y a �&�L7:i.-1��;:C ic�T .aSSGClc2tl071j y � ';-�u�?i ar.d piuyb-rour.d �Boosce� C?ubs , Scou;:s , Y.Vi. C.A. , A4erric'.c Co:�t;,;u,icy 1,�.:_�C:� riL'tS �.1c;jS �%:0.:'�j � �`�J::1? 1�1."St:1C� �iO.i� i,:�C2�.i organlZu�lOriS u:1G �Gi.:.�i neio:luOTilOOu uilli:5 0 In 195-� , :AC:. spc..�o_e� an inte:�s:��.�e si,udy of i.he c�;�mur:ii.y u:d�: __�.-:"�:CLIC; Ci �I'o Jve� TG'lS::E:SO: Gr .=lL:�j:.�:,'.:"� Cvlie�e� �:1:7:1t,'c1��O�1S ,. ;':i�^. � ,..'.G�r iS :.1�1.E'.C'iy ;�,:::i...�;:1 '��;��� !�:t U�J.`i:^. l",G:i:)�i�.11i�y �r� u .ti�1C�t�CS� l:C;i.:"O1�i.�y5 :�,.",:�v:: :�iOs:�_:i15 o�"G:'J1::� O::i. Oi �i:f: i GlS��i�SG:i Si,tlCiy ai1Ci ::�i�:a�:}' ��::;�iC: ::il?I-i',..G'Ci vy :�11CC iI1C.iUG�C.' . • (1) A \eignbo�zcod ��r.��-rovemer.-c 1'�o;�ar,i in Ce:�sus Tracts 9 ar.a i�i . �.•�. 1lOiljl::,; c::l: UTi�i:::. �CVC�G1iiTl�:1�; S�Oi.SOiGQ }7TG�:2;�ii i (2) T�•:o I�'eij:�bo-rhood You�:� r':�pioy�.�c,� Pro�:a�ns employin� 7� yout�s in t3zis seco::: ��.::;:^.c�. (A �.ousing a;�u lirL-an D�velop- . ne.�t sponso-r�c; 7JTO�xa:n) ; �3� Pt�CC �.'�.�F5 � � 1'Or.L:.i�LE.'l�� �T'Ot;i 2.ii� G� 7 �� pL"lSOi S 1�'}1G SLTVv 111 ;�eiorborhood irst���:tions �::d ot}ler �utoring/rielpir.g UTOoi a;rs ; � Page 7 of 10 .. .... .. l,.„ ... ���� A. CvP;��^�;IiC11j.�V� �»c ili 171� CGl�:;":11.1.i.�G th�t 111S 1JOT��CC� W�i.:l • tile S':.. i'4:.1 C���� P�anii�,�„ Co:^l;r�ission in a study o� . ti.G �'J:,:t'i'1GCI� Area anZ sc:.�,:;ht so�u;;ior�s :.o zoni�:g oues�ions a��d �t�atfic a-ro��.e:ns ; (5) 1`+o-r::ec �;�ith c:�e St. Pa�ul �:ousy:�b anu :edavelop;�,ent /1u�'.lo-r- yzy and r:;sic'e:�;.s �o gci. a r�:iich r.eedecl Seilior Citiz�l:s rii-:Ris:; Bu�1Gir� s�u-r��d �;: tt�.e i�ear� of the a_�eu; �6� r�11 ��L�i11Cui:lO�L�SChOG�5 c::� :�Oi:��": i:iZVZ.TOiliile7li, CO;:Tillti.ee�� t:.��i. �•rorked �;v�r.� ��,e cc:�:,,:u.i�y in deve�oping proposals �o ;.;�e SCiivOi GGc3�C� ZOT i.1.C,' 7'it�.l� �'ilc`l7'iL�LliCSS0:1—Li;�C0�:1 lr'.OI�i— S�Ii�LCLI.C'.l'. Sl.1�V171 � . (7) y Leisu�e Age C�n;,e� co-sponso-reci by :ine churches �h�:t ;as 8�0-90G ser.ior ci�i.ize:�s e�:r�lleci �r� a once a weelc i;.�.�nsive prcgru:l; (;) Heali.'.: Sc:eenina Cy�-r.ics ; ' (9) ,�iley S:op 109 . . , ='��:CiBL;:��i A\'_4LYc1S. .r1\T I;�?:\i.R CTTY �,G�F:�`TJ�'ITi' A s�udy by �he St. Pat.l Co7�r.;unity Heai�;� an�� 7'�eltare Plar.::i�.;:; �c�:nci� ;�d�ca:es �ha� j�:ve.�i?e de���c;ae::cy is a� a "hig}," prc'e1.er: :'a��. 1:7 -C1:f: �2.}�tOilsj 13�U1"1 3l<^.3 a;14 i.iC- SCU�:� o::Cl Cvi1�Td�. �v�i.l0:S �:� �`r:e i'ii�l�n Area. In Ce:Lst�s i-ract 3� , �ne�e ;:as been an avera�e oi� 51 juvenile cou-:t actio.s euch yeur durin� �he years 1960-1967 . _',s a co,:l_aariso:z , che ��:til�s;. cer.�us -�:c� ir� 5� . Pau1 hac� an ave-rGge o-� 8 ju�✓enile couxt actions ciu-i ir�� t::e s��:,e years. ^'he independen�t study fro.:� �o:.�r�u::i�y Heal�n and �'.elfare Plar:;:�:� �ou.�ci� indicw;:es �:�a� 8 ou':: �i �he 1� cer.sus �racts ir. t;�e projec� � �.: ,,.. have ::ibh o: m.cderai.e j�:vcni"ie de�.�no,t�ency problems �s �ve�.� �:s �;;;.ial probyer:.s suc:: as �i����r:� :�tor�aii;:y , ur.eTr�t�ioyme:�� , and i1�e�i';,�- ��::ac�r. I:z���e.iden� si.uu.ies by tne S-t . �uu? riousir.� ar.d Redevelopi^�;�� :,L:"::,'lOili.:� S:10T�' �ha� i� Oi:i. oi' the 1� -CE;i SL1S i.TaC�S have �TTOSS I:Oa5�:1j ���`icier�cies . In census tract 15 (in Ce:�tral v'.:aien) , the j�vel:ile court ac�icr.s ;',-�-;.'�, �=� �E,'T )'G�T. CC:iiSl:S '�''_"',-,'.0� :.7 ciVCTdoGC� S� � CL':1SUS tTdCt J�I ..c:Ct J�7 y ;;::iCi CG':1S�=S i.i3C`i. �.5 .�.V�',Tc`152C: 3� )UVc^.1":11.0 CdLiTi. F3Ci:l0]:S . 171 i.}'iC �Oi:a� ;:rc� du-�in� ��hz yeurs i960-I�67 , �here �,re�e z:. ave:age of 362 . 5 �uv�nile coar;: ac�ions per year. Discussioi�s �aith couit oftic�ais �r_;�icates that juvenile cour;. �iCL10i''_S CO�i, �i� Cl�f 2P `c:Vvlao� OS � SUi� ��T CcSe . 071� O'D�CCLIVE.' OT G'�.'.� pTO�T'F',.l:i 15 1:0 �:Li.°,'C`l.1VC'l�r TG'QUCF `L�]2 i Li7ilUC,'"l Oi juve,zile C011-�'t'. C?.$ES �;.0 12jS ��1�:T1 1�Q ��T y2�2� S,:+V2ilo i.:l(' Ci�y 01 Ji,. Paul approxint�i���}� Y78 , 900 per year. , Page 8 of 10 J �,,`',�''��1 y'�"lr (^� 7C�T ,��T� T:� YOli�':� i��?`ri:�0``��:i,N�'''1i, C00�11�1NATCR L.1/.'3a.V.` f,�l 1 ♦r 1 _ l \ 1l T.e 1)�O=;T�::?1 W1�1 �7L ��l.�li� c'1iOL:;:Ct 'i::'::, �IOUi.il Gl1Vl�0i.11lvlii,u� :,:i0i4112�i.0� c:I1Ci tile �i G�:��� a:�.0 I:'i5i.i��:'�lO:l:al T'CSOUTCC,'S O� t�lt� :.O::ii:U:1'ty. CUT"lG-i� Si,i:u� :S _.. ii.L �l:�,2 Cf .�.iVi',:11�.0 ,Cl�lin�uenc�r �?'C�VE:i.1G1 S�:T071�;7y UT�:; ��1'ie c�:�raur:ity i.v j�'lOVZC:c �OSli.:.VC' �):Ohl clilS . �i:I�i i.:�0 CGi:1:;UI:?i.`J �O Cl�i;i�i.�jll �UVP,:ii2 �:Ouici�S 01 C�Ttlb 2liL:Se 5 ;:��c;�ol , tr��aiicy , �::r,'�ily d�cay e�cc. '���> feel t:la;: a co;n7�uni�y based �����ve:c�on �.n�. reh�:.Li1i�;.a�-icr. p-rogra,�. �,Ti�i r`cuc.e �;;e costs i,o ;.;le :JC:::;:i.ii::�Lj� 01: CT-il;leS c.S 2 -l�',St:i"i. Of QG�V1�.tL' bL;1aVIOT ?71C1 c�CtlOil. A CO::il;l:::11:y 1�i1T::S'� 1S 11i:���.�.'. iJj� i.:c V8-''`f i:«tl.fe O� 1�S VO'lllri�eer ;:�.iC-uU , ��'iC : Ucn oi coo:di;ai.�0:: , c:1C� "�::f,- i1ri��eC1 su���oii. ��i2t =is F.`.-w��ab�t'. i.0 ��c.� Z^;1i,t1 �C.12SC CG�I��c� t�iOul2:�iS G:. )'OUi.i c`�;1Ci 1'tS 2:':V1:'G;i:::t?,ii. . 1he you�%� GIZV:i�Gi17i1G::i.c.� COC��II:ai.G:. W11i serve aS n ..;:.alyst �;.0 St:��Cf'� a�en� rOT �7Ci:lOi1. � fii:e yOL:t�'� er.viron:;:ei1�'cl� COO: G1".'la�G� S�10L:1� consi�er i.;ie iO�.:O�V111� . �i:ll�.tl0:j. aS ,�"'ioS1C i:0 h1S ) GJ G�.(.'ri:Lli.1v:1 ��^,Sj�0:1S1D111i.IG'S : ��.� I:SSe71�1G1 eor,.i.uC� j�:l�� i7@ �:��i:� 1�I.i.ii i:i7E.' faiiili�OS Oz �i.G co:,�;::u1:ii.y , �3 ci��u:c:�es , i0 sc::oois and a� �eas� 50 businesses a::d or;a.�:iza;,ior:s u::d ciubs in P:�aien, plus o�'�ers in t"r:� nei�:.�o-rin� u:eas . ._ . �2) �S�i.ulJilSI1 u. CG�i;T1U::i�� TES�l.t:C� CGi1i.v: �:Oili.I.i1? al�'c`il�u2i�G' con:r,�uni�ty baseci �esou-rces u;�d pocen�ials ranbi:�o frc;:� er��p�oymeli� ::o c:ni�c bu�.da:�c� . (3) De�ai1 ne,:,be�ship �nd ca�alcg z list oy co�:nur.i�y ac�io:, nroblem soivers . (4) Develap a co:nmur,iiy infor;r.�;.ior. cen�er . Faciiitu�e cor�,;;ur:�.�y CO:i7:lUI11.C2��G71 by y,�:;��J'liS.^.�:o c^.C�10i1 pupc^TS dea�lIlb 141`"i.i: �GUi.Il pro�lem issues . �rj� '1)eL'i;10p 1�'O"l�lil� T�i��lOI1S};1?�S T':I�:1 proiessior,�.�. S8�V1CG' � p-rovid�rs �o b-rin� ree,uireu proiessio:�al se-rvice in�:. c�ze c or:n;un i ty. (6} �ocu:�e�t co,;;�:uni�y needs , p-rcb�ems , and nrior�ities for :�5scss- • ;:1eI1'C �:7C. evalllc:'�10:1 Dy o0\TErr.,�ental p-rofessiona�S G:1C1 �',��C-i.�G ofiicials . � ��� i't '1S 2SSe7:'�1a1 i.flai. ��"le C'11Tector he � ��peo�le T�aCeT �" l; C . � or.e 1,�ho can identify prob�c;:�s cf �.he youth and bring avai�able resources to bear o:� such sytuu�ions . (S) I:e should s°ek to coordina�e exis��ng youtli prohrams , i. .e. , �ro�:,ote be�ter com.rnul�ica�yon �;etween the nei�;iborhooc: g-r. ou�� ;�cmbers and �hei� leaders . (9) I-i� should pro;no�e aducui.ic:�ui. o��portu�li�ies t��hich spea:< to �:�'i� e��7Ti Sjc:C� I1CeGj vi i.t:� `�G:;i.'fl ui1C1 c�UZt COi;lT'iUill�y. �l�::CS� 7T?��/ 111CZ.L:CiP. �1TU� C�.�.171CS � f,':iT1C:i�ilC'7:t se:�i.r.ars � y0Ut:11-FiG.lii. dialoJues , and proo-runs zanich iosier better iamily liv�.:�n. � Page 9 of 10 �iU j i:�i�.`:i�.�'� }:f; �:iGU�G 11;1��C�iiElii. '��i G�;i ui�:S Cil:C'C.��Cl i.OL�'a.:C� . ? r_,i 1"?. '� '�.� � ': '', . � jT. 'GIi,,�: c71 ..�, u�.C� �;,. Gli:� � i:G�.;:l cor�r,�u.. .i.y Gi1V1TO..i,il-,T:�. ?�;i�n �;:e ::e1p oi c�.v-ic ar.d ���s�.ess 1.ea�xers and pastors , : �r:e direc�or ,1ay acad-ress �i:,:s�:.'.,: i:c sucn needs as :e- • crca;:ional or,��or���:;:��ies , c:�n�i:;,Tmen;. , 1ivi,i� condicior�s , and develop,��:�t o-f ;.�e moral �ncl spiTl�ll�ll tiaelfare of �;.e ci�i zens . =:':=.LL\1 CO�f:tUl�?lY Cd'.J�TCIi,, . . . . � CT:'ili�T� ACT?G�� COi1:�'CIL `�he �xoject o-��yces will be loca;,ect ac Forest ar�d 3enks ir. a :�:�- ,'". GGlii ":�2.T1�.1 ii01'.jf.'�� o���necl Uy :SE,'i.'.^.u�i`� Ll��i1C'Tc12I CilU:Ci�, ii:e ]-uC�1 ::.�y �-� ,zVc'1,.Z�c�liZt; Oi7 c jy?: C12Y a. Z'�ce;� �Jc S15 � �::1C�. i� Su.li.c�JyC: iOl Or��C�S y .".:c'.:L�I:� ui1G' C.v1:��:T21 CC 1"007i1S , CO;:S1:� �u�1G;. S2TV1C�5 d"lL' V1CZ4-L'Q �iS C;�Sc:'P.�1�ly 17: s�rer.��17Cillil�; t;;E pi O`;T�.i�1. LCi1C�iI1�; i.l11S SU�pO:"� Wl�� ti� , ���icer� � oi ��.e rhaien r{rea Co;�;,:i..�icy ��u,:cil , caopera�in�; cle-r�;;T> ::::;: selec�ed 'cus�:�ess and civyc ieaders . 'i�e You�r. Envircnr�en�a� � � � � � �o cr �n ' c� �' � i.v�iG.l :��Lui 1��r..i1 }��, re.,�C71S1D �, LO �:iC; �:X�,Cui.1VE.' CG7n7iili.t@t, Oi i.ii�� r,.�ier� �:ea �,o:,l?�lU:1i�y Ccunc�l . In�er;ral. to the pro�ram will be you�h , ��:"���"2SC-:�c:i;1O:1 17? :JO��"i iJ��.:;11:1b �.;�C� :._;�:�...i;i:C=;ii.a.i.1Gr,. 7'flc� :��:a.�C':'i :�T�?c`',. CO:tii:U::li,y COi::C1� iS .. priv�te 7'ion-;�rofit Oi�c:il��a'i,lOii Oi�2i:IZt',Ci Oii �'..il� �'Jc`'.S1J OI E,'?:�Si.i7ln community hT'OLitSy s���T�ce �ns�tic�:�io:.s a::d ir��er�s-ted irLd1viduals . T�:e Cou.�cii �u:c�.ions �:I'G�l�,'1 a:l EZc',CUt1Vi', COmiT'�I.��ee G...� a btO::T3 O� standing ad hoc CC���lt�ees :i;l C il c S . . �ub�ic Rel�ut�ons Fusi;Less a,.d i:.dustry Finar.ce Co:u;,ur.i�y �ela��.ons Church Rela�ions Membershi� Co:np-rehe:�sive Pla:�ni,i� T�e purpos� o� the Ccunc�l , us ��fir.c�. in the By�LCni��TS , are : a. �O 2C.+,i'aely @i1o''uoE l:: �TO� �C�S iOT i.�le overall improve;;�en;. oi �h� Phalen Area. _ b. To ac�ivate ar.d as5is� in p�a::r:ing programs fo� tne Pha�er. Area in ccopera��orl ;`��t:: a;,,���T;Tl"ui.@ gover:.m,en;.�l a.zd nor.� gove-rr.men�a� ager.c�es . c. To i;lclune �he ,r,ar��cina�io:: �.d cooperution of civic g-rcups i:. 4iLc�� cif-orts �co�a�.rds a r°-�:1p�OV�:lle:lt. " d, io '•<ecp ar�a reside:�s in�o-�::ec' rc;a-rcinh tr.e s�atus cf their a:ea a,r'. to ;.�ablicize ul� corLsiderations of a c�vic nature af�ec�inb them. �. Tc solicit pa-rticipa�ion of al�. civic grot:�s , institu�ior.s , c-rbar.izations , anc? ir.�:ividu;.is in i,he area wl:o r.ave z � beneral concern ior the improv,:men� and future devc�.op;;��n;. oi ti.e :nalen A:ea. f. To z��ork fbr tho�e cha;lges u:�ct develop:��:�ts that ivi11 co�Z�i:ue tc ,;,al:e �he Phu�en Arca a desi:uble co�;mur.ity ior hor�e , ins�ituti.ons , and business en��rp:ises . Page 1.0 of 10 • ,.., . • . STI'iTE �F MINI�;SOTA County of P.�:n�e;� se. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Harry E. Marshall, ..................................City Clerk I................................•-•---•----.._.............--•--...... . of the City of Saint Paul, ��innesota do hereby certify that I ha��e compared the attached ca�y of Council File No....._....�50036 ....................... as adopted by the City Council_..__...._...Au�ust 11?.................19....---7�-... and approved by the Mayor-•----•.............August..11t..................19._...-•7�•--- with the original t�ereof on filo in my office. ' -•--•......................•--.......-------•----............-•-•-------•---•--............._...._......._...........---.._........._.:. ..................................••------•---••--------•--•--•---•--.....---...._....__...._.............._...........--•--•••--•-•--.. ...-•--••------•-•-•................••-----....---•-----•--._....................._.........................--•-•--:-......._....._...._ .....................................................••-.................................--••••-.........................._............. ......................................................................••-•--•---•---.......---........---..._......-••-•--.............. ..........................................................................................................•-----......_............_.... , .............................•---........................--•--.............._.........._...._......................._..........---...... - ...............................................•-•---...._....._._......_.........---...-•---..............................._...._._.... --------------••------•----....-------•---..........._......_........__....._...........................................-------......_.. -••..............................•-=-----........__._....._.........---••---••---•--........--•--...-------..._......._..._...._........ I further certi:y that said copy is a true and correct copy of s�id ori�inal an� the who;e thereof. WITNESS my�-,and and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, D'f inn.. thia.........13t??..............ciay of.::::.- •---••Au�ust.:...� ......A. D..19...7�.�.. `% ' zr /�/,/,//ii�/.�.��' //,�f�f/�; � � `�,a"'i?.l'yg � r................. .y.. ....." ^• •.....�l..:..:..:....... ..... City�Clerk. �� ;� ►.. . . 4 . � - � � . . ..: /'•:�' 1,* 1 f+ l.uUtrC�l. 1�1�• � `.i1�� Vi� Si. l �1.J4 FILc , .�., ..`• .�• l./� ��L: Vi ir-1;: l.;^i':' ^i�_�i�;�. �_ i . �^�7_,:r''�u�\C��.. E�t�S�!l�11G1�---�f�{\L'l�i�� �'�i��� � (`� 1: z �. � � \aS� ��'.\, av.-. v - J � . . � � `•. pG�.SF.\i�D DY _ ' DAT �G�-Shi;SSiGNcR ` � i- �—`"-- ••-�`', -- =----__—— ---- { — --- --- ' `ti—�__ � l�l�,GUi:r1Ss Pu51 i c La`�1 90d:5'f (0;���1'i bz�s Crie�e Con�rc1 �.t�d Sui'e Streeis f1C� 0'i ���uo} �tl(�tl�Y'1��;.; Li�� S'4ui:� 0� it'iliilC:`50��;1 ��01��C1�ii0�"� 5 COiii'111SS10�1 011 CY'1'•:1C,' (�l'C1JOfl'4'itiil <<i1C.l C��i't.'i"0� 'i�0 li�<ii:� ��t"�;ii'i.S f:0 f��iliilCltl"u�llt't�S uilt� GOUf1t1GS �i.0 c1SS1S;: �i;t12;;i 'l11 Cw;"1"1�'Ir"�C Gu'i, I�i"O;I,.Zii1S i;0 1i�1n1"�ve P�"Ob�2�T1 . ZC�GIIT:'11"1Cd�1C:l <fi� t:es��oi�se �u�dJl I 'i�C,�,� lil 'Gi12 ut"�1 Of �l"1s11E f Y'GVC�'1�1011 and Co��tro1 q an� l�;}�E:Ri:��.S, !1 s�i;uc�y �v �`�c S�. ���.u� Co�;::,iun i�t�/ F{e<z1�li and I-Je i�i are P1 an- 1111?�J COUt1C�!! 1C;C;tCc�t,(?$ �C,�1�.'i: �jt!l'Gtlilf CiC'i�illCll�liCV �S u�: � "111��1�� ���'OD�C'�ii t"dT� "{t� 'l:rt? DN)'-i:Ofy�S G 1�!;!'i' al"Cci d11:� '�i?� S0�i�l o.ilCl C��1:.�"d�l pGt"'i,'i OtiS 0'i 'i:it� {�112,��fl at'�c3 y ul'(�i .l��f��_ZE;�S� 'CI�e E'IZulc>�� �,t•e�A Co,��.7�,���i�i.y Cotmci'! y �i�� co�;�era�l;iot� ��1i�1� . CC;i�;Till�1iL�/ �t°Ol1�i; li1 '�i1CJ tlE''iC;iiuG1"1C;.� ��i�V'1:��!? �.°, L�i.(i'( i�i"�d� 1"P.COC!t11ZeS ��iC Pal1�'t'�{li;�� p;"GDlC:i11S �Gi )'OL!::I1 c,!'ta G��{ 'iC�Cj::?.i1C� �i1Ci Ei�SO 'L'fl�? Ei:1Sl.l�lq C0;',1i7U.!i�l�;�� Y'i:S011i`C:'�s 'iC��:> 'i:r�' ;1GGC� '�0 C�i'�r��C'� uL�'1Gi1 �7i"OC!t"i!�iiS 'CO L'i�E'C`l".iVC�,y t"C'C�UCI? , tEl2 it1C'tC'ry;1CG Ci �'jl•.�'Efl'i �� Ci'1!ii?4 Cii;[d0 ci��U5�r ZI1C� O�C�;E�' !Ji"0:7���f;S� 1i1C� lS rcc;ue��i��� �urc:s i.o i;�rr_� a "Yo�s�w!, �„��ir�o,�c��e�;� Cuo��°ci��,u�Ur��, a��d -- . ' �. � ` '�/1S TI'r' :>i � '_ 1;=-i; ,;�; 1�1�!i:i,�. 9 ... ����ict i:i^,��. Ce;,�,��:.� � y Co�. c'il i;as r�cues�,cc! �:�;e C'i�y or S�. �G��'i �co <ac�c as r;°<<,��e�� �ot� ����e "P�°og���,r�} J�cu+on �`o� C�i�izens a-; � <<., tf',� C�ts�� �icfc (P.f:.C<<�..J y , NOi�,9 T�iE�:��=U���9 �� I1' 1:ESUL1'�!� al' "i�lE CITI' COU::CIL OF `il�i` CiTY 0!= ST. pi'�JL: TIl3i, '�:I1� U1°0!1C?�" C'i��,� 0-�'f'i CE'i"� c';'i'�^ il:`�"Gi?y c1U't',�i�l"17_Cd 'L"0 CX('CU'Ce � s ' ;,�, n,a•:;;• ;, • -� �I}e E�s'� S-i de applicaL�io<< ��o,A ci;c t r•�.,� <,. � / c�c�;o:i i�c;� C:�c,��z�ns a , (p r� � } �� �. �t i ... ;, ��� o , _ ., , ul { (' } (�., �_ ��: -� � ���ncso�.a Gc��� , ��Il� li�Ili. li 114� { ��•�4�� ,�� �.i� ��.�. ��.ii l.4 .�. F'i i101 � s�'tic e�-e .• .� � Co;r�;7':ssi��n on C.��i��;c P�,.v�r.�c��c�:� �.nd C;oj���:�•o t o�� b��,1<i i"�' Q i �i�e C►t,,� oi� r�. �� �OY' a C{!'�!,Il'(, 11,11Cic1' '��'i� G,��!!1�:�US . C:`�l';i:. l.C)t:'�t^C•� c:�i1C� S%i i F' Si.t°c?C"CS �'iG� UT ( .�'i:�i (P ' o .9�•-3 31 j ir: ;�r at��a ;:. urc�«� .�cc� i��i c:e�'.,���,<:��c�.� «►�:! s��ec�a�['��� G,scr';l,cd 111'S.IC�li c�J1�.� . . ' , 'i: ::"I^. t'';�1`rn1' 'i:; {;C:t'C.'.�]�� i�.l;'i.f1('it`1"!_C?� cliiC� G11"CCi:t�C'. , . . I�ICG�I,[�)ii cll'iC! �LI��(i '• r �d �'I �C3 SUC i �11J';J�'tC�I"i;10�i., 't;�; C:;"G1fiG�' c(;.Cfl F.1c�CAi'�`.'�Gii:�. ! li1'iOY'i�iixi:l0il ililC� 'i'l;�ill�li SllC�1 CiOt;IT„i:=11�S i:`.i �tl�.t;J I.iC i":_'CI:.,1�"c.� t)\' i.ii�: i"i:ui;C.' G� ii'lllfiE'SO"i;c��, �i0V2�'ri �`�1 �l ,��„e,. � �O�iwl;'I SS1U�t1 0''1 Ct'�C;�.: �}t"�V�t"1�i.'E G�i itt"t.i l.C�{�'i:':"U 1 , 'i:J G;:ecu�ce ui�C� (1 Z i' �'Cqli�S '" b;"t Adop�eci by the Counci? 1`�— COUi�CIL1�i�N � �i'cas N�Ys Butler l�pproved '-�-- Carlson Levine _______sn 1�avor � �__._ Nereclit.h `�:r`�'`�''� Ni))'�lf�i�il �x�'�lll]ri. �.�C(�CSCO �`1 ?�1�•. 1'resident, .11'icCarty ,�=�i "'�;; '�'"''s ���'�'� f2 ` ( r r� :1 i_� / , ,� i '� �� `� '�I lf ', . ` � -- • ':.,;�� ' , %� ' �:.,rti ;�� . �•,' „�;� ' •�^ .. . . i! . � . : . � . . . . . ._., ...� fi�t t\v. -' ' � G�►=!C� G� �(i;�.— G(�iY Cf_�=�:EC - � COUi�C{L s:�SC7LU i 10�!-�—t:;������;:/:L FOr�I�/i . . ri.'S�!:'S�D DY DATL -- — CON.N.ISSIOt:f -- �2v �"Qt" 4'U11G��y u!"iC't �0 �C'� c,S i:�iF.' uUi,iiOi"1Z(�� 1'C;)t'C-'SC.'11'i.Z�ZVf'. 0� 'C�iL' C1�_y 0'�C S't`,o ndU� lil 4i�� cCCCi�i�l;�lSii�il(:r��� Q{" f;f�(' '"�i"bC.?;'d;1 �C�:'i0{1 f0i^ C7�1ZeIlS 0� t�lfl � C.G✓4 J�CI.�-. `I�of�.l�eLe� o'� ` ;�!.;f�. 9 t i(`�J!.1 . _,'y:�, t. ?. .,. COUI�TCILnKi.i�? Adol�ted by the Cotincit :L9-r a Z'CiiS �TaS's , ..�, $;rf.ac�r . . .; !:n;)i ove<L A�'-- C1r1:7c)n � � ,� , l,�`y`�`t� z. , � ' ` v E T r Le�Tiiie .—'�n ravor = .T:.. � :,:;,'� .. � �, ,, �... ... :��Tereditli ... � ---�`� � ^;`l`�� � �. .:. �;�rr,f1;1 ' � . `�:. ,,.—_�'i�'::;.1:,ti �\°,� r�CC�(',SCO 1;�. 1'z•esidcni., 1VIcCari;y . , _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , , _ � . , , -r _� n ��L-��., �J , .-- STATE OF A4INNF.SOTA GOVF.FtNOR'S CONiIZISSION ON CRI1�7� STATI:MENT UF GRANT A�'VARD PREVTI�TION AND CONTI�OL Graiit 1Vumbei• Pursuant to authoi•ity of the Oinnibus Crime Control 1/�_]�0_�(�-0'�_�2'7 and Safe Streets Act of 1968, ihe Commission has approved the c;rant indicated. v<<tie Grant Approved l0-2;-70 Title�of Project: PrOf?r2."!t f oT' C��{;ize:�s oi t��.e isasi,; 5ide (P.�:.G.E. ) ' Grantee Agency or Institution � Project Directoi• � (Name,address and iclephone) (Nainc,title,address and telephone) City of St.. ]'aul, :'i_nn�sota Grant Period: � Finaiicial OfT�icer ��7�+-9"��?� � (Na�ne,titic,address an�ielephone) Total Length ���.�;�t�,� � 7 � �1 � .�. . i.17!1 c}Oi]T2S0:'1 Froin T;ov l, 197Ci Fhalen Area :��eip:ibonc�od Improvnrnen Fro. � Oct. 31 .'�°i1 Through � ' 11f?5 Fa-yr�e ,�venue � .'; S r. Payment Procedure: Detail Buclget for A�vard Amount � �?��-����� G�u�.rterly Pcrsonncl ij�l.l�1G0.Ci; Consuliant Services Future Stipport: Travel �90G.OC �qui�n�ent Special Limitations: Construction � Total A�vard tii12�CC)0.G:- Grantee Contribution y;��2r�,0.OJ Special Conditions Grantee must, provide n�::e, locat:±on, and telepP�one rn.a.�r;be .r of pro,iect Director �s soon as �ossible. � Statement Date and I�Ti�mber '<rnatiirc of Autl�o�ized Oflicial �