248115 � 2`�8�15
� co�a� �e xo........_...
Tbeundersignedhereby propoeeethemakinAOf thefollowinanubliaimnrovement by the City of 8aint Paul,vis,:
`µ U�`."�.M�..`��a'�t�a rl y �open i ng, w iden i ng a+nd extend i ng �the Short L i ne Road by �.�..�~~..+.
.....a,...��nslt�a�r�:i.ag�.,8nd...tak.i.ag .a�u..ea,s�Ax--�€o�•-H-ighwsy.-�pa+��e9es-�em._ar�d--acresa-�-t.he....._........
foliowing described tract of land;
w._.. Tha#"part°��f"`L't�t"$;SUb�t'V't51ori`.of. 7Cydrs Fa`rm; 1�60 acs:,., . „'.,,�
...., �vo�.,.........�
Sec. i l , T. 28, R. 23, bounded by the �ol )pwing_ de$c.rib�d l in�:s.._ .6e.gin�ling _
�` at� a point on the northeasterly line of that certain highway. easement for
` •S#s:orL :l i.ne-Rd.as �'ho� oa the pl an t i �-ed on record ,January ��� 19�3, i n the
office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey Gount�r, >Minnesata, in B6t3k
82 of Plans Page 34, said point being T52.09 feet' nortliwesterly of,�thg::�a.s,_� � �
line of said Lot 8 as measuced along the said northe�sterly line of the highway;
easement; thence northwesterly along said northeasterly line a distance of
'-� �49.91 feet; tfience norCfieasterly perpendicular to the last described line
a distanee of 14.0 feet; tt�ence,�outheaste�-;tly al�png a straight line a distance
of 210.0 feet to a point �0 'feet' not�theasteriy`o� the point of beginning;
..tk�ence ,southwes,ter 1 y a, d�,sxanG� �,of 20.�ee,t.,tq the po,i nt, of ,beg i nn i ng.
�:�_ , . . . _ ..
—. . �w°•P�rt•i�a-hlq•-�apexrtMCJ;'v'it�tM�'filig'"�ii�C"�`x��nd n�T g[fie�°�iorL..L i ne�oad"5y""""""°__
cortdemnin�and takin�ManLeasea�ent_ f4C�i.�,9�!1�[�.X...�LU�'l�tstSe�..Qt�_,aa�_aaccass...tha....r.....
...._ .._._,. . .� ... _ �._,.,.,_...:.a.__ ..._._...._..
�`oT�ow1`ng described tract of land;
..., .. __,. ...,.Ihat._.par.t_..caf...l.o.t•-$,...Subdd���i�eR..oi.q�d�--�ar�n;--lfl� -acs:;~M�--+of--�:---�.
11 , T. 28, R. 23, bounded by the following described lines: Beginni�g at
: a point orr the rrortheasteriy Tine of tha� certain��F�ighway easement for + �
�g , Short L�r� Rd;..as; show�. a�,;:the:�ala�.;�i Issl,on record Janu�ry 1.4, 1963, -jn xhe. ._.
� offtce of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, in Book
tb � � 82 of Plans Page 34, said point being 152.09 feet northwesterly of the east
,� l.ine of sa�ed Lot $.as �eas�rred 'a�lotig 't�fie s�a�d` �ortlieasti�rly 1 irie' of the highway
sa,sement; th�pc,e, ,rw;rthwe�te:r.ly�� _a�o.�►g�said nar,t,heer�rap>I�r��)•in�=:a: distance of
. 209.91 feet; thence �ortheaste,rly erpend.iculd�' to th�...la�t �d�scr.ibed, ),fng`a
�- dFstance-`bf '14:$ feet; t�ie`nte 'sout�easte'i���y along a straight 1 ine a distance
_ Of .2:)0.0 fe�t: to��• po r�Yt 20 feet �r�#h�a�te r l y of the po i nt of beg i nn i ng;
then�e. s.cuthweat�c l� a dl.��ance.�o�f,,20,�feet :to-,tfie :pmri nt_cfi�-begd�i,ng r -=
, _
. . — V. �.�.:.�r--- ���:fr.t..�.,:. ..aa.,..:a..ar..''�'� _. . .. . .. .. .,.. .. .. . . , . ., .. ..
� 31 1910
Adopted by the CouneiL.._...............�.................................................._.. �
Y�►s �
� Councilman Dalglish � 3 1 ��0
. Ca r 1 son Approved..... . ...............�......�....�............
7edesco � .._.. ...... '
Ms. Pamain�x�r By rne Mayor.
a000 �-a+
� '�UBLISNED APR� 4 �970
. � � � �