248176 . � 248��b Counc�File Na... .. PROP4SAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �nd PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundereignedhereby propo�eethemakingofthefollowingpnblioimpmvementi bqtihe Citq of Saint Paul,vis.: Conde�ping and taking aa esse�e�t i� tt+e laad aeaessary for the slopes, cats aA� fills, iacldalipg �ight of rancrval of laterai s�pprt frc�a subject laad or rea�aiader tbereof, occasioAed by ............... ................................ �.......�......... excavatio�s thereof or constructioa of slopes ia tbe gradia� aAd swrfacing with bitweiaous �aaterial the alie iA BLl')CK i , MILTOM ADBITION fro� Milton Str��t to Yictoria Street, ss part of S r�i!='d�i't'i��t�5t �Y�"'�CP�"C�i Apr 1 . �� . Dsted �h day� ».».�...� j . � Cotina�maa. PRELIMINARY aRDER. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for t�e ma�king of fihe followiag improremen�, vis.: Cop�l�wni�g a�d taking ar� easeiaeat ia the laa� aecessary for the slopes, cmts an� filis, inclndiag ..... ................... .............. .....»_................_.............�.... ............».......................... right •f reMOVaI of later�l s�ppert froa� antr,ject la�d or re�iader thereof, occasio�ed �y ....................... ............... ......._..__................._.................................. ..�........ ........ eyccavat i'ons ther�of or coRSt ruct i o� af s 1 opes i n the g r�d Fn� ��d sarfac i ng wi th �i tun�i r�us ....................... . ..........._.... ...__................................................................... _.............................. �aterial t�i� a1ley. in BL�CK T, NILTON ADBITIWi from Milte� Street to Victoris Street, as part af S wrA i�=��ve rs�ty��teneivaT'"J��ea, �"cin't ract�°6='f��'3�...........w�........._.�........�..».�.........�....�.. baving been preeented to the Counail of the City of Saint Paul.......... .............._.�....�..._.. tberefore, be it ftF80LVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered aad direoted: 1. To investigate the nec�esity for� or deeirability of, the making cf ea{d impmvfl�at. Z. To inveetigate the netnre, extent and estimated coet of eaid improvement�•a�d:�e tot�l cost thereof� fi , • 8. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketah of said improvemen� � . 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ia aaked for on td�e petition of tbree or more owaers. _ b. To report upon all ot t�he foregoing matt�ere to t�e Commiesioner of FTina�ace. APR 2 1970 Adopted by the'CounaiL....�.................�. �.................................... � Y�►s councilman Dalglish APR 2 1�7A . _ Ca r 1 son � Approved�:.. ..»_..................................... Spraf ka .�,,,��. Meredith . -P°-���:,.. .�� Tedesco � __ ... .... ���::�'��`��E � Mayor. � ���. ��.c�+�� K������$� C � � v PUBLISHED APR 4 �9��