251113 o�.�s�ac,cie� . .. OrRDINANCE �� 1��.� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED�B ORDINANCE NO �� AN ORDINANCE AMEN�ING CHAPTER 232 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE, AS AMENDED, PERTAIMING TO FEE FOR SEI�IER CONNECTIONS THE COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORO�AIN SECTif�N 1 ,�J� That Chapter 232 of the Saint i'aul Legisiative Code as ame�ded, pertai�ing to Fee for Sewer Conqmctic►a�, be and the s�e ia heraby repealed i� its entir�ty, aAd the following sc�bstitnted in lieu thereof: 232 FEES FOR SEWER CONhECTiONS-REPAIR OR ABANDONMENT 232.01 L i censa Fe�e For each and every cone�ect i on, repa i r or aba�donen�e�t of a sew�r conn�ctior�, vrhicN is m�de with the public sewera , of the City of Sai�t Pac�l , there shali be paid a permit fine of Twe�ty Doll�rs ($20.00), which fe� sh�li be paid to the Commissioner of Finaace before � per�ait for such v+prk is issued. 232.02 Vioistion Any ps�soa making ar�y co�nection, repair or aba�do�eAt of an existing City s�rer conr�ction without paying the per�it fee provided herei� sbalf be �ilty of s mis�emesnor. NOV 2 '� 1970 . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler ��'1 Carlson f 7n Favor �, Levine Meredith Sprafka C; � Against Tedesco U� j 4 LJ�� Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: test• C' Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporat�on Counsel By PUBLISHED �j�V 2 8 19�� Ist ��:/� - � " - 2nd �� �/� Laid over to 3rd and app �� f —Adopted � Yeas Nays as Nays Butler ` Butler Carlson �Carlson Levine � Levine Meredith������ Meredith Sprafka , � Sprefka J Tedesco �edesco \ Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O