248179 . � 2481:79
co�o��e xo.............
Theundereigaedhereby propoeeet,�emskingof thefollowingpnbliaimprnvement by t�he City of 8ainti Paul�vis.:
Cc>ndea�aiag s�d taking an easeme�t in the laAd nec�ssary for thm slopes, cnts and�fills, .i�acluding
right of reaACwal of lateral sapport fr� sabject laad or ren�inder thareof,cccasio�ed by euccavatioas
taeree�f„�r „cg�tra,��__�„sl„ope�in t�e g,radia,g,,,aAd s�rfacin wit bitu�igo�s waterial thm alley tA
�LK. 3, MI�11N6ER t Di�#INELIY'S A�E►. AIiD BERRYHILL S� E�AVIDSON'S RE. frc�e Yictoria St. to Marshall Ave.
as pa rt��ua��t-�M �vers,i�y Rener+a rea, pnt�a�t 6- . ;
Dsted t.his.....:..?�.�......d�►y ... 9 � � � �
- • Cotwwlman.
WHEREA$� A written prcpossl for the making of the following improvement, vis.:
Co�damni p aad tak i n an ase�nt i n the_1 ar�� n�cessar�r�for the s l�s�cuts and f i i i s�i nci ad i Ag
r i ght cf re�va 1 of l ate�a 1�su�ort f rc� sub�ect_ i aad or resa i Ader thereof�cc�caa i�ed b r�axcavat io�s
.................... .... .... ........�......_.._..... ......... ........................_r .. .,...,,.,.,�»�. ,.
thereof or co�struction of sia�es�in�,ti�e,�radin�._and,snrfacia�,Mitb„bit�i,�ous�natertalwthe alley in
...................................................... .
BLK. 3 �INIIi6ER s �I�NNELLY'S ADB AND BERRYHIIL t DAYI9SON'S RE. froM Yictoria St, to !l�rsb�all Ave.
as psrt�o�S�u�i t-t!n i vers i ty Reneiia 1 Area,�Co�t rsct .6=1933. ...��..�..».�..�»����
l►sving been preeented to the Council of the City of SainL Paul........_....._..............._.............. .
therefore, be it
RffiOLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered aad direoted:
1. To investigate the neceeeity for� or deairability of, the ma�Cing of eaid improvemen�.
2. To inveetigate the neture, exteat and cetimated oaet a€said improvement� and the total cost Lhereof.
• 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketuh of eaid improvemen�
4. To atate whetl�er or not eaid improvement i8 aalced for on the petition of three or more oarnere.
_ b. To report upon sll of the foregoing matt�ere tot� oner of IaSnance.
ppR 2 19�T�'
Adoptedby the Council..............._...............�....�.._.........._..................... .
Y�►s �
Counci3msn Dalglish �� � ���;,� '
Ca r 1 so� Approved�... ......_�......_.................
Sprafka �
���san-- .»�D :
Tedesco / ......�. _ .�..........._. ,�...
��...�`::By��e::� ; / �llA�i' Mayor.
��Y.� �'re�ideat (Petnr�on): ��>, �y