03-358ORlGlI�A� Pzesented By: Referred to: COL3NCILFILE#: �3 � 3�ja GREEN SHEET #: 204867 RESOLUTION �jINT PAUL, N� �� � 2 Recreation Center foi Pazks and �ecrearion; and � 3 4 WHEREAS, the current project funding is fully committed; and 5 6 WHEREAS, in conjunction with the addition, additional funding is requited to propeily update the heating system at an 7 estimated cost of $21,360; and 8 9 WHEREAS; it is the request of Parks and Recreation that CIB contingency fimds be allocated for t}as puipose; and 1Q ll WIIEREAS; the Office of Financial Services has verified that said contingency funds aze avaflable; and 12 13 NOW THEI2EFORE BE TT RESOLVED, by the Councd of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, -- 14 and the posirive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1995, 1999, and 2000 Capital -- 15 Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by Councfl, aze hereby further amended as follows: 16 17 CURRENT AMENDED 18 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET - 19 C95 - Capitai Projects 20 OT10Q - CLB Contingency 21 7320 - Transfer from CIB 1994 17,317.57 (66.51) 17,251.06 22 OT120 - PIR Contingency 23 7499 -Intcafund Tzansfer 46,8Q2.00 (2Q,893.49) 25,908.51 24 C00 - Capital Projects 25 OTI05 - CIB Contingency 26 7499 - Inriafund Transfer 400.00 (400.00) 0.00 Z� 64,519.57 (21,360.00) 43,159.57 28 SPENDING PLAN: 29 C95 - Capital Projects 30 OT1QQ - CIB Contingency 31 0799 - Intrafund Transfer 73.64 (66.51) 7.13 32 OT120-PIR Contingency 33 0799 - In4afund Txansfez 46,802.02 (20,393.49) 25,908.53 34 C00 - Capital Projects 35 OTI05 - CIB Contingency 36 0548 - Contingency 400.00 (400.00) 0.00 37 47,275.66 (21,360.00) 25,915.66 38 FINANCING PLAN: 39 C99 - Puks Capital Projects 40 3H025 - MLK Remodel & Addition 41 7310 - Transfer from CIB Prior 0.00 66.51 66.51 42 7310 - Transferfrom CIB Prior 0.00 20,593.49 20,893.49 43 7320 - Transfex from CIB 2000 0.00 400.00 400.00 44 0.00 21,360.00 21,360.00 45 SPENDING PLAN: 46 C99 - Pazks Capital Projects 47 3H025 - MLK Remodel & Addition 48 0898 - Building Improvements 2,586,005.00 21,360.00 2,607,365.00 49 2, 58 6, 00 5. 00 21, 2,607,365.00 G.IFMlQ71JW3lResolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResoluGOnsUALK Resolulion.x(s Page: 1 of 2 ORIGiNAL °� F�E : °�-3S� GREEN SHEET #: 204867 RESOLVTION CITI' OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Adopted by Council: Date: �' 9 g Adoption Certified by CouncIl Secretary Approved by Mtayc�r: Date: � Requested by: Date: Division af Pazks and RecLearion BY� i � �� Approva�o nded by Fin cial Services D'uector: By: c Form Approved by City for 1'he $t. Peul 1.on9-Range C'apitai �pzo��onf Budget Comttrtftee received this request oa cdatel 3 �` 3f° 3 _.,� and recommends a�p�v,.<� ��: ��� � G:IFM147UW31Reso/ut�ons,AOS, GreenSheetslResolutionslMLKResolution.xls Page: S� � DEPAFtTMENT(OFFIC�JCOUNCIL DATEINITWYED GREEN SHEET NUMBER: � � 204867 0 � ��� Parks and Recreation 3��v2oo3 CANTACT PERSON AND PHINJE INRLLLI�D INRIA( /DATE h���+r1 1 OEPAR7MENTDIRECTOR �/—/� 5 Gm'CWNCIL Jason Wirka 266-6417 wR � s cm'nrroaner cmaEwc MUSTBEONCOUNGLAGENDABY(DAT�: pgpp2 2 FINANCW.SERVICESDIR 6 O-F.S.-ACCIXIMING 4 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn 7 07HER: Pa�ks and Reaeation ASAP TOTALNUMBEROFSIGIJAlUREPAGES: GLIPALLLOCAliONSFORS7GTIANRE ACiION REQUESTED: Approvai of attached budget resolution authorizing the addition of $21,360 in CIB wntingency funds to the MLK Recreation Addition and Remodel project. RECOMMENDATIONS: (Approve(A)orRejeG(R) PERSOr1ALSERViCECOMRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION CNIL5ERVICECOMMISSION 'I. Hasihaperson/Fm�everworketlunderconhactforNisdepartment? A CIB CAMMIT'fEE OTHEft: ❑ yps ❑ NO A STAFF OTHER: 2. NasMeD�oNfirtneverbcenadtyemployee? DISTRICTCOUNCIL OTHER: QYes ❑No 3. Dces Uie persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnal POSSESSED by a curtent city employee� ❑ Yes ❑ No Ecphain all yes ansvuers on separete street antl attach to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, VJhen, Where, Why): In conjunction with the addition, additional funding is required to properly update the heating system at an estimated cost of $21,360. ADVANTACaESIFAPPROVED: The building will be properly heated. �� �,�� ?�� �3�� �1 � ' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: - Rooms furthest from the boiler will not be propedy heated. Roof-top unit will freeze up in the event of a winter power failure. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: $21,360 COST/REVENUEBUOGETED�CheckOne) ❑Yes ❑O No FUNDINOSOURCE: CIB �1CTIVITYNUMBER: C9S-3HOZS FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � G:IFMIQlL1W31ResWUfions, AQs, G2en SheehiGreen SheetsUALK GreensheeLds Page: 1 of f