251115 ��, ����":�.5 File No.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMYNARY OItDER. Z'6eundersignedhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefollowiagpubliaimprovement by the City of aaint Psul,vts.: �Pe�► w�de� ac�d extetid WINTHR�P ST. by takin and condeaonin� the follvwi� d of 1 and; �...................i 1 r .... .....--- ..9..w.�-�-------• --.............................�...es c r i bed pa rce 1 �Except.Ma�.and Rd. .tFie North 30 feet of the _... . ................... ._. ...._......_West 30 feet of the NE of SE , Sec. 11 , T. 28, R. 22, and the North._30 feet of the t�leest 30 feet of.the".N.............................�c......�......�..._........� R22.�.... .................__ .. ..�.............................�....... .._...............�,.of S E�� Sec.,,1.1.�..T•..28., . (6-1953) � Dated thie.6.........day of.....�....Nove�ber.N_...N•�M..............................70........................____......... », 19 ....... ........- � ,�—'l�t.x . Counoilm. ...��� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following impmvement, vis.: Open, widen a�d extend MINTHROP ST. by taking and condem�ie�g th� followiwg described parcel ...............................__..........................................................................................--•----» of land: Excepfi_Mailand .Rd. .the.North 30 feet of the West 30 feet of the N .............. ___......--••---.. ................................ E� of SE�, SeC. 11 , T.28, R�_ 22,_.a�d.the_No�th 30 feet of the Mest 30 �eet of .....~......�............�......�...... .... ........ ............---........_.....__........... the NW� of SE�, Sec. 11, T. 28 R. 22. �G-1953) .................... ........_._....._.....»........---...................'.... ......................................................................................._................. havin8 been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Pau1...................................... t6erEfore, be it ................................._..._..._.... BESOLVED, Tha,t the Commieeioner of Publia Wotke be and ie hereby ordered and direoEed; 1. To inveetigate the necesaity for, or desirability of,,the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent aad estimated ooet of eaid improvement� and the total eoet thereot. 3. To furnieh a p1aa, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. , 4. To etste whether or ao�eaid improvement ie asked for on Y�he petition of tl�ree ar morre�owners. 6. To report upon all of 4,he foregoing mattere to the �mm�esioxter of F'inanoe. Aaoptea by the connou........................_.....�. NQV ....6 1�7�......... Ysse Counc i lman 6ut 1 er NOV 6 1'�� Ca r 1 son Approved......._............................................. ..................._ Levine Meredith Sprafka - .� Tedes co .. _ ..... .......... . ._.....�...-....- Mr. President McCarty yor. �000 s.s� � PUBI�ISHED NOV 1�191A O