251132 OR{61NAL TO CITY CLBRK ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� 'w ���� r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. CO ESOLUT ON—GENERAL FORM ; COMMISS�IONE Robert F. S rafka ATF V WHSREAS, Additions which might prove to be nec�ssary in th� Improvee�ent described as Grading and Faving FROSPERITY ROAD from Idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue, Comptroller*s Contract L-7255, City Froject No. 69-F-048SB, Armor-Coat Company, Inc., Contractor, hav� been provided for in the Specifications, and T�THERSAu, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions ADDITIONS Reconstruct Type IV manhole at Idaho Avenue and Frosp�rity Road to provide outlet for drainage. Equipment Backhoe - 6 hrs. @ $22.00 $132.00 Labo r �'j 16 hrs. @ $ 5.70 $91.20 ���/ �'Q grofit, Overhead, Insurance +40� 36.48 / , �. Materials 127.68 �i `� Blocks, sand snd ce�ent $28.00 ' 1 +15z 4.20 32.20 NS'T TOTAL ADDITION TO CONTRACT $291.88 and �� WHEREAS, The total addition is $291.88, and the Coffiissioner of Fublic Works �has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $291.88 is the corr�ct sun to be n dded to said contract, therefore be it D 'a '�v RESOLVED, That the City of St. �''aul through its City Council approves the �• � foregoing additions �aade in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of o' < $291.88, said amount to be added to the luedp sum consideration named in the m contract, known as Comptroller�s Contract L-7255, and which amount is to be � financed from 1970 County Aid Funds. � N r� Nov � o ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya But�er [�►QV 1 0 197� ��.�� A rove� 19— Levine �jn Favor i Sprafka l/ ayo Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty �us�rsH�o NOV 14197� �� DYrLICATi TO rRINT=R ����s�/ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� '�"r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c�Mis�s�w� tob�rt F. ��ratka DATE i�ittAS, I►dditie�� Mhich ■igbt pro�� to b�e n�c�aury in tb� Lpro��nt d�sarib�d u Gradirg ae�d Ta�i�s �1t08lERTTY lttlAD tro� Idabo �va�w� to Lasp�ntsur �wna�, Cenptroii�r's Contra�t L•7t33� ciey tre�.�e ro. 69-!•04aSD, As+aar•Coat Co�pany� in�.. Centraator. 6aw bNa Pra�id�d tor in tiN Sp�aiiicatioas� aad �tLA�, It bas bNe t�nnd w�c�ssary ts �ala tU� tolloMiu= Additiona A1�DITI0118 R�oeiutruct T�rp� N w�bol� at Idal�o A��au� aeid lt��p�rity R��d to provid� outi�t for drainap. . �aai�aat Back�� - 6 hrs. ! $2Z.00 =132.00 Labes 16 Ysa. � ; 5,70 =l1.Z0 lr�tit. Owsh�sd� Iasusanc� +�i0i 36.4s l�s�la 1Z7.68 Sio�ks, asnd and o�nt ;Ya.00 +ux �.so 3Z.Z0 Ii=? TCT�L A�1TI011 TD Oa1R1tACT =291.88 A� M�EAB, T1� total additioA is $Z91.a8� sad th� Cvris�ton�r o! �ublia Wosks hu a=rNd ait4 LYe Coatsaaior tLat t� �net ot ;�91.a� ia tb� eornat a�. to b� Nd�d to said e:ontraat. tD�r�lor� D� it tESOLVED� TUat kb� Cit� ot �it. l�ail tbreesY its City Ca�na�il appro�rta tlM tos�soi� s�ditim�s aad� in aeao�+dana� Mith tL� sp�ail�icationa i� tb� ns oi ;Z91.ai. said ro�t t4 b* ad�d to tir lu�p s�s e�sid�ration ��l i' t1N cowtrsat, k�ove� as E�troll�r'• Coatraat L•7235, a�d vtiicl� 4ewne is es b� titna�a�d tro� 1970 County �id innds. NOV 1 0 1'7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�� 19_. Yeae Nays NOV 1 O 1'�� Butler Approved 19_ �°�e �Tr Favor 1/,�..,�,�:1L \ U � � w�'pr&f�A A vninSt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��