248114 . �48��1�� co,���xo............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigaedhereby propoeee�hemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by tihe City of Saint Paul�vis.: Condemn i ng and.taki n��an_easement i n the 1 and necessa�,�f,g�„�,,,��„�,,,,,��,,,�_�i,j�� i nc 1 u�nc right of removal of lateral„sup�ort frQ,m,,,,�ubj,e�t_,a�� .yy excavation thereof or' construction of slo�es in ���,�5 material the alle�in.�EVA'S�REARRANGEMENT from Farrin ton St E fe ....................».. . Dated thin: '31st' �q March ......,,. , 19 i V w�� Couno�maa. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAB� A written propossl for t�►e malpng of the f�llowiag improvement, vis.: Condemn i� and tak,,,, i,�,�,,,an easemer�„j,�„�g,�,�,,,��,s,��„�„�X„f,Qy,_x�„�], L,l.ls.r including right of re�oval of lateral su�,o�t from�sub�ect„1an�r,.,r���g�,g,T,g�,,,,,,,, occasioned by excavation thereof or construction of slo�s.in�the .�rad.. in� and surf.� acinywith b i t um i no�s ma te r i a 1 the a 1 )ex i n,EVA!S ,REARRANG E���JT f.�l..��.C�.l.t]9.t�?At..��.....�..�1f�1x...S.t...... 6aving been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ...........................................................�...�.... Eberefore� be,it ftE50LVED, That the Commiaeioner of Public Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direated: 1. To investigate the neceeeity for, or deairabilitq of, the making o#esid improvement. �/ 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and catimated caat of said impmvemeat, and the totsl coet thereof. ��v`� � 3. Ta furnieh a plan� profile or eketah of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not aaid improvemeat is ealced for on the peti'on of three or more ownere. b� To report upon all vf the forsg�oing msttere to t,�e Commiesioner of I+�naace. Adopted by the Council..._..............................w�.3 1..19�0........ . � Y�►e � ' Councilman Dalglish MAR 3 1 19�0 , Ca r 1 son Approved..........�... ..._.».........�.........�............ Sprafka - Meredi�h , Peterson Tedesco � .......... .. .. '... Ma. PaEacn�rrr By rne Mayor. 800° '� `" !'�11BLISHED APR 4 1974 � .