251107 C • 1 AL TO CITY CLBRK �`�51��� .*�, � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. � ' , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C CIL RESOLUTION- ENERAL FORM PRESENTED dlf � COMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul Grant Agreement between the City and the State of Minnesota, acting by and through the Minnesota State Planning Agency, pertaining to the Take Home Police Vehicle Program, a copy of which Grant Agreement is attached hereto. �p� 6 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �QV � 1'�0 Butler Caxlson ve� 19— Levine ��n Favor �"�'��-� Meredith `" Sprafka � Mayo A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � . �P_P_R E � � ' �Cp tion C n el PUBLISHED �Q� 14 1970 O `- i � , . �..} , '�. t ;, , STAl"E PLANNI!dG AuENCY •� � ��1� ��7 - • Governor~'s CamrriisJien �n Crime Prevention and Gontrol GKANT AGREFrv1EN'�, TITLE I , SEC. 304 U!�NIE3l;� CRiMF COl�lTi2UL R�1D SRF� STREtTS ACT GF 1968 Pubiic Law 90-351 This AGRc�NiFiVT, m�ac�e this day of , 19 , L�y and betv:�Een the Sta�e of Minnesota acting by and thraugh the Mint�esata 5tate Planrling Agency, hereinafter called the Gran�or, �nd City of St, p�,uz , hereinafter called the Grantee, pursuant to the authority granted by Title I , Sec. 304, Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Public Law 90-351 , hereir�after called the Act, and Executive Order fdo. 28, December �.�, 1968, State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act the Grantor has been allocated funds by the United States Law Enforcement Assistance Administration for use in the State of Minnesnta for the purposes set forth in the Act; and WHEREAS, the Grantee has made application ta the �rantor for a portion of suc� allocation for the purposes contained ir�, and the manner described ir�, Grantee's "Application for Grant," a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", and th� terms of which shall govern and control �his grant except as o�th�ru�ise specifically provided herein. NOW THEREFORE, in cansideration of an in reliance upon the mutual covenants and agreements containea herein , th� parties hereto do covenant and agree, each for themselves and their respective successors and assigns, as follows: The Grantee shall perform and accomplish such purposes and activities as are specified herein and in Exhibit "A", attached hereto; ` �i hE Gr�ant�r sha�l 1 grant to the Grantee the total sum of ` ' Qne hundred forty-seven thousand and fift . y --------------- Dollars � �� $11t7,0�0.00 ) , and the Grantee shall expend from other sources the total sum of Ninty eight thousand one hundred and si�:ty-six--- Dolldrs ($ 98,166.00 ) , which sum shall be the total financial commitment of the respective parties hereto under this �greement, and which shall be distributed and expended in conformance with the policies , rules and regu- lations of the Governor's Commission on Crirne Prevention and Control , The Grantee shall expend funds granted under this agreement only for the purposes and activities specified herein and in Exhibit "A" and only according to the approved plan and budget contai'ned in Exhibit "A" ; The Grantee shall be bound by all the terms and conditions contained in the "Applicant's Agreement" of the "Application for Grant," attached hereto as Exhibit "A", except as otherwise specifically provided herein; FURTHER, the parties hereto do specifically agree that the follow- ing covenants and conditions shall bind the parties hereto: ' 1 . Grantee shall abide by and comply with the Special Limitations and Special Conditions contained in the current Statement of Grant Award applicable to Grantee a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" , the terms and conditions of which shall take precedence over and control the terms and conditions of Exhibit "A", attached hereto, "Application for Grant. " � 2. When required by the. laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantee shall attach hereto, prior to submission, certified copies of resolutions, or other authority, by the appropriate governing body or bodies as shall legally authorize the execution of this agreement on behalf of the grantee. ' -2- . 4_ '. < , ., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this agreement to be duly executed on its beha]f and its seal to be hereunto fixed and the Grantee has caused the same to be duly executed on its behalf this day of , 19 APPROVED: GRANTEE: Commissioner of Administration gy By (((' Signature belo,�r ))) Date Title Approved as to form and execution � this day of , 19 STATE OF MINNESOTA by and � through the STATE PLANNING AGENCY BY ATTORNEY GENERAL Title STATE OF MINNESOTA Date By Title Mayor Commissioner �Q Af?PROVCD p. !ASSt. Corporation Counsei omptroller , ity er -3- _'� v .., l(�•'-^,:E�-'� (ctrvisr,�) �/` L / l•/ � !i r„•,�1:-.1.�—(` __------� �—�-- ---�----- -- — — ------ -----_ . . ..°��; " .. U,''S, DEPART �IEi� T 0 (= JUSTICE APPLfCATION FOR GRAIIT , ��.'�'���• `�: LAW ENFORCEhiFNT ASS 1 STANCE D i SCRET I ON /IRY FUNpS t= r. ������-' : nur� 1 r� � sTRAT 1 ON PAGC i .�-------___._-------------- -- . � li��i:- I � U., I�L � kpplication ic hc=•rhy n.idc for a Grant undcr Section 306 Appltcntton Numbcr Program ptviston /lsstgnc0 of thc 07tnt�u: Cric,c Control and Safc Strrcts Act cf 19G3 + (+�l Gb-351) 1n thc a��ount and for thc rurposes set fort� in L�atc-}tccc vc fceg on Ass{gned ~ this ep�lfcation. , Snort�ifle e� frojcctc�q not excc-7ec onc typ��in� � � - ,r f r1f\�. HOME" (�<"i1..ICF� V 1-ltlCl.._'r5. .. . . . . . . �iyDC o` -.;-pl+ra;iont {C!:ck iin�;�--�_�--__. __. _ ____ , . /�:/ Ori9inal � Fevfsion L7 f.onfinuatSon of Gront Fb._y_w _ � Ui�.:r�tintia��y I'ro�;�.��n llnCcr .:hiih i�pplir.ation ts Madc: --__ ----- � --�.v L; � /} � .Y • � =-).r_�f::_���C._L1ti'Pni.icr- �1nH���; u�? r�_ _ Pro,icct Uuration: LEI� u7i�� pport �oug i� � � - � �, . Total Len9thJ 1 2 months t� ' $1�7,Q50.00 ____ � �pp icent or Imp�roenti�r,c or Goverrtmente niL: -��7.�'ro�-'ect birector t�tle address, an te e hcne � 9 Y � --��air,�^� � P__�__ (Name, address, and tclephone) ' CITY OF ST, Pf�UL, MWNEi�6TA . CAPT/�!N WM. MZ.CUTCI-1F.ON , f�� � . Q- �; : . QUREA�U OF PC�1_.ICE .- PLANNtNG V. TRNG, UNIT �e � � ST. PAUL_, MINNE'30TA \T�EMPORARY� ��� Pi�or.�r_ 227_8521 ExT. 290 . i' Financial Officer Name, tit7e, address, and te epTone)�-�- 4. Official�uthorizcd to Sign'�Ippjication Narne, tit e'-T , � ! address, and telephone) ; LOU15 MCKENNA, �COMPTF20LLER 2 p CHARLES P, McCAr�-rv, MAYOR ST. PAUL� MINNESOTA PHONE 223-411U C(-i'Y OF' ST. PAUL_, MINNESOTA ' . � ,I-----F'�oNE�2z3_�1323 r--_�4�.1 t'. `- ' �.. �-;, I -�` ,. �� �...� . \_- � \ � � —__�—�_____ '---==: �. , „� ,___.\ � a, ,_ F,.. ProjeCt Surm,iry- - -Sunrnarize,in approximately 20�orord5, the nrost irpertant part5 of thc stater^ent of projeci��lan�resented i in appliCatton item 22 (page G), briefly covering pm,�ect noals and pronr•am methods; impact, scope, and evaluatior� _� �' � \ THE PROJ[-GT IS DESIGNED TC> TES�T THE VALIDITY Of=' THF TRAU{l'IONAL I-IYPO'�FiE.51`: THAT . �, 8 ' � 4 PATROL AC:IVII'Y SEi1VF=5 AS A CRIMC Uf:TE:RREN'i', ANf_) THAT A.C:2UANTITATlVE INCREASE IN PATROL � � � WiLI_ RESULT IN A GORRESPONbING ,DECR[:ASE IN CRIMFC 1ND TRAFFIC VfOL.ATIONS. I t' . THE PROJGCT THROUGH VEHICLE ALLOCATION TO POLICE PFRSONNFL FOR THEIR PERSONAL USE � � � OFF—DUTY SEEKS TO DETE:RMINE-THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CONCEPT OF OVEf2WHELMING PATROL. � r .. WHICH SHOULD DE A VALUAE3LE CONTR(F3UTION TO THF_ UNDERSTANDINCr'OF THE LAV✓ ENFORCEMENT . ' ` . COMMUNITY, . � . , I� - ' f ' ' � '^ I . ! � i� , , • ;; j � 1, .. f � I , I ' 1 � . ....._. ...,. ..._.,....�.-i• �..y. .._.....-.�-...�,—•-..«.-............-...�-...-...��...-.,.....�--�..-�-.-...--�......--..-a,.-.....�..�.....,�..-..-......�_�. . . .........-.�..-�...,�....�.... :�.».+.:-...'.L _�.. :•..•n., .�.��.... �,...,.....�, ... .. . ....,. , . . . .. . . .. .. . ... . .. .�..�.... .. .- '. ...... .. . .. ..,...... ... .... . -..�....� ' ^"�.._ ..�... .`. . .. . . . . €... f �rn t;�l,t.-;;CCr^-�� (PrviSrd) � ?i!.�nn 1:'-:G-(:gi 4 _.�.--. .---��-�-�- c� '-� . - ----�° -- - � � �� � �•:., U.. S, DEI� AR7IIENT 0 � JUS71 CC APPL 1 C(iT I0N f OR GRAf� T ;`� ,,,, r ��_� "'- . � Lr, W EP� FUftCEPff. tJT ASSISTANCE DiSCRETIO �dARY fUI� nS ,:-_,.'.•-;.,.i, �: AUMIfdISTRATIO �� � r � G � 2 �� �------- --- -- --- -- !; � 1� D F T A �,� F d �� R 0 J C C i B U D G E T -- lnclude thr. estirated east or value ot all resuurces neeessary to unAr.rtdke ;!. Lhe project. r �: _� _� --- %� ---- +;° P<�rsc^r.el E.^-:a1o•���•cs � - - I. E A A ,RI�I;IEF�TEGORY �� ---j- � -J --� SIIPPORT .C:�TRIF!ITi0;1 TOTk� f�� 11)�_.-1z'�C,t..�1_L�Le,�ciis�,sisinn�itth calarY rate zr.clserc�ntaqe of tim� devotrd) - -- --------- -- i�' , P��o��_rT Mn.�:n;r-_r, lOQ�r -% ---r s ii ----- - - --- -- -1- �� ` f 13101� • • �, F.��::�c L��ne�,tr� -- ��� �'i � i'' _ _� � _ _ _I—�253 tf y - -------+---I {. — - - -- ��� ` _�_ ��, ----- I---- �' , � --- -- � R; --------------- � �,.; - -____.,`._ --- - -- s S e t. F'��E 3 — i ; --- . , l � � , ; Z�F'i(i �t C i i r��n:_Le t c. "------------ -------- - -- --- ��---- ----- ------------_.____ � � �;;. - ---- . . �I�- --,�-- 6,z6� : -- — --- -- --------_____-- --f.— _.i._1�.���_ 1 d tc .ional Ji.:-�� cs-STtcriiz�'L_ , --- --- _i � i � ItiC:vir ia1 G, � -- -- --- ' � r--- — ns�ritants list G�� individual or type_Hiih fee basit a�ir{ anount of Lime devoted - -- — --- � - - -`.._. �-' 6 ' - —�. -�-- i D k .: M — �- ��. __ fi s: - —` < . � �- �� Contractinq or ��rvice Oraanizatior,s a,d Associaiinns — —�-- i---- ` - -- -- ---�---�list cach b�ty�pe rrith fce basis and amount of tir_e devotcd) ` � -- . �-----------�_ �-- -__ .___- ---�'...__ --s� ---�-� . 4 .. � -- _._ � � 'C'-""-'--+ . .+ J 1 ivrT ransLorlatinr a;j�;t!h<.ist.��iir,� lten;ize _`_� � � ----------�---�L=_-�- �.�___ -j-___------- ; _�� , TRANSPORTATfON AND SlJL3SISTENCE; - TRiP TO INDIANAPp�,�S J6� ' ._.__.._ _ - � -- ��+ . . --- -� _ � � . j �r. � S r r-_ P a c.r-: 3�--- _ _-- ` -----�---- —. _.___._.�------- ------� � 5.G�I_ 5 G d � , ---------- _____._ _i.-- -- it t p,�n t: �1 I r r�!?� � _� -- -- ��------- ----- - _.�_____.___._ - ------ ---- --- ------- ------- : . _-�-_ __ ---- ---—_._ - �--— --- . � _ ____._ -- --- ,---__ _ �ci�T o'--`- iiic.�,y. _n.Ni�,ni.�xi� tni�!'-�._c3iiir�n�r-N�--------- l_3��Q�l 70 O�'8----� ------ �---— �'----1----� , S�:�_ P�r,F 3 . - .__-- r ____ ----- —l-----�---�3__— ' ---� -------__._—------ ��--��_��f 2�2y2 8 8 ' }�lic=--anc! ULh�_r (1,��_�t.inn Ex cii;c;� CPfr-U17{C11.10�ts, rc:n•oduc��on, �ndir_ccl co5ls Itru ^ , . r___l= — - --- — � -- —-- — —— --- T� _ Z---��.�,--------- GAti_AND QIL f__'___f20DU( l'`_'_'-______ ._».'_'_'_._�._._ � iJ 050�� 11 249 ; � _._, __. __..t_'_._. __...'_�'._ '. . '._ -'-- - -____ --^_ --_- ._...-._� ��' . � - ------�-._._.._....�..�__.__��.'_�-__ .�; . �_.�__..,-.-__�_.-�___-__.— � I .�' , . �.___�_-----Sk��_Pn�c 3------- ---------- ` --- ��------_—_-- ------------___.__�_-------�--2F>,299 � ,''; , 'AL I'ROJELT CGST ' — -- ____ �.' f14 7 �0 —�_.��._��_. �' :: — �—�L_�.___I___`)_8116 G 24 5 416 _� i:' . ,,� : � . , . . .......r-.....f....,w,..,m�.�...+....,.,.r•.�w�r..��... �..,.�r. ..,^++,..•�v+.......r�n..w..+m....��nn..t�r�r.�..^..e�..�.�.n+�,-.�-......�,–..–.�-...w+...,......,...«..�..--......«.._'"' ...�..._ .......__. .. �. .___ , _' ._._ ...-_. .__.... .... . .. .. �" ioiri 11? I;. . . � .�Itr'ij • . , ,. . , : � .�.f!�i)i ,�,�.i,"� ��� '�`%+ ; : ;� • :..._._..-------'----------_.. __' --------_-�. . . . 1 t ., _ ._ . ...._.__'-_--'----- i t"__`._.� ".'�_ -.� _ �',�� .' ;J. �, � � i k � -rr� f: �� l OF JUST i Cf APPL 1 CAT I ON FOR GRAf� T� ` ,< •�.. ',' <<-.'.. , s i; ,'',-�",:-~.,� . L ,': W EtiFGRCCi'if �� 7 ASS 1 S7ANCL D i SCRE710NARY FUtlDS ._.__.__._.._�_ �A D ti 1 N-1 S T R A T 1 0 �i ' ' P A G E 3 � 12, DUDGCT � IJARRATIVE �� Bc�tn hrlox ar,d add es nany cnntinuatton po9es (3a, 3b, etc.) as may Ge necessary to relate thc items budgeted to proJect ectfvitfes, end ccc,irte trte recutred Justtfieetton and ezplanation of the pro,tcet budyet. i r ITEM17_;�tTION OF COSTS . ° , „ �� �. A. PER�:ONNEL: �� , �� ! i' THE!: 5.->LARY AN17 FRINGE E4��NFFITS LISTI-D HEF2EtN ARE THFC CIVIL SERVICE SALARY E?1-_Nf:FITS - . OF A 1-OLIGF: SL:Pf[:FANT. I 1i(_ lNUIVIDUAL TO [3F". �;C�LFC'7'l.�O IS EXPC-R�FNCCU� IN FLF:ET M/tINT'::NANCE� t3UDCSF_TWC; AND 1N5PEl�TIONS ANp NOW SERVES qS TRANSPORTATION O(-'F=ICCCR, } - $1G,265.00 > ' r C. TRAVEL . ; , �. . ) y �HL BUREAU HAS nLREADY ASSUMEO 'THES COS'r';. pr q SURVE:Y OF TiiE INDIANAPOL[S� INDIANA � PROGRAM, A FORF RUNNF iZ OF THE: CONTEMP.'�.ATF_D F'LAN HLR['�tv APPLIED FOR. � � . ' T ' ik � 1, 1 HE CITY ATTC.�RNEY� THE DEPU'I'Y CHIEF OF THG PATROL DIVlSiON ANU TFIE CAPTAIN, ` COMNIAtJO1NC, 'f1iF_ PLANtv(NG AND 1 F2/�INING UNIT� HAVE: UNDERTAi<f:N THIS STUDY TO CHFCK � THE_ LEGALI'T'Y AND P14ACTICAL ASPCCTS OF TI-1E PftOGRAM, THEY HAVE PREPARFD RE_PpRTS � OF THEIR FINOiNGS AND� THER6=FORE � M,AKE THIS RFqUEST WITH INCREASED CONFIUENCF_, � . � AiR TRANSPORTP.TION FOF2 THRFf: MEN /�T ��JJ.91 EACH y�'i2G3.73 F � • 1 FiREE MEN AT J25,�� PER DAY FOR FOUR DAYS ' 300.00 . 564,�� ` + D. EQUIPMENT - � . � 1, MOTOF2 VF_H[CLf:S - LEASF_D -. 100 _ 4 D�, SEf)ANS AT �110.00 I�Ef2 MONTt-I t=OR ONE_ YEAR • THIS 15 !1 FIRM F2[CNTf1L PRICE BASFD ON THE PAfR MARKET VALUE � OF SUCH LEASIN" tN OUR AREA UF 'T'Hr COUNTRY. � �132�2��,�� C I1!� � i:: 2. TWO 11UNtiREC� (ZOO) M/�GNF"_'TIC ENGLf:ML� f1T ,Ci�7J.VV EACH. � � Ybi1S AGAi�i REPRk==S[=NTS 'illE MARKF_'f V/1LUE O,'-� �fHB: f=MBLEMS � ��Qp�,Q� � �. �;:� 3. ONt:. HUNDRED (IU�) �rUNI-BARTr rMEfjGF_NC`( i�ED l.(GHTS gTANDARDS . � A-r $27.40 [_ACH FOR MOUN7ING ON TI-{�•VE":i{�CL�<5 Zt/QO,OO � I � ` . 7. 4. ON�= iauNnr,er� (100� f�2rvo_Li�rE-:s 240_1 Hd ,ai- `,�'43.48 4 348.00 ` ,� , n ; 5. ONV HUNDRf"I') �I`/O> R/�D10 r:r.rs n�r $5�30,00 r�oi; iri:>7'/�LLA'T'ION iN VF_H�CL�B 53,000,00 . ------- E;; � �. TOTA L COST 202,2£33.00 � 'E. SUPPLIES AND OPERATING EQUlPMEM- TF��--',+c r's'rinnnr�.s nrrr:: r3n5;Cf) ON CUItt2f-NT 1-'I_.�'F:T OPf:ftATING EXf'(;N;fiS, f Qun�<r�; or oi� n�r 50 cr..r�-rs ��:fa �aunaT F-ot: 100 Vf_IIICL.[CS 3OO.n0 ! ,,' lOVO G/\I._LON°i OF' G/�� AT TWEhJTY-S1X ClINT:+ f°F:Ft G.f�LLON 2G�OnO.nO � �!2 G,3 00.00 . } , ��,� PAGE 3-A s- , � � � �EOUr���1�r�-r: ; ; Furani�:� r ���, Sccrior� D _ Ec�utF�n�F::r�-r _ is nvAi�_nc�i_�- Ar -rfiE CITY L�VEI_ FROM oNF_ x ; SUI;RC!_ ONL.Y — TliF. CAE'iTAL I�1F'ROVF"ME.NT EtUDGET, THE::RE: AlZE R[STRICTIONS ON THI'S ; .� � MOt:CY It�t "tlif.7 IT NU,�T l:C AF�F"�(_IF_� TO`.NARD GAFITAL IMPROVEMEN'rS AND, THER[FORE, . . � ' ' C.l�hf�iJ;' f7F:. liSCD F"OR nPFRl�TING c=XPENUiTURES, . � i � � Prrr i[;,q.(.�c� (i' :tc�,6) iCdition 1� .i"'. � �� !_._._.._._... _ .- �--- �_....._------------...-------�- ---------------------__.�._� - ! ., ` ii. �. Ut� (' Af� T �1f: NT OF JUSTICE: APPI_ ICA �f10 �� FOR GR /� (� T . . ;�,� `'.. . �� ` L (1n' C �� ►= 01� f, L (1Ch� i ASS I ST /1NCE D I SCRFT 10WA (? Y FUIIDS � ,':.- . .": . /til (�i 1 t� t STRIiT 1 ON PAGf: 4 ` __._.,•--�.,; -I i � _�� yc� �:i. i� �r . i o j^��� "?_.____ -` ---`--- - --- "_. r —. _—. , . -- - - Prior I'roject �r�;�n� 'u c` �vc Total ' , Phases T�� Phasc Phasc, � �:,.. t Cat.e�or rs --,-- ` ----------------- �, � Pcrsonnel (c,l��ri�•s ar,d Elcncfit5} 1�,2�7J.�� � � ('rn'oa�t�ri.�;--;,-rvtCCS t�n0i:i�y,115 '�-�— — -- �_` , , �li° �lryanizaticns �nd _� � j ,:i (.r.- - !�;�.c i..1 i�r..1` --------- --- - -- - ��------.� -- - � � i� - - --- -- - - — ____ � ?r••;nl ''- �: r �'� n .7nci C�`cist.Cnce} • � (�,a.ss; c�...o. � � ' � 5G4 00 , , ..,. ---- , . � _ __— ; � ---------.._..___ I � �� ..-.�� _ ___—�--------------+----�--- ! 202,Z 8�.00 � ' —-------i I; � _—_.____..____-__ __-- -------_._------------�- .___y(---- --�,I_____,_�_ 1-- -.� `j___." ; �. �� �. ��:,, .,"� �.:•���, c;,.�.,t;�,, �:�;�,,,s�•: , 2G,299_OG` I _--- —�__.____.--- — � . _. .: , .� � , i�___ _ ---- -------�-_ _._------- .--__ __ _____ ----.__.__—__--•---- ---� _.. --_.— ---- - �� � � --- : --- -._� --- ---- -� - -----._.�—__ _ _____ _ .� _ � �------ __ _ _ � /` � I ' _. ....____--�----.—'l__.--__ ..__._-- 245 41 G.00 .__ -- ---------------_� ,, _�_. �.�_____ I_._�. � __ __ -_ _ —»___ --_— ------ ----- ---- --- ----- - -_—_!.— 1 I G�,rrt� r .�� n �ct Ph �cs � r,�,�t1.51 � ��-- '"c'--- ---- _._'_�- .` � - ------ . �" -� 1 � - ---- ------ ------ �_ �; �14. �cacr i S�( �r,i � ' li- ti .r Feot�rnl svip�rt t,Xavailablc —�. Fccirral SuL,missions. Navc otih�r Fcr;_ral ���nn�.•, t� for any p:rt oT tFns pru,iCCt: Ycs- -- t�o_-.-_-- ber_n contaded tor aSSistanr_e on thi< ui s milar if yes, id^ntify and ezpl:in: projccts? Ycs lio_�_� lf Yes, �dentify ' and ind`catc stacus: ? , .�. � i —--- -------- - --------------- --1�---- -�- — -- �' 16. 5T1,'�i'i.F:!? f,1l;Gi CO'+:11T;•;'.;;y�•P,pPTicant unAerst;+nds and agrc:�s th�t an,y grant rrceived as a result of this application shall be : 5ut j^,:t to and incorporr.te the ;ollcr:ing grant r.or�;fitinns: � �� � r , , , -,�, ,i;,n ,� I,al suMiit, at srch times a�d in `uc'� �nrm as may be prescrihed, such re,^.orts as the l.a�: Erir.rcc eni �s',�,t�.�ce f..'. inis�i �.�,�,•, i �Y rea:ona5ly ri•qiiire. 'includirj euartcriy financial r[porLs and progress reports ?�c1 fynal firar- . C13� J�tt: .'li�l'1'Pli\'e` t'Ci:f�flS. � - - (2.} C�� � , �'.s. :!`:^r:� .c ��•;t.ics s�if"nitc�,! hy iF�i� rranL (���o�t.icc original I�ooV,s, raanuals, fil��s, cr othr�r c�i�'rriqh;abic c,aterir.?, •j • the c, ,.ni.r�r r�a�� cc,> >in'�t suth, hut I.CC.A res^rves a royalty-free, non-exciucive ard irrc�.c�cable licr�nsr tc r��rec�ice, G;�bii'�`„ and u-.� sur�� ,..tcrials, and tn autJ,orize others to do sc. (3.) Pa�r_�,ts. If arv di�i.0��rry or inv^ntior �iises or is ;Ir•.,�lope,( in thc course of or a; a rc:ult af ►:or� perfcr� d uiC��r thi; � qi�:� ti , c r �r^ 5hi il reier the d��.co��-�7 or inven�:i�� :o l F.�;�1 which will determin� rnc�th^r or not {?��ent {ro.�r;�o� �i il ;,:. �.., !�. �c�: ���r ��i�,t�'.s tiie�-�ir,, i��lu,hrg Pat �t rig't�, r,�ll be disposed of aed ad.i�m�tered, and the ncce � � v` o•''��r aclio:; r��q�iir^: � I:��,icct ;he publi� i�t +es� i;� ticork su ,;;rtid with fcderal fund>, alt in accordanc[ �+�th ile Pr:;idential la•r.,ra�r.lurr of [`i lrh r 10, i95:?, nn i>o�rern _nt Patent Pol icy. (4.) hi<cri.,in.,i.{nn �'r��!_ii�it�d. iio prrsen cL•ali on th^ �irou�;ds o` race, cr�ea, colo�� or n�tiona] origin, be exciucfcd fr;c p�ir ic� �.�t�on in, �r i iii�.cr! liii i��rie`�t�. of, or he oi'r',e�� � e sut,jected te di�.criminal.iCn unC�r r,rants d�a idc� �vi;�ar.t to P. L. �l-_;1 0�� ui.,t�� ,r;y i,rnirr.t, i�ror,rrn, or activit�� ...�!.,,Lcd by thic G:an4., lhc granC:•c �tt co ,, � r:i:h tr,�� crovisior�. and re,;.i�r:r.cr,ts or T;tic Yl of t.hc Civii Ri;nts Act of 1?;;; anJ reoulations issu��d by thc D�^oarlr�_n: n� :i,s�.�cc ar�•' .`,� in�: E��,`orccr it. As;i`'a��i�) ,"•;hnin�tt�;tinn tl��h�sndcr a�; � ��noiti�n ot awarA ef Fodcral fur,ds ard contii,uCd ai n' s�:;1nrt. �s rcq��i���f [, �..;1.i��n �l : h of ('. L 30-t(,1 ��'a0t C?��i�ion shall rot. bn int�rrretcd .e rcauire t �e�� t�c 1 ;.�ns�i rn�:i;; qf•r,nt-si�,��orted �rO.IrCt� of any {�crceniaqe'rat�o, ��uota systcr, or other prograr� tp achteve raeial Ualan,,. or �I ;,.�,;:�,,,,::c ir :� i:,�•: entm•ec;ecn� anc^ep. (�.) Tc��:i �`ion of Aid. 7his r�rani i.ay hc tcrminated or fund �ay:�ents discontinur.d by LEhA �.herc it finds a substan'.�al iailu�-e {r. co:i�i��� �riln ilr� �r����i;io�s of P. L. 90-351 or� re,ulatior,s promul�atcd ihcrcunAcr, ineluding thesc grant cr,nditic;ns. oe � ,q�ip�iCdtlUll n!�iigations, hut only aftcr nntice ar�d �,carin; ar•,G pursuart to �11 procedurer, set forth in Sectio�>> 510 a��d `.�11 of f'. I.. 9t)-±'_�i.• (6.) int,i���ctinn an�l fiu.lit. �i�,,� i,Aninistl•,�tien ani tho Cos.ptroll�r SCnr.r�il of the United Sta.cs, or any of their <'.�ii� Jutl,orizc� rc;,r,:�ti��nt:itivi�s, sli,�ll h:�v^ acccss for rv.��•p�se of audit ard cxaMinatic�ns to any hool.s, d�,cumcnts, p,��crs, an:1 r�cor�is Of t�e qe•antc:�, and t, rcicv+�nt bvn4.s and rr.iurd:; of subyrantcc:, and co,�traetors. as provtded in Seetio� 52i of P, l. JO-3>l. (7.) l;.itntrn,:nr��_ot_��c•cm•d:. All rr:�uircd recordS ;hall be roain.ain�d until in audit is e:,inpl�tcd anA dli qucstions aris�n9 't�,,,r�Cro�i r.�-�� r�,:,n�����(, or thr��c� )'r,�rs af�rr cor.�plrtion o` a ��rojcct� �aMchever is 5ooner. �'Iili:�ti,�a .��.f f` rnt c�` fui�l'.. fun,i� .��+.�rdcd ��•�' lo hC ex�r.nd�J pnly fOr prupo;�s �nc! a[tivitic5 cuvc�•rd 1' c,rantcc'S ��•� - - ,�p;�r����i,l �io.i�r�l {�l,vi a���t Ir�l��•l. Projct.t. funds r�ty br r�„��'e avtilahle thrpuqh d letter of crcdit SySCCm ;:�.n-cu�.��t .c� rules ,•i,;l �r��;:i,t�nr•; p-, tn ���,l,�hli;linrnt, tirfti�dra�;,�ls. ctc., iS�urd I�y thc Ad;ntni:tration and with HF�i[h �rantcrt � .ist «•�i`�Y• �;i,rrr �rant ar+.�rAc ,:rc no1. suf�ir,icntly 1�i�'ie to requlrt� !hts syStem, pay�nents wtll bC made en the bnsis o( {�crindie requcst• end ��stimatc: uf (un:f nrcds s.ufrnilted h�� the �rantc�. Fayments Hfll be dAjusted t0 COrI'ect prCViouS �verp�yn.rnt.s or �nJnr�;7)"+'C�15 and diti,�llo++nnces resulting fran audlt. ___._.__..�.____. r,,._...___---__---...�.._-...,..--.-....-..-�..,.,.--_�^--_.�_,...,..._,.•;.,�.,..�..__•.,.�.. �_ (drn tCA.1-OlIP-5 (i:�vfscd} . �C�1i_ti�n l;-i�.60L � _ _.,.�___._._.�_. c�,`';•'.:,��,`:`:� U, S, DEP � R i i� Et1T OF JUS7 ( C � APPL 1 CAT i 0 �� FOR GRAi� T . • ��:'��:`�.j�:^ LAW E �tFORCEPiEP� T /1SS 1 S711NCE D ! SCRtT I ONARY FUNOS �'-=�.� . . . :. `.`•h�-`, ,;�; ADMINIS7RATGOf; PAGE 6 . 22. PROJECT PLAN Af� D SUPPORTING DATA = . .. ; Please �s4zte cter.rly and in detall, wit M n ten pegcs If poss{ble, thr nfms of the pro�et4� pr@cttely afiet kitl bo Aone. irho a{11 be � fnvolbed and w�at is cxpected to resu.lt. Use tho follarsing masor headtngs: � . , �. P. 1. Goals ' � P, II. Ir�pact and RCSUIts ' ' • F. i I L ►�:it�ods tnd 7inetebte � p. tV. �valuatlon p. y. RC�"vUrCfS. . . h'vr,,ber su�sequent t�ages cansecutivcly. i.e., Appllcatton Fegr 7� applfcatian Page 8, ete. See paflr. 6 tnstruet4ons for future guSdance. . I. GOALS � �. ' , �- , ' I 1-iL CONCEPT Ot" PATROL tS THG DEV[=LOPMF_N7 01= A SF=NSE OF OMNt—PRF_9F_NCF OF POLICE • TI-iU_> DETE�RING CC-:RTAIN CRlMES ANU 7RAF'F=1C VfOLATfOS�lS. � �. THIS CONC:EP'1' IS RE—INF'ORCt-D E3Y.POLICE AGENCIFS [3Y `>E1_L'GTIVE DEPLOYML"NT OF RF_SOURCES � � �' . (JURiNG }�10Vf2S lti'1-iE�N 7HF' CRIME: AND TF2AFFfC�11AZ/�RDS ARE GRE'ATEST AND IN GEOGF2Af'HICAL � /�RF.AS WHERE PREDICT.AF3�LY THt= GIIANTITATIVt CRIME EXF'C_�RFENCE WIL� BI_ GRF_ATEST, �- . IN ESSENCF_� PRES.F.NT DAY P.ATROL OPEf7ATtONS AFZE DESIGNECt 70 CF2EATE AN ILLUStON OF POW�R. ' . � THP: MONiTORENG CAF'AE31�.1T'f OF PRESENT DAY RADIU DGVICES IN THE HANDS OF CRIMINALS R[MOVE$ � � THiS ILLUSION AND PR6V�OGS A CLEAR PICTUF2E OF GUT�OF'•..B£RVICG STATU9� STRENGTH, AND - • � - . COVE:RAG� �1'HRT CANNOT f3E EASf4.Y F2EMEOfE=D, � . TNIS GR.�iNT STRIVES TO� iMPLEM6NT THE ILLUSION OF F'OWER CONCEY'T�pY AN OVERLAY OF - . tiOFF D,t./TYtt OFr=CCERS ON THE RF.GULAR�PA"t'ROL PAT`fEFi149.. , � , - � � � A. REDJC f10N C3�' CRIfVjE: • • . ' - 1. I FiE_ PROJCC7 HAS FOR �'f5 CtNYF2AL PUFIF'05E' YNE REDUCTION OF' CRIME. � • � A. REDU�TIdN 7Q F3E ACHfE_VE=O EfY THF AVAiLAA�iLITY OF f� SUt7STANTJAL �iOFF DUTYit OFFICER f'OOL GENGRATED E3Y TFI IS PROJ[CT. � ' . �. REi�UGTiON OF_CRIM�: WiLL Al.SO HE EXPGCTED DUE TO THE PUE3LICIYY GYVGN THI$ . �, : ' � PROJ[=CT WHICN WELL PROVIDE= A .RANDOM D{STRI[3UTfON OF AUGMENTED PATROL � ' . . � STRENGTH IN PA'i"TERNS UNPRCDICYABLE 70 7HE CRiMINAL. � . . ' ,' ' , � - _ . . ' C. RF_DUCYiON OP' CRIME WILL BE FURTHER EXPEC7ED BY 7HE V191Bf4.ITY OF ADU�TIOhlA[, VEHICI_E5 ANO TNE pROPOR'T'tONATE rT�YE51T AVA1i_A9l..E FOF1 CJ[TERRENT EFFOR78, - � � � . . • � � . ... . . . . . � . � . . � . .. . . � . � ' ._. .� _. M.....�.......�.�.�,..,.._...,.._.........�...v�.-......,,..........r-..-...............,.....,.....:�......�..-....-�,�.,.........,,........,_m.,...,...w,.��a.�.-...;...,..-.,.......:..,.,..,...,,,.....,...,�...,.,...�.eF.•-,�.->�....:......:...�_......,..-,...._..-�,-,:...,...,. � . � . � ' � P,.��.6 A ' F'3: ,REGUCTfON U�' TRAFF(C ACC�D:+'N`i S • ' 1� r�CGIOt_P1T f2Et?UCTIOht \VILL Df. [XPCCGTED LlY TNE �TV131pLE FAGTORt� OF MORE � POLICE VEFiICL[_5 qN TRAFF-IG AF2TF=f71E:S. � 2. FLAGR/�NT VIO!_AT'tON9 WILI_ F3E APF�REFiErtDED DUG TO TFiE ��FORC[O CHOICE�� 0/r AN . . GFFIGFR WHO GANNOT, IN GOOU Fl�I7N, OVERLdOK TNG ViOLAYION WHILE DRIVINO �. AIJ IDF_NTIFIA[3LE POLICE VEfi1C�E, - � , . .. . . . . . . � � 3. l HE ItYC:F2E/�SE (N PAYFtOL COVEF2AGE }=LUS THG R�INDONi DISTRt6U'i't01d OF' SUCH , � COVERf,GG �iHOi1LD DLTE."R P07EN71F�t_ VIOLATORS, . C. RESPGNS�' C.;AP/�BILlTY � 1 1, R[SFONSL TU CALLS F'OR A:i31STA9VCE �NILI, F�E CUfCKER DUC YO 7HE AVAiLAE3fLITY OF UFF'�-DU'i1' PERSOhtNEL TO MAKE. iNiTiAt_ CON7ACT� E3PEC(AI.LY OURING PERlODS . . � OF THE: DAY WHEN f]EMAND3 FOFt 9ERV[CE EXCEED TNE CAPADIl.,17Y YO SERVICE THEM , iMMEDlATELY. � �i i�� . . . . . . . . . � i: � � ► 1 � ,... _._ _.. . ..,� ..-.,... . �.....---,. .. -..,r.....�+..-.. .�..r.,.-•-•---..--•..-.... , .. ...,...,-.--...-....�-....-....,.-�-�-� �n,�.�r. � . r....-..,-....,,�,....-.�, . -�........, ._.. ,. , , Pnoe 6 B IE,• IMP'r�C�7' AND RESULTS � Dc_Cf�r.n�r_�� CRIMC /�rar� nCG1U[NT RnTE9 WtTH THG CONSEqUE:NT 3AVtNG tN TERM3 OF � PAIN f�ND PROf`EFtTY LOS^ FtEPk(_;LN7 A �[NF_FICENCE T'O THF VtCTIMB f1F' CRIME, ANO . � TO THE DF,�RF_E Or SItCCG:S ACH�EVF_D. /i REl_IEF TO THF CONCE:qN OF .�LL CITIZEN9 IN A CRI�4C PRONE SOCiF7Y. � . A, SERV�Ct� TO �E PROVIDED 1, Tr:r,ovc;�i -rF+t�; cr„nrvz- <�rvc_Fi��no�e�.o �IaQ� i_rns;�-o veHtc�es WtLL nr ��nceo • UvC?;_R 1'H� CONTFHOL OF SCLECTGD OFfTIC:F:R.`3 WHO WILL H/�Vf' Rf_'ASUNApL_f{ ACCE59 �� . 70 T�-tE51= VCNICLE i DUf"7i^IG OFF—DUTY HOLiF'�;. 1 NEY WILL !9l= CNCOURAGf=U TO USE' � �. 7NE�5 COh';PICVOUSLY FOf-t RNY RCASONAf9[...[C T;tAN;1'OF2'1"AT101� Ri_QUfftCMl:N'f, SUEiJ[G7 . . TG l;VC4i fiF"/�CiQ�dAt3l_1- F21-GULAI�IONS A`_i RF:�tJtRf-D F3Y T1iF Pf20.tCCT Dlf?[=CT"Olt� . . � 1 . 2, G.HCH V�HICLE WILL F3E r(�UfPF'ED WITH DEC;ALS ANU FiPPARA"fU9 Pf2UDUCING HIGH T�VIS(E311_1`PY�t CHARAC:YF=RIS71C5 AS AN iGF'NTiF1A[31,.E pOLICF VE�F�(CLE, �i NE 'EC�U�PMENT WILL INCI_UDf= /\NTLNN/�E AND ?ERIPHERAL [qUlf'fvtFCNTiPROVtDING A PLUG—` � ' It�t ChPABILITY FOR POf?YAF3LG NANaic_Tn�Kir_ EUUEPMENT� TO PROVIDE OPTI MUM i R£CF_PTlON RANGE WH(LG IN THG VEHICLE AND P4RTqp�1„�Z'y ,etND SE(..F'—CON7AINMENT ., WN[:N THE OFFICFfl 1S A`NAY FF20M 7liE VEH{CLE, �. F3, SELECTION OF PER50NNEL � ' � A, (�r_�SO�aNE.L WILL BE SF_L_EC!'F:p p�(h1ARILY ON PROVE.N INi71ATPVE ANp pEDiCAT:ON . TO PUE3LIC '_iERVICF.,, - � 2. AG'�: WfL.L B[ CONSIDEf2ED AS f� SLLECTION i"ACl"OiY IN THAT GrNERALLY YOUNGER • • " MF_N ARE MOF?F= AGGRC:SSIVE AND MUR[ ACT{VF IN OFF—qUTY ACTlVITIES ANO, � � Tfii"RE=F=ORE� YOFtF LIKE:LY TO F3E AVAILqE7LE FOR OFt=�DUTY St=f2VICf_ REql71REMENTS, � . � �. PC=�;SOhAL. NAH3T5 `NILL ALSO Elk' A S[LECT10(Y CRiTERI.A. TFi.E: PROJECT WiL.L qE , EXTPiECMELY SENS�T{VE TO 'r_MpAR{�ASSihlG SI'C'Uf\TIONS AND� THEREF'ORF_� FREQUENTERS . � OF DARS AND OTHER 1_EGAL. 6UT MARGINAL. ACT�VITIES WlLL DC REJEC'YED, . �. INASMUCF{ /CS THE Bl)F2EALi OF' POY...ICC FiAS NO FtE91DENCE RCQUIFtEMEN'�'S� ONLY CITY , RES"ID�NTS WILIL. i3E COP2St�ERE6, . . � � � rJ. �I-HE LdC.AI'ION OF RESIDL'NCL WILL BE CONSiDEREp AS /4 9ELECTION FACTOR TO INSURE A CITY—N�IOE DISTF2I�UTION OF V[HICLES, ' C. LEGAL GONSIDERA`�t"�QNS �. LEGlSLA7fON OEPINtNG DUTY AND UFF-.DUiV f3TATU3 EXf9T� ANU NO DIFFiCULTY fN TH19 • AREA 13 E_XPEC_TEp, Y�Ng CITY OF CJ7, PAUL WtLL UNDFR\NR7TE 7HE IN$URAhCE REqUIRE— � � MCN7S, � - � � D. TRAINiNG OF' PERSONNEL I. EACf� 3E?LECT[E W�LL O[ GIVEN A 16 H�mtiJR TFtA1NING PpOGRAM OUTLININC3 TNE' PpOJEGT ! PURF'OSE ANO bESIGtJ. � - � .�..:.__ ..�a. ._. __.. . � . ..��„ ..:.: �.�,>a.C:, ti,{7,.. -T .+-,t' _..."' 'i"�. _�'�.-�c:.rt.=. '�1^:.�.. '�m-.,..�...,��.....,.T:...,�,. _;�'...,,,,a,..,...m.a.�..—.....+�+._.....�.....«.,.,._,... „"�^�'�'^"� �y...:.,.��.,_::..:.:. . "= ..,—�-._...__._...� ..._......_..�..... ...._..... .. . �- ! P�GE F) C � I�t., �iCTHODS AND T(M�TABLE . . A, PROJECT ST�'iGE ONE ' 1, TNF PRO.IEGT DIRGC'7'OVt �YILL StLLECT PERSONN[�. TO A39�pN T0 7HE PROJECT� A, CiR[TERIA�F'STI\pl_iS1iE0 IN ��S[LECTION OP pER90Nh1GL.Tt ggC�-�pN QFr THIH APpLICA710t-t TO AFPLY. � . � - . �. R�N-iA�_ C.�P L[-,.��CD CA.R`; q�D PURCHASE O'r E - � . .. . GiUtF'�MENT, , A. . 1 Hi5 I'Op2TION Of' 7fiE PF�pJF,Ci OEVELOpMENT WIL,L_ F.9E CONCQMM(TANT �, �viTEi (`.o, 1 n�ovr, 7 . . B. THE vITY PUFtCHq;,�,yC; �G�_.,�CY `y�LL �� tiUTHOktZF:D YG PUf'tCHASE AND � NGGOTlATI' i;ON7RACTS COP�SONANT W�TH CRITER�A REQUI3ITE F"OR OTHER CITY PUl2CNASES AND REhtTALS, � - � n, i J. i Rr.fN1F:G Ol�� PERSONf�IEI_, . , � . {. i; . A. THE PROJF:CT DIRECT0t2 IS AUTHORI`LED 'f0 UgE ALL THE RESOURCCS OF iHE � � BUREAU�S PLANNING AND TRAINING UNIY ANO SUCH OTHER OUT�(DE A5519TANCE �� AS HE DEEMS NECF_SSqRY, � � � � 4, TFiE DUfttiT10N OF Tf1{5 PHASE SHOULD NOY EXCGEG THREE MUNTFiS, IN ALL � PFt0�3AE3iLtTY 7HIS STAGE W►LL BE 3HORT--LIVED, DELAY 9HUULp BE [XPECTED . ONLY IN ��Ltvrciv OF RAD10 EQUIPNiG'N7', . . � '� e. �Ra��c-r s�r��� �rwo ' 1• THE �tqCT'IONr��TAGE OF= THE PF20GRAM W�LL_ GOMMENCE AFT£R COMPLET(ON OF � `'TAGE: ONt', � � . . . 2, SURVEILLNNC'r' pY THE P�tOJt.CI" C�IRLCTOi2 WfiO SHALL pERSONALLY PROGRAM, f'I_US COM PIJ'i"qT(ONS OF THE NUA9 F3F_f2 pp' PTCONTACTS�� BY �'HE D 5'PATC`HER AND THG VOt_UME OF R[F�URTS Wt�L ASSUFi� FULL GOMPLIANCE WITH f�ROJECT A{MS, 3, THE PROJEGT DIRECTOFt SNA�l. PREPAItE AND DISTRIg(1TE A MANUAL, pp OPERATiONS VALID F'O(? TFiE PRp�ECY. • i � ' `t E � i � s t t i r � i ; ���„•�.�-.,::,,<�,r,�,�N-._-.�_._., j _ _:�.<.��:z-.._x�--.,,_n.--..�..,,u..._.,_ . � �•..R-._�,•---,...,,__ °^-�-.,�+....,,......�,�......__.._... _ .. .,..�.......---- � " . . ` �nci: � p . •G.�. MODIFIC.AT(O�'�'S . 1. THE Pr;OJt_<:T DIF2t_'CTOR IS AUTHOR��.F_D TO MAKC 3UCH MOOtFICATIONE: AS � ' 7VE;Cf.SS/1RY 70 INSSJRE' T}iF t�E DGF MS . . . SUCCt=S3 QF" 'rF��_ pKtp�FCT ON A 1�Rf,hORT AND ACTtT pqg'g. , D, PROJECT INFOr MATlON � ' �' �T ;'FiA�-•L UE THG PRpJLCT DIRF=CTOR�3 TA3K TO FURNt3H pqt�TICIPANT3 WlTH REPORTS � , AND ST.ATt�•TSCS RL-'Li:VANT TO Ti-1E AR�A IN WHICFi THEY LIVE IN OFtOE_R THAT THEIR - �rF'--JU'!'1' ACi iV�T�i=S �.��}' f7t_� Me_q,yihIGFUL iJY KNOW�.EdGE CJF CONO(TfO1VS AND ��. FiA'LA�:DS Pi_CULIAF' TO THt_(R ARE.4, . ?• rf{1-- �I:OJECT �lF2FC.:i'OF: SF�IAI_L PROVIDE 7iiE Ci�{fE_F Q(-' �O � . LICt_ WI'1'H Ht..WE�KLY �c�ror;-rs AND RESUMg�gcTTtNC> FC7R7N THE SYATI/:� pF YHF {�qOJF'CT W(TH HIS t3C_COMMENDATIONS AM77 COMMEN'F', - J. THF_ PROJEC'Y' QfRGCTCF2 SHALL PI�pVfDE YHE. GRANTIIYG AGENCY SUCH F19CAL., � AND PROGF�ESS REf�OR7S AS R[QUIRE6 6Y 7HE CONq�7��pryg p�- -y-H� GRANT, � � � i .... _ .... ..__,. _., . ------�-_•—.--_:...., �:,___�� -.:::._-_ �.,�r':. ._-'-�-� � - .. .. .-•.,__.,.-.�_..._..__.._ � �,..... . i . . Pnci_ 6 E ' J � i�!. EV�t.U�i fUN � ' -. . i ' �EVALUA'f'IUN CF:IT'F"R1A AFiE t;5;CNTIAL ANU or- r�nr�Ar.90UNT IMPORTANCE. TO PUfll._IG ' Sl1F''�T\'. RE�:Vt[_W AND EVALUATtON WIL.L H[: A Tltl-LrVE:L ENTFRPR(3E_, �F FI�GHLY � t�UCC:I'-_SSF'Ul., THE= CONTiNUITY OF THE 1'ROGRl�M !3 ES";EPITIAL, THE EP�pO�1;JF_MENT � OF TH[ PROGRnM DY THE GOVERNiNG EiOC�Y MUBT C7E SUPPQRTF"_O E2Y '_lUFJSTAN7IAL FVIDLNGE, . THGREFORf-, qMPLG EVl�LUATfVE EPF'ORT MU3T E3E [iU1LT INTO THE PROQRAM POR FUTURE , 'i�� DECf510N MAKING� � a, �{'HE GH(EF O�' Po�.tcE ^� 1. l'AI..iJP.TIOtti Hl- -irtiEi L:IV��. �b'11,L„ iN r''AR'i, F3E MA�G ON bATn R6:ACHING � . . . HIL9 DF..SI�. �OW[�.VF_Ft, f{15 F'O`3i'i'►ON �'ERh51TS MiM hCCE:33 70 �piNf6NS ANp , . oAT/1 TfiF�T h1AY hOT f�E. qUpILAOLE TO LG�VE_R LGVEt_ EMPLOYrE9, , B, THt PROJEGT DiRECTQR 1, THE PROJF_CT DIRECTOR, YHROUGH SUPEFtViSION, SURVF_FLLANCE AND AY'TENTIqN TO THC-' �TP[JLSl-:51 OF T}iE �ROGRAM, '6HALL NYAKE BI_WtLKt_V REPORTS AN17 EVAI.UATIONS, � . C, ST�,TlSTiCS 1, MONTHLY RF_POR7S NREPAR6R BY 7HE L�ATA Pf70CESS SGCTlON 9NqLL COMPARF ' CURRENT CRIMk= AND TRAFFIC EXPER�ENGE WiTH SIMILAR H13TnRICAL DATA AND . � FFtF:PAF2E SUCH fIIJALYStS AS VVil.l. (L�USTF<AYF CRAPFiiCALLY StGN(FICANT � � � CHANGCS IN CR�ME OR ACCIDFNi EXPER(ENCE. i D. F(NAi... REPOR i � , . � 1, TFSE FINAL REPORT SHALL INCORPORATF_ Y'HE: METHODOLOGY� MODIF{CATIONS� ANq � ' ' � , RESULTS Of' THE PROGRAM WtTH SUFFICIENT DETAIL AAID CLARiTY TCS REpRrSENT ' � A 5lGNtF'ICANT CONT�RlE3UTION 70 pOLlCE PATROL. LITERA7UF2E. # i i � i 1 , ..—.� . .. . ___._.....,_..�_.�. ��<.,.� ... � . _ . � ....__,_. _._._... _.._ . 4 . 6 � , . + 2. Vtc�iic��_s �ti-�i_t_ �aE ir�svr-:c-rF:r.; r-F;t:t�r�icnc_i_v �ro iNSUHF� -r�cnr •r�,r_ oiHrc�rivr-:s . . OF' TFiL" PROc;;(;/�ti1 AF?F_ F3F'I�JG F"�:I.LOVlE"f), JU:j\�F"�LLntdCF_� /1ND SUPCf2VISfON OF f'CRSONNEL �` �1�11_.L_ Ci[ TI-IF[ 12FSPONSICi�LITY. OF E:ACi-1 G.ONE COM1IMANDF:R UUF:iNCa HIS DUTY TOUR. . E. EVALUATlC?i�' ' I. ALL INCIDENTS HANDLED C�3Y T!-it._ BURf-:AU Or Ppl._ICE AHf-� KEY—F'VfJCHF=D AND PFiOCP.:SSED � • :+U"7'OM.A��fC:r\LLY. F:_UCTUATIONS; RJ Cf"tl!�tE: n1Yp AGC1�)C"NT EY.PERIENCE WII_L t3E . � Sr F�=f.)i.LY r�CCF_��;ICiLE AhJD i'1't0(3RAM r:�OC;Rt_�'iE; OR L.4CK OF PROC,RF55S (:AN F3F � �. V\L_ICi_��' ::'_T.>c L;Si-+EU, �. LONG RA�!GF_ E�'�'ECTS ' WHILE THIS CRF.�JI' i5 C)f-UNE YEAR UURl+,TfON �T IS FF_LT T11/�T A TWO YEl1R PFtOGF2AM . . \i�OULU F;E h5_�r7E M[_/�Nfn�,1=VL IN I2EqCk�ilNC.� COt:CL_t15(ONS RAS[_D ON t?ROAU('R E'XPLRIEiJCG, _ THF CONTi?Ac'.TCfA[_ NEGClTGl7"IUN55 VJI7Fi VEiJ[�Oi?"� WOULD pLSCi CiE MpRE FAVOR/1BLE IF � .. i ,. t_QPlGEl2 F'RUJGCT TE_Nl1HC- \VLF26. A`75URED. . T � 1 fiE,C,AP17Al_ OUTL_/1Y r=OR IYGN—VLI-lIC;Lr I"!'EM,S W�pULD hlQT FtEPF�E';EN"T" A LO:�S OF USF— F li TT � FULN�_SS OR h R[-.SENT F, \4�Fi1TFE EL.F:F��fiAtvT P:20f3LEN1, A(_L EQU[FMi?.NT WOUL,D yE i . AI�p�,�ED T(� OtiR i2fLGi1L.AR F'ATHUL, AC"T'IVtTI' f+:+ [3A1]LY NEFLDED RF_PLACEMEN"I"S !F THF_ t PROGRAM WE=RL" CUR'I'All_E.[� ;FIOR"1' C)F' ThiF.. L..If�'t_ f'_XPECTANCY OF THE 6QUIPMEN'f, • ' i, �T SHOUI_D gE_: NOTEU THA'r THC�: MAYOF? OF' OUR CI�I'Y I-iACS E3EEP2 A MUVING {='ORCF TO � f � ❑CVEL_OP T11I5 PROGRAM, ANn IF IT IS SUCCESiF=Uf_I_Y DFMONSTRl�7FD IT ARGUFS ! . - "T'I�iAT THEC PROGRAM WILL f,E CONTlNUED t'3F`(ONU THF_ YROJECT PERIOD, j � 1 h. � � � X - � �j .._ ... .. ..,�....,..�.,�..�;n�;: /L / � / / , ' , � � ���� , � ��� ,:� UI�TI�'E� ST'A'I'ES UEP��'�'MENT UF UST J ICE ��F ' LA W ENF'�RCF:'�1 ENT ASSI�'�'AI�CE AD4f�I�'ISTRATION '"�nr rwtt�e�o �nt. < � W.�StiINGTON,D.C. ZOS30 , . GRANT Ab�'ARD Grantee: Governor' s Coirunission on Crime Prevention and Control (Minnesota Duration of Grant: August 1 , 1970 to July 31 , 1971 � Grant Amount: $147,050 Grant Number: Award is hereby made in the amount and for the period shown above of a grant under Title I of .the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, P.L. 90-351 , to the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control in accordance with the plan set forth in the application of the subgrantee: City of St. Paul , Minnesota, dated June 8, 1970, and subject to the Administra�ion's attached current conditions governing grants as well as the attach�d Special Conditions. . , �—�2./`� , � � . • Ric ard W. Ve ssocia e m� istrator ��... � ��•+�c � � �' �'� �� . . C arence . Coster, sociate �dm�nis rator . � , , �..: , ' , . . . • .4 '� . .. . �.. . . . t . � . . . . . � . - .. . ' . . .r},, • ��c�i�€�:�3 ��r.A��•�,�; z��:�.�,t���4������r �a�� .�tJS��ic� � ��`�`:i� � �w utnr►�.t.tu Knr to � , ►����,���i� l.At�' E:,'Vt�'l)R(;i�;.tE'\T ASti�S'I'•l:�i�;'E A17���lINISTKAT'I()N :'� `�„�,..,.,�o. , : V�'ASf�tI1VGT0��, n.c. zossu SS ff' � � ,n. � lL CC (ID f�l �? II iT II (D If�l $ - (Min,nesota) � Grantee (Name of SFA) : GO��.� 'r�o► 's CQm�r.�1'��iQn on Crim�p,redentjon and Contrg�,`_ Grant Number: In addition to the General Corrditjors ar�d Conditi�ns Applicable to Fiscal Administration to trhich this grant is sub�ect , it is also conditioned upo� • and subject to complianc:e rrith the following specia1 condition(s } : - l . Grantee agrees to ins�re adherer�ce by subgrantec to (i ) such reporting re�uirements as may be �st�blish�d by LE/1A , including the require�nent for quarterly fir:uncial and other progress reports prescribed far discretionar�y grant projects ; (ii ) finar- cial administration requirements for discretionary grants as set forth in Appendix I of the LEA.q Guide for Discret�ia_n�ar �Grant Pro rams (January, 1970) ; and (�i� general spec fji �cations and , � w ere applicable, any specia1 rc�uirements established by the Guide for Uiscretionar , Grant Rrc�ra�ms for tf�e particular dis- cretionary gran� progr�m under w 1cP� this award has beeri made. 2. The grantee agrees to subgrant these funds to the City of St. Paul , N�innesota for the purposes set forth in the amended application " dated June 8, 1970, and signed by Charles P. McCarty, Mayor of the City. of St. Paul which has been adopted by the grantee as co-applicant pursuant to its application endorsement dated June 16, 1970. . 3. The grantee will submit within thirty days of the grant award: . ' A. the nature and bas�s for computation of fringe benefits ; and � - � a B. evidence of adequate procedures for the proper accounting and administration of � expenditures for fuel and oil . 4. The grantee agrees to: � (1 ) issue guidelines to insure that use of vehicles will be consistent with project goals; � I (2) maintain ti�e present level of expenditures for motor vehicless vehicle maintenance and coircnun- ica�ions maintenance; , - , _ 2 ' (3) utilize auxiliary equipment purchased for� this project vrithin the police department for the useful life thereof. 5. The subgrantee agrees to provide, upon req�est, access to relevant subgrantee records and to provide all otner cooperation required to enable LEAA or its designated representatives to include this ' project in a planned nation-4ride evaluation of the off-duty car pro- gram. In addi ti on , ti�e subgrantee wi 11 , �ri thi n si xty days from the date of yrant award , submit a plan for its own evaluation of this program. � � � . � � , . - ,, . M . , � ' » � , ,.l (:{Z'�1 L E/1I�-34 . *• . ( '�.� 1 -17-6�} � • U. S . DEPARTMEtJT OF JUSTICE DISCRETIO��ARY GRANT �;��•� � '�' ''"�-.<:.;�� LA6a ENFO�tCEi�11'TJ7' �'�;SIS'1'ANCE PROJECT SUMMA.RY a !'.;. ;'`��5�,:;�. ,,`' 1�DMINIS'1'RATION GF2�NT # 'I'his project is suppc:rte� under Title I of the Omnibus Crime M Control and Safe Strects Act of 1968 . � Chicagc Regional Office For furttier. infarmation, please contact JesseeR. James , o£ the LLAA staif , or the project director named below. Please identify by Grant Nur�er. Title of Yroject : "TAKF HOME" Pol i ce Vehi cles - St. Paul Nanie and Address of Grantee: Subgrantee: City of St. Paul Governor's Cornmission on St. Paul , Minn. Crime Prevention and Contrcl Capital Square Building P�L�djPc���L' i������tc��l�� Capt. Wm. McCutcheon, Bureau of Pol ice St Pa.�,_ Ml.qn. I�mount of �ward: $; 147,050 � Periad of Awar_d:��170 to 7/31/71 _ Total Pruject Amount: $ 245,216 Total Project Period: 12 Month, , Summary I�escription of Project: � The project seeks to test the theory that patrol activity serves as a crime deterrent. B,� the use of police vehicles allocated to police officers for their use off-duty, the concept of overt�rhelming patrol to effectively reduce � the incidence of crin�e and traffic violations wi11 be tested. . The project will be initiated with 100 leased vehicles, each highly identifiable as a police vehicle being used by selected police personnel (with 16 hrs . of trainir: � This awar�d of $147,050 meets requirements of Large Cit,y Special Grants, Program D(i } - Special efforts to reduce street and violent crime ar concerted programs against particular crimes such as burglary, robbery, auto theft and others as described in LEAA FY 70 Guide for Discretionary Grants Proqrams and as authorized by Section 306, P.L. 90-351 . The pro�ect contetnplates 2 phases : (i ) lease and equipping of vehic�es plus trainir� and selection of personnel (not Lo exceed 3 months) and (ii ) actual use of vefiicles, including issuance of manual of operations and continuing evaluation of impact. A � full -time praject manager will coordinate activities and eva.luation will include monthly reports (Pp data processing section) comparing current crime and traffic ex-- perience w�th the take-home farce agair�st comparable historical data. �!U!. � 2 �3� , Date af Award . . _ _ , _ . • . . . � . . . ,1r�t.r.�' . � . � � , a' . , . . � .� �.. -�... .. . ..._ . .... . . � , . . .. _ . . . . , . _.� :.. , ,... . � .�a:az