250647 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � ��� y � " CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO CQUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PR65ENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHERE.A,S, the Council of the City of Saint Paul is informed by the City Architect that th.e vacant and open buildings located at: 572 Concordia St. ("New File") -in the City of Saint Paul are a p.roxi.mate.hazard to the public health, wel.fare and s afety; and WHEREA�5, the last knov�,m record owners of said pz•operty are: Elizabeth Downey -�.r_c� said o�xme.rs have fazled to secure the same against en:try by unauthorized persor_s iri violation of Sec+ion 192, 18 oi the Saint Faul .L�egislati.ve Code, and said vac�ni; �,nd open bu.ildings have been found and deter:riined �y the Co�ancil of thr City of Saint Paul to constitute a menace to t�e public I�ealth, welfare a�d safety ar�d a public nuisance which rrlust be imrri�di.afeljr abated to preven� loss of life or pxoperty; no�,v, therefore be it IZ.�S��.��r1T��� ��1:a.i� ��1I�, �ii.�r' .1�L'C111�C�.i; 1� ci.ii�:i2i�Y'.lZ�.C� c^;.:7C� C�:l.l'E:C�£,'�. f0 irrimediately secure said buiJ.dings by the use of contract labor under Coxitract �3�, 73.�8 pending �pro.r.eedings under L-he �-Tazard.ous Buildi�gs Act; anr� he it FURTI-iE]R RESOLVED, t;na.t the expexise of seczzring such buildings be ;ua1d frorn Fund No. 0979-269, Suxr_mary Abatement, and that the Corporation Counsel be directed ta i:ake appropriate action to reimburs e s ai�i fund by action a�ainst the oti;rner oi said property. SEP 2 '1 1'70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays Butler SEP 2 9 1�J70 Carlson A 19` Levine ��____In Favor Meredith � J Sprafka v Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty '�lT�L1SHED Q(;T 3197� 0