251124 ,> , . n,. ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE N0. ~ Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By --- Condemnation and Awards of Damages File No. �?� and Asseasment Theref or ��} yi�� ��;�._� ... . . -_ . _ - N� 1 � :.. . .. , � . . . - vrV - - �- _. � . . � . , . �- -. � . . _ � - ..__ . . .. }' . . � . ... . -.€ � ti .. � ` + ' Open, widen and e�ctend ROSE AVE. between Prosperity Ave. a.nd Barclay St. by ' taking and conder.ining that parcel of land in the N�- of NW,–�� Section 27, T�S�rnshi4� 2�, Rur_�e 22 described a.s foLot�rs: Be�innir_g a.t a �oint on the south ]_�.ne of Rose Ave. as o�pened by C.F. 207351, 270.69 fee� ti��esi,erly from the westerly line of P��1?.ryland Hei�;hts; thence ti•resterly on -the south line of Rose Ave., a distance of j7.46 i'eet to �;he angle �oint on the sou�h line of Rose Ave. �.s o?�ened; thence south�-resterly on the south line oi' Rose �ve. a distance of 57.�-6 feet; thence northeasterly on a curve to the ri�h-t having 2: centrul an�le of 2�;�°17' and a radius of 2b7 Feet � distance o� 113.07' to the point of be�inning. - Also o��en, ti.iczen and extend ROSE AVE. betti�reen Prosperii,y Ave. and Barclay St. by taking and condemnitzg that �a_rcel of land in the 1?� of I�tid4, Sectiion 27, , To�mshi�� 29, Runge 22; described as fo1_lo.�rs: Beginning u� a. rooin�t on the north Iine of Rose Ave. as opened by C.F. 2073j1, 535.d� feet vres�exl;� frora the westerly line of Pfaryland Heigh�ts; thence e�.sterly on the north line of Rose Ave. a distance oi 57.�+6 feet to the angle point on the nori,h line oi Rose Ave. as o�ened; thence northeasterly on the north line o�' Rose Ave. a distance of j7.46 feet; thence souths•resteY•ly on a: curve to the r��;ht having � centrwl arlgle of 2�+°17' ai7d a raclius oi 267 feet a d.ist�:nce of 113.07' to the �point of beginning. Also o-�en, �,ri.den Gnd extend Rose Ave. at Pros�ne-ri-�y t��re. by �cGking and � � condermin� that �arcel of l�nc� in the I�T� of T�T�l,–��, Section 27, To�rn"shi� 29, Range 22, �.escribed a.s iolloi�rs: . Beginning �t zhe �oint of intersectior_ 02" the eGsterly line of Pros�qerity Ave. ar_d tihe nor�h �_ine of Rose Ave. a.s opened by C.F. 207351; thence nor�Lheasterly �� distance of 28.�+5 feet along the easterly line of Pros�erity Ave. ; thence southeas�erly on a curve to the lef�L having a cen�i;ral a,n�le of 12�+°2�+' and �: radius of 15 ieet a distance of 32.5�+ feet -Lo the north line of - Rose Ave. ; thence �•resterly on the nor-th line of Rose Ave. �: distance of 28.�-5' - to the point oi beginnin,�,. Also, condemn a.r_d tuke an ea.sement in tne land necessary .for the s?o7es, c�ats �a1d i'ills, incJ_ad�r_� ri�ht of rer�ova�_ oi lai,eral su��ort .froni suu j ect 1a�ld or � r��naind�?° thereof, accasio�ed by excavations thereoi or cons�•ructioiz of slo�es ir, the graclin� ��nd suria.cin� t�riti7 bi�urninous m��eria.l and construc�ing concre�ce curb �:nd �ut�er on ROS� A �. �'-ram Pros;�e-rity Ave. �o B�rc7_ay St. (G-1���6) , ___ __ - - ----— __ _---- _ i.;. _ _ _ - - .-- - :_ `�/`� Adopted by the Council_-�� i � � �r-� � -- M�r; '�`!iT�� � � S�`R:'`.;-;�q � rE��SCO In Favor McCARTY a r �Against Fo� R_s �� 1970 PUBLISHED NOV 14 .. " r , r �, � CITY OF ST. PAUL 25��f ,L� �50 ( �1 . Report of Commissianer of Finance on CondemnAtion of Landa File Na �'�� . _ _, �.� ,Is 1�a;:�r�: . ` ;, - ;�, � � �� <. r• r�� ,. � ; �A, Open, widen and extend ROSE AVE. between Pros�erity Ave. and Barclay St. by • taking and conder.�ning that parcel of lancl in the N� of NGd� Section 27, To��nzshi� 29, Range 22 described as folloz•rs: Be�inning a'c a �oint on the south line of Rose Ave, as o-r�ened by C.F. 207351, 270.69 feet �resterly fro.m the t�resterly line of P�Iaryland Hei�hts; thence westerly on the south line of Rose Ave., a distance of 57.46 feet to �Lhe angle �oint on the south line of Rose Ave. as o�oened; thence southt,resterly on the south line of' Rose Ave. a distance of 57.�+6 feet; thence northeasterlyo un � curve to the right havin� a central anr�,le of 2�+°17' and a radius of 267 feet a distance of 113.07' to the point of beginning. A�so apen, s.riden and extend ROSE AVE. betti�reen Prosperi�y Ave. and Barclay St. by taking and condemnin� that �arcel of l�nd in the PT2 of IV�7,—��, Section 27, , ToS�mship 29, Run.ge 22, descriUed as follotirs: ' Beginnin� at a point on the north line of Rose Ave. as onened by C.F'. 207351, 535.06 f�et t-resterly frora the westerly line o� Maryland Heights; thence ' easterly on the north line of Rose Ave. a d.istance of 57.�+� feet to �he angle point on the nor�h line of. Rose Ave. as o�ened; thence northeasterly on the � north line of. Rose Ave. a distance of 57.�►-6 feet; thence southi�resterly on a curve to the ri��ht having � centr�_ angle of 21+°17' and a r�dius oi 267 feet a distance of 113.07' to the point of beginning. � Also o:�en, �,�iden and extend Rose Ave. at Pros-oe-rity Ase. by �akin� and conder,�ning that �arcel of l�.nd in �he I�?� of N6d,�—�, Section 27, Toz�msni� 29, � Range 22, described a,s foll.ozss: � ' Beginning at tihe point of intersection of the e�.sterly line of Prosroerity . � Ave. and the north line oi Rose Ave. as opened by C.F. 207351; thence northeasterly a distance of 28.�+5 feet along the easterly line of Prosperity ' Ave. ; thence southeas�Lerly on a curve to the left ha.vin� a central �.ngle of 12�+°2�+' and u radius oi' lj fee�; a distance os" 32.5�+ feet to the north line of - Rose Ave. ; thence �•resterly on the nort}� line of Rose Ave. a distance of 28.�+5' - to the �oint of beginning. A1so, conc�emn a.rd t�ke �n e�::sement in tne land necessary .for i,�e slopes, cuts and f.i:?J_s, incl_ucling right of rer�oval of 1a�eral suy.��ort from su'oject land or re�nainder thereof, occ�_sioned by excav�t�ons thereof or cons�ruction o�' slo;nes ir� the gralin� and suriacin� T-rith bitu..�i�7ous m-�.teria:.l and cons�Lructin� concre�e curb a.r.d �ut�er on ROSE AVL. �rom ProsperitST Ave. �o B�rcl�.y St. (G-19��0) �' " o issioner f Finance �G����'�