248117 ' 248�1'� � OR161NAL TO CITY CL[RK - • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U IL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRFSENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, The Minnesota Mutual Li.fe Insurance Company, by letter dated March 13, 1970, a copy of which is hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference, pertaining to the City employe•• pay dependents� group life insurance, policg No. 2881-G, with said Company, has indicated that the experience under the aforesaid employe..pay group life coverage has resulted in a dividend account balance in the amount of $18, 048. 1 g; a.nd WHEREAS, The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company in said letter makes a recommendation, concurred in by the City�'s Health and Welfare and Insurance Committee, that the City Council authorize by resolution that a portion of the aforesaid dividends be left on deposit with The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company to draw interest ' during the period from January 1, 1970 through December 31, 1970, a.nd that a portion thereof equal to 45 per cent of the annual premium paid by each eligible employee during the past policy year, in the approximate amount of $16,200. 00, be paid to those persons under sa.id group who were premium..paying insureds on December 31, 1969 and who had been continuously insured for six months prior to __. December 31, 1969; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That effective as of January 1, 1970, the a.foresaid 45 per cent of the premiuxns paid by each such insured described �- a£oresaid, during the period from January 1, 1969 to December 31, 1969, the total amount of all such refunds to eligible City employees being in the approximate amount of $16, 200. 00, be paid to those employees described in the preceding paragraph of this Resolution, such distribution to be made by The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Gompany as soon as conveniently possible; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED,, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to prepare a certified copy of this Resolution and deliver the same to The Mi.nnesota Mutua.l Life Insurance Company as soon as conveniently possible. I�IAR 31 1'70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couuci� 19— Yeas Naya [1AAR 3 1 19�� Carlson D��� A prove —19—_ AZeredith �� Favor Peterson � sprafka U Mayor Tedesco Against �-UKM qF'PROVED Mr. Preaident, Byrne Ass� Cotporation Couns '�t]BLISHED APR 41970 � - � � 2`�8��`� THE MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COf1�PA1�Y tT. ►AUL. MINN[SOTA _'_-----_._--.""' � cc: Pir. John Devlin City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Wendell Phillips 6-286 J. F., Eberspacher 6-296 Alice Johnson 6-246 Ptarch 13, 1970 ?fr. t�illi�m E. Carlson, Commissioner C1ir�irnan, 1!cnith & Welfare Com�ittae Citp of St. Paul St. Pnul� *tinnesota t�ROUI' LIFT: PUI.I(:Y IdQ. 2a8I-G CITY OF ST. PAL'L D�P�ti�I::iTS LIF� ZNSI3ItAATCI: PLAN �� bear tlr. Carl�ons The dividend under this plan far tha policy year .7anuarq l, 19b9 to January I� 1970 ia 512,432. Z'he premium paid f�r this reriod was $3G,Q27. A list of the claims p�:id, $1�,0�0� is attached. In addition to paid cla3.ms, our claim char�;�s include an egcess mortality charge for ineurance covera�;e that has been converted to i�adividual policies issued by our Companq. This char�e is $60.40 per $2,000 of in�nxance converted and during the pASL year thera was one conversion at $].,04q for $GO.dQ. The followin� table wi12 aummas�ze t}�a diyidends dispersed as af J�nuary 1� 1969 end the dividends availuble for distribution on Janunry 1, 1970. Dividends Availnbla January l, 1969 $22.,"R9.32 Dividcnds Paid January 1� I9G9 I7,f14.913 Dividends at Interest Jsnua,rq I, 1969 5,37k.34 Interest to 3anuary 1� I970 at 4��X 2�►2.$S Diviclend Farnc�d J'aauary l, 1970 12,[E32�t�p ____�__.__..� Total bividend Januarq 1� 1974 1$,OG$,1� Tde rctcommend that a dividend equa2 to 4Sro of eacY� eligibl� er���oyee�s annuaZ dePendent premium be paid. The total of these dividends woulcl be aPproxi.mnteZy SI6,2�0. Thia would Ieave approximately $1,843 to be held at interest for distri- bution 3n future qears. It is �I.� �pgestio e cash d �ai ta _ empioyees who ar insured o Dec .ber 31, 1. 9 snd �rho were a ,a i ur. 0 3 �y 1, 2969. Pleas Ie � no if he e suf; ,e� ions & e atis ac ory th Ci . Since cl . ',:, . i John oos A � r,an er i872 R�r.Li��uP � BeA� V � � �� t, r, 'cz•rY or sr. i>,�ur. - »rrr,r;n���ls roi��y r,�. �F;i-c DJsAT�i CLAI:iS . :;1r.,e Date of Deat11 Amount I)�vici Ju 1.-11—G9 $ 1,000 Cenevi eve ;�:oyna�h 3-15-69 ].,000 Carl Ostrom 3-07-69 1,000 Ina '•;c`�11nn 3-ll-69 1,000 . �ii 7�s ?'.ubbard 5-07-69 1,000 ' I:sther Rocl; ' 7-].3-69 1,000 � tdillis rtarsh 7-19-69 1,000 Uonna J. l;erdue 8-09-69 1,000 tiarry Tt. 1'ott}iof f 8-14-69 1,000 ��.Dorothy l:in;strom 9-14-69 1,000 Frances `I. Johnson 9-29-69 1,000 Richard 1�uberL•y � 10-23-69 1,000 Char]_es J, hussell 11-01-69 1,000 Joanne RenCeria � 11-17.-69 1,000 13arbara Lang 11-06-69 1,000 Elmer C. Adams 12-04-69 _ 1,000 Total $1b,000 AD&D CLAIPIS . Ina ;Ic��tann 3-17-69 $ 1,000 Barbara T.ang 11-06-69 1,000 Total , $ 2,000 TOTAL CLAI:IS $18,000 ' � 1 ,: `� , � � fi N�rCh 31, 1q70 i � } �._.._�..�._�i � ,--� ''� Minnesota Mutual Life IrjB. Co., i��--�,� 3�5 Ced�ar St.� �'f " � St. Pa.ul, Minn. ,�`'� ` ;,��� � Gentlemen: �' `� The Cit�r Co�aa�'�.. � y �. ted me to serid ta you the �ttached cer��`ied co f a oluti�n No. 248117, adopted tocl�.y, A?a.rc 31st. 1970 erta in� to the City emploY��PaY ��P�� .�s' groap li insuranee, Policy No. 2881-G, with yo�r Cp�pany, and � the distribution of dividends as de�cri� therei� f __.,.....-.,.. �"',..,,...._-- . ! —'-' ____ _ t � �� ,` �, ;` ' � Very truly youra, 6 :; �. � � �° � ;� � ��' 'P `� City C1erk hp ��....�,�-�"