248109 � . ORI�INAL TO CITY CLBRK • � • � � �+V��OLJ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE C�l�1NCl RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE- RESOLVF�D, That St. Catherine �s �o11��e be and hereby is �rant�d a permit to install a 6�+-ear parking faeility ir� �on�unction with the eollege on property loeated on ��e south side of Randolph Av�ntze be�wee� �leveland and �a�:'rview Avenues, more particular�ly desaribed as followss Lot 7, Fie�erve Park Garden Lots, arour�d� o�' the �ollege of St. �atherinets; all in aecordance with the plana attached her�to; ��.b�ect to the coMdition �he entranee and exit be loeated at Prior Avenue; further aub�e�t to the �or�dition that said appli�ant- permittee, and its �uc�esso�� and aasigns, sh�.l1 make du� �ompliance with a11 appli�able prov3.sions of munieipal o�d3- nanees, state g�at�tes and rules and regulations of publia _�' � authorities having eognizane�. � � � � c�. �. _ a �- 31 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson � 3 1 �970 Dalglish � Approved 19__ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson / ' � Sprafka V Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, Byrne 'P116LISHED APR � �970 O � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 March 4, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the application for a permit by St. Catherine's College to install a 64-car parking lot located on the south side of Randolph Avenue between Cleveland and Fairview Avenues. This property is further described as: Lot 7, Reserve Park Garden Lots, Grounds of the College of St. Catherine's . This matter was considered by the Board of Zoning on December 4, 1969. The staff reported that the proposed parking lot was located adjacent to Randolph Avenue and that plans meet the established design standards and have received the approval of the Traffic Engineer. Letters relating to the dust and noise produced by new building construction were presented to the Board. Mr. W. Reagan, speaking for residents of the area, stated that there was no objection to the proposed parking lot, but the residents were concerned with the traffic problems in the area. An existing service drive to another parking lot and the proposed entrance for the new parking lot are located in the middle of the block. It was felt that the entrance should be located at Randolph and Prior Avenues as drivers are more alert at intersections and would not expect cross traffic coming from a mid-block driveway. As the applicant was not present to respond to questions concerning access to the parking lot and other areas on the college grounds, the Board of Zoning voted 5-0 to lay this matter over until the scheduled meeting on December 18, 1969. At the rehearing before the Board of Zoning on December 18, 1969, the staff xegorted that the Traffic Engineer had been contacted and reported that he has no objection to a mid-block driveway or one at Prior Avenue. He noted that it may be necessary to impose parking restrictions on the south side of Randolph Avenue adjacent to the driveway. The staff noted that the City Council had informally approved the application for the parking lot permit on October 23, 1969. Mr. Reagan, again appearing, said that during a discussion with the Traffic Engineer on December 16, 1969, it was noted that not all accidents at this mid-block driveway location are included in the Traffic Engineer's records. He stated the neighborhood feeling that safety is involved and that the entrance into the lot should be at Prior Avenue. Subsequently, the Board of Zoning moved to recommend approval of the application, subject to the entrance and exit being located at Prior Avenue, revised plans being submitted to the staff, and have approval of the Traffic Engineer. The Board of Zoning passed the motion by a 5-0 vote. Very truly oq� , / -�- �,,,.�. � :�..o.. � �':��� c ,�, �/G� �_c ��c� � � . � PETER J. NfAIETTA PJM:gaf Secretary, Board of Zoning � i �; AT B ao ; t ,�,;. r,� Z.F. ��6904 , �::� _`�"� ���-'�'�, .: � �� � , ! . , City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT i � (Please print or type) TO THE �O1�ORABLE MAYOB AND CITY COUNCIL � tbe City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minaesota � Appiication is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No, of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for �) (�M� (Private use) (7�t1i16l�ii) t�ippi) � (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot �i,�,,,,,,,F„�, '--.. To be used in coanection with: gt• Ci'k�M�"1tMi C0�.3�! � MISCEI�I,ANEOUS: . (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) . Capacity of parking area: g��..p� *Location . 80M�'Rk1 �i� Ridd0�lQb ��� H�t1t�M1 t�!l�N1 = 4'3ilNl�id A�i Legal Description : Lot '�� � ��lt Block Addition 8a�e1 La� �wodt,,� St� Ct�! Applicant's Name : ?b� CO�� Of �t. Ctti�:3�� �e;� ,v�- Q Home or Office Address: �OQi � O�t1M • $t• FaYl� M�o�Ci Phone Number : �lb��91 FOR/$Y T1� APPLICANT, o�-aa �a�� j��.. � Signatu date �ON,N� ���� --��'" Address . Phoae No.: (N ,�yp�) � , When completed: file three copies of this applicatioa fora� and three pri�ts of the prQliminary lay-out plaas of tbe proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, Citq Hall and Court House, Saiat Paul, Minnesota Z-3 �/11/56 *EXA�PLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main Sti'. aad First St. 2. South side of 11�a1a St. between First aud Second St. . RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O i S A I N T P A U L ANTHONY J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER DEPUTY COMM186IONBR Caprtal of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City HaU & Court Haus b5102 ROBER.T F. PETERSON Commiuione� � ��: ,�� March 17, 1970 Honorable Thomas R . Byrne, Mayor and Members of the St. Paul City Council Gentlemen: Re: Hearing on proposed parking lot for St. Catherine's College on the south side of Ran- dolph Av�. at Prior Ave. At the previous Council Hearing on March 5, 1970 this matter was laid over until March 18, 1g70 in order that the traffic engineer coutd study the entrances and exits in an attempt to obtain agreement between the col- lege and the adjacent residents on Randolph. The proposed plan includes a driveway approximately 200 ft. east of Prior which will serve the pro- posed parking lot as well as provide access to the power plant and a large parking lot at the south portion of the campus. An existing entrance im- mediately east of the proposed entrance would be closed, and the existing driveway at Prior would be closed. Twenty-four hour traffic volumes are 5,500 on Randolph and 875 on Prior. Although the original plan was approved in concept by the Traffic Bureau, there is logic to placing the entrance and exit at the existing T intersection of Prior and Randolph. The residents definitely favor this latter proposal . Reported accidents provide no data upon which to base a decision. The major contention is that traffic on Randolph Ave. would more logically expect movements at the Prior intersection than at a new driveway 200 ft. east of Prior. Although this is true to a slight degree, the access at Prior would require a rather circuitous route through the parking bay of the lot with the loss of about four parking spaces to reach the large lot at the south end of the campus. r � . -2- Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor and Members of the St. Paul City Council March 17, 1970 Regardless of which access point is approved, we recommend a mini- mum 26 ft. and a recommended 30 ft. driveway, and that the existing road serving the large parking area at the rear of the campus from Fairview be improved by the college, particularly at some of the right angle turns. Some concern has also been expressed by the residents about the large bituminous surface area i►�nediatety north of the theater which has not been indicated as parking, but which undoubtedty would be used for park- ing during functions at the adjacent facilities. In conclusion although the parking areas and necessary service fa- cilities could undoubtedly be reasonably served by the proposed plan or with the driveway at Prior only, the best overall situation from a traf- fic standpoint would probably result by constructing driveways at both locations. y ru 1 y ours ver �t j _ ,� ���r,-��-� �� �� � Robert G. Peterson City Traffic Engineer RGP:bjh , ' ' . • � ' 1H March, 1970 � � City Clerk � City of St. Paul, Minnesota Deax Sir, ' . We, the neighbors of the College of St. Catherine, are extremely opposed to having a main entra.nce to a large parking a.rea located in the middle of the , block on Randolph Avanue between Prior and Howell Avenues. The propsr and logical place for this main drive is at the intersection of Randolph Avenue and Prior Avenue. --- We have endured noise, dirt r�.nd other inconveniences for over two (2) years, this came from the construction of new buildings on the campus of St. Catherines College. We have washed our homes and cleaned our tirindows numerous times to keep our property resp�ctable. Zde realized it was difficult to subdue these inconveniences, and have kept rather calm. During this time, there have been a number of accidents and many a near miss at tne location of this drive. We shall not tolerate the screeching of tires, the tangeling of inetal and the breaking of glass. • To i eo�ardize the safetv of the n�.�h7-i.c r7ri vi n� �n R.anr?nl nh Av�n„� �n� thP people living in the vicinity of the College sounds very un�reusonable. The safetv of the travelin� �ublic and our safet,y are your r�..sppr�,�:i.t;ilit.y. It is vary hard to believe our City Council would let something like this occur. Thank you for your consideration. � Sincerely, � The Neighbors of St. Catherines _ College c� . Attachment . (Signatures) I,� � . � � ' � � - . ; � ��,w� :.:r; - � .._-i� � 1 cl �` '� '��va, ti !� t� �. �p � /�v� � , �. ���.t.�� � ?S � g /`��'�-`�'`���`�' ��2�_. � � � � �,� �s� ��� �'_�l�� / i /l �, a-r,�Q�--C� . , ��—�"r� � � � �GZc���'��,c-� � ,��c�6�, /S/� a��c'l���-� �-`� , '�"YL�� �.-�cc.�� �.>�Q-,,, � � I S— �t�•�—��-G; ��ti`.�t' �� 9`� /�f a- i .��....c�e►�� ✓ �n.�� '�-`�-' �^�'� + � =� '� �� , . /��� ��z�% /� ����� � ��,��� �, � �'�.s `--� � �'� �° .� � � � � � ` � ��s �i `�� � �� �1�/�.�z , I� ��--,�..�5�.. � I,�,� � Y� � � � � � �� , o� � �� �.� y �� /h,� _ �� .�-� � �,��,� � y a �� �-��.',�-�� � , • - Dec����;her 4, 1��69 . 3�A:?� �)� 'l,�TdliJ(; REP�RT AIJD ACTION December 18, 1y69 "lat '1a � , ��1 ; ^.:tinc� uncier Le�islative Code Chapter 6�� thcu 64 — nis�A<1 Au�ust 22� 1922 ao amended to l�pril f�� 1`?GA 69(►4 �� --��-- - . • ' :.l :'.;!"I'': Nl1'�1C ; S[. Catherin�'� Call�gp ?968 . . �:!,°,;.�t;'IC�, I'1�)t� . L.._.,.� Am�ndn+�nt 0 Ap�al � Yermit LJ�ther X-R11 I � . �»:` >;l: ; in�tnll 64-cac p�rking lot '� . i�'K.A; 1�N ; South side oE Ranc]c�lph Avenue betWeen South Fairview and Sourh Cleveland Avenues ... '.i:'�A;. :�E��ZIPTIOiJ : �ot 7, Reserve P�rk Garden Loty, Grounds of the Collepe of St. Cath�erine's �. :''.i;51:.JT li!JIN(;s "A" Residencc � �' ��'� �.'+:�'I' ":'�) 7.oninp Cod� Ch�pter� 6(� S�ctiona .73 E�arac►r�nh: � . ;I'A!'F I NV:,STIGATiOiJ b RCc��RT� Dit�i 11/24 f 69 ny: A1'H A. H1S7'(►itY: None fur this si t�. It. AkEA �ONING: Soutti eide of Randolph Avenue is zoned Ccmunerci�l frr a �teprh ��f 100 fec�t. Th� rest of the area is roned "A" Kesidc�ece. C, nESIGN STANDA�tDS: T'he application is for two parking lots; one east and one west �f a new arts buildinR under c�nstruction. The parking lots meet all desi�;n atandards ynd use exiaring internal roads for acceso . 1>. PRI�N'CA(�E AND A1tEA: The eH�terly lo[ te 2211 feet by 65 fe,�r with i�n ar��a ��f 1'���UU sqwr� fc,.�t :�nd th� aest�rly lo[ i■ 1��U f��r bv b5 Ce��t wi i h a� ec�n ot 9� 1'10 dyu�rr 1ert. E. TRAF(rIC ENCTNF;ER: 'Phe Traiftc EngtnFet hni r�viewed tlie prapur�:�l and t-c�c��rn:�,�nd� approvr�l. F, SITE CONDITIOr1S: doth areas •re level end Rreded. New b��tldin�;s ere un�'er construction adjoiniteg the propo�ed parking area�. G, ARI:A CONUTTIONS: The parking lo[s ere on the college gr�unds. North ecrc�ss itandulph Avenue are Aingle-f�rnily residences . Council Let• r J3ted �� .)�ARD AC1'IO;J; To Recommend X Approval �Jenial 3!a/�o ------------ - ; "1ove�l by; McP.�rrlin Yeas :Jays '?�te of' ;;�> >ri-�•� X Ameo { � ' `.;ocon�lecl byt Mat��t�r� Cohon -- - _. i /7�) x Uanrw (Alt) Council :'l�_ t<<:�•� ('�ad1Ar � X Gauger �ecretary' s remarks: x Maietta �ate Suhject to the entrance and exit bein�, X ?tc?artlin (Alt) � placed on Prior Ave. , revised plans to Mansur (ALt) ---- ' meFt design standards,�p����;����X�p��X�X7{p�xX7�p(���{gg7� & approval of Traffic Enginc�c�r. MINU�'ES OF THE FUBLIC HSARING BEFQRL TfiL B(k�,RD OF ZONING on Thursday, December 4,, 1969, at 2:00 P�Mo PRESENT: Messrs. Ames, Cohen, Gadler, Gguger, and Maietta of the Board and Piessrso Brown and Sorenson and Mrsv Frantzen of the sraff. ST. CATHERINE'S GOLI�EGE: An application for a permit �o install a 64-c�ar p�rking lot on property located on the sou�h side of Randolph Avenue between South Fairview and South Clevelaari Avenues. N:ro Sorenson summx��cized th� st�ff report st�eing ttzat the property barders on Rsndo2ph Avenue; but otherwise it is surrounded b}= Sto Caehex#.ne's College. Letters abouz the dust and noi�e fr.om the cons�ruction w�re introduced to the Bo�rd> pir, Sorenson said Che plan meets L•he deaign 3tandard� and lias the approvsl of the Traffic Engineer. Mr. W, Reagan, 1933 Randolph Avenue, said t�e fs nc�t in opposiL•ir�n to the parking lot as seach; but he is concerned about the tra:��ic p�robl�ms csut in that area. The entrance into the propoced parking lot is goin; L-e be �.n tt�e middle of the block; another entr.��ce fox another parking ?Lot is �v servzce drive for the Provincial House. A middle�of-the-block drivewa�y has caused tr�ffic problems; the logical entrance ���o the parking lot is o�f R�n3alph ar.3 Prioro People do not expect trgffic �o be c�amzng from �he middlL o� f�ae block-�Chey �re more careful st intersec�ions� Mr� Gadler soved Lor s �.ayo�ver. of �he �Stz���- �xc�ri3. the Dccember 1S, 1969, weeting since the appl.ic�nt „�as not prese�Zt �� ansFler c�uesL�or,s c:�ncerning access, etc. Mr� Cohen �ecnuded thw mfltic��� fo:. lzyaa<�r, whi.ch carr£�:d unanimously. Submi::ted by: Colonel �.o Sorensoc► �9beYt: �,�, �me�, d;heirm;a� -�6- MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONING an Thursdsy, December 18, 1969, at 2:04 P,M. PRESE�iT: Messrs. Am�s, Danna, Gauger, McPartlin, and Maietta of the Board aad Messrs. Brown and Sorensaa aad Mrs. Frantzen of the staff. ST. CATEiERINE'S COLLEGE: An applicatioz� for a permit to install a 6�-car parkfng lot on property loca�ed an the soutEt side of Randalph Avenue between South Feirview and Soc�Ch Cleveland Avenues. This matter was laid over £rom the Decembex 4, 1.9C�9, meeting bec�suse tYde applicant was not present at that hearing, Mro Sorenson stated that ehe staff con.tacted the Traffic Engineer, caha in turn reported Chat they have no ob�ection to a driveway in mid-bYock or aC Prior .Avenue. ,Also, the Traffic Ea�gineer said it mr�y �e necessary t� reatrict parking on the south side of Randolph Avenue adjacent to ehe drfveway. Mr, W.: Reagan, 1933 Randolph A�venue, again app�arc�d ond s�f.d he ha�d discussed this ,matCer wfth the Tra£f�.c Engineer on Tuesd�y, Dec��cber 16, 1969. Not all the accidents ae this driveway mid-hl�ck 2ocation are included in the Traffic Engineer's offic�. People in th� nei5hbvrh�o�3 .rBE�l. rhat safety is �nvoiv�d; the entrance into the Iot should be on Prior Aveehue. �ie coimner.ted that if the applicant is �ot �nterested enough in �heir g�rmiG to h�ve a repre3entative present a� the hearings, and c:oncerized about the sa€ety of �he travelling publtc, the 7,oning Eaard stzould be. He fur�:her. stated :hat rour hounes are below ar at street glevel of ehe proposed driv�way and feels that at night ttie hepol.i.ghts �f �he exitir�g cars will be shin�n� ciirectly i«to these hvmes ` windows. A driveway at P�rfor Avenue x�ould be scceptab].e t,o the neighbors. Mre Sarensan noted +�hat this permi.t application has recei.�ed informal approval from the Ciey Gouncil, Mr, Re�gan said the dziveway that is a�ready in there at n�.d-block locat3an is also u�ed for the ProvinGi,al kous�--tne new dr.iveway wou�d �i� into that one. Cars fram the other parkire$ �.ots wili aYso be uaing ichat new driveway. Wfth the theater and aurtitorium th�xe, he stated that the p�op�e 3_n the neighborhood feel it is for �heir own s�fety �hat the drivewsy be i.nsta'iled at Prior .Av�nue. M!'o McPsrtlin moved for approval o� the appiicaticsn, subject to ttte entrance and exit being pl�ced on PrLor Avenae, �evised pZ�ns to meet desi.�n star.dards be submitted ta the sta�f, �r�d have ap�roval af trae Tr�t�zc Engineer. Mr. Maiet�� seconcled �he m�tion, which cazxied un��namnu��.y. Submitted by: Golonel L.� S�renson Rr�bflrt L, �mes, �haixman -6- � � ��, � i � � � � � , `� � I J U L E T - ` �+--�� �. ' ;--i .� a�E� � - ; - � , . , �_.�_ �, -,, , � � " i ' ' ` - ; ,� �- ,, ,�; � : � : � � �� � ��— G � � 1 �r�A ' G, C - -' , , � � � _ � . _ o�.. o c� � � . W ;�,-�-,�� ,.. � , ► 1�'I _ -T--� �a Oz:�C6 G,_�l: . ' j � � ��� �;.`_ � f ---�,--��,;._�- z �� _ � � - ' ' ' . � , � - � _" � > �' �� � J a !� E s—i�v` w - '' °``'� -�v � ��i a; ct ., 'C � � --��+�� „,� , � _ ,� ,� , Q -,�, �`_.#__.__='`_"l� °" y a �` •* y L� '� �; . . . ,,� �n� R � A � A , , -- � _ - .� r, � � ' `J "'':� ``i�1n ii 1. i i I l.. , � U) � {� �. J U L R f'� � �� ,» p�'.� �- SO CJG ' j" � i, 2�1: �iG '� . . 1 (�- � '� � AVE. � J � '� — — — — — — � � �oiv`MRTI<</.9L- r i • — — — � � J '. ��,1 i • �_ LJ � r �, , � , - � �� I THE C O L L E G E f�' J � ,�, : —il-1 ~� Ni�Et �v� .' �'' S T. P � � � �, O F ', � ' j :: . �` , wATs N �'x S T � A C A D E • C .c1 7 HPA4 / NE ; ' � r�!t i_.,a-_ , i _ _.. � �, �� _� _-, � A . �,Y � ; 1-IAr1TF<��R� 1 � � � ' � ,•, , _ N ;� rOkA � � � .� .» `, ,. � . �,... C r_. - . . cr,r � t , , � j : � .�,:� � . . - � � l3AYHr;G q ' � � �------------- 7;; '� � - .,v n � � --------------------- ---------J--- --� � 1;�1i 1{ �q o .; o ,5 �J � c� c� r, r', o I . . . / � �I� 8 Q R � O ;'� ,,� �� L% C) i_ t� U �:J � a �f1 �. ^� �'' � � � ��' , �� � lSV E�' � � ���= _. � E.-: . � � •,J o o:�� ,��� : '� -, W� CiikF_�'F k � E �. � � , y>� ,,J -a , � F� � l..—_ � �� � � ' ZcVi� � � � � r;J ' � ��2 � Nt' � � A � .;_., h Z 7 �o :w , W �:W �' (� w� I f ,, � 1 � � a '� ° p3 L .� :,cn -� L w �, o -a � cn o = i t�-� � �� � y'= , ,� _ � tLf qtJ 0�� t l� � -, ` �, � � _- � � , — �j , � !' . ' r .� .G. ?' 1, � . . �' �.l _ . ' . .. . � _ ��� ►' � � ., �, " ��' ( q � '' �� ,,, � ' � . � �= - ' C N�c,►;�...-2r� Ri� olo o �— " �. �, � � Y� c�=----� �-- I �_��. j � APPLiCANT St. Catherine's College LEGEND . PURPOSE Install 64-car parking lot LAND USE O ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING "A" Residence �- TWO-FAMILY � THREE- FAl�IILY PETITION SIGNERS - FOUR-FAMiLY - � � MULTI- FAMILY FILE No. 6904 • •�COMMERCIAL . `yoaTM n n INDUSTRIAL V VACANT St. Paul Planning Board, Date� 11/25/69 � Property under considerotion ' � City Cierk . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 February 20, 1970 File X-817 Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Cou�rt House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on March 5, 1970, on the application of St. Catherine's College for a permit to install a 64-car paYking lot on the North 300 feet of Lot 7, Reserve Park Garden Lota, Grounds of the College of St. CaEherine's. The properCy is located on the south aide of Randolph Avenue beCween South Fairview and South Cleveland Avenues: For further information contact the Planning Board, Roan 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. JAMSS J. DALGLISH Co�issioner of Finance O � • 1g March, 1970 � . William Carlson �!� . Commissioner of Public 5afety 'f�F`,� City of St. Paul, Minnesota '�C/� Dear Commisaioner, We, the neighbors of the College of St. Catherine, are extremely oppos�d to , having a main entrance to a large paxk3ng area located in the middle of the block on Randolph Avanue between Prior and Howell Avenues. The prop�r a.nd logical place for this main drive is at the interseetion of Randolph Avenue and Prior Avenue. We have endured noise, dirt and other inconveniences for over two (2) years, this came from the construction of new buildings on the campus of St. Catherines College. We have washed our homes and cleaned our windows numerous ti.mes to keep our property respectable. We realized it was difficult to subdue these inconveniences, and have kept rather calm. During this ti.me, there have been a number of accidents and many a near miss at the location of this drive. We shall not tolerate the screeching of tires, the tangeling of inetal a.nd the breaking of glass. • To jeapardize the safety of the public driving on Randolph Avenue and the people living in the vicinity of the College sounds very unreasonable. The safety of the travelin� Qublic and our safety are �your r�sponsibilitv. It is vary hard to believe our City Council would let something like this occur. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, The Neighbors of St. Catherines �C'ollege c/ Attachmant (Signatures) e ' � City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Courf House 55102 February 20, 1970 File X-817 Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing wfll be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall aad Court House in the City of St. Yaul at 10:00 e.m. on March 5, 1970, on the application of St. Catherine's College for a permit to install a 64-car parkfng lot on the North 300 fpet of Lot 7, Reserve Park Carden Lots, Grounds of the Colle$e of St. Catherine's. The property is located on the south side of Randolph Avenue between South Fairview and South Cleveland Avenues. For further fnforaaation contact the Planning Board, Roan 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. • JAI�S J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance O . _ � �� ,,�.t_ . 7 0 � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT �7 (Please print or type) , � TO THE �DNORABLE MAYOft AND CITY COUNCIL y6 the City Clerk � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to lnstall and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING 5TATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PAIiKING LOT for (���) ��� (private use) �i�L`a[�XX�) (3b��) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot S;,�t FoLr _ Y' To be used in conaection with; St. Catherines College � MISCELI�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: Sixty-Four *Location . South Side Randolph Avenue Between Fairview � Cleveland Ave. Legal Description : Lot 7, Reserve Park Block Addition Garden Lots Grounds of St. Catherines Applicant's Name � The College of St. Catherines Home or Office Address: 2004 Randolph Avenue - St. Paul, Minnesota Phone Number : 698-5571 FOR/BY TRE AP CANT, Q� _ ,� 0�.�� (�6� (Signat e (date Address . Phone No.: (,� �ave) When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. . ` , CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 February 20, 1970 Jean K. and Barbara A. Aretz 1959 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 File X-817 Page 3 You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House fn the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on March 5, 1970, on the application of St. Catherine's College for a percnit to install a 64-car parking lot on the North 300 feet of Lot 7, Reserve Park Garden Lots, Grounds of the College of St. Catherine's. 1'he property is located on the south side of Randolph Avenue between South Fairview and South Cleveland Avenues. For further inforanation contact the Plannfng Board, Room 1010 Com�erce Building or telephone 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Caaa�issioner of Finance �.� . �-�-z���s� : GU� !-��� yp c.� �liG L ��-v�l �'—�9�S _ t}��•����.� t�'�aV e r1�---n� r".��l� h' �'� � r -�`v r�.s �i2 �/�T r��S� �it o� � ���y� %^`�E �-f}�i N� . �r.t �( /L��/.�d�'1/�'?i��_ '9"� !rl/lCe� �v� �'/� L�� �ilJi T!� /� G� L°�S.S il/dl s� .�L.f� T'� c`�2 U�/JS� �'�100 ��� ��7`'�I�'1 T1l�G S a ) /y�dl �- L r�-� 3� �l�-s����Z y �/�EU�� �T. �����r��� C°a����-- rt�ts ��e � G�avU d�✓ ��t�C� TZ� �dv�T/L� �—T �°.�`it�r��� �'dl � � L � 7 i�—S �f�i� �f vvi�� �3�T-i�� yL/c� _ U N�� O ��,G�-iv,� �D�./, �arch 5, 1970 ;� '.; I 4 j � /---�-._.__._....�.._.� � 0 ' L..._.W_,.....�.,_...__........ . .�.__�_ \ ``�,u� i ��' ,\ �/ �� �p F x�fr. Robert G. Peterson /fe,% `�raf�'ic �:ngi neer � `�,��, ��'� , �,:. �ommerce Blag. , , � ,, �; ,.. St. Pau? ,_ �.. � , ,, __ ` `�, � �;' �� ''?�ra�° �3.z°; •;/% `�� �'\ \.�` r' %` g r The C9ty Council tta ��.� laid �v�r � �iarch 1.8th a he�.rin�* or. the application o�' St. C��,herizae's C�!1e�:e �or perr�it to inst�,:�1 a 6�t-car parking__1_ot �r�`�t'�,� �c�zztl��!g�de of Randolph betwe�n CIev�Z�z�c� �-...___�-�, and Fairvi��4ves%: °�...�_...�'" i ; At t�day�'�/ meetin�, fi.�r� w�� consic3erable ciiscussiun �crlc.��::rnin�; th� k�cati.on �o�" the entra�c�s anc? �xits to the property and �everal re�ic�errts, TA. Regan'��193:3 R�xa�iJ��'h� _���^. '.1�n. �iF:�ar;, ar.,<a�,-t °.^. ik���:��A,,. :`�e:Ftoy, 1�07 Randolph,�,�tx��d th�.�,,�he �ntPanCe and �xit be located a,t prior J',ve. RTa one �.PP��-�"�.;��' o:, '�e!.�.��� ��: ttle ._�;���zca���:. �'he ^a�lnc�.� requests tY�at prior to March lf���i, ynu xeview th� ma,tter and �neet with the residents and a repres�ntative oP the Callege in an �,tte���pt �c� w�rk out an agreement concernin� �h� ].ocatian oP these �ntran�e� anc? exit�. ���x�� Vrz'�� ,yc,.rr,, City Clerk ao/t�� M�rch 2, 1�70 JeankK. and Barbara A. Aret� 1�59 Randolp� Avenue St. Paul, Mi�nesa�a 55105 Fil.e No. R-817 Parking lot for St. Catherine's College Hearing Date: March 5� 1970 Dear Mr. Aretz: Thank �or� for yaur l�tter with refereace to th� �bove project. It has bgen forwarded to th� Citq Cle�lr fcar ca�reid�ra+�ion by the Citp Council. Siccerely, J�m.c�s S. Dslgli.sh Ccra�issioner of Finance cc: LGyfty Clerk Fil� 'b :� „ - � a;� tPD : ,k- t .. �_:, ,.: ° � � � t WtNG W�t.L �-a _�� ���«. � � , ,,��, ,� ��:�� � '�� � 3, . _i�, . .. ��: :� � . � _ _. �� •-.-,..�.W .........� , �J ���� ��� ���r� ' }� �J,r� �� ,`�. 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