250626 O:is[ns!to Cit7 Clert ' . � ORDINANCE ;� ,; ,; - l ,, COUNCIL FILE NO. ����' �+�* - / �� - PRESENTED BY � �'n'�-'L= ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 445A OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO AIR POLLUTION CONTROL REGULATIONS. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t Section 445A.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended in the following ma.nner: "445A.01--ATR POLLUTION CONTROL REGULATIONS. Pursua.nt to Minnesota Statutes 1967, Section 471.62, Air Pollution Control Regulations and Ambient Air Quality Standards 1-15 inclusive of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as adopted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1967, Section 116.07, as filed with the Commissioner of Administration for the State of Minnesota on July 7, 1969, and as amended on June 3, 1970 and June 5, 1970, are hereby adopted by reference." Section 2. This ordina.nce sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �0 . AP 0 D st. C r a o ou ei Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council OCT 1 4 1970' Butler C Caxlson �' In Favor Levine � ` � '���— G A ainst Sprafka g Tedesco ,_ ��,. � Approved: OCT 1 4 1��0 t st.Mr ice Pres��nt ,,�� � ; � � - /, lerk !� yor �� Form a�proned Corpor��ion Counsel By ��e��$�+EO 0CT 17197p DqBaf�t�Prt�e � __,. ORDINANCE 250�26 couNa� Fi� �o PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / '�� A� t)�D�� �ING CBtlPTBR 44SA OF TH� SAII�AT PA13�. L�GISIATIYS CADB PB�TAINI�6 'fi4 AIB �OLLI"J'Plt�f C01�TBOL BEGtJLATi0�I1S. THE C�tJi�CIL �@F T8S CITY OF SAINT PA�L DASS QA`�kl�t� Sscti+c� 1. ?6at S�ctia► 465�A,A1 �f �e Ssi�at Paul Le�islatl.v� �ode ia �cebl► � is t�e followi� ��t "445�A.01�'r'AI8 P4L�'.�1'�I0�1 C�+OZ. R�ATICl�T$• P+�rswmt � I�tim�e�s�ta Stat�tea 1967, Sectioa� 471.6g, l�r Follutioan C�ts�ol ��tiv�a �ad l�bf.eat J►f,r Q�ality Sta�dards 1-IS ia�clusiv�e of � �1.�re�rata Pollntica� C�oratrol /�ge�C�r as adoptemdp�r�sta�t to Mi�sota Statntes 1�b7, Sectfoa 1Z6.�7, as fil� �rlth the Cari�iar�r of Adii��is�tratia�► for t�e State of K3,mies�►ta o� July 7, 1959, asd as �adsd on June 3,� 19)a ar� � 3, I974, as-e hereby adopted b�► �+��.�. �ateti�a 2. - T!�#.s as�eli�unce sba3.l tsk+� effe�t �d be i� fo�ce thirty t�� �ey�s fr+c� a�d after its Pa��„ e�nwval a��d publicatiaa. OCT 1 4 1�7a Yeae Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Coun�il Butler � Carlson �� T� Favor v A as�.ingt Sprsflta �'��� OCT 1 4 1970 Attest: IVIr. Vice PresidPnt Meredith A����� City Clerk Mayor. '�� `` ;x.: Form a�p�oaed Corpor��ion Counael By I st � ' 2nd / b '° Laid over to 3rd and app.�L�_,4dopted ��G � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler \ �utler Carlson ����'��� "�Carlson Levine '��:, Levine l Meredith `J 'Mee�dif�— } Sprafka �prafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty ' . Vice Pr�sident Meredith