248102 ORIGI=IAL TO CITY CLERK ���8'��2 w , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' CO M M I551 O IV E � DATF WHEREAS, The Council finds it necessary to take steps to better cope with emergencies pertaining to the City Hall and Court House building in order to protect the safety of persons and property; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby adopts an interim emergency procedure according ,to the plan attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, said plan to be effective immediately. F�RM APpR���D ,. Corporatbn �o � Unsel � 3 2 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �l�R 3 1 1�7� Dalglish Approved 19— � Meredith „��n Favor Peterson � Sprafku i� Mayor A gainst Tedesco pUBLISHED �R t,� �970 Mr. President, Byrne O 1 � . . �sT�te--�s, • aA� a�u►�F...�„ , � �iLi/4�441� �.ti�l��iDi�� Q�attC� � ����•�' g ����� " St. F'a��l, 14�inzs., File No._2062 Resotutio�9-85 �60. The attention of � March 30 19 70 Jo�t Court House & City Hall Coramittee; t c.�� v„ Counsel�� City Clerk; Custodian; Mayor Byrne; City �ivil �Defense; is reapectfully called to the following Resolution of the Bo�r�d of County Commiaeiunere of RAmsey County, Minnesota, adopted at the meetang held on March 30, 1970 By Commissioner � Courcy iIHEREAS There is a need for pre-planning in coordivatfon to effectively meet emergency conditions in the City Hall & Court House, Now, Therefore Be It RESOLVED That the Board of Ramsey County Cou�missioners hereby approves effective March 30, 1970 the "Interim City Hall-Court House Building Emergency Procedure" dated March 30, 1970 as submitted by Mayor Thomas R. Byrne, and requests all County departments to comply therewith. THOMAS T. I�LLEY, councy A���T Foem Aud.200 � By �tY• � � ��� � ��� � �,1TY o� . a$ y F � � cliii�� i . �� � ^ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Thomas R. Byrne arayo. March 30, 19'�0 To: All Tenant, Cit� Hall-Court House Bu�lding The need for pre-planning and coordination to effectively meet emergenc� conditions in the Cit� Hall-Court House was demonstrated during the building evacuation of Friday, March 20, 19'�0. A meet�ng of City and County officials was held Monday, March 23, 19'�0 to discuss events of Friday's threat and evacuation. The evacuation of March 20th was carried out remarkably well considering the lack of any plan. I extend my personal thanks to all concerned for a job well done. It is directed that all elected, appointed officials and employees of the Cit,y and County shall provide appropriate means to protect persons and property in ��r�e Cit� Hall-Court House Building from violence and threatened violence and fire. The enclosed "Interim City Hall-Court House Building Emergency Procedure" is effective this date. It was prepared by an ad hoc committee of City and County Public Safety Officials with great haste and without consultation with the City Hall-Court House tenants. Because of this, vour comments and suggestions for improvement of the procedures are req_uested and should be directed to me b� April 10, 19'�0. Agencies listed in Appendix 1 are requested to designate two persons from their agency to be the Principal and Alternate Floor Coordinator for the build- ing floor indicated. Names should be submitted to my office by 4:30 p.m. April 3, 1970. Agenc� Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) prepared pursuant to �he attached procedure shall be submitted to m� cffice by April 10, 1970. If assistance or information is needed, contact this office at 223-4323. Yours trul�, . THOMAS R. BYRNE Ma,yo r O ;' ``�'�r HALL - CO'�Rm ��Ci?SE ; TrmER:M EMERGENC-� pR0"EDURE i. PURPOSE To prov�de a procedu�e by �hich the Clt,y- Hai�-�;;o�art House t.e:iants and the responsible pubi�� offic�ais can �ope with threats to Cit.y arid Go�zr_tV ager�ies, employees and the pub�ic occup�i:�� the �"it,y Ha�l-Court House Build��ng. iI. AUTHORITY The pol��e po��e�s inherer., �Y� the 0�t�ce of' t.he Mayor as provided ��� the City Chart?r for the pr�serva;ior of l�ife a7�d prope��ti i.s the authority for this procedure, The pian �s °ffeci,ive upon orde: o�' '.'��� p��ayo�. iII. SCOPE A. This pro�edure is app�lcab:�e tc� ar.�- situation whi��h �hrough a��il of V1012;1Ce OT' t�1T'E;2i,t�'I12C� 8�t5 Of' 'TiO.'�P,'iC;i„ OI` OCf1Ei E',ITIf�'�'�"�riC�' SirU�,�"i0;15, WUUiC� disrupt th� functioning o� �er_ar�� a�Ar�cies ��� t,he r�ty Ha11-Cou,t House BuildingF B. This procedu�°e is effec�ive dur-�n� ?he hou�s of 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 p,m. , Monday through Frida�r, except o.. ��ga:. holidays u��livh appl�% to a:i� �eran�s in the City Haii-Court House Bulld_r.g, C. This procedure describes tha respor.si�bi:litles ard act�ons of agenc�es, officials, all tenarl�s ar.d �he pubil� iri the C1t� Hall-Court House in responsQ to a situatio�: des�rlbed lr� paragraph A above� D. Flans and pr�o�edui es p:�pa;F d b�Yr the tenants of the City Ha��-rour� House Building shail be ir� conformarc� with `his p?�o�,edurP, IV. RESPONSiB�LTTIES A. Empioyees of �.he Ci�y arid ro�.�nt;y' have thP respo�?�ib� ��tv ?.o .repor` :'_o `heir superviso: ar�y act. or th?�F�ate..ed a;:t. of' v�o .:ve o.�n�an:��g o� thr;.a*ened to orr�ur ln fihe Ci�� Ha�1-Court Ho��_�s�:: Buiidiri�� B- Su ervisors w-��i rppor�� su.t� ,.r�r_:Ld°n`s or threat , r,.p the Sher�iff's Off���, 223-�4[; , R.00m � ,�, C_`� Hali-rourt ?�ous� Bu�ld`�:lg. C, �ispa?;rhers o:' t.hG Pol.ice a�d F�re Bureaas r�celving such a vhrea� shali nor�=�- the sher�:f' s Of�ice, 2�3-�k4; . D. Th� Ma,yor or hls designatPd successor as listed in paragrapri V ;.�eiow sha.-�i decid� ��-�hether ail or par*s of the C�t4� Hai',_-Gour± House w��l be Avacuated. Ma�ch 30, ig�0 E. The Pubi�c Sa�et,yr Commissioner and F�re Chief retaln their authority in case of f li e� F. The Sneri:'f sha�l be the Officiai In Charge of all Cit� and Cour�ty agencies er.gaged Ln �o��bating the �nreat or acts of vioierce �ithin the City Hall-Court House Building. G. The Polic� Bureau shaii be _responsibie for all operations outside the City Haii-Court House, and. shail assist the Sherif� as requested. H. The Fire Protection Bureau shali assis� the Sherirf as requested. I. The Custodian of the City Hal�-COUI't House Building shall be responsible for the operation of r,he B�AVa,I,Oi'S ard the PBX telephone operators during such an erriergency, security of inechanical ea,uipment areas of the 'ouilding, and render as- sistance to the Sheriff as requested. J, Floor Coordinator, designated in Appendix 1 (Roster of Floor Coordinators) , shall disseminate evacuation or other instructions to his designated floor( s) or portion of his floor, receive reports from Agency Coordinators, and report to the Sheriff when his floor has completed any tasks specified. The Floor Coordinator shall prepare a F�oor Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) to supplemer�t this pro- cedure. K, A�er�c,y Coordinator dAsignated by each agerlcy head shall: 1. Pre?�are an emergency plan f'or his agency for each area occupied by his agency. (See IX; 2. Supervise execution of that plan. V. MAYOR'S SUCCESSORS in the absence of the Mayor he shall be succeeded by the following officials in the order indicated: A. First Vice President. of the City Council B. Second Vice President of the City Council C. Vice Chairman of the County Board D. Vice Chairman Joint Court House-City Hall Committee E. The Sheriff F. The Sheriff' s Chief Deput� VI. COMMAND POST . A, Location and Staff An Emergency Operations Command Post will be established in the offires of - 2 - March 30, 19'�0 the Cour_t� Sheriff, Room 167, on his order. ::t will be manned by personneT of his staff. Police, Fire Bureaus and Court House Custodian will prouide iiaison officers to the Command Post to be in charge of their operations, Police and Fire liaison officers wil� be equipped wi±h a por±able transmitter-receiver radio. B. Communicat.ions Sheriff's telephones will be used to� operat,�onal Command Post communi- cations. Radios wi�l be provided as iridicated above by Police and Fire Bureaus, In addition, the she�iff's offire wiil provide for radio communication with his sub-station. VII. WARNING Warning and/or emergency notification to occupants of the building will be initiated by one of' the persons designated ir� paragraph V by calling the building PBX operator, �330. �pon receip� of a warning and in.tructions from an authorized. person, the PBX te�.ephone operators �.aill �all mambers shown �n AUpendix 2 lTelephone Operators .�tanding Operatin� �°rocedures) and repeat the message verbatim. Calls will begin with the 18th fioor and proceed downward to the basement, unless specific instructions limit the i-ioors to be calied. VI�_I. EVIICUAT I ON A. �va�,uation of the b�;ilding w71�i be accomp��i sheci only on order of' or.e of the officials listed in paragraph V abov�. Evacuation will be either com- plete or partial depending on the nature of the emergencv. B. If complete evacuation is to be accomplished, the person authorizing the evacuation will call the City Hall-Court House Custodian and direct that all elevators proceed at once to the 18th floor to begin removal of personnel. As soon as an elevator is full it will proceed non stop to the lst floor and return to the highest floor not yet evacuated. Personnel from the 5th i�oor down will leave buildin� by walking via stair wells. Departments on these floors are responsible to assist any handicapped emplo�ees or visitors. C. If a partial evacuation is ordered, elevators will be directed to the floors designated, starting at the highest, D. After accomplishment of initial evacuation, one elevator will respond to call bells sounded from any floor. Floor coordinators will be the last persons to leave their floor and wiil report to the Command Post that the floor is clear. (See Floor and Department SOP's. ) E. If complete evacuation has been ordered, only authorized personnel will be allowed to remain in the same block as the building. All others will move to areas at least across the street, IX. AGENCY STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) A. Each city and county department and each separate agency occupying space in the City Hall-Court House Building will prepare an SOP to meet emergency sit- uations. Elements of a department or agency not located on the same floor will be included in the department or agency SOP. - 3 - March 30, 19rj0 B. SOP's will include, but not necessaril,y be lim�ted to, ±he following: l. Designation of one high levei employee as chief of internal eme�gency plans and operat.ions for the departmer�t or agency, 2. Designation of' two alternates to provide fo� complete coverage during aIl times when the office is open. 3. Establish an area for visitors and provide for restricting access to controlled areas. �. Establish specific procedures for receipt oi warning and emergency instructions via telephone or from designated floor coordinatora s. Establlsh procedure for alerting all personriel and dissemination of orders throughout the department or agencye 6. Conduct sufficient training of personnei withir� depa.rtment or agency to insure execution of plans and avoidance of paric. 7. Procedures for complete eTTacuation: a. Insure that all persons are out of the area. b. Conduct a search for a possible exp�osive device in �ffice areas. If any suspicious item is found it is not to be disturbed in an,y way, and reported immediately to the Command Post. c. ?nsure that money and lmportant or corfidential documents and/or records are secured in a locked place or evar_uated. d. Lock exterior office doors and report to Floor Coordinator near the elevators that the office is evacuated and the door locked. - 4 - March 30, 1970 CITY HALL—COURT HOUSE INTERIM EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FLOOR COORDINATORS FLOOR COORDINATOR'S NAME AGENCY 18 County Civil Service 1� Prosecuting Attorney 16 Juvenile Court 15 District Court 14 District Court 13 District Court 12 Municipal Court 11 Municipal Court 10 Probate Court 1 9 Department of Libraries 8 District Court 7 School District 6 School District 5 Department of Parks � City Architect 3 (East) Corporation Counsel 3 (West) City Clerk 2 (East) Department of Public Works 2 (West) Civil Service 1 (East) Count� Auditor 1 (West) County Assessor Basement (West) Custodian Office Basement (East) Bureau of Elections Appendix 1 page 1 of 1 page STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURE TELEPHONE OPERATORS EMERGENCY CALLS USE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE LOG FIRST: Note time and date SECOND: Get name and telephone number of caller THIRD: Write down exact wording of inessage Al1 calls of this nature should come from one of the following: TITLE HOME OFFICE Mayor 698-6305 223-4323 1st Vice President 779-054�7 223-4241 2nd Vice President 64�-4546 223-4646 Vice Chairman, Count� Board 698-0011 224-4345 Vice Chairman-Joint Cour� "'o�:se--City Hall Committee �g9-6205 223-4616 Sheriff 633-2182 223-4�51 Deputy Sheriff 429-9034 223-4451 Fire Chief 774-2273 222-0477 FOURTH: Verify By Call Back FIFTH: Make floor callout starting at 18th floor unless message specifies floors. If more than one operator is present, each will take a proportionate share of floors. REPEAT MESSAGE WORD FOR WORD SIXTH: Write ctown name of person answering your call SEVENTH: Report Call Out completed to Sheriffs Command Post EIGHTH: If 9th floor has been ordered evacuated, leave the building Appendix 2 Page 1 of 2 pages EMERGENCY TELEPHONE LOG . CALL IN DATE Time NAME OF CALLER TELEPHONE MESSAGE VERIFIED (How) CALLOUT Floor Telephone Name of Person Answering 18th 42'78 (Revolving) 17 �271-4288 16 4245-4672 15 4716-4808 1� 4718-4109 13 �114-411'7 12 4317-5211 11 4433-4866 10 �726-(Revolving) 9 4616-4163 8 4'791-4815 7 4821-43'77 6 4'72'7-4411 � 5 5177-�431 4 �212 (Revolving) 3 5121 (Rotary) 2 5221-4221 1 415'�-4601 B 4321-(Revolving) Time Callout completed Appendix 2 By Page 2 of 2 • � �„l�(; , �ITY p� � ���� �� � "� � � y o '� L -= a� .Y� » ^C OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Thomas R. Byrne ,M��. N;arch 30, 19'�0 To: All Tenant, City Hall-Court House Building The need for pre-planning and coordination to effectivelv meet emergenc,y conditions in the City Hall-Court House was demonstrated during the building evacuation of �riday, March 20, 19'�0. A meeting of Cit� and County officials was held Monda,y, March 23, 19'�0 to discuss events of Friday's threat and evacuation. The evacuation of March 20th was carried out remarkabl� well considering the lack of anV plan. I extend my personal thanks to all concerned for a job well done. It is directed that all elected, appcinted officials and employees of the Cit,y and County shall provide appropriate means to protect persons and property in ��r�e City Hall-Court House Building from violence and threatened violence and fire. The enclosed "Interim City Hall-Court House Building Emergency Procedure" is effective this date. It was prepared by an ad hoc committee of City and Count� Public Safety Officials with great haste and without consultation with the City Hall-Court House tenants. Because of this, �our comments and suggestions for improvement of the procedures are requested and should be directed to me b� April 10, 19'70. Agencies listed in Appendix 1 are requested to designate two persons from their agency to be the Principal and Alternate Floor Coordinator for the build- ing floor indicated. Names should be submitted to my office by 4:30 p.m. Aprll 3, 19?0. Agency Standing Operating Procedures (SOPj prepared pursuant to �he attached procedure shall be submitted to my office by April 10, 19'�0. If assistance or information is needed, contact this office at 223-4323. Yours truly, . THOMAS R. BYRNE Ma,yo r °�� C':�'�- HALL - COJR!' HOUSE �.'�T'�ERI:M EMERGEN!;� PR0"ED�JRE I. PURPOSE To prov,��de a procedure b�r �,hi�h the �it� Hai�-Court ��ousP t.enants and the responsib:ie public officials can �ope �,�ith t:�nreats to ritV and Co�:nty ager��ies, pmployees and the public occup�in� the rit,� Nail_Courr House Building. II. AUTHORITY The poi���e powers lnherer_t in �he 0�'f��e of �,h2 �4av or as prov�ded b;y� �he City Char�er �'or the p:�esP7�va�ion of �ife a:id prop�rt.y- is thP autho�°i�,-y for this procedure, The p�an is F�'fec�ive �apo-1 ordeTM oi t.he l�ia��o�. iIi. SCOPE A. This procedure 1s app�icab���e to a���� situa�ior� wh�ch througri acts of violence 0?' Lr1T'Pa,LPi1eC1 a:;'�� Oi `T101.':nC2, OI" OtfiFr EIDE:"'�;e:1C��r SirUa.`,�0?15, WOu�C� C�15I'Upt �YlE f'U11CLl0Yill:� 0�' i,p1ia,:!� ��°I"'ii:1�S 1I1 tl"1P, ��1i,.'y' ��2.�1-��OUir HOi.i�e ti'�l�C�l:i�« B. '1"t1iS pT'OC?C�l1T°B 1S Ai�fP;i 1tiP ClU�'1.Tlb �J1� riOt:rS Oi' 6:1J0 a,IIl,, i3O 6:3� p,ID. � Monday th�ough Frida�, except o�� 1ega1 hoiida,-ys •Jrhicn apply to ai;� tenants in the Cit�;� Hail-Court House �3uiid�ng, C. This procedure describes the r°sponsibiiities and actions of agenc�es, officials, all ten.ants and the pubiic Lri the City Hall-Court House in response to a situation describ�d i:i paragraph A above. D� Plans and procedu�es p:°pared by the terian�s of �he Ci�y Ha��-Court Nouse Building shail be in conform�,nce with t.his procedure, IV. RESPOI�1SiB?LITIES A. Emp�o,yPes of '.he rit�r ar:d �ryourtyr 'nav� the resp�rsl�iiit�,� *.o report to their supervisoi a�iy act or th:�eate..ed �.c,t, of v�o:e:�_��= o,�cutttYig or :.hrea�ened to occur in the Ci t.,y Ha11-Court House B�zlldir_�. B. Su ervisors wiil repo�� such lncider�t.s or t,h_ea*„s to t.he Sh�riff's Offlce, 2�3-�4[��, Room 1 ,�, ������ Hali-Gourt house B��.zll.ding, C�. �iSp2tC�1PT"S 0� t�1P POliC? �,71C� �''1^E; B'�.irea,US 7'°Ca1V�.1�1�'`, SUC�1 8, Lr1iA8.i, 3t"12�1 noti�z� `,hP Srier�_f's Of'l�i=:e, ��3-�4; . D. Th� Ma,yor o� hls desigrated suc�:�ssor as �isted �7i paragr�aph V beio�� sha�l decid� ��.tihether a11 or parts of the C�ty Ha1�'-Cour*„ House wili be evacu_ateda March 3G, 19;0 E. The Pub�i� Safet,y Commissioner and F�re �hieT re�ain their authority in case of fire� F. ThP Sn��.i�'f sha�l bP the Officia� in Charge of all City and Cour�ty agencies er.gaged ir c�mbati��� the threat or acts of vioier.ce within the C�ty Hall-Court House Building. G, ihe Polic� Bureau shail be responsible 1^or a11 operations outside the Cit;� Haii-�ourt House, ard shail assist tr� Sheriff as requested. H. The Fire Prote�tio� B�areau shall assist the She�iff as requested. l. The Custodian of the City Hall-Court House B�ailding shall be responsible for the operation of the e�Pvators and the PBX telephone operators during such an erriergency, security of inechanical equipment areas of the bui�ding, and render as- sistar.ce to the Sheri_ff as requested. J. Floor Coordinator, desigr.�ated in Appendix 1 (Roster of Fioor Coordinators) , shall disseminate evac�za�ion or otner ir�structions to his designated floor( s) or portion of his floor, receive reports .from Agenc� Coordinators, and report to the Sheriff when his floor has completed any tasks specifled. The Floor Coordinator shall prepare a Fioor Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) to supplement this pro- cedure. K. A�er�c,y Coordinator designated by each ager_cy head shall: i. PreparP an emergenc�t plan for his agency for each area occupied by his agency. (See IX) 2. Supervise execution of that plan. V. MAYOR'S SUCCESSORS In the abser_ce of the Mayor he shall be succeeded b�r the following officials in the order ir�dirated: A. First Vice President of the City Council B. Second Vice President of the City Council C. Vice Chairmari of the County Board D. Vice Chairman Joir_t Court House-City Hall Committee E. The Sheriff F. The Sheriff' s Chief Deputy VI. COMMAND POST A. Location and Staff An Emergency Operations Command Post will be established in the offices of - 2 - - March 30, 1970 the Courty Sherlff, Room 16�, on his orde�. lt �aill be manned by personnel of his staff. Poiire, rire Bureaus and Court House Cust.odian will provide iiaison officers to the Command Post to be ir charge of their operations, Police and Fire �iaison officArs wii� be equipped with a portable transmitter-receiver radio, B. Communications Sheriff's telephones will be used �or operat.�ona� Cummand Post commun�- cations. Radios will be provided as irldicated ab�ve by Police and Fire Bureaus, In addition, the sheri�f's offir_e wiil provide for radlo communication wlth his sub-station. VI i. WARi�TI NG Warning and/or emerger�cy notification to occupants ot the building will be initiated by one of the persons designated in paragraph V by callino the buiiding PBX operator, �330. Upon receipt of a warning and in.tructions from ar. a�Athorized person, the PBX te'ephone operators �.aill c�.11 n��mbers shown ir Ax�per�.dix 2 (Te�ephor.e Operators .�tanding Operatino Yrocedur�es) and repeat the message verbatim. Ca�ls will begiri wlth the i8r.h fioor and proceed downward to the basemer�t, unless specific ir.structio?:s lirr,i� the floors to be called. ti'I�_I, Eti��CUATION A. „va�uatior of the b��iidi�ng �trl�l be ac�ompl���ried onl� on order of' one of the officials listed in paragraph V above. Evacuation wlli be either com- plete or partiai dep�nding on the nature of the emergency. B. If complete evacuation is to be accomplished, the person authorizing the evacuation will call the City Hall-Court House Custodian and direct that ali elevators proceed at once to the 18th floor to begin removal of personnel. As soon as an e�evator is full it will proceed non stop to the lst floor and return to the highest floor not yet evacuated, Personnel from the 5th floor down will leave buildin� b,y walking via stair wells. Departments on these floors are responsible to assist any handicapped emplo�ees or visitors. C. If a partial evacuation is ordered, elevators will be directed to the floors designated, starting at the highest, D. After accomplishment of initial evacuatlon, one elevator wi.11 respond to call bells sounded from any floor. Floor coordinators will be the last persons to l.eave their floor and will report to the Commar�d Post that the floor is clear. ( See Floor arld Department SOP's, ) E. If complete evacuation has been ordered, only authorized personnel will be allowed to remain in the same block as the building. All others will move to areas at least across the street� IX. AGENCY STAl`dDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) A. Each cit� and county department and each separate agency occupying space in the City Hall-Court House Building will prepare an SOP to meet emergency sit- uations. Elements of a department or ager.cy not located on the same floor will be included in the department or agency SOP. .. - 3 - March 30, 19�0 _ . , , . B. SOP's will include, but not necessariiy be iimit.�d to, the following: i. Designation of one high levei employee as chief of internai emergency plans and operat,ions for the department or agercy, 2. Designation of' two alterna±es to providP for completP coverage during aIl times when the office is open. 3. Establish an area for visitors and provide for restricting access to controlled areas. 4. Establish specific procedures for receipt of warning and emergency instructions via telephone or from desigr�ated fioor coordinatore 5. Establish procedure for alerting ail personnel and dissemination of orders throughout the department or agenc�e 6. Conduct sufficient training of personnel within department or agency to insure execution of plans and avoidance of panic. 7. Procedures for complete evacuation: a. Insure that all person� are out of the area. b. Conduct a search for a posslble explosive device in �ffice areas, If any suspicious item is found it is not to be distl�rbed in an,y wa.y, and reported immediately to the Command Post. c. Insure that mor.e� and important or confidential documents and/or records are secured in a locked place or evacuated. d. Lock exterior office doors and report to Floor Coordirator near the elevators that the office is evacuated and the door locked. - l� _ March 30, 1970 CITY HALL—COURT HOUSE IPITEP�IM EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FLOOR COORDINATORS FLOOR COORDINATOR'S NAME AGENCY 18, County Civil Service 1� Prosecuting Attorney 16 Juvenile Court 15 District Court 1� District Court 13 District Court 12 Municipal Court 11 Municipal Court 10 Probate Court 9 Department of Libraries 8 District Court 7 School District 6 � School District 5 Department of Parks � City Architect 3 (East) Corporation Counsel 3 (West) City Clerk 2 (East) Department of Public Works 2 (West) Civil Service 1 (East) County Auditor 1 (West) County Assessor Basement (West) Custodian Office Basement (East) Bureau of Elections Appendix 1 page 1 of 1 page STANDING OPERATING PROCEDUP�E TELEPHONE OPERATORS EMERGENCY CALLS USE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE LOG FIRST: Note time and date SECOND: Get name and telephone number of caller THIRD: Write down exact wording of inessage All calls of this nature should come from one of the following: TITLE HOME OFFICE Mayor 698-6305 223-�3�3 1st Vice President 7'79-0547 223-42�1 2nd Vice President 644-4546 223-4646 Vice Chairman, County Board 698-0011 224-4345 Vice Chairman-Joint Court `?o�.:se-City Hall Committee 4�89-6205 223-4616 Sheriff 633-2182 223-4451 Deputy Sheriff 429-9034 223-4451 Fire Chief 774-22�3 222-0477 FOURTH: Verify By Call Back FIFTH: Make floor callout starting at 18th floor unless message specifies floors. If more than one operator is present, each will take a proportionate share of floors. REPEAT MESSAGE WORD FOR WORD SIXTH: Write down name of person answering your call SEVENTH: Report Call Out completed to Sheriffs Command Post EIGHTH: If 9th floor has been ordered evacuated, leave the building Appendix 2 Page 1 of 2 pages EMERGENCY TELEPHONE LOG CALL IN DATE Time NAME OF CALLER TELEPHONE MESSAGE VERIFIED (How) CALLOUT Floor Telephone Name of Person Answering 18th 4278 (Revolving) 17 4271-4288 16 42�5-4672 15 4716-4808 14 4718-410g 13 4114-�117 12 4317-5211 11 4433-4866 10 4726-(Revolving) 9 4616-4163 8 4791-4815 ? 4821-43'77 6 4727-4411 5 517'7-4431 4 4212 (Revolving) 3 5121 (Rotary) 2 5221-4221 1 4157-4601 B 4321-(Revolving) Time Callout completed Appendix 2 B� Page 2 of 2 . . '�`�� _ p1TY pF �.'!� F'�d' V f�� 9� ,� x o '� � _,�� ib �:s �e OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT ihomas R. Byrne Mayor March 30, 1970 To: All Tenant, City Hall-Court House Building The need for pre-planning and coordination to effectively meet emergency conditions in the City� Hall-Court House was demonstrated during the building evacuation of Friday, March 20, 19']0. A meeting of City and County officials was held Monday, March 23, 19']0 to discuss events of Friday's threat and evacuation. The evacuation of March 20th was carried out remarkably well considering the lack of any plan. I extend my personal thanks to all concerned for a job well done. It is directed that all elected, appointed officials and employees of the Git,y and Count� shall provide appropriate means to protect persons and property in the City Hall-Court House Building from violence and threatened violence and fire. The enclosed "Interim City Hall-Court House Building Emergency Procedure" is effective this date. It was prepared by an ad hoc committee of City and County Public Safety Officials with great haste and without consultation with the City Hall-Court House tenants. Because of this, your comments and suggestions for improvement of the procedures are requested and should be directed to me by April 10, 19'�0. Agencies listed in Appendix 1 are requested to designate two persons from their agency to be the Principal and Alternate Floor Coordinator for the build- ing floor indicated. Names should be submitted to my office by 4:30 p.m. April 3, 19�70. Agency Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) prepared pursuant to the attached procedure shall be submitted to my office by April 10, 1970. If assistance or information is needed, contact this office at 223-�323• Yours truly, ��.�o�-�kQ • THOMAS R. BYRNE Mayor ��� '. _ ,, ! i� !;`�"Y HALI., - !"0'�RT g�[JSE �Nr"ER:M EMERGEN�Y PRO�:,r�D�JR� i. PURPOSE To prov�de a proc�dure h,�� �ahiLh the �ity Haii-t-ou�t, Nouse t,F��,r�r� and the responsib:ie publ�c oft'ic�ais c°ar cope with threats to Clty and Cour��y ager:�ies, Amployees and the pub�ic occup�irlg the Cit.� Hall�Court House Bui?d��rig, II. AiJTHORITi' Th� po��ce pou�ers lnhp��r�r, �_� t.he 0�'f i�e of the Mayor as prov�ded b�% �he City Char�er 1'or the p���servati.on of li�'e ar:d p.op°rt.y- is the authori�v for this procedu.�e. The pian is °���'fec���iv�� �a�on ordcr oi� '.:!�e Ma�ror. iII. SCOFE A. `�his pro�edare is appilcaeie to ar�_y s�taa�ic�r �h7_ch �hrou�h acts of V101P�1CP OI' tr1I`°a�Pl1?CL 8,;:�5 0` Z7�01�`nCc', 0',' 0�.'Y1�T' eIDE.;'-�,�riCy SitLl��i0:15, ln�0UlC1 disrupt, �he �unct,ionir.g o�' tenar:r ag�::..i�s -�n the Ci�y rIali-Cou;r House BuildingF B. This pro�:;edule �s ��'f��rive du��Yig �he :n:�uns of 6:00 a.m. Lo 6:30 p,m. , Monday through Friday, except o=� ?�gai hoi�da;yr� �Nhicn app�y �o a?� �enants ln the Citv Ha11-Court House B��z�1d_°�g. C. This proced��re d�scribes th� responsibi:iities and ac:.fi�ons o�' agerlcies, officia�s, ail tenarits arid the puoil� iri t,hP City Hall-Court house ir. responsP to a situ_atlo~: described lrl para�raph A above� D. Plans ard pro�edurev p��paTMed b�� the tenant� of �h� Ci�,y Ha�1-rou�°t House Building sriail be in con`'ormar��� wlth thls procedure, IV. RESPONSiBiL�TIES �. �+'IDpiOv��PS 0�' t,�l� �:,1L�r 8,11C1 !_.0?%71t.}y i'la,V�'� `r1P, TM°Sp0'"1S1 �. i1�.�T �.0 I�epO^`, CO �heir supervisor a. ��- act or th?�4�at,er�ed act of vio �. .�v�e o,��.zrl��g or ?.hr�;�tened � to occur in the Ci';.,y Ha��-Court, Ho,.,.se Bu1.iding� }j. C;.� PrV1SOrS 'n�i_1 T'PDO;'� S1,1�i7 i'iGiC�°7itS 0:' rr1lEa,rS r.0 t.�11�' SrlPilf'i'� ;, �f'f1Ce� 223-ti4; , Room 1 ,', "�`�✓ Ha1i-Cou_rt Hou:;:. Buiid!.r.g, C. T)'�5pc�ltC�lP:'S 0:' trl? �OLiCe', 8,:'!Q' �'��:^E; �l:i'PB,�.i� Y'!',t':!��V�'_�i� �UCI1 a, �r1iE'a,t :�1121� .nOt1i'�+. �'Yl° S}1���:f'�S Of'�l�P� GC�—��k�b�i. D. �'h�- Ma,yTor or his dns��r.ated su�::essor as llsted �n parag�°aph V b�low shali decide �,ti-hether a�il or parts of the C�tv Hai���-Court Ho�use wi�l be evacuated. Ma�cn 30, �q�o - �, E. The Pub�.?� Safety Commissioner and F�;e Chief retairi their authorit� in case of f i�e e F. The She�i`'r shail be the Officia� Irl Charge of ail City and County agencies engaged in combating ih� threat or acts of vioier.ce within the City Hall-Court House Building. G. 1he Police Bureau shail be responsible for all operations outside the Cit� T�aii-Court House, and shail assis� the Sherifi as requested. H. The Fire Protection B�zreau sh�ll assisi the Sheri�f as requested. ?. The Custodian of the City Hall-Court House Building shall be responsible for th� operation of the elevators and the PBX te�ephone operators during such an erriergency, security of inecnan�cal equipment areas of the building, and render as- sistance to the Sheriff as rPques�ed. J. Floor Coordinator, desigrated in Appendix i �Roster of Floor Coordinators) , shall disseminate evacuation or otner instructions to his designated floor( s) or portior_ of his floor, receive reports from Agency Coordinators, and report to the Sheriff when his floor has completed any tasks specified, The Floor Coordinator shall prepare a Fioor Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) to supplement this pro-. �edure. K. A�er�c�� Coordinator designated by each ager.cy- head shall: i. Prenare an emergency plan for his agenc� for each area occupied by his agency. (See IX) 2. Supervise execution of that plar:. V. MAYOR'S SUCCESSORS in the absence of the Mayor ne shall be succeeded b� the following officials in the order indicated: A. First Vice President of the City Council B. Second Vice President of the City Council C. Vice Chairman of the County Board D. Vice Chairman �oir_t Court House-City Hall Committee E. The Sheriff F. The Sheriff' s Chief Deputy VI. COMMAND POST A. Location and Staff An Emergency Operations Command Post will be established in the offices of - 2 - March 30, 1970 ,--. the County Sheriff, Room 16i, on his order. ?t will be manned by personnel of his staff. Police, rire Bureaus and Court House Custodian will provide liaison officers to the Command Post to be in charge of' their opPrat�ons, Police and Fire iiaison oflicGrs wil� be equipped wi±h a portable transmitter-receiver radio, B. Communications Sheriff' s telephones wi?1 be used for opera±.ionai Cummarid Post commurl�- cations. Radios will be provided as irldicated above b� Police and Fire Bureaus. In addition, the sheriff's office wiii provide for radlo �ommunication with his sub-statior.. VII. WART�IING Warning and%or emergencJ r�otification to occupants or the building will be initiated by one of the persons designated in paragraph V b� calling the building PBX operat.or, ;330. Upor: receipt of a warning and in,tructions from ar_ a��Athorized persor, the PBX te�ephone operators t���iil �al� numbers shown �n Appendix 2 (Te�ephor.e Operators .�tariding Opera�in� Yrocedures) and repeat the message verbatim. Calls wili begin wlth the 18th floor and proceed downward to the basement, unless speciflc instructions limi� the fioons to be calied� V�II. EVI!1CUAT�ON � � k. �i;va�uatior. of the buiid��ng will �e accbmp�`ished onl� on order of one of the officials listed in paragraph V abovP. Evacuation wili be either com- piete or partial depending on the nature of the emergencv. B. If compiete evacuation is to be accomplished, the person authorizing the evacuation wili call the City Hall-Court House Custodiar and direct that all elevators proceed at orce to the 18th floor to begin removal of personnel. As soon as an e�evator is full it will proceed non stop to the lst f�oor and return to the highest floor not yet evacuated, Personnel from the 5th floor down will leave buildin� by walking via stair wells. Departments on these floors are responsible to assist an�r handicapped employees or visitors. C. If a partial evacuation is ordered, elevators will be directed to the floors designated, starting at the highest. D. After accomplishment of initlal evacuatlon, one elevator will respond to call bells sounded from any floor, Floor coordinators will be the last persons to leave their floor and will report to the Command Post that the floor is clear. ( See Floor and Department SOP"s, ) E. If complete evacuation has been ordered, only authorized personnel will be allowed to remain in the same block as the building. Al1 others will move to areas at least across the street� IX. AGENCY STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) A. Each cit� and cour.t� department and each separate agency occupying space in the City Hall-Court House Building wil� prepare an SOP to meet emergency sit- uatior�s. Elemen�s of a department or ager�cy not located on the same floor will be included in the depa,rtment or agenc� SOP. - 3 - March 30, 19�0 _ . ,.-. . , B. SOP's will include, but not necessariiy bA limit,ed to, the following: l. Designatiori of one high ievel employee as chief of internal emergency plans and operat.ions for the department or agency, 2. Designation of two alternates to provide f0�' complete coverage during all times when the office is open. 3. Establish an area f'or visitors and provid� for restricting access to controlled areas, 4. Establish specific procedures for receipt of warning and emergency instructions via telephone or from desigriated .fioor coordinator. 5. Establish procedure f'or alerting ail personriel and dissemination of orders throughout the department or agency. 6. Conduct sufficient training of personnei within department or agency to insure execution of plans and avoidance of panic. 7. Procedures for complete evacuation: a. Insure that all persor:s are out of the area. b. Conduct a search for a possible explosive device in �ffice areas, If any suspicious item is found it is not to be disturbed in an,y wa,y, and reported immediately to the Command Post. c. Insure that money and important or confider�tial documents and/oi� records are secured in a locked place or evacuated. • d. Lock exterior office doors and report to Floor Coordinator near the elevators that the office is evacuated and the door locked. - 4 - March 30, 1970 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE INTLRIM ENERGENCY PROCEDURES FLOOR COORDINATORS FLOOR COORDINATOR'S NAME AGENCY 18 County Civil Service 17 Prosecuting Attorne� 16 Juvenile Court 15 District Court 14 District Court 13 District Court 12 Municipal Court 11 Municipal Court 10 Probate Court 9 Department of Libraries 8 District Court 7 School District 6 School District 5 Department of Parks � City Architect 3 (East) Corporation Counsel 3 (West) City Clerk 2 (East) Department of Public Works 2 (West) Civil Service 1 (East) County Auditor 1 (West) Count� Assessor Basement (West) Custodian Office Basement (East) Bureau of Elections Appendix 1 page 1 of 1 page STANDING OPEFtATING PROCEDUFcE TELEPHONE OPERATORS EMERG�NCY CALLS USE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE LOG FIRST: Note time and date SECOND: Get name and telephone number of caller THIRD: Write down exact wording of inessage Al1 calls of this nature should come from one of the following: TITLE HOME OFFICE Mayor 698-6305 223-�3?3 1st Vice President 7'79-05�7 223-4241 2nd Vice President 644-4546 223-4646 Vice Chairman, County Board 698-0011 224-434j Vice Chairman-Joint Cou�t ''ouse--City Hall Committee �89-6205 223-4616 Sheriff 633-2182 223-4451 Deputy Sheriff 429-9034 223-4451 Fire Chief '774-22'�3 222-0477 FOURTH: Verify By Call Back FIFTH: Make floor callout starting at 18th flooz� unless message specifies floors. If more than one operator is present, each will take a proportionate share of floors. REPEAT MESSAGE WORD FOR WORD SIXTH: Write down name of person answering your call SEVENTH: Report Call Out completed to Sheriffs Command Post EIGHTH: If 9th floor has been ordered evacuated, leave the building Appendix 2 Page 1 of 2 pages EMERGENCY TELEPHONE LOG CALL IN DATE Time NAME OF CALLER TELEPHONE MESSAGE VERIFIED (How) CALLOUT Floor Telephone Name of Person Answering 18th 4278 (Revolving) 17 4271-4288 16 4245-4672 15 4716-4808 14 4'�18-4109 13 4114-411'7 12 4317-5211 11 4�33-4866 10 �726-(Revolving) 9 4616-4163 8 4791-4�815 7 4821-4�377 6 4'�2'�-4411 5 5177-4431 4 4212 (Revolving) 3 5121 (Rotary) 2 5221-4221 1 4157-4601 B 4321-(Revolving) Time Callout completed Appendix 2 By Page 2 of 2