D001163No. D .D o011 b3 Date: 3 —3 - �� • CITY OF SAINT PAUI, - OFFICE OF THF MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDFsR for CONTRACT CHANGE NO. 2 ADMINISTR.ATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Rice and Arlinaton Sports Dome known as Contract 15542 , City Project No. B96-06-32 , Maertens-Brenny Construction, Contractor, is composed of the following: Provide and install increased electrical service size and install lighting system underground equipment, per contractor breakdown dated February �]ff 1� '0 � Total Add $103, 09.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $103.009.00 , said • amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 15542 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original Contract Sum $1,858,700.00 326-23130-0894-33055 Change Orders to Date 5,470.00 Amount this Chanae 103.009.00 New Contract Sum $1,967,179.00 Chief Engineer �19� ��19� :r�fation By Brenny truction Company President Director of cc: City Clerk Finance Department Department Accounting � Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy 19 Dir'�ctor of k�inance & Management Services 19 `�� / Administrative Assi tant to the Mayor DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET ��/ NO. 37157 Parks and Recreation 2�2��9� ��� ���3 CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INIPAUDATE INfT1AL/DATE en Wehrle 266-6422 � 1 DEPARTMENTOIftECTOR _CRYCOUNQL ASSIGN NUMBER FOR �CRY ATTORNEV �J CT' CLERK flOt1i�NG MUST BE ON COUNQL AGENOA 6Y (DA1E) OFDEA BUDGEf DIRECTOR 4 FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Nq 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) 6 PARKS & RECREATION TOTAL # OF SIGNANflE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS FOR SIGNANRE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approvai of Contract Change Agreement Rice and Arlington Sports Dome RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve IA) or Relec[ (R� PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _QVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �, Has this pergoNfirm ever worked under a con[rac[ tor [his tlepar[men[? CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO Q STAFF 2 Has this perSONfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO _DISTftICT COUNCIL _ 3. Does [his persoN{irm possess a skiil not normally possessetl by any wrren[ city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on sepamte sheet and attach m green sheet. INITIATING PPOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: Design of sports dome lighting system (being installed under a separate contract) required that.electrical service be increased in size and underground electrical work to serve the lighting system be integrated in the first phase of the ject prior to synthetic turf installation. ADVANTA6ESIF APPROVED: Able to compensate on-site contractor for electrical service work necessary to provide required lighting levels and for more timely and less costly installation of underground electrical work for lighting system. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. �i.Lr�7 No�e FEB 2 7 1�47 ��`• :�:, k t_: rlv� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Unable to compensate contractor for revisions in contract. AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1 03,OOJ.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED ICIRCLE ONE) ES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Tax Exempt Revenue Bonds ACTIVITYNUMBER 326-23130-0894-33055 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: IEXPLAINI a i 1 � L� =°`v ,D -- cx� ��3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL • DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION PHONE (612) 266-6400 FAX (612) 292-7405 FAX MEMO TO: MARK SNYDER, MAERTENS-BRENNY CONST RE: RICE & ARLINGTON SPORTS DOME FROM: KEN WEHRLE DESIGN SECTION soo c��y�ta�� 25 West Fourth Strcet St Paul, M�nnesota 55102 DATE: FEBRUARY 20,1997 PHONE: 786-4779 FAX: 786-6973 PHONE: 266-6422 ( XX ) FOR YOUR INFORMATION (XX ) PLEASE HANDLE () PLEASE RESPOND • � COPIES TO: JOHN WIItKA, VIC WIITGENSTEIN, VINCE GILLESPIE, DON GANJE, RICH THOMPSON-LIEP WE HAVE REVIEWED YOUR CHANGE ORDER PROPOSAL REQUEST DATED FEBRUARY 19, 1997 FOR INSTALLATION OF TE� UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL WORK. THIS REQUEST IS ACCEPTABLE AND A CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING Tf� ADDITION OF $103,009.00 TO TI� CONTRACT AMOUNT WII..L BE PROCESSED. THIS DOES NOT CONVEY ACCEPTANCE OF YOUR REQUEST FOR AN EXTENTION TO Tf� CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE. YOUR REQUEST IS PRESENTLY UNDER REVIEW. PAGE 1 of (1) T:\WP�RICEDOMElB96-06•32�ELEC II.FAX �ATE : 2-19-97 � hiAERTENS-BRENNY CONS7RUCTlON CQMPANY 8251 MAIN STREET N.E. � MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55432-1849 � PHONE (612) 786-4779 / FAX (612) 786-6973 FAX TRANSM/SS/ON ; TIME : 2:30 PM NUMBER OF PAGES (including cover sheet) : 1 YOTE If yo� dd �rot �ecd�e di ef the pegcs w If you heve eny Quasfo�s. Wease ce�� 788�779. TO ryAME : KEN WEHRLE NAME : MARK C�MPANY : CRY OF ST. PAUL SUBJECT : RICE & DIV. OF PARKS & RECREATION FAX # : 292-7405 NE MET ON 2-14•97, TO NEGOTIATE A SETTIEMENT TO THE PERIMETER UND fHE EIECTPoCAI WORK FOR flELOCATING 7HE SWITCHGEAR WALK WAS REM� 'RQPOSAL, AND WILL BE ADDED 70 CP #2d. THE AGREED UPON COSTS ARE METRO IABOR FOR BOXES, PIPE & SERV. ADD'NS = 922,129 METRO OVER7IME & DOUBLE7IME LABOR = 517,649 LESS LABOR FOR SWITCHGEAR RELOCATION =(S4,000) LESS NEGOTIA7ED LABOR DEDUCT = (53,300) LfSS ADD'L NEGO7IATED LABOR DEDUCT = 181,3001 METRO MAT'l 180XES, PIPE, SERVlCE ADD'NS, M1SC.) = 949,904 LESS MAT'l FOti SWITCHGEAR RELOCATION =(4500) ADD NEGOTIATED SERVICE CHARGES = S1,700 ME7R0 TRAILER HENTAL = 5555 10% METRO O.H. & FEE = 58,284 PROPANE TANKS FOR TRAILER & SWITCHGEAR = 5396 REMOVE CONDUIT, DUE TO ICE--1l2 DUMPSTER = 6775 SUP'T TO COORDINATE THE A80VE, 5 MD = 51,900 BOBCAT TO UNLOAD,PER W.O.#4591 = 3334 UNLOAD BOXES, AND SPREAO, PER W.O. #4592 = 3484 SAND FOR BOXES, GRADE HOLES, PER W.O. l�4595 = 9817 SET BOXES ON WEEKEND. PER W.O. #4594 = 92.006 SUBTOTAL = 997,133 G.C.FEE @ 5°k = 34,857 G.C. BOND Ca 1 = 81 20 TOTAL = 4103,009 FROM � 2 � GTON SPORTS DOME ; � JUND ELECTRICAL WORK. FROM THiS CHANGE v1ARIZED BELOW: PLEASE ADD THIS AMOUNT TO YOUR NEXT CHANGE ORDER, ALONG WITH THE A�SOCIATED TIME EXTENSION. TFtIS CHANGE TOOK TIME & ATTENTION AWAY FROM THE WORK 70 BE PEftFORN�ED UNDER THE BASE BID. THE INSTAILAT10N OF THIS ADDED ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUS THE AFFECT OF HA�ING YOUR ENGINEEfi CHANGE OUR SUBCONTRAC70RS ORDEA �WITHOUT TALKING 70 US OR OUR SUB HAS CIEARLY AFFECTED �UR SCHEDULE. THE SPECIFIC DELAYS WILL HAVE TO BE REVIEWED WITH Y0�1. HOWEVER, WE ARE NOW ASKING FOR A TIME EXTENSION OF 2 WEEKS (14 DAYS) FOfl THIS ADDED WORK! THESE ARE OIRECT DELAYS, ANO DO NOT ACCOUNT FOR ANY 'AIPPIE E�FECTS" OF 7HESE DELAYS. THE qODITIONAL DEIAYS WILL BE SUBMITTED FOR, ONCE THEIR FULL MAGNITUDE CAN BE DETERMINED. ; SAID THAT THIS C.P. WIIL BE Pr70CESSED IMME�IATEIY, SO AS TO ELI tGES. PLEASE CALL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS. CP p270.A11 INT. LGT'G UD'RGRD ANY FURTHER SERVICE � 1' � i ; , •7 i I I 'i � ; �. � a� � � '�� i .� � � i d , � I } : !F a� �1� cx�l�� SAINI PAUL � A�AA November 7, 1996 Mark Snyder Maertens-Brenny Construction Company 8251 Main Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREA'fION 300 Ciry Hal( Annex Te[ephone : 6I2-26b64Q9 25 West Fourth Srreet Facsimile : 611-292-7405 Saira Paul, MN55702 Re: Rice & Arlington Sports bome Contract No. 15542 Project No. B96-06-32 Dear Mr. Snyder: This letter is to request that you submit a change order proposal for supplying and • installing the dome e]ectric rough in materials as per the enclosed pian. The conduit shail be installed a minimum 24" below finish grade. The "Quazite" boxes shall not be filled with a non-hygroscopic material as called out in Specification Section 16050, item 3.06. This work shall be done in accordance with the project specification and all applicable electric codes. • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Ma}�or If you have any questions regarding this matter please call me at 266-6422. Sincere] V v1.1� Kenneth Wehrle Landscape Architect enc. cc: John Wirka Vic Wittgenstein Vince Gillespie Don Ganje Rich Thompson, LIEP t: \wp\riceclane\U96-6-32\elec-1 .w�xl ��-�16� DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREA'fION bE�2.v�c�.� �avctrrr��,,W)' C 1 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 3W Ciry NaII Annez Telephone : 612-2666400 25 West Fourth Srreet Facs�+ile : 612-292-7405 Saint Paul, MN55102 • November 8, 1996 � Mark Snyder Maertens-Brenny Construction Company 8251 Main Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Re: Rice & Arlington Sports Dome Contract No. 15542 Project No. B96-06-32 Dear Mr. Snyder: Attached is a riser diagram showing the proposed switch gear equipment for a 600 amp service versus the specified 400 amp service. Some of the equipment is in the base bid and some is additional equipment as noted. Aiso, some of the new equipment is not for the main service but for the future dome lighting. TKDA has verified that the necessary service equipment is available with about a one-week lead time. The dome lighting equipment (s.s. enclosare) will take longer to get but should not hold up installation of the service. The exact configuration and layout of equipment may vary some from the riser diagram but the general location will be adjacent to the west mechanical vault as previously discossed. All equipment shail be installed on a concrete slab as specified. � � c�o r� � " Mark Snyder • " November 8, 1996 � page 2 To expedite this work and prevent project delays this letter shall serve as your authorizarion to order the additional equipment necessary for installation of the electricai service as indicated on the riser diagram. We are requesting that a change order proposal be submitted which includes the cost of this equipment, the cost of all additional equipment (lighting) and all labor to install this equipment and perform all the additional work indicated on the riser diagram not included in the base bid. If you have any questions concerning this matter please do not hesitate to cali me at 266-6422. Sincerely, l ,Cjy�azfi'��r• �/VA�y� Kenneth Wehrle Landscape Architect � enc. cc: 7ohn Wirka Vic Wittgenstein Vince Gillespie Don Ganje Rich Thompson, LIEP � t:\wp\ricedome\b96-6-32\elec2.wpd