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250625 ORIGINAL TO�ITY CLBRK �5Q�b�5 , f. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RES�LUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF Wherea� , �he City's �raffic Committee and the Commisaioner oP Publie Utilities , Leonard W. Levine, reqnesta that the City Council and the Metrcpolitan �ransit Com�isaion approve a neW route for Bus No. 7-B so that Bus 7-B will so longer rua oa Highland Parkway between �nelling and Fairvier, bnt instead vill operate on Ford Parkvay beitveen 3nelling a�nd Fairview, and thence on the raaular route; aow therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that said council hereby approve the af'oresaid chang� in said Bus Rotite 7-B, and does hereby reqnest the Metropolitan �ran�it Com�issioa to iaitiate tbe appropriate action to �ake such change effective; and be it FURTHER:!��RFsSOLVED, That the City Clerk is her�by d.3reeted to transmit a certified copy of this resolntion to the Metropolitan Transit Co�mission, and the Mi�aaesota State Publie Serviee Commisaion. � �'p_ APPROVE � s#� Corporati ou el S�P 2 9 1'70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler $�p 2 9 1970 �, oved 19.r Levine —In Favor Meredith Sprafka V yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty I�UBLISHED �C'r 3 �9]� �� o�*�,�,T�,��,� 25���5 i - CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�UNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRgENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER DA*� . tih�, T2►• Ct�T's Trarria� coa�i�t�. .nd fih. Coaatssios�: o! Pnmli• Qtilitci�s� L�onasd V. L��ia�, r�qu���• tba� tb� Ci1�r �oaaetil and Lh• M��ropolitan Srsaait Co�siasioa appro�� a n�� ros�• for Hus lfcr, q•B ao that Dns 7-3 rill ao losa�r rus oa Highlaad Park�a� 'b�t�r�fn 8a�llias salt lair�i�i, b�� iHrt��d •ill op�rate on lord Par�C�ay b�trr��n 8n�llin6 aad lsirvi�i� sad thent�� on �b� rn�►lar ron��; nov thtr�tlor• D� it RB80LiIZD, 3y t�• Conaell af tch• City of Saint Panl, tltat asid Qonaaii h�:�by �ppro��r th� ator�s+aia abaas� in said 8ns Ront• 7w11. and Qo�a h�r�D� s�eQs��ft t�• 1[etropolltaa lraasit Coaais�ion �o initi�►t� i�b• appropriat• •etion to aal�� suah ahaas• �i'f�et�i��i aaa �� i� aUR�83x�6tS80LY=D, Tbat th� Cii�r Clerk is hsrebT dii�a#�8 �o �ran�sit a Q�r�ili�d ao�y o! thi• rMSOl�tion !o �h• M�1�ropolitan lransi� Coasission� anQ the Miaa�so�• St�t� Pnblia 8�r�io� Cuaiissioa. � COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Counci� SEP 2 � 1'�q9_ Yeas Nays • �,� Butler $EP 2 9 �—.. Apprnv� 19` Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka O Mayor A galIIBt , . Tedeaco . Mr. President, McCarty �� �MD�] C�O���� QQ�a �i]�`�G°�OpO���Q�l 1�1 n��n���f �0������O�n 904Capitol Square Building,Saint Paul, u w uv u uv Minnesota 55101 Phone 612/227-7343 October 8, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Ci ty of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall : We are in receipt of your letter dated September 30, 1970, and the attached resolution, File No. 250625. This matter will be taken under advisement in due time. Sincerely, �, '`� � R. L. Federman Operations Administrator RLF/mal cc: Commissioner Len Levine � �C� �, a �� �0[� C�O��[�� aG°�[�Q M[��G°�OO pOL���Q�l ����n��� �0������O�n 904Capitol Square Building,Saint Paul, Uv Uv Minnesota 55101 Phone 612/227-7343 October 28, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall : The request contained in the resolution, Council File No. 250625, relating to bus route 7B has been researched by our transit operating division staff. Due to operational necessity the route was detoured because of street construction, to operate on Ford Parkway between Snelling and Fairview on October 1 , 1970, the date the resolution was received by this office. It is our understanding that the permanent use of this route has since been agreed to by the Department of Public Utilities. We have therefore, closed our file on this matter and feel no further action necessary. Sincerely, � (� << ._---- ��->"i_�/ .�� ; .` ames B. Ree , ` r;�' Director of Operations � cc L.W. Levine JBR/aw �u ���T� ���� �s�tw� �Tn.z� 1Cza� /��/ •Ms��A -,x�g3 �u� Bu��Taus uaaM�.aq, �S�er�x� pu�T� ,8u�uun.z .��c�--.��,�:sux `a�.nc.z .z�atn8ax aq�, uo a�u�q�. pu� MaT��'�3 P� �'LZa_ ������.�gd �.�o,� uo a�.�e.zado ZT�� S-L snS ���i� os S-L ' snS ,zo� a ox r�aa � �s�tR�a�.sa c� � uo��.�� a�B�adoadd�e au�, a�g��xuy o�, �sg�uo� �.x s.zs u�s��Iado.z�ay� au�, �u��.sanba.z `Z��unc� ��.� Tn'�d '�S u� �9. `OL6 �� �aqw��dag pa�.dopB `SZ905z '�A1 �T°�,3 Z��unc� �uo��Tosa \ ao �do� -�,�-��,xa� B s� pasoZ�u� � �,� ' ---'� :uaaraZ�aa�J ,//'�`�\ � � \ s�,osauu�y� '�n� •�s � '� �a'�PY'�nH a��3�30 a���S ( uo�ss � a��n.zas a�Iqnd a�.��.5 ��.cs�uu�y� \ �,!�,,� �'��, ` �. �� � ``.___�.,_....._._ .� � __�°'� �� --�' I OL6T� 0� �aqcua�.dag . � c- _.,�' C > ,.._ _, _ a .. . Sept�mber 0, 1�7p � I � i ,,----- _ , .�.._.__� -.. ���,�� Metrapolits,n Transit Commission ::---� \�� 55o C�dax St, �i, � St. Paul, Minnesota � } �1 Gentlemen: �� ,�� ��;- Enclosed is a certified c�of a�e's�Olution, Council File No. 25p625, adopted Sep�ember 29, ^ ,-�.��he g�;,,pa,ul City Council, xequesting the Metropolitan Tra s t Commis��n to`�,i'�itiate the appropriate action t4 a new o te fbr Bus n. 'j-� sv t2aat Bus 7-B will aperate on Ford Pa.rkway bet en Snelling d F�irview and thence on the regular route, instead of ing on Iiig and pa,rkway between Snellin� �nd F�ir- view. ---�., � � ' `� ��--''�� /'�- -,., ��__...- �,,� Very trul,y yours, n� r,,,-� City Clerk