250618 OR161NAL T.O CITY CLBRK �j5�,�e�(l CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '`�" ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That Council File Ho. 239794, approved Aug�tst 9, 1968, authorizing and directing the proper City offici�la to make application to the E3overnor's Crime Commission for tnnds for planning a criminal justice facility i� hereby rescinded. FQRM AFP V �ORP� TI �OUNSEL�` StP 2 5 1g7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler ���� � � a�l� Carlson ve� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED QCT 31970 O o��,�,Tt.��� 250��g � * .,� . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFRCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR6SENTED Elf COMMISSIONER �AM j�• �t " ��� t�.� xO♦ Z��7�'� ��� ��i '� 1968, a�1:ho=isi�q and dir�tcia� t.ha pae�r Qi�y o!lioial� to � applivatioa iw i� �nraraos'� Cri�r Co�ei.��ice� ior l�a�d,s loar pla�oninq a a�ci�aal j�liar la�oill.I�y is � saciad�d. ;.C���ne No:�1yi-88 T�O,naa R, � '� I �'�i.:�'6e�tY ot`$aip��atil and the Coutaiy ot Rstx�eq hav b i a�ree��t. Furensitt to the provielons f M'�linnerofa Statutes, ro;vided for i j�����i� a �o�it ctftninei �e�� faci2itY tvi11 serve the !�r����a�t3' of Saint Paul aud �Y when con- �tlon o! thLs facili fsOeTq���'aonstruc_ I Pendituae ot pu�lic funda�a�the ex_ j 'Whereos. the City o#Sa�t 1'aui and the CountY A! Ram�ey have'Provlded,� i Q�� 'u� bndsetius Pabceflures , ot a Dart oi the qp�. tY� 8a � ,the aforea}eritioned I$tA���•'�he.Co � of the United �d,�an Qet ci�as She ••��_, CoxlYeol aad $ate gtreeb �Ae�t ai 19EQ", has establiahed, a rn- i Q v�ex i�n�ag�n���ance t�n � Qte rt:�lte Cids, eptd �h appTOpTi" V[�hesbes,�Far the sta���e !th� �ProprtaLe atat!e a Gonetnu�8 Csime n� uader' '�° ���H vf the Axtorngy,I General, and , The City of Sa1nt P�ul and ���d� }�e RamseS' have �ter- the�CS��i�i���°�;. �,����d will'ba in the amomit of. 13'O�V� T]1@i'�'601Y BB�� j,} . '�fointl� and sev� bY {���um6�tt I O! the Cit�v oi '8a t .Psui �,rid �hQ Board oi Cotmtq Co�aers of �Y t'Ottri�Y t�at a��tCSation )a@' ;ann� hereby iR made to �che Govdrnor�a ex•irn�Caauai�sion oi the 3tate o��nn. 2 5 197 0 naota tor a srant 1n the amotint oi S�P �.aa.ar tar v�a�„t� .�tan�e r�r, Adopted by the Cotm�1 19_ a primieal ivstice�iadlitY taLder the (ri �oltttagr�ment heretofate enterAd. I96 aOpted bY �the Couaeil Att�yst g, Y� Approved Auguffit 8, 1988, =- .`A'�""`1'. 1�' �EP 2 5 1918 Carlson Approv� 19� �v� i Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �� —.�Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��