03-3611^� A! � Council File # 03 • 341 � � � � � � � � Green Sheet # 202377 RESOLUTION �,%�/ F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1 l�l i_A .� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Port Authority is creating the Westminster Junction Business Center for redevelopment of certain 2 property located in the City of Saint Paul bounded by Whitali and Cayuga on the north, Westminster Street on the west, 3 Payne on the east, and the Union Pacific Railroad on the south; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the City and the Saint Paul Port Authority, along with Saint Paul Regional Water Services have received a 6 grant in the amount of $2,000,000 from the U.S. Dep�tartment of Commerce Economic Development Administration 7(EDA) to partially fund public improvements to serve the Westminster Junction Business Center; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Port Authority has completed a remediation plan for environmental contamination on the 10 Westminster Junction Business Center site; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paui has prepared contract documents for construction of Phase I of Phalen Boulevard 13 adjacent to Westminster Junction Business Center site; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Port Authority desires to include the design and construction of the Westminster Junction Public 16 Improvements and environmental remediation in the Phalen Boulevard Phase I project to be administered by the City; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Port Authority desire to enter into an agreement which defines the 19 Engineering, Administrative and Cost Participation responsibilities for the public improvements and environmental 20 remediation; 21 22 NOW TIiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we hereby authorize the proper City officials to sign the Pgreement. Yeas B a e� � Bostrom i / Reiter ,/ Harri a ,/ Benanav ✓ Lantry —� Coleman Nays Absent Re ^ ted by Departme;t of: s ✓ �� Recommended by OFS Director: Adopted by Council: Date p� q. aoe ., Byc Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney: By: Approved By/M�y/br: Date - /� - G Mayor for to �/�� .r.� �;���dL��!/_��;��/� Public Works CONTACTPERSpN8PHCNE Paul St Martin 266-6118 t MUST BE ON CAUNCIL A6ENDA BY(DAT� ASAP TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATEINITIAIED I GREEJ� SHEET 3/17l2003 No. 202377 In2aVDZte YCAUNCIL O� �� ASSIGN � CIiYATfORNEY , � Y ,_ ❑ CfiV CLERK NUMBER WR �� ❑FINANCIALSERVICESDIR ❑FINANCVLLSER//ACCTG ORDER � MnYOR(ORASSISTANi) � � 3 �y �.s (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� acnoHaEQUesrso � �— Approve Council Resolution authorizing proper city officials to enter into agreement with the Saint Paul Port Authoriry for construction of public improvements for the Weshninster Junction Business Pazk as part of the Phalen Boulevazd Phase I conshuction. RECAMMENDATIONSApprwe (A) ot REyed (R) _� PLANNING COMMISSION _� CIBCOMMfTTEE � CNILSERVICECqMMI$SION A STAFF INITIA7ING PROBIEM, IS$UE, OPPORTUNRY (WHO, Hastfiis Fe�fmneuerwaketl unda a comacifw Mis depa�imerit? YES NO Has Ma persoN(mi ever b¢¢n a aryempbyee? YES NO Does this persoNfi`m possess a skill na nomelly pou¢ssetl byanycurtent city emqoyti¢? VES NO Is this perso�rm a fargMed vmtla? YES NO iWtn all yes arewers on s¢paate sheMand attach [o green sheet The City and the Port Authoriry desue to partner on construcfion of improvements to serve the Wesuiilnster Juncflon Business Cemer. C������ ��� �,=��;�r��� ADVAM'AGE3IFAPPROVED: `P�%�� + t'!t ' �. " The project will move forward. There will ba cost savings by completing work under one conshucrion contract. RcrFtltk� DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: 1�"inYOR'S G:'t=i'�,_ iNSADVAMTAGES IF N0T APPROVEp: Project wiil not move fonvard. FUNDING SOURCE N/A FINANCIHL INFORMA710N (FJ�LpIN) S N!A I���iR 2 S 2GG3 �lii :i:`� i�_ , COS7IREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) yES No ACTIVI7Y NUMBER