250644 � �5��`�4 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� N�,. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS the Coaa�iss�oner of Mighways has prepared plans, speciai pro- visions and spscificatio�s for ths i�aproveraent of a part of Trunk HIgl�way N�mber 390 renurabered as T�unk Highway Nua�ber 35E wit�iin the corporat� limits of tt�e City of St. Paul frora Thoawpson St. at Pieassnt Ave. to the Mississippi River; and WHEREAS said plans are o� file in ths office of the Oepartment of Highways, St. Pa�l , Min�esota, being �arked, labeled, and _identified as S.P. 6280-123 (35E�390): a�d WHEREAS said special provisions are on file in ths office of the D�- partment of Higlaways, St. Paul , Minnesota, being n�arked, labeled and iden- tified as S.P. b280-�a3 (35E=390), which, together with the Minnesota De- partment of H�ghways Specifications for Nighway Construction, dated January i , 1968, as ataended by Supplemental Sp�cif�catio�s, dated July 1 , 1969, on file in the office of the CcMraissioner of Nighways, constitute t�ie spocifi- cations for said improven�nt of Trunk Highway Nu�ber 39� renw�abered as Trunk Mighway Nu�bet 35E; and WHERFAS copi�s of said plans and special provisions as so �aark�d, labeled and ide�tified are also on file in the office of the Co�aissioner of Public �� Works; and ` p . h�'^ WHEREAS the term "said plans and special provisionsrr as t�erei�after �sed in the body of this resolution shall be dee�ed and intsadmd to r�ean, refsr to, (� and incorporate ths plans and spscial provisions in th� foregoi�g recitals � particularly identified and describ�d. � 70 NOW� THEN, BE tT RESOLVED that said plans and special provislons for '' � the is�provetaent of Trunk Highway Nuaaber 390 renu�bered as Trunk Highway Nu�er 35� o � tvithin the li�aits of the City of St. Paul be and hereby are �pprov�d. p BE ET FURTHER RESOLVED that the elevations and grades as shc�wr� in said � m plans and special provisions be and th�y are hereby approved a�d cc�ns�nt is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction � of said Trunk Highway Nwa�ber 390 renumbered as Trunk Highway Nu�ber 35� �� N accordance with said plans and speciai provis;tens. $EP 2 ' �10 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas gutler Nays car�son �EP 2 � 1�70 � 19�_ n� Meredith n Favor � � . Sprafka v yor A gainst Tedesco 31970 Mr. President, � MeCarty pUBI•ISHED Q(�T O ,� � �, ,� Af DUPLICA^.H TO PRINT6R '���� --��.&. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F'LE NO� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 ON ER DATF WHEKERS 4he Commissioner of Highways has prepared piarasi special �ro- visior�s anci specifications fior che improvement ot a part af Trunk Hdyhway h�umber �g0 renumi�er-ed as 7runk Highway Numb�r �SE within the carporate limits af zhe City o� St. P�u� i�ron� Thon�pson St, ac F'ieasant Ave. ia th� Flississeppi IZ i vea-; arad �iNEitEA� said �lans arc: on i ile in the oi�fi�e oi� th� Departr��nt ofr Hi�hw�ysy :��. Pau1 , M�nriesat�, uein� mark�d, iaia���u, anc� identified as S.P. 62t3U-i2� (3�E�3�t�); �nn �:HEitE�-,:, said sp�ei�l pravisi���s are orr �> ic: t;� th� uiFic�: oi t�� €3e- p�rytr��:nti: oo Hic�6iwa;�s, ;�fi. P��ul � B`4►e'�t�e:S���' a��irig �nGrked, iabeleca° �n�; i:en- til=iGC; a4� �,f'. t�2`c,'�-12:� (35E-J�Oj ► vshich, t�a��ethQr e,,aith the Ptinnesota �e- Ea�r•trr�ent oi HiK�hway� Specifications for Nighway Cc�nstructian, d�ted J�nuary i , �:;i,�<�, �s �mc:nU�c; uy J�:��pi�Mn�r�tai Sp�:cifiicatio��, cl�ted July 1 , i9t�3, 01 1`ii� +n i9ie o� ��i�� ot th� a;mrr►�iissicaner of �ii;�hway�, �orsstitut� �:h� :pECit�i- c�iions rc�r• .:f�id im�s'c�vem�r��: c�i= "�r'unk 4ii�hw��y t�ts�i�ur 3�0 a�«�r�aa�r�f�ered a5 Trunk f'P I i��'1&'dc"3'y' :yi.ili'1iit:6� ;;;,3�� uS3%1 H�`HEi�Erau �:apies o'o r�ic� nians �nd sp�ciai pr•�vssic�ns ..;s sa m�rE:�ci, iai�elc�rl und 'e�.3�r��� i�'svc, �rre �iscs uri a � ic: �;� 1:fR� oi �icW tat` i;e� �:onuniss �can�r ot' S��tal oc �vor�c�; �;ri� !.%�Pil:te�a•i� "��'8L' �S:".@"iTi dr`a�.lfiS.i ��c3k'i.�i iJCIC� 5�3B:i;ic�j ��!"OV65ICP&l5tt .:tS �14.'i"E,'Itle31'`tuf US�C� i�i �ci��: )�»dy c�i=� i:l�is r�esc�i���tis�r� :;haii k�� de��n�,d �a.ed i;�t��ic�a_c� tr� m�an, �ei�er to, ar��i ir�icor�tsi'�;t:� th€� �elar�s a.au Sp��cial �rcvosie;ns ir� �t��r� �FEar-���ain3 r�ci �ais �r.7i"1 {(:4.:�.91�6V ISiG'f1Lll" IG'GI �.311Ci L�f::ii:i'1�7C:�. s9�:&i, �Nkiy, 131R 17" i<t5�(�LUkU t6aat saic6 �i�n:; �nd �p��c.ia3 ;�rc,visions r'oo i;h� improvement c�#� '�ruri�c Fiiyhway Nurns��r 3yU renumber�c! as lf+-�a�k i�ii31-aE�.�ay N�mt��r 31E w i th d ri th� 1 '+rni ts A#' the C i ty �>i= 5t. Pau 1 i�e �r�d h�r�:t�;! �re ap�aroveci. }i� 4T FUd�THEF'. tr�Si�LVE� �hat the elevatior�s �nc� +::tr��e�s as sh�,��� �:�a �-aici �1 r�ans and sp�su i a 1 prov i s i�ns be ar�d they are her�i�y a��rc�ved ai�cs consr:tz� i s h�rehy �iven to �ny arici a�i change� in grade cccasi�inect ta>y the ccar�so:�u4tion ot said �runk Nighway Number j90 r�numk�ered as Trunic 4-Di����y tJuinber 3�� in acco►-dz�r�ce with saici plans and spec6al provisiozs. ��P 2 9� 197t! COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . � ��, C��r�' , ��h` ,� �..,�� ���X Approved 19—_ ivi��t� 1'n Favor P����C . Sprafka Mayor Tedesco �gainst Mr. President, ���X McCarty O