248195 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK 2�g��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0, t-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE C C L RFSOLU�IQ GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �/ � V DATF COMMISSIONE RESOI,VED' 2'h�at the Council hereby approves �he award of the Purehasing C�rumittee for furnishin� and delivering to any location in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, Minnesota for a �eriod of ].,� months froan award of. contract to ELK RIVER CONCRETE PR4D�TCTS ITFM N0. 1 AFPROXIMATELY 500 Linea,l Feet - 12" Reinforced Concrete Pipe C1ass 4, with bell & spigot . .$ 2.00 Lin, Ft. - $1,0()0.()0 ITEMN0. 2 (1) 3� - Pre-e�st Catchbasin Sections of 27" Reinforced Concrete Pipe, 5" wall thickness with 16" x 16" horseshoe cutout. . . . . . . .$18.62 Ea.ch - $ 558.64 (2) 200 Lineal Feet - �+8" Precast Ma:nhole Base inter- mediate and�or cone sections including la,dder sections . . .$18.23 I,in. Ft. - $3,646.00 (3) 100 - Pre-cast 'Concrete Ad�ustment rings . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 2.12 Each - � 212.00 in accordance with bid specifications and Forma,l Bid �+052, such bid b�ing the 2owest,�and sa�id Plk River Concrete P�oducts being a respons�ble bidder. Farmal Bid #4052. APR 2 1,910 , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �� 2 ���� Dalglish Approved 19-- Meredith �n Favor '�'°"°"�` Mayor Sprafka V Against Tedesco APR 4 ��7� ,�:���..�. � ''�:��:: P'UBLISHED �r,V'i� Presid•nt (Peteraon) 3/30/?0 jo/Gleason O