251112 ortsm•i s�cits ci�t _ � • r ORDINANCE � ��1��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO / � AI�? 4RDINANCE SETT�,II�(� �IE �LAIM 4F Dt)I�ALD �. �CHIFFERZ, AND �iARE�UERITE S�HIF�, IN�lI�DUA��LY AND A`�' H�SBAND A1�D WTFE, AQrAINST THE �'I'�.'Y OF SA?.N'�' PAU� T'�iE �4UN�IL 4F THE CITY OF SAiN'r PAUL D4ES ORDAIN t See�ior� 1. Tha.t �he proper ci�y offi�ers a�� hereby author3.zed and dir�c�ed to pay ou� of �he Tort I,iability Fund 0435-�21, to Donald L. Schiffer3 and Marguerit� Sahiff'erl, individually and aa husband and wif�, the �um of $�+6�+.95, in full settlement of �heir alaim for damage� aMd in�uries suatained by rea�on of a fall or� a defeeti�e sidewalk at or near 1508 Ashland Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on Sep�ember 23, 1970. Sec�tion �. �ha.� �aid sum sha11 be paid to the said �laima.nts upon the3.r execution and dellvery of' a. relea�e in fu11 to the City, in a form to be approved by �he f3orporation �ounsel, for all da�ge� and in�uries �ustain�d in the manner aforesaid . Section 3, �hat thi� ordinance sha11 �ake effeet and be in force thirty days aftcr its passa�E, approval ar�d publication. NOV 2 �+ 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by th� Council Butler /�' Carlson % Tn Favor !� Levine � ` Meredith � A � Sprafka � gainst Tedesco r. President (McCarty) Appr d: NQ� 2 �+ ig�� At t. City erk �� orm a��roved Corporation Couns By y PUBLISHED NOV 2 8 1970 _ � -- - __ -- � D�a�te to lsLf�s . _ ORDINANCE COUNCII FllE NO �51�12 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /� lllf 0�?IMAI� S�TTl.I�f '!'SE CLAIIid 41� DO�fAL#� L� 3GHt� A�tD MARf�tJISR7Ct"� BC�iIFFF�RL� �t'DIYt�TllLLY. PA�� �BApD Ali� �� A{�AI1�T '� �ZT! �F 9AI�' � �ICI�i OF T�8 CTTF QF SASPR' 1�A'OIr D0�3 t3RD6AI�I s Sectiou 1. That th�e prryper ait� olticers e,r�e her�b� anthor�sd and direoted to pa�q out of th� Tort L3ability Fnnd 003'�-��1, to Donald L. 3a,trltPerl and I�arguerite �hitferi, iudividu�e�.3,y and ae huaband ar�d xit�, tl'e am� of �b�4.95, in i'�11 ee�tles�ea� aP �l�eir Qlaim tar demages and in,��iee s�stained by reseo� oF a Pall on a deYeatt�ve aidexalk at or x�ear 15U8 Aahlaad A�arua+e, Saiat Paui, Minaesota, oa �egtes�r 23, 19'j0. Seo�lon 2. �at eaid su� aha11 be paid �o tA�s said �lsiaants upon their e�eou�ion a�d deiivery oP a releras� in fuli to the 6tity, in s Porm to be ap�raved by t� Corporatlon �ouruel, Por all daaag�r a�d in�uriea e�t�tine�! in tl�e manrter aloreaai�l. Seation 3. "�tt this oxdinance ehall taZoe �2'feQt an�l be in lorce thirty dag� aSter ita passage, approval and pnbii�sation. � NOV 2 4 1�7�1 Yeas Councilmen Nags Paeaed by the Counci� Butler r ��0n Ta Favor Levine Meredith ro�;nst T�� NOV 2 4 1910 Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: / \ � City Clerk � � Mayar � � :.;:�., � Form a�praved Corpo�on CounseT By . �� � S 1 � � /ft � /+ ' /1/ Ist � -- 2nd /r Laid over to 3rd and app � ��,—Adopted � Yeas Nays Y as Nays Bufiler �utler -� Carison , �Carlson Levine � �Levine Meredith '��J�� �) �Meredi+h �F.� r J Sprafka �Sprefka l/ Tedesco \Tedesco Mr. President McCarFy �r. President McCar+y O