251101 251��1 r ' OIIIOINALTO CITY OF SAWT PAUL FILENCIL NO. aTr e�ux APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF 19 R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLO�NG TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN lTEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. 0035-400 Corporation Counsel - Tort Liability 100.00 035-200 100.00 The remaining Account Balances will be adequate to operate for the remainder of the year. YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS � 5 �7�� � Butler ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� _19 • carlscm ►y�V 51'� �V�� ? APPROVED 19 IN FAVOR i�eeredith SpraPka ,R �_AGAI NST 'j�BE�.eSGO � � COU^NTERSIGNED BY MCVR�v� /// N� � . CITY G M ROLLER MR. PRESIDENT U\�� � �� Pt1BL•-ISNEE� NOW 71�1�3 1 . . � . � . � ... . --- .�-- --.-- . . . �51�,� � No�ice � CI`1� C:� ST. FAtTL CouncS.l Fi.1e ?�'o. to , • li�:i��;�`,5GT1? , ,-, . Prirter � � COUI;CIL �,�OLi.iTIO�� • a.g - IZ�SUL`'�D, t�:at tra transfers T�:ithin :'und.s o�' tl:� va��ious �it�T Dep`rtn�er.ts .� � . . r � . � heretofore a��ro�ed b�,� i;l:s Cit;;- �omp�rol].er, as suc� tra»sfers of fun^s as of NpV 51970 � . . . a��e indicatecl in docw��nts at�.ached he��eto and made a part h�reof by x eference, as full�` as if the sa�ne were �e�; forth fully ar,d ce;:�pletely herein, .mr_�. • are hereby approved, co�ies of the aforcr��e���ioned also �ain� on file in the of- fiee of th° City Clark and i7 tha cffiee oi the Gity Cc�p�;��o17_er. AdoPted by tl�e Council �V 5 `Z-� . • �V 5 1'7� Ca.f.y Ccanpt��oJ;Lcr A�rove d . __�____19� ` By � ' . � PUBLISNED NOV 71970