251103 'ORI6INAL TO CITY CLlRK ����'���� �
6lHE�2EP.S, ihe 3oard of Ramsey Countv Cor�missioners, at a meetinc� held
f�ovemaer 2, 1970, determined that th� Ramse�� Countv Jail was presently
overcro��rded witn prisoners; anc� that such a c�ndition constituted an
emer4encv situ�tion requirinq t:�at exn�dient action be taken; and
1�HE�:EAS, the �oard of Ramsev Countv Co�issioners bv resolution, a
conv of �vhich is attac�ed, authorized tne officials of �amse,y County to
pr000se an aqreement +rrith the Citv af Saint Paul for the housin� of excess
prisoners in the Saint Paul City Jail ; and
WHEP.EAS, t�ie Saint paul City Jail nas sufficient snace availa�le to �
accommodate the housinq of 15 additional nrisoners;
now, ti;erefore, be i t
RESULVEt�, that the officials of the Citv of Saint Faul are 'r�Freb�
authorized to enter int� an a�reement, a cop�/ of !vhich is attached �ereto,
�lnicn provides for t�e care, i�ousina, an� feedinq of no more than 15
arisoners �vE�o normall�� �JOUld ae c�nfined in the Ramse,y Countv Jail .
Asst. Corporation Coun 1
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit �OV 5 ��19—
Yeas Nays
sut�er N(�V 5 1J7�
Carlson ove� 19—
Levine �n Favor
Sprafka (� ayor
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
f /I 1 ��e y �. f i, P. �n S "i'"\ h
, �.,�'�I���J ;.��.�I:�!s Cr � ��i��,.� �����g ,( ��.��6��
' ,�, • , ' 5t. Paul, I'r;inn.� Filc Nu._.�a62 _
Pdo.� 9i333
November 2 �`� 70
7'hc t�itcr�tian of Sheriff; County Attorney;
Auditor; St. Paul City Council; ��
iK rcMp�xtfi�tly callccl to thc foliowing Resolution of tbc �oarc� of Couniy Commiss' e of�� �.�'?�
(:uuuty, hlinn�•notu, nclopted at thc mect�nb held on t�ovemb2r 2� I970 A� � �
�;y C<1n�n�iewiuner Salvertla L f�O� � �9�'Q� �• 1�
. . . 9 �a��R�E � `,
. `�
� �
. ' � LJ
WHERFAS The Ramsey County Jail is ovarcrowded with prisoners, and it is
impossible to prop�rly house the prisoners therein, No�.�, Ther�fore Be It
RESOLVED That the Board of Rara§�y County Co;r.rnissioners h�reby declares
that the overcro*aded condition of the Ramsey County Jail constitutes an
emergency requiring that expedient action be taken, and Be It Further
RESOLVED That the Sheriff and County Attorney are hereby authorized to
take the nAcessary action to house g�c�*sa prisoners, not to exceed 15 in
number in the St. Paul City Jail, pandind the preparation of an agreemant
• with tha City of St. Paul for the housing of Ramsey County Prisor.:rs in the
City Jail, and Be It Further
RESflLVvD That the Sheriff; the Cou*_:ty Attorney and th� County Auditor
are to work out the datails of such prop�sed agrec�..ent and the terms thereof ;
with the Officials of thY City of St. Pnu1, and that the Shsriff and County
Auditor are to make r2com_�aer.�lati.ons for fir.ancino tt�e costs of hausing said
County Prisoners in the City Jail.
�0�� �• A��. Cous�.ty A itor �
h'u�n AuJ. ^.00 B !Ci� PUt�'.
' �LOtiat�p ��I�I�C��''� ���i�� C�'�:��'Y �0���/� � � 3
� � St. Paul, Pdinn., File �{o�_20b2 _
��, 9-333
Novemher 2 xg ��J
7'hc nt2r.nti�rn of Sheriff; County Attorney;
Auditor; S�t. Paul City Council;
iw renpectfuliy cnllcd lo the following Reaolution of tho Boarcl of County Commiasionera of Rumecy
(:ounty, Minn•.dutu, a�lopied a! the mc�tin� he4d on November 2, 1970
Ky (:ommiac,iuner Salverda
t�'HEREAS The Ramsey County Jail is overcrawded with prisoners, and it is
impossible to prop�rly house the prisoners therein, Now, Therefore Be It
RESOLVED That the Board of Ramseq County Com,nissioners hereby declares
that the overcrowded condition of the Ramsey County Jail constitutes an
emergency requiring that exp�dient action be taken, and Ba It Further
RESOLVEa That the Sheriff and County Attorney are hereby authorized to
take' the nacessary action to house excess prisoners, not to exceed 15 in
n�.m�er it� the St. Paul City Jail, pending the preparatfon of an agreement
with the City of St. Panl for the housing of Ramsey County Prisoners in the
City Jail, and Be It Further
RESOLVED That the Shexi.ff, ttee Eounty Attornay and the County Auditar
are to work out the details o€ such proposed agreement and the terms thereof `
vith the Officials of the City o€ St. Paul, and that the Sheriff and Caunty
Auditor are to make recommendations for financing the costs of housing said
County Prisoners in the City Jail.
THOM�� J. �.I.EY. Cou�tr ' r
!'onn Aud. :00 �1ui�'.
• + '. „ t . .
� � AG.?��I��E;TT -
- THIS AGREEt�_ET�:T, I�lade and enterea into this 3rd daSr oi'
I�;ovember, l;?70, by and bei,taeen The Counuy o.i Ramsey, actin� bJ
and throuoh its Toarcl of' Count�a Coa:c�ni.ssionera9 and Ti��e Cit�� of
S�.int Pa.ul, actin�; tnrou`h its Co�n�.lon Council, both pursuwn� �o
the prcvisa_ons or T�iinnesota Statutes, Section �;-71A5�, provides
as �011o��rs : :
1. The Sherifi oi Ra.msey Courii,y r��ay -f;ransport �.z�� lod�e
pr�so��ers norz�a.11�� cai�.iii�ed in �he Ra�:se;r County Jail 'co the
�Tail o� the City oi Saint P�.ul, lo��.-�ed in the Public Sa�'e���
Build�nU �t Te�th and T��i.i�nesa�a S�reets, �c any one tiine not
moxe t�1�r_ 1� such prisoners may be transpor�;ed and loc'ied up in
such facili�y. The cus�oczial een�.rol oi tl�ie prisoners iahile
co�.fi�zed in the S�.in�; Pau1 Ci�y Jail shal.l be under the direct�^n
s�nd coi�trol oi �he Pol�.ce Departl»en� oi tl�e Ci��y of Sa�nt P�ul
in a�reement as to proce�ure with t?�e S��.er_i.z"f of Ramsey Count�r
ds the local ofi'icials rnay determine.
2, As and z"or a c��a�r�e for the care, laousino anci .ieedinU a��
prisor.ers so coniinedf che County oi R�:msey �.�rees �o pay -�o ti�e
Ci�y oi Sain-� Pau1 a stzrn ea,ual to fil�-„7� ��er c�.a�r per rnan so coni�_nedo
paymer��c will be mad� on invoices i�em�zin� the nurnber of rn�.n cz�.;;�s
subniitted by the City of Sair_t Pau� �o �che Ra��sey Coun�y Auc�itor
anc� approved ��T the Ra�;.sey Count� Sneriff. �
�. This l��ree_nent cantinues in force until �erminated by
further a,ction o�' the Par�ies hereto,
�'� - --
Clza,i^les P. T�cCart;r, C���.ir!:lan oz
Board oi County Comra�ssioners.
Appr�v�d as to I'o��:� and � .
E�e cuti.on: ATTEST:
� _ County`�ciitor _.�
r����U.r�t Coun�y ��orne;;
• • � . �
Clzarles P. P�IcCar�y, I�ayor.
Haxry..�. I-i��rsnall, C ity C lei.
Dr����r_ iierecAi�n Co�x?iss_�oner
of Public Sai ety.
Countersignec� this
_ day of T , 1Q70.
Arproved as to Torm and
` Lou��s 1�1cKennw, Ci'cy CoT��1�tro�icr.
�s��z1t Corpor��icn Counsel