248189 Ortainal to City Clerk � �� � � ORDINANCE 24���9 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ' ANC O An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com.. pensation rates of certain city positions and employments," approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1g25, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where they appear under the heading t'Special Employments", the following line s; I'Life Guard (Indoor Pool� 2. 00" 'tLocker Room Attendant 1. 25" t'Swimming Supervisor 3. 00=' and by substituting in lieu thereof the following lines: 'rLife Guard (Indoor Pool? 2. 50" "Locker Room Attendant 1. 50°t "Swimming Supervisor 3. 50tr Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. APR 1 7 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �r�etr� +�� ��'��`��--' `� n Favor �Mer�edithr_ � Sprafka Against Tedesco �p� 1 7 191� Mr. President (By Appr ` At es� - � . C' Clerk �� � � O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � PUBLISHED APR 2 51970 April 2, 1970 �"� 5 4 e � 's i � , , ,,---...._._..v.�....�� ._..�__.�__...__.....___, �`: - �. `�. ; . ,,, Mr. John Haider' ; � . , Director of Peraonn�l, '��'`� City Civil Servic� Bureau. ' - Dear Sir: � � , The City Cour�e�,]�-�oclay�_gave���rs� Ree�d.in,� to the �ollowing �wa ordine►n�es: �°�;� ; C. F. 2�+81�3$ - Amend3.ngi(�Drd. 3254 by ineerting " ` in Sec. ,,Kti in (3rade 47, u�der "Prof.,.�z�oup", the title t'Data '�:��Ba�ae��"C�rdinator", and 8ecleri�g th�syJto be an emerger�cy ordinance. � C. F. 2�818��- Amending Ord. No. 64l�6 by rais3ng '.. `., hourly rate$ af the follc�ring in " Section II: ,------ "Life Guard (Indoor Poo1)" - ---��. "Locker Roam Atte�ndant" "Swi�ing Supervisar" Z'hird Read.ing of these ordinances will be on Ap�il lOth. Very truly yours, City Clerk hp r • ���� 89 This ordinance increases the hourly wage rate for the titles of Life Guard �Indoor Poolj, Locker Room Attendant, and 5wimming Supervisor. These titles are used in the Board of Education and these increases have been requested by them. �S� �/ r • 2nd L `' Laid over to L Lf , 3rd and app �' dopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson F�arlson- Dalglish �alglish �-���`'�`-' Meredith 2����� Meredith .`�� Peterson � Sprafka �'' Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne 55 Dnplieate to Printer � ORDINANCE ���1��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��T � �� An ordiaance amenriing Qrdinance No. b446, entftled: "An administrative ordinaACe fiacin� the com- peasation rates of cextaia city po�ition� and emgloyme�ts, �, approved January 23, 1925, ,as amended. THE COU�`3�ZL OF �`HE C�TY ��' SA'tN�' F'A'[TL D�ES OR�AIN: Sectio� 1. That Qrdina.nce No. b446, approved Ja.�►uary 23, I9�5, .as amended, be and the sanze is hereby further �mended by strikirig out of 5ecticra II, where they appear uader the headi.ng "5pec�lal Ernploymente", the fol�awing liaes: . �rLife-Guard (Indo�r Poal) �. fl�" "Lacker Roam Atteada�t 1• Z�r� ��wwimm�ig 3upervi.sor 3. fl'�" and by s�z}�stituting in lie� �iereaf the fallt��wing li�n�s: "L�fe Guard EI�.door Pnol) �• ��'� "Locker Room Att�ndan.t 1• ���� "�wimming Sugervisor 3. �0'r Sectiom 2. Thi� ordfna:nce shalZ talcer effect �nd be in force on the fir�t day of the�firet payrall gexiod �ollo�g 'th�irty' daYs after its passage. apgroval� and publ�cation. ` APR 1 7 1�1Q Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council '6�sa�t- --, Dalgliah �� In Favor Meredith � Ee�rsum � Against Sprafka Tedesco r,,,�, ", , Y,��;i�''� Mr. President (Byrne) ���� � ` Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By