251135 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �O � 'J �� CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCiI � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU OLUT N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �bgrt F• S raf • COMMISSIONE � ATF �J la the watter �f e.aa�struct i�� Pl��len Creek Re i ief Sew�er (S-1359A), heretsfsre approwd fsr a�vertis�ent f�r i�ids � Nov�l�r, 18, 197�. � } NM�REAS, It has beer� daterwiaed t�at a revist0u �f the S�seial v�� Pr�visier+s is Aecessary► t� batter defiae t�e r+�erk to bs d�ua aw to i�sdre a w�re ea�if�na proaadnre f0r preparati� �f �ids; �ww tberofors, �pon t�s re�Ndation �f tbe Co�wtssi�er of Pd�ita Wrks, i� it RES�LVEO, That the Specifications for the sbove Ma�e� iwprov�eat, as approved by the C�naci 1, are I�ereby awee�ded wi th Addead� Nm. 1 , . �ich is attached to sr�d a�ade a part of tWe above �pe�tid4ad c�trsct, and that further, all interested parties be �tified of this addeAdran. (/lttaci� copy of Adde�d�) NOV 10 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya But�er NOV 1 0 1J719 �1��� ved 19_ Levine / �n Favor 1r1C1°e'�_LRIti1r-� Sprafka ayo Tedesco U A Bainat Mr. President, McCarty APPR PUBLISHED NQV 14 19� Asst Co ion Counsel � ADDENDUM N0. I TO TNE �� SPECIFICATIONS ��� s FOR PHALEN CREEK RELiEF SEWER 7o-s-1359A OESCRIPTION The intent of this Addendun to the Specifications is to provide the City with the opportunity to receive and consider an alternate bid based on the use of a structural plate arch. The intent is also to include additio�al requirements a�d changes. TYPE OF CONCRETE Structural concrete for the cast-in-place reinforced concrete box culvert shall be M.H.D. Mix No. 3Y43 in accordance with M.H.D. Specification 2461 . Payment for structural concrete shall be included in the contract bid amount. All concrete used between Sta. 1+80 and Sta. 12+00 sfiall be "high-early" strength concrete. TYPE OF REiNFORCEMENT BARS All reinforcement bars shall conforai to the requtrements of Item 25E of the SPECtAI PROVISIONS. LIST OF APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES The 24" Class IV R.C.P. shall be changed to Class V. The 235 Lin. Ft. of i2" Class IV R.C.P. shall be deleted from the list of approximate quantities. The 6 each, move telegraph pole� shall be deleted from the list of approximate quantities. 12 FOOT DIAMETER STRUCTURAL PLATE ARCH The Contractor may include the use of 12 foot diameter structural plate arch in his contract bid amount. The 12 �foot structural plate may be used f�om the specfal transitio� structure to Sta. 1+80 with tha remaining length fraa Sta. 1+80 to Ouchess Street being constructed with: Ao 11'-0" diameter structural plate, archo B. il'-0" Split R.C.P. C. Cast-in-place rainforced concrete box culvert es shown on the pians. ' The�efore, the foilowing additional atternates shail be included in the list of approximate quantities. ALTERNATE D 1030 L1n. Ft. Construct 11'-0" � gage structural plate arch. 1100 Lin. Ft. Construct 12'-0" 7 gage structural plate arch. • ALTERNATE E 1030 Lin. Ft. Construct 11 '-0" Class V SPLIT R.C.P. with RAM-NEK gaskets or R4 Joints. 1100 Lin. Ft. Construct 12'-0" 7 gage structural plate arch. ALTERNATE F 1030 Lin. Ft. Cast-in-place relnforced concrete box culvert. • 1100 Lin. Ft. Construct 12'-0" 7 gage st�uctural plate arch. If the Contractor elects to use structural plate, it must be lined with a gunite lining which shall cover all corrugations and bolts. A 2" x 2" 14 gage wire mesh shall be welded to the structural plate to i�sure adhesion of ths gunite lini�g. Payment for the gunite lining shall be included in the contract bid amount. The structural plate arch shall be 7 gage .and meet Standard Specifications for St�uctural Plate for Pipe� Pipe-Arches� and Arches - AASHO Designation M-167-64. MANHOLES The manholes used with the structural plate arch shali conform to M.H.D. Design � K as shown on M.H.D. Standard Plate No. 40048 except that the corrugated metal pipe shall be 36" diameter with a Neenah heavy duty frame and grate R-5900-1 , � Series or equivalent. ; I The ma�holes used with the cast-in-place rei�forced concrete box culvert shall conform to the plan sheet #4288 attached to this addend�xn. These manholes shall be constructed over the center of the cast-in-place reinforced concrete box culvert and shall be designated as Design Type VII S. The manholes used with the 11 '-0" SPLIT R.C.P. shali consist of a 48" riser section and short cone as shown on M.H.D. Standard Plate No. 4009E-Design J and 4010D-Short. Cones. Tho casting shall conform to those shown on M.H.�. Standard Plate No. 41016 with M.H.D. Catch Basin 6rate No. 720 .as shown on M.H.D. Standard Plate No. 4140D. -2- Ma�holes shall be constructed according to the following schedule: Sta. 5+50± Sta. 0+00± Sta. 0-660± Sta. 0-845± ALTERNATE M,H. 1 M.H. 2 M.H. 3 M.H. 4 A Type VII S Type VII S Type V11 S Typs VII S B Type V11 S M.H.D. Design J M.H.D. Oesign J M.H.D. Design J C M.H.D. De51gn J " �� �� '� �� " �� �� �� D M.H.D. Design K M.N.De Design K M.H.D. Design K M.H.D. Design K E M.H.D. Oesign K M.H.D. Design J M.H.D. Design J M.H.D. Design J F. M.H.D. Oesign K Type VII S 7ype Vil S Type YII S 11'-0" SPLIT R.C.P. The 11 '-0" SPLIT R.C.P. as shown on Org. 4278 shall be changed from Class IV � to Class V. ITEMS 296 and 29C shall be changed from 5'-6" R.C.P. split pipe to 11 '-0" SPLIT R.C.P. INSURANCE The Contractor shall be required to have liabtlity insurance of $1 ,000,000. A copy of the coverages required by the rail�oad is attached for the Contractor's convenience. it is anticipated that obtaining the required insura�ce coverages before the required deadline of December 12, 1970 will neccessitate that the Contrattor be prepared to submtt the required insurance to the Burlington- Northern Railroad Co. for approval when he is notified that he is tho successful bidder. I�surance satisfactory to the Chicago-Northwestern Railroad Co. �aust be obtained before work begins by railroad spur No. 2. , . NlANHOLE DESIGN TYPE �IIS � Phdien CreeK Relief Sewer S-1359 A Sca le I"= 2' Al ( �'s to be #8 . 3" 3" 3, 27"Dia. „ . . • � Cqstinqs A � D ds per Std. „ Pit. �2201 � �2�02 2 Precast Conc. AdJusti nq " Rinq -Min. I - Max.4- MorterBed -S��Min- 3" " . 12 *�8 �6s @ 6�� .� a• �Q .. � ..Q � � a : . �� �:: 1 . 'a . �, . D " a .• � -a� �H �5 � 6f� ' � �A.�. ' r� - ...c� •Q; 3 'Q •. • e .� 3„ �;� 4_0„ ��.a: Gonc. Type > � . 12" Q 3A42C : �" � �.� �. �• ':a'. . e . • ° . � . ' :p�. � : a .•O � _Q .. . o _ � • ' , c • ' . . , ' . o � , ' o, . 4 . Construct on �. of Re i nforced Conc. Box Cu Ivert MANHOLE DESIGN TYPE �5 Phalen CreeK Relief Sewer � Sew. Dr. 10 Drq. 4288 � aun.�u►s To.re�Mme ��j��� , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO �� O�FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED!T Rob�rt F. Spratk� COMMISSION�R DA*� • In ths �ttsr �t co�stractin� lUala� C��sk It�ti�� �� (�-13g9Aj. h�r�tefse� approv�d 1's� adw�t 1 sw�t fsr �i ds o� Nev�wMr, 18. 1�870. MHEREAE, It h�s bNn dst�nsiMd that a nvlsion ef tIN �ctai P�ovl�l�ns is n�c�lsaryr t� bstt�r fJ�t�M !IN Mrk t� 1» d�ns a�d to insun a wsro uni}rrw proo�dur� tor pn�a�ativn rt bids; �r thsnl�n, upon th� r�oowMnd�tton �f tl» Cawisston�r e# �1ic MbMcs. M� it RESOL�D, That the Sp�cilic�tions for the above na�asd iwprovrwent. as approved by ths Counti i� ars hsroby aw�ndad wi th Addenduai No. 1 . wh i eh 1 s attathsd to a� �sds a part of the above wNic i ot�d ea�tract, and that turtM�. �11 int�rastsd parttes b� notified ot this adda�du�. � (Attaeh cop'r of Addeadun) rac�V t o 1�7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc� 18— Yeas l�sys Bur�� Hf�V 101970 ,���� Approv� 19_ � Levine �Tr Favor �l�e�ck�--, �`� �� Sprafka CJ _ ,a►g�t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��